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1、GRE考试写作高分技巧 今天来和大家分享一下GRE考试写作高分技巧吧,一起来学习吧,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。GRE考试写作高分技巧GRE作文难不难?确实难。GRE作文水平能提高不?废话,当然能提高。GRE作文分数能不能快速提高?小西用人格保证,绝对可以,只要大家按照我下面介绍的方法,真的去努力了去奋斗了,甩手抛掉无谓的恐惧和害怕,一脚踹开对GRE无聊的敬畏,那么你肯定能够成功,而且很可能是你自己都意料不到的成功。GRE作文战略级别指导第一核心思想:最短的时间获得最多的分数有一个思想绝对是准备GRE机考也好笔考也好还是其他任何考试的核心:最短的时间内获得最多的分数。这句话大家都懂,关键是



4、华,事半功倍!第二核心思想:装作有实力 真正有实力大家一定要搞清楚一个概念:英语作文水平和GRE作文高分之间并不存在必然直接的联系,作文水平高的人很可能得不到高分,但是作文水平明明很低的人却能一鸣惊人,这又是为什么呢?原因其实很简单,ETS的考官不会看你以前的习作,也不会看你平时的水平,他只看什么?没错,就是你在考场上写出来的*。所以小西在这边很严肃的告诉可爱的G亲们,尤其是那些作文很不错的,千万要小心了,如果今天GRE作文上来是好几篇连题目事先都不知道的让你临场发挥的,又或者是同一篇让你多写几次让你写出不同神韵的,那么无疑作文水平决定了分数。但是GRE作文并非如此,他只要求你写一次,写一篇I


6、,我们永远不要写一次一个样,也拒绝差不多就行的态度,我们要做的事情:就是精炼语句,把这句一定会写到的句子做到最好,然后背下,到了考场上一写就是点睛之笔,当时小西就是这么写的:History is an elder who keep telling many vivid stories about humanity to hone the sense of pride, dignity and self-worth while promoting the thoughts about values, humanity and morality. In my view, the genuine p

7、urpose of study on history is rooted not in reconstructing the past completely and accurately by the mere sifting of evidence for facts but rather delivering the eternal values and humanity which can illustrate the present as a light and bend the arc of future toward the hope of a better day.具体如何精炼和

8、提升句子,小西会在后面倾囊相授,不用着急,这边是重点,一定要领会精神,很多小西的战友就是当初没弄明白,走了很多很多弯路,费了力还得不到高分。我们面对同一种话题我们的观点、思想、逻辑得一样,我们面对同一个观点和思想我们的语言和辞藻得一样。如果同一个意思,你写出了两个版本,那么你就是失败者,小西没开玩笑,我们就是要事先准备,然后重复熟悉,考场应用,拿到高分!第三核心思想:GRE作文= 逻辑+思想+文采我们要获得GRE高分的前提和根本是我们要知道ETS的考官想看到的是什么,根据小西还有小西众多战友的经验:GRE作文= 逻辑+思想+文采 ,重要性是依次排序的,逻辑是根本,思想很重要,文采是其次,但是获





13、第三意群:点出话题的本质并给出自己的建议。那话到这边之后,很多人马上不屑地骂小西,你这超级普通嘛,什么公式化解题步骤嘛,故弄玄虚。好吧,我承认刚才讲的三大意群是有点扯淡,因为几乎所有人都是这么做的,但是小西接下来要讲的真的是重头戏:所谓的公式化解题步骤的核心是层次化布局和展开。什么叫层次化呢,其实说白了就是每一个大意群下都有分层观点,千万别小看这个哦,分层的好处可多了去,不过等会儿再说,我们先看看如何去分层,小西在这边举两个例子:Issue 138 “Only through mistakes can there be discovery or progress.”1+错误的确能给人带来发现与



16、是作者通过不同视角和不同层次去分析同一个观点,这是ETS考官很喜欢的,也是拿高分的关键所在。(2)第二大好处:你的逻辑层次布局特别特别的清晰,原先我们高中写作文的时候追求的作文的最高境界叫做:形散神不散,可是今天换到GRE上,对不起,您这套还是放起来吧,因为像小西在上文中讲的那样,ETS最注重的是考生的逻辑思维能力。所以GRE作文其实是有点像八股文,特别注重布局和层次,特别注重框架和结构,你也不用气恼,我们想拿高分,没法子就得按照人家的套路来。所以,层次化布局一个非常大的好处就是考官对你的行文逻辑一目了然,可了心就随便地给了个5分什么的高分了。哈哈, b ?4 d+ v# W p: N8 V(

