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1、GRE考试填空模拟练习题 该如何攻克GRE填空这一难题呢?整理了一些GRE考试填空模拟练习题及答案,一起来看看吧,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。GRE考试填空模拟练习题及答案Since the deficit predicament is fundamentally a long-term problem, the legislatures _short-term approaches has actually compounded the difficulty in each succeeding year, eroding the states credit rating in the

2、process.A:vexation regardingB:addiction toC:aversion toD:wariness ofE:demonization of答案:BCharacteristic of the diplomats new book is the _relationship between the evidence adduced and the inferences drawn, the footnotes and citations teeming with ambiguity and complexity, while the summary statement

3、s are more dogmatic simplicities.A:healthyB:shiftingC:tenuousD:compellingE:plausible答案:CThough she had some exposure to great art and high culture, it must be said the ultra athletic Marion Carstairs remained throughout her life primarily (i) _mental and artistic pursuits. She was by nature (ii) _.B

4、lank (I)Blank (II)A:a product of D:neither bookish nor cerebralB:indifferent to E:a model of delicacy and refinementC:obsessed with F:both didactic and argumentative答案:BDTrying to fix problems that affect vast numbers of people has an intuitive appeal that politicians and policy makers find (i)_ , b

5、ut several warehouses of research studies show that intuition is often a poor guide to fixing (ii)_ problems.Blank (I)Blank (II)A:logical D:localizedB:irresistible E:systemicC:off-putting F:theoretical答案:BENow that photographic prints have become a popular field for collecting, auctions are becoming

6、 more (i)_ . It is not just the entry of new collectors into the field that is causing this intensification. Established collectors interests are also becoming more (ii) _. Those who once concentrated on the work of either the nineteenth-century pioneers or the twentieth-century modernists are now k

7、een to have (iii) _collections.Blank (I)Blank (II)Blank (III)A:competitive D:fickle G:comprehensiveB:tedious E:wide-ranging H:legitimateC:exclusive F:antiquarian I:impressive答案:AEGGRE考试填空模拟练习题及答案Give a computer (i)_ task, winning at chess, say, or predicting the weather, and the machine beats humans

8、 nearly every time. Yet when problems are (ii)_ , or require combining varied sources of information, computers are (iii) _human intelligence.Blank (I)Blank (II)Blank (III)A:a well-defined D:nuanced G:no matchB:a random E:inconsequential H:unyieldingC:an open-ended F:solvable I:able to dwarf答案:ADGTh

9、e latest publications predicting disastrous coastal erosion are unlikely to _knowledgeable readers because variations on the same claims have been effectively refuted in the past few years.A:intrigueB:reassureC:baffleD:alarmE:unsettleF:calm答案:DEIt is hardly _for todays films to try to blur the bound

10、aries between the moral and the immoral; Hollywood has been doing that since at least the 1960s.A:entertainingB:originalC:novelD:pertinentE:relevantF:insightful答案:BCAlthough we no longer have to rely on salt to keep food from spoiling, our appetite for it is_: most people eat much more salt than the

11、y need.A:involuntaryB:inconstantC:unabatedD:unpredictableE:undiminishedF:insatiable答案:CESome social scientists who begin their studies of small communities with the intention of remaining detached revise their initial approach on discovering that personal involvement with subjects can actually_ the

12、gathering of important data.A:influenceB:expediteC:facilitateD:circumventE:affectF:intensify答案:BCGRE考试填空模拟练习题及答案A new television documentary focuses on one of the prime ministers defining contradictions,portraying her as a woman who cultivated an image of_ but who liked to live grandly.A:irascibilit

13、yB:abstemiousnessC:contentiousnessD:insoucianceE:surreptitiousness答案:BThere are no_ criteria of excellence in art: works that once were ignored or even reviled now fetch millions of dollars at auction, while those that were most highly praised in their day now languish in storage.A:subjectiveB:dubio

14、usC:transitoryD:immutableE:uncontroversial答案:DThe students seeking undergraduate representation on the board of trustees viewed the impasse in their negotiations with the administration as (i)_ since it promised to (ii)_ the administrations belief that students should take no part in running the uni

15、versity.Blank (I)Blank (II)A:unfortunate D:undermineB:inevitable E:fuelC:unprecedented F:distort答案:BDThe report is admittedly (i) _: it is intended to suggest new lines of research rather than to deal with the subject in a (ii)_ manner.Blank (I)Blank (II)A:sketchy D:cavalierB:exculpatory E:deceptive

16、C:flippant F:thorough答案:AFMemoirs are inherently (i)_ , but Larry McMurtrys volume of reminiscences about his life with booksnot as a novelist but as a reader and bookstore owneris especially (ii)_ :nearly every page sounds a note of farewell to an age of books that he sees as passing.Blank (I)Blank

17、 (II)A:unreliable D:whimsicalB:wistful E:ungraciousC:self-serving F:valedictory答案:BFGRE考试填空模拟练习题及答案Due to the extraordinary circumstances, British business owners found themselves in a (i)_ position during the second world war, forced to accept interference from the government and to acquiesce to (i

18、i)_ role for labor unions in negotiating the terms and conditions of the employment.Blank (i)Blank (i)A. defensiveD. a traditionalB. dominantE. an enhancedC. customaryF. a diminished选 AE翻译:由于环境特殊,二战时期的英国企业家们发现自己始终处于守势,被迫接受政府干预,以及默许工会在雇佣条件与条款的谈判中,扮演更重要的角色。customary 合乎习俗的,习惯上的GRE考试填空模拟练习题及答案The author

19、 argued that the field of sociology has been overtly (i)_ , partly because, for many scholars, the edges of the social universe are defined by national borders. In this era of globalization, however, sociology is presented with a historically distinct opportunity to transcend its former (ii)_ .Blank

20、 (i)Blank (ii)A. narrow in scopeD. utilitarianismB. susceptible to fadsE. parochialismC. averse to empiricismF. historicism选AE翻译:作者认为,一直以来社会学界的视野都过于狭窄,部分原因是很多学者认为社会领域不能超越国别。然而在加速全球化的今天,社会学面临一个前所未有的机会,克服以往的局限。susceptible to fads 受流行时尚的影响averse to empiricism 反对经验主义be presented with something 被赋予某事物,被授予某事物,它是从 present somebody with something / present something to somebody 变形来的。utilitarianism 功利主义,实用主义,效用最大化parochial 牧区的,归属于某一教堂区域的,偏狭的,狭隘的parochialism 狭隘historicism 历史主义GRE考试填空模拟练习题


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