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1、4、预埋吊杆、吊架:采用直径不小于8mm的圆钢,经过切割、调直、煨弯及焊接等步骤制作成吊杆、吊架。其端部应攻丝以便于调整。在配合土建结构中,应随着钢筋配筋的同时,将吊杆或吊架锚固在所标出的固定位置。在混凝土浇注时,要留有专人看护,以防吊杆或吊架移位。拆模板时不得碰坏吊杆端部的丝扣。4, buries the derrick, hanger, adopts the round steel not less than 8 mm in diameter, after cutting, straightening, simmer bending, welding steps into the boom

2、, hangers, etc. Department of port shall be tapping for adjustment. In cooperate with civil structure, shall be as the steel reinforcement at the same time, the derrick or pylon anchorage marked in a fixed position. In the concrete pouring, want to leave someone care, to prevent derrick or displacem

3、ent of the frame. Shuttering shall not be damaged when the boom end of thread. 5、预埋铁的自制加工尺寸不应小于120mm60mm6mm;其锚固圆钢直径不应小于8mm。紧密配合土建结构的施工,将预埋铁的平面放在钢筋网片下面,紧贴模板,可以采用绑扎或焊接的方法将锚固圆钢固定在钢筋网上。模板拆除后,预埋铁的平面应明露、或吃进深度一般1020mm,将扁钢或角钢制成的支架焊在上面固定。5, embedded iron home-made processing should not be less than 120 mm x

4、60 mm x 6 mm; The anchor bar diameter should not less than 8 mm. Will closely cooperate with civil engineering structure construction, embedded iron flat steel mesh piece below, close to the template, binding or welding method can be used to anchor bar in the reinforced online. Template is dismantle

5、d, embedded iron plane should be bare, or generally 10 to 20 mm in depth, will be made of plates or Angle bracket welding fixed on it. 6、钢结构:可将支架或吊架直接焊在钢结构上的固定位置处。也可利用万能吊具进行安装。6, steel structure: stents or hanger can be directly welded on the steel structure of fixed location. Also can use a univers

6、al sling for installation. 7、金属膨胀螺栓安装要求:适用于C5以上混凝土构件及实心砖墙上,不适用于空心砖墙。7, metal expansion bolt installation requirements: suitable for C5 above concrete member and solid brick wall, does not apply to the hollow brick wall. 8、钻孔直径的误差不得超过+0.5-0.3mm;深度误差不得超过+3mm;钻孔后应将孔内残存的碎屑清除干净。8, the error of the hole d

7、iameter shall not exceed + 0.5 0.5 mm; Depth error must not exceed + 3 mm; After drilling, hole residual debris removal shall be clean. (1)螺栓固定后,其头部偏斜值不应大于2mm。(1) bolt, after their head deflection value should not be greater than 2 mm. (2)螺栓及套管的质量应符合产品的技术条件。(2) the bolt and the quality of the casing

8、 shall be in accordance with the technical conditions of the product. 9、金属膨胀螺栓安装方法:9, metal expansion bolt installation method: (1)首先沿着墙壁或顶板根据设计图进行弹线定位,标出固定点位置。(1) first of all along the walls and roof according to the design of elastic line positioning, mark fixed point position. (2)根据支架或吊架承重负荷,选择相

9、应的金属膨胀螺栓及钻头,所选钻头长度应大于套管长度。(2) according to the stent or hanger bearing load, select the corresponding metal expansion bolt and drill bit, the selected bit length should be greater than the length of the casing. (3)打孔的深度应以将套管全部埋入墙内或顶板内后,表面平齐为宜。(3) the depth of the punch should be buried all casing wa

10、ll or roof, it is advisable to surface level. (4)应先清除干净打好的孔洞内的碎屑,然后再用木锤或垫上木块后,用铁锤将膨胀栓敲进洞内,以保证套管与建筑物表面平齐,螺栓端部外露,敲击时不得损伤螺栓的丝扣。(4) should be cleared to play a good hole in the debris, and then use wooden hammer or after mat wood, expansion bolt with a hammer to knock into the hole, to ensure that the c

11、asing surface is flush with the architecture, bolt end exposed, shall not damage the bolt thread tapping. (5)埋好螺栓后可用螺母配上相应的垫圈将支架或吊架直接固定在金属膨胀螺栓上。(5) buried after good bolt nut available with corresponding gasket will support or hanger directly fixed on the metal bolts. 10、桥架线槽安装要求:10, bridge pylon tr