17、 W(3)第三大好处:层次化布局有利于我们的思路模式化更有利于我们形成自己的模板,思路模式化指的是什么,好好想想小西上面举的那个例子中的第一意群中的两个分支其实就是典型:个人层面和社会层面,第二个意群也是典型:充分条件不成立和必要条件也不成立。像这种典型的意群展开成分论点的模式(意群展开模式),大家平时一定一定要多注意积累和形成。这非常有利于你形成固定的话语来描述,于是就诞生了你个性的模板,大大提高了你写作文的速度。考场上遇到不熟悉的题目依样画葫芦,很快就能形成别人在之前想很久都想不出来的多层次多角度的整体行文逻辑。为了加强这种感受,小西在这边给大家再举两个例子:Issue51 “Educat

18、ion will be truly effective only when it is specially designed to meet the individual needs and interests of each student”1+教育考虑到学生的需求和兴趣真的非常重要2-但是教育不能也不应该考虑到每个学生的兴趣和需求2.1 -可行性:教育资源有限,不可能照顾到所有的孩子2.2-不利性,过分强调个体差异需求有可能会对基础教育产生负面的影响3.真正的教育是什么?balablablablabla,然后给出我们的建议Issue147 “Tradition and modernizat

19、ion are incompatible. One must choose between them.”1+传统与现代化之间的确存在着冲突,这也是必然的1.1+客观事物上的冲突与改变,高楼大厦的林立必然是在古老房子的坍塌下建立1.2+主观习俗上的冲突与改变,信息时代让我们和书信这种传统渐渐地远离2.-但是,有冲突并不意味着两者不兼容,我们只能从中选一。事实上传统与现代化是不可分割的,我们从中选一是不可能也是不利于社会发展的。2.1-不可行性:时间与历史是连续的整体,任何一个时间节点都连接着相对它的传统与现代化没有任何现代化的过程不是植根于自己的传统,无源之水是不存在的没有任何传统是一成不变的,

20、现代化的改变是必然也是有利的2.2-不利性:没有了传统,人们会失去自我归属感和身份认同感没有了现代化,人们的生活缺失了希望与发展3.-事实上,人类进步和发展的历程就是人们在传统与现代化寻求和谐和平衡的过程上面的两个例子又是典型的意群展开模式:可行性与有利性的辨析,客观与主观上的改变,A与B都重要:没A。没B。大家是不是很有感觉了,那还等什么,赶紧去积累和形成这些套路模式,快速中又保证了高质量。GRE issue写作优秀实例:领导者的能力题目:The most essential quality of an effective leader is the ability to remain co

21、nsistently committed to particular principles and objectives. Any leader who is quickly and easily influenced by shifts in popular opinion will accomplish little.对于一位强有力的领导者来说,最关键的能力就是要对一些原则和目标坚定不移。任何领导如果很频繁的、很轻易的为大众意志而转移的话,他将会一事无成。正文:Ever wondered about the most essential quality of an effective le

22、ader? Outstanding intellect? High standard morality and ethos? Or the consistence committed to particular principles and objectives?According to me, since leaders are playing such an important role in every aspect of our society,including politics, academia, business and so forth, they need myriad q

23、ualities to gain success,therefore making every mentioned ability indispensable. It is hard to say which one is more important. On the other hand, consistence to certain principles and objectives do have advantages,including help the leaders realize their policies and hang on ideals, but such concer

24、ns should be carefully taken or certain risks of democracy, development and awareness will be caused.Being committed to particular principles and objectives can help a leader make his leadership unique and defined. In many fields, leaders often take a lot time to accomplish their missions of directi

25、ng the enterprises. If their ideas shift easily from time to time, their followers will feel confused and cannot concentrate their power. For instance, the former head coach of England soccer team, Sven Eriksson, led his team to gain little feats in the World Cup 20XX in Germany,even before the game

26、 most people are taking them as the most competitive team according to their super stars. After defeated by Portugal, the academia analyzed reasons, and drew to a conclusion that Eriksson did little independent thinking when leading his team, just following the strategies pointed out by public. It i

27、s the unstable strategy that caused Englands failure. An opposite example involves the world champion coach, Aim Jacquet, who led France to win 1998 World Cup in their own country. Jacquet excluded many outstanding and popular players before the game started, and was widely condemned by public. But

28、the reality turned out to support his choice, with a champion cup. This comparison can tell us about the importance of being committed to particular principles and objectives, and reason lays in that public are often trapped by ostensible phenomenon, while leaders can gain more information and exper

29、ience, as well as to take a more comprehensive and effective thinking. Jacquet was believed considering sufficient aspects of those outstanding players and made the choice correctly after striking a balance among these aspects. Sometimes the public are easily cheated by media and a few people, there

