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1、GRE核心词汇词组整合 今天和大家分享GRE核心词汇词组,希望可以帮助到大家, 我们一起来学习吧,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。GRE核心词汇词组:devoid ofdevoid of 缺少,缺乏释义If you say that someone or something is devoid of a quality or thing, you are emphasizing that they have none of it.例句The minister noted that the state had huge potentials, adding that it could only

2、be harnessed in an atmosphere devoid of rancour and violence.GREThe dark regions in the starry night sky are not pockets in the universe that are devoid of stars as had long been thought.与以前观点截然不同的是,星空中的黑暗之处并非是没有星星的真空。GRE核心词汇词组:rule outrule out 排除可能性释义If you rule out a course of action, an idea, or

3、a solution, you decide that it is impossible or unsuitable.例句The integrated scientific system of Newton does not rule out the existence of God.GREThey ruled out local bias because breakage data obtained from other Pleistocene sites were similar to the La Brea data.他们排除了地域导致的偏差,因为来自其他更新世遗址样品的损毁情况和La

4、Brea的相似。GRE核心词汇词组:all the moreall the more 尤其,格外,越发释义If you say someone is all the more beautiful, you mean he or she is even more beautiful than before.例句Several publishers rejected her book, but that just made her all the more determined.GREThat Louise Nevelson is believed by many critics to be th

5、e greatest twentieth-century sculptor is all the more remarkable because the greatest resistance to women artists has been, until recently, in the field of sculpture.Louise Nevelson被很多评论家认为是20世纪最伟大的雕塑家,这是一件尤其值得关注的事情,因为这种对于女性艺术家的抵制在雕塑领域是最强烈的。GRE核心词汇词组:come up withcome up with 提出释义If you come up with

6、a plan or idea, you think of it and suggest it.例句This administration has been trying in vain to come up with a solution to religious conflicts.GREWith farmers losing as much as 20 percent of their crops to slugs and snails even after treatment with currently available molluscicides, there is conside

7、rable incentive for researchers to come up with better and environmentally safer solutions.考虑到即便使用了现有的除蜗剂,农民们仍然因为蛞蝓和蜗牛损失20%的农作物,研究者们有充分的理由去思考和提出一套更有效也更环保的解决方案。GRE核心词汇词组:call sth into questioncall something into question 对产生怀疑释义If something is in question or has been called into question, doubt or un

8、certainty has been expressed about it.例句The paper says the Presidents move has called into question the whole basis of democracy in the country.GREThe results of the experiments performed by Elizabeth Hazen and Rachel Brown were provocative not only because these results challenged old assumptions but also because they called the prevailing methodology into question.Elizabeth Hazen和Rachel Brown的实验结果让人感到震惊,因为它们不但挑战了传统的假设,更让人对主流的方法论产生了质疑。


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