12、ough installation requirements: (1)桥架线槽应平整,无扭曲变形,内壁无毛刺,各种附件齐全。(1) the bridge pylon slot should level off, without distortion, no burr inside, complete all kinds of accessories. (2)桥架线槽的接口应平整,接缝处应紧密平直。槽盖装上后应平整,无翘角,出线口的位置正确。Wiring groove (2) the bridge interface should level off, juncture place should

13、 be tight straight. Slot cover mount should level off, without a newborn, accurate location of the outlet. (3)在吊顶内敷设时,如果吊顶无法上人时应留有检修孔。(3) when the ceiling installation, if the ceiling cant person manhole shall be maintained. (4)不允许将穿过墙壁的桥架线槽与墙上的孔洞一起抹死。(4) are not allowed to cross the bridge pylon wa

14、ll slot with the holes on the wall with death. (5)桥架线槽的所有非导电部分的铁杆均应相互连接和跨接,使之成为一连续导体,并做好整体接地。(5) bridge pylon groove of the core of all non conductive parts shall be connected and jumper, make it become a conductor in a row, and completes the whole earth. (6)当桥架线槽的底板对地距离低于2.4m时,桥架线槽本身和线槽盖板均必须加装保护地线。

15、2.4m以上的线槽盖板可不加保护地线。Wiring groove (6) when the bridge floor of distance is less than 2.4 m, the bridge pylon tank itself and the trough plate must be equipped with ground protection. 2.4 m above the ground slot cover plate without protection. (7)桥架线槽经过建筑物的变形缝(伸缩缝、沉降缝)时,线槽本身应断开,槽内用内连接板搭接,不许固定。保护地线和槽内导

16、线均应留有补偿余量。(7) bridge pylon slot after deformation cracks of the building (expansion joints and settlement joints), slot itself should be disconnected, groove with overlapped connection plate, no fixed. Protect the earth wire and wire groove are compensation allowance shall be maintained. (8)敷设在竖井、吊顶

17、、通道、夹层、设备层等处的桥架线槽应符合有关防火要求。(8) equipped in the shaft, condole top, the place such as channel, sandwich layer, equipment of bridge pylon slot should comply with the relevant fire protection requirements. 11、桥架线槽敷设安装:11, bridge pylon trough laying installation: (1)桥架线槽进行直线段连接应采用连接板,用垫圈、弹簧垫圈、螺线紧固,接茬处应缝

18、隙严密平齐。(1) the bridge pylon slot line segment connection should be used for connecting plate, washer, spring washer, tighten, spiral summer-planting place should be closely flush. (2)桥架线槽进行交叉、转弯、丁字连接时,应采用单通、二通、三通、四通或平面二通、平面三通等进行变通连接,导线接头处应设置接线盒或将导线接头放在电气器具内。(2) the bridge to cross wiring slot, turn,

19、t-shaped connection, should adopt single second, two-way, tee, four-way, or plane, such as graphic tee for flexible connection, conductor terminal block should be set up joint or wire connector is placed within the electrical appliances. (3)桥架线槽与盒、箱、柜等接茬处,进线和出线口均应采用抱脚连接,并用螺丝紧固,末端应加装封堵。(3) the bridge

20、 pylon slot with summer-planting place, such as box, box, cabinet into line and outlet shall be connected by BaoJiao, and screw fastening, terminal shall be equipped with seal. (4)建筑物的表面如有坡度时,桥架线槽应随其变化坡度。待线槽全部敷设完毕后,应在配线之前进行调整检查。确认合格后进行槽内配线。(4) the structure of the surface, such as slope, bridge pylo

21、n slot should change with the slope. After being all wiring duct laying out, should be adjusted to check before wiring. After confirm qualified slot wiring. 12、吊装金属桥架线槽;万能性吊具一般应用在钢结构中,如工字钢、角钢、轻钢龙骨等结构,可预先将吊具、卡具、吊杆、吊装组装成一整体,在标出的固定点位置处进行吊装,逐件的将吊装卡具压接在钢结构上,将顶丝拧牢。12, hoisting metal bridge pylon trough; U

22、niversal sex sling commonly used in steel structure, such as i-beam, Angle steel, light steel keel structure, can advance the spreader, fixture, derrick, hoisting assembly into a whole, in place of mounting position for lifting, the lifting of one by one fixture on the steel structure, pressure will

23、 be top wire turns into prison. (1)桥架线槽直线段组装时,应先做干线,再做分支线,将吊装器与线槽用蝶形夹卡固定在一起,按此方法,将线槽逐段组装成型。Line segment assembly (1) the bridge pylon groove, main should do first, then do branch line, the hoisting apparatus and the trough place card together with butterfly, according to this method, the trough is p