30、fore agitated to wrong way.Nevertheless, only upholding principles and objectives cannot help a leader gain his success,because such principles and objectives should be carefully chosen and realized by the leaders abilities at other aspects. Otherwise, the leader will find himself abandoned by publi

31、c, hard to take steps. It seems to me that leaders can only benefit the society in the premise that they are intellectual enough to consider about situation comprehensively and predict the outcomes accurately, as well as to hold a high moral and ethic standard, or they may be even more harmful to th

32、e society.Firstly, leaders need levelheaded thoughts on the complicated social issues that they are facing.When given a situation, leaders may want to realize their principles and objectives by dealing with it. But sometimes this is very hard. For instance, the Shock Therapy advised and directed by

33、Harvard economist, Jeffrey Sachs, was thought to be the main reason of nowadays flagged economy of Russia. Although Sachs kept his way of dealing with the dangerous planned economy,which made the countrys economy suddenly stopped and helped some other countries such as Bolivia, he failed to see the

34、huge and complex Russian economy when taking his consistence. As a result, only shock occurred, no therapy. So even the most intellectual leaders should take care when they commit their principles and objectives, checking whether they are feasible and how they can be realized.Secondly, leaders are r

35、equired for high moral and ethic standards, which ask them to take their possible outcomes of principles and objectives they commit to into consideration. Otherwise, they cannot persuade the public to obey their orders, or, even worse, cause disastrous result to the society if they gain supports. In

36、 my opinion, popular opinions have often gave their reasons of existence, or they cannot be accepted by public. Despite of the possibility that people are misled,every people has their ways to think logically. So when the leaders principles and objectives conflict with public ideas, they should conc

37、ern why such confliction take place, and make their decision after a careful scrutiny. Adolf Hitler, an undoubted leader who committed to his will of conquer and racism, even persuaded the German in 1930s to follow him. The autocrat was holding on ideals which do not meet humanity and morality, caus

38、ing the world suffer from millions of death during the World War II. The Hitlers lesson tells about the importance of other qualities of a leader which may be needed when establishing his particular principles and objectives.To sum up, leaders are asked for many qualities besides their consistence c

39、ommitted to particular principles and objectives and such principles and objectives should be careful taken after considering about the societys material situation. As long as the leaders in every field keep an open mind to popular opinions, and as long as they think comprehensively on the reasons a

40、nd reality, they will certainly lead us to a better future.GRE issue写作优秀实例:主观和客观题目:There is no such thing as purely objective observation.All observation is subjective;it is always guided by the observers expectations or desires.纯粹客观的观察是不存在的。所有的观察都是主观的;观察总是被观察者的预期或者喜好所左右的。正文:The writer of the issue

41、focuses his/her attention on the detail and extremely stares at the minutia, blinding to the main part of the problem. According to my feeling, the issue is ramshackle to deliberate.Following the authors logic that all observations are distorted by observers expectations or desires, all things in th

42、e world are unsuitable for meanings that is endowed by human language. If so, can the clean water be called clean? If we fetch a drop of water from a cup of clean water and then observe it under a microscope, many kinds of impurity can be dectected; can a brave man be a real brave one? Sometimes,eve

43、n the bravest general may get worried: he/she worries that his army maight be conquered by the rival, he/she worries about the situation of his/her country, he/she worries about his/her familily. If all languages should be as accurate to depict things in the world as the inicial appearence of them,

44、there might be no language nowadays.Pure and impure, braveand craven, clean and dirty, are just three pairs of relative conceptions. It is impossible to portray degree of the pure so accurate that completely the same with its original shape, as there is no absolute pure in the world at all. In the s

45、ense, those who are brave in some aspects may be not so brave, water that are clean in the sight of some people may be regarded as dirty. One who doesnt behave very well in the army but can exert his/her gift in research and holds the courage to clime to the pinnale of science, may be regared as cra

46、ven in the army while considered as hero in science; water which is clean for drinking may not be clean enough for injection. In different places and for different people, definition of the same conception may be largely different.However, the author of the issue considers that if there are observer

47、s expectations or desires, observation is subjective. It means that if there is impurity in the pure, the pure things are impure. If the hero behaves quail under any circumstance, the hero is unsuitable for the coronal of hero. We should concern more on the mainstream of an object, not the minor det

48、ail. Those who have been always brave or in his/her paticular fields embody a spirit that is lacked for others, they can be entitled with brave man too.In the same sense, those water that is clean for its utility, it is also clean water. Only impurities in the water exceeds the standard, can we define it as dirty water.Unavoidable, observation is always guided by the observers expectations or desires,however, we should discriminate objective observation and sujective observation. It is arbitrary to conclude that all observations are sujective, ta


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