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1、previous,next,index,break,over,back,Key to Exercises,Unit 2,Book 3New College EnglishIntegrated Course,1.Why did Barbara Carter speak proudly of her great-great-grandfather?Because she thought her great-great-grandfather was a heroic civil-rights fighter and never gave up struggling for freedom.,2.W

2、hy did the author travel to Hensons last home?Because this is a place where many escaped slaves taking the Underground Railroad were finally saved by Henson.,3.What was the Underground Railroad?Who forged it?The Underground Railroad was a secret web of escape routes and safe houses through which sla

3、ves in large numbers,with the help of lots of courageous people,fled to the North and obtained freedom.Courageious men and women forged it.,4.Why did the author want to tell the readers the stories of the heroes of the Underground Railroad?The author wanted to help the Americans remember those heroe

4、s.,5.How did John Parker win his freedom?He saved enough money by working in iron molding on the side to buy his freedom.,6.Why did some people try to capture John Parker?Because he helped the slaves escape.,7.Why did Levi Coffin,a white man,help black slaves to freedom?Because he was driven by reli

5、gious conviction.,8.What risks did Coffin run while helping slaves?Coffin received frequent death threats and warnings that his stor e and home would be burned.,9.What difficulties did the slaves have in traveling the Underground Railroad to freedom?They had to travel hundreds of miles through unkno

6、wn country with no road signs and few maps,usually under cover of night.,10.Why did many slaves go to Canada?Because slavery had been abolished there in 1833,and Canadian authorities encouraged the runaways to settle their vast virgin land.,11.Why did Henson decide to escape?Because her heard alarmi

7、ng news:the new master was planning to sell him for plantation work in the Deep South.The slaves would be separated forever from his family.,What help did the Hensons receive on the way to safety and freedom?In Cincinnati the members of the Underground Railroad provided for their welfare,and set the

8、m thirty miles on their way by wagon.In Buffalo,N.Y.,a friendly captain gave Henson a dollar and arranged for a boat,which carried them to Canada.,A Poem:I,Too,Sing America,previous,next,index,break,Vocabulary,back,previous,next,index,break,over,1.Chinas economic success over the past two _ has rais

9、ed the living standards of hundreds of millions of Chinese citizens.2.Citibank picked the chief executive of Etang.Com as its first Chinese customer Thursday to open an account at its new branch in the _ _ _Peace Hotel along Shanghais fabled waterfront.3.The United States last Wednesday _ tariffs of

10、 up to 30 percent on a range of foreign steel imports to help protect its domestic industry.,decades,historic,imposed,back,previous,next,index,break,over,4.With tears streaming down her face,and gasping for breath,Halle Berry dedicated her award to all the African-American women who had faced_ preju

11、dice and struggled before her to make their way in Hollywood.5.The popular distinction between frogs and toads applies only in Britain,where frogs have_bodies,long limbs,and a smooth skin,and toads have stouter bodies,short limbs,and dry skin.,slender,back,racial,previous,next,index,break,over,6.The

12、 prisoner fled again,but he knew that the police were rapidly _ him.7.Plymouth was the second permanent British _ in North America and the first in New England.8.Dr.Rich Hamilton is planning his own World Wide Web _ on the internet to provide assistance to anyone who asks for medical help.,closing i

13、n on,settlement,site,back,previous,next,index,break,over,9.Schools have to change their management and reorient their _and vision so as to improve the quality of education.10.The president has_ his foreign minister,Mr.Burns,to act as representative to the international conference to be held in Tokyo

14、 next month.11.Advances in telecommunications have meant that it is just as easy to work from a computer _ at home as it is from a town center office.,mission,authorized,terminal,back,previous,next,index,break,over,12.Until you have worked out your long-term plans,you have no option but to _ existin

15、g buildings which may or may not suit your immediate requirements.13.The earliest literature written in French dates from the 11th century,taking the form of a narrative poem celebrating the _of famous heroes.14.The biographies of great_leaders,such as Buddha,Jesus,or Muhammad,commonly included stor

16、ies of miraculous happenings.,make the best of,exploits,religious,back,previous,next,index,break,over,15.It is difficult to estimate the number of people doing part-time job_.,on the side,back,previous,next,index,break,Vocabulary,over,back,previous,next,index,break,over,Childrens toy guns now look s

17、o real that they can often the real thing.(pass)The rest of them used to be really nasty to me,but Susie always me.(stand)The local government has strict rules and regulations to be followed by all soccer fans in the upcoming 2002 FIFA World Cup in South Korea.(lay),pass for,back,stood up for,laid d

