1、GRE精选词例句汇总 今天和大家分享GRE精选词例句,一起来学习吧,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。GRE精选词例句之overbearingoverbearing adj. 霸道的,盛气凌人的My overbearing sister-in-law just moved her sons birthday party to a week later.But he wasnt overbearing with it, and he didnt try to impede on the creative process. NPR: Breast Cancer Message at Heart of
2、 N.C. PlayAfraid of being overbearing, the Germans left the British management largely to its own devices. ECONOMIST: Face valueDeclaring himself the victim of overbearing magistrates bent on ruining his career, he is carrying on.GRE精选词例句之derogatederogate v. 贬低Patients often derogate physicians who
3、use a computer-based diagnostic support system in that they have more negative feelings about care when a decision aid was used.GRE精选词例句之intermediaryintermediary n. 中间人,中介Many Hong Kong banks, making use of the extensive customer network and their familiarity with conditions in China, have served as
4、 intermediaries between Chinese and Overseas businessmen to help them establish trade and investment relations.She takes pride in her role as an intermediary between artist and art world. FORBES: Summer Stage: David Zwirner Director Bellatrix HubertIf you book through a travel site, you have to work
5、 with them as an intermediary. FORBES: The Modern Business Traveler: Top 5 Things That Will Keep Your Travel on TrackOne of the biggest assumptions until recently is that all communications required a mediaGRE精选词例句之extraneousextraneous adj. 不相关的,不重要的Standards dont stop innovation. They just clear aw
6、ay a lot of extraneous stuff so you can focus on what really matters.Even after tossing out all extraneous data, Birds computers will be storing 15 petabytes a year. FORBES: TechnologyThe dedicated bayonet lens hood (LH3-01) can be attached to block out extraneous light. ENGADGET: Sigma DP3 Merrill
7、packs a Foveon X3 sensor and a fixed F2.8, 75mm-equivalent lensThe stripping away of extraneous information and visual clutter is particularly impressive in the turn-by-turn navigation.GRE精选词例句之rehashrehash v. (没有实质改变地)重提Jerry rehashed his talk on How to be Confident. He had given this talk before a
8、t a university, but now he was presenting it in a slide show to his Business English students.That seems like as good an opportunity as any to rehash my own views on the matter. FORBES: Why Steve Jobs Is Entitled To Privacy Now When He Wasnt BeforeAgain, the point here is not to rehash the debate ov
9、er global warming. FORBES: Congratulations, Wired MagazineThis blog will be much more than a rehash of other blogs, however.GRE精选词例句之compoundcompound v. 混合,使变糟糕The instability of the regime, compounded by global economic woes, unfortunately led to a national debacle.GRE精选词例句之unboundedunbounded adj. 不受限制的,无限的In spite of the internets almost unbounded space, online culture can seem very narrow, like a single, never-ending episode of Americas Funniest Home Videos.