18、own,be taken for,defended and supported,established,previous,next,index,break,over,Tim was quite unhappy to all the household chores when his wife went out to work.(take)Sterling promised to be in the school library by eight oclock but it looks like hes us again.(let)My professor suggested that I th

19、e data accumulated over the years when I work on my project.(draw),take on,back,let(us)down,draw on,undertake,disappointed,make use of,previous,next,index,break,over,7.Im afraid something unexpected has;I wont be able to see you off tonight.Very sorry indeed.(come)8.The Oscar winner said this top ac

20、ting award would give hope for the future to actors who may have hope.(give),come up,back,given up,happened,abandoned,previous,next,index,break,Vocabulary,over,back,previous,next,index,break,over,back,are fully confident that the,Americans will not be able to justify their,(confident),measures to pr

21、otect the struggling,American steel industry.,previous,next,index,break,over,back,in the eyes of Joe Klein,staff,The Natural,the most talented politician of,(in the eyes of),writer of of the New Yorker and author of,his generation and the most compelling.,previous,next,index,break,over,back,people,a

22、re really intent on destroying themselves,(be intent on),with drugs.,previous,next,index,break,over,back,could forge a completely different,approach to life.,(forge),previous,next,index,break,over,back,is our conviction that cloning of human,(conviction),beings is bound to cause many ethical,and soc

23、ial problems in the long run.,previous,next,index,break,Vocabulary,over,back,previous,next,index,break,over,1._ the protection of these endangered species,many countries _ fishermen to report accidental _ small cetaceans in their nets,so significant catches may go unnoticed for years.To deal with th

24、is problem,animal protectionists _ an international alliance.On the other hand they have urged the UN to lay down more specific law to save these animals.(forge,as for,capture,compel),do not compel,As for,capture of,back,have forged,previous,next,index,break,over,2.It was reported that food supplies

25、 would soon run out and most of the victims of the earthquake_to death._,a group of volunteers from the Red Cross took on _to _food,clothes and medicine to the most seriously hit areas.(mission,starve,at huge risk,transport),mission,would starve,At huge risk,transport,back,previous,more,index,break,

26、over,3.A rally was going to be held in honor of the 16th US President Abraham Lincoln_ slavery in 1863 and _the slaves in the South._ many African-Americans,Lincoln was Americas greatest president thanks to his outstanding _.(liberate,exploit,abolish,in the eyes of),In the eyes of,liberated,who abol

27、ished,back,exploits,previous,more,index,break,Vocabulary,over,back,previous,more,index,break,over,I,tell you,my research project,in a minute,first,let,hear about,your French trip,back,Ill tell you my research project in a minute,but first lets hear about your French trip.,2)Most McDonalds,look,almos

28、t,same,on the outside,actually,about 16 different basic designs,previous,more,index,break,over,back,Most McDonalds look almost the same on the outside,but actually there are about 16 different basic designs.,previous,more,index,break,over,3)Loan money,from,banks,one of the methods,we can use,get thr

29、ough,financial crisis,back,Loaning money from the banks is but one of the methods we can use to get through a financial crisis.,previous,next,index,break,over,4)this,second-hand car,nothing,trouble,always,break down,back,This second-hand car has been nothing but trouble.Its always breaking down.,pre

30、vious,next,index,break,over,5)In your resume,you,mention,everything,one vital point,back,In your resume youve mentioned everything but one vital point.,previous,next,index,break,over,6)Our technicians,discover,simple,effective,solution,problem,back,Our technicians have discovered a simple but effect

31、ive solution to the problem.,previous,next,index,break,over,7)I am sorry,I,think,you,shouldt,delay,homework,back,I am sorry,but I think you shouldt delay homework.,previous,next,index,break,over,8)bankruptcy of the company,cause,by evil,by simple ignorance,back,The bankruptcy of the company was not

32、caused by evil but by simple ignorance.,previous,more,index,break,over,Vocabulary,back,previous,more,index,break,over,1.Beethoven was _and often unhappy,but in spite of this,he wrote joyful music,such as his last symphony,The Ninth.2.Japanese engineers throughout the company appreciated their Americ

33、an counterpart Georges expertise and his _ help.,lonely,back,friendly,previous,next,index,break,over,3.The term wage is commonly reserved for _ payment,and salary for _ payment and both types are covered by the term pay.4.With the unanimous agreement of our family,we finally spent$500,000 purchasing

34、 a _ big house with a big garden out the back.,weekly,lovely,back,monthly,previous,next,index,break,over,5.Those who refused to fight in the war were considered_and were badly treated.6.The boy was rescued by a _fisherman,who nursed him back to health.,kindly/saintly,back,cowardly,previous,next,inde

35、x,break,over,7.What we need for this job is someone with a_and enquiring mind who will have lots of new ideas.8.My mother lived to make life better not only for her family,but for everyone she knew,particularly those less fortunate than she.She took care of many homeless children in a _manner.,mothe

36、rly,back,lively,previous,next,index,break,over,Structure,back,Rewrite the following sentences after the models and pay attention to the usage of participle:Model 1:As he was determined to live free someday,he managed to get trained in iron molding.Determined to live free someday,he managed to get tr

37、ained in iron molding.Model 2:a Quaker who was raised in North Carolina.a Quaker raised in North Carolina.,previous,more,index,break,over,1.A letter that is posted today will probably reach him the day after tomorrow._ _ _2.As we were thus encouraged,we made a still bolder plan for the next year._,A

38、 letter posted today will probably reach him the day after tomorrow.,Thus encouraged,we made a still bolder plan for the next year.,back,previous,next,index,break,over,3.Our government has banned imports of cosmetics which contain animal products from 18 countries,mostly in Europe,for fear that they

39、 could cause mad cow disease._,Our government has banned imports of cosmetics containing animal products from 18 countries,mostly in Europe,for fear that they could cause mad cow disease.,back,previous,next,index,break,over,4.After she graduated from St.Marys College,Joyce applied to the University

40、of California at Los Angles._,Having graduated from St.Marys College,Joyce applied to the University of California at Los Angles.,back,previous,next,index,break,over,Structure,back,2.Come to do sth.can be used to mean“do sth.at the end of a fairly long process”,as in the following model taken from t

41、he text:Model:Eventually three principal routes converged at the Coffin house,which came to be the Grand Central Terminal of the Underground Railroad.Complete the following sentences by translating the Chinese into English,using“come to do sth.”:,previous,next,index,break,over,Often it is in overcom

42、ing hardships that _(我们方懂得珍惜生命的价值).2.Some scientists believe that _ _(人们总有一天会喜欢转基因农作物的)since they can increase yields and farmers incomes,reduce prices and help combat hunger and disease in the developing world.,we come to appreciate the value of life.,to like genetically modified crops someday,back

43、,people will come,previous,next,index,break,over,3.With repeated hackers attacks on our system,_ _(我们逐渐意识到聘请一位计算机保安专家的必要性)。4.Having conducted some surveys in Chinese kindergartens,Howard Gardner _ _ _ _ _(逐渐意识到中国人喜欢“把着手教”)。,we have come to realize the necessity of hiring a computer-security expert.,

44、came to,back,understand that the Chinese preferred“teaching by holding the hand”.,previous,next,index,break,over,Comprehensive Exercises,back,previous,more,index,break,over,The_(1)Railroad was_(2)by the efforts of those who were prepared to fight against slavery and _ _(3)for the long-suffering Sout

45、hern black Americans.Some of those who helped to _(4)slaves to the north and freedom were former slaves themselves.Others felt _(5)to take part because of their deeply held _(6).For many of those involved,_(7)the slaves from those who exploited them became a _(8).While their,Underground,forged,stand

46、 up,compelled,transport,back,mission,convictions,liberating,previous,more,index,break,over,Eventual goal was to _(9)slavery completely,in the meantime they were _ _(10)helping to free as many slaves as possible,often at considerable _(11),abolish,intent on,risk,back,previous,next,index,break,over,Co

47、mprehensive Exercises,back,previous,next,index,break,over,Despite the name,the Underground Railroad was not a railroad,but was a network of people _(1)assisted fugitive slaves.Many fugitives who escaped to _(2)North and Canada received assistance_(3)the way from individuals who were involved _(4)thi

48、s network.By the early 19th century,the organization became so successful _(5)it is estimated that between 1810 and 1850,100,000 slaves escaped from the South _(6)the Underground Railroad.It was _(7)a coincidence that it was called the,who,the,along,in,back,that,through,not,previous,next,index,break

49、,over,Underground Railroad.Steam railroads had just emerged and the terms used to describe the people who helped and the fugitives were related to the railroad line.Fugitive slaves were called“parcels”and“passengers”,the helpers were the“conductors”,the people who provided their homes_(8)refuge were

50、 called“stationmasters,”and the homes were _(9)to as“depots”or“stations”.The route used was an important part of a,as,referred,back,previous,next,index,break,over,successful _(10).There were numerous secret routes that a conductor could use.The one used depended on _(11)the search parties and slave


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