24、resented.the assembly molding. (2)线槽与线槽可采用连接头或外连接头,配上平垫和弹簧垫,用螺母固定。(2) the trough to trough can be connected by connection of head or head, with flat cushion and the spring pad, with a nut. (3)线槽交叉、丁字、十字应采用二通、三通、四通进行连接,导线头处应设置接线盒或放置在电气器具内,线槽内决不允许有导线接头。(3) trough cross, t-shaped cross, two-way, tee, f

25、our-way, have to be adopted to connect, wire head should be set at junction box or in electrical appliances, wire slot will not allow a wire connector. (4)转弯部位应采用立上弯头和立下弯头,安装角度要适宜。(4) parts should be made on the bend and turn her elbow, appropriate to installation Angle. (5)出线口处应利用出线口盒进行连接,末端部位要装上封堵

26、,在盒、箱、柜处应采用抱脚连接。(5), outlet should use the outlet box are connected, the end part to mount block, should be adopted in the box, box, cabinet BaoJiao connection. 13、地面线槽安装:地面线槽安装时,应及时配合土建地面工程施工。根据地面的形势不同,先抄平,然后测定固定点位置,将上好卧脚螺栓和压板的线槽水平放置在垫层上,然后进行线槽连接。如线槽与管连接;线槽与分线盒连接;分线盒与管连接;线槽出线口连接;线槽末端处理等,都应安装到位,螺丝紧固

27、牢靠。地面线槽及附件全部上好后,再进行一次系统调整,主要根据在地面厚度,仔细调整线槽干线,分支线,分线盒接头,转弯、转角、出口等处,箱、盒水平高度与地面平齐,如需精装房间,还应考虑精装后的地面高度,将各种盒盖盖好或堵严实,以防止水泥砂浆进入,直至配合土建地面施工结束为止。13, the ground trough installation: the ground trough installation, should cooperate with civil ground engineering construction in a timely manner. Base areas the s

28、ituation is different, the first sight, then determine mounting position, will be a good lie bolt and clamp slot placed on the bed, then the slot connection. Such as trough and pipe connection; The slot connected to the junction box; Junction box connected to the pipe; The slot outlet connection; Sl

29、ot end processing, etc., should be installed, screw fastening. All good ground trough and accessories, and then conduct a system adjustment, mainly according to the thickness on the ground, adjust the slot lines carefully, branch lines, cable box joint, turning, the place such as corner, export, box

30、, box level height and the ground, if you need the hardcover room, also should consider the height of the fine, will be lifted the lid cover or sealed, in order to prevent the cement mortar, until the end of the civil engineering construction on the ground. 14、桥架线槽内保护地线安装:14, wiring groove bridge pr

31、otection ground installation: (1)保护地线应根据设计图要求敷设在线槽内一侧,接地处螺丝直径不小于6mm;并且需要加平垫和弹簧垫圈,用螺母压接牢固。(1) the protection of ground wire should be laying online groove side according to design requirements, meet is located in the screw diameter of not less than 6 mm; And the need to add flat washer and spring was

32、her, and nut firm pressure. (2)金属桥架线槽的宽度在100mm以内(含100mm),两段线槽用连接板连接处(即连接板作地线时)每端螺丝固定点不少于4个;宽度在200mm以上(含200mm)两段线槽用连接板连接的保护地线每端螺丝固定点不少于6个。(2) the metal bridge pylon slot width within 100 mm (100 mm), two trough using connection plate joint (i.e., as a ground connection board) each end screw fixed poi

33、nt of not less than 4; Width of 200 mm (200 mm) above two trough with protect each end of ground screw fastening point of the connection plate connection not less than 6. (3)桥架线槽盖板保护接地要求(3) the bridge pylon slot cover protection grounding requirements 15、桥架线槽内配线要求:15, bridge pylon slot wiring requir

34、ements: (1)桥架线槽内配线前应消除线槽内的积水和污物。(1) the bridge before wiring slot wiring should eliminate trough of water and dirt. (2)在同一线槽内(包括绝缘在内)导线截面积总和应该不超过内部截面积的40%。(2) in the same line groove (including insulation) total wire cross-sectional area should not exceed 40% of the internal area. 16、桥架线槽内配线方法:16, t

35、he bridge pylon slot wiring methods: (1)清扫线槽:清扫明敷线槽时,可用抹布擦净线槽内残留的杂物和积水,使线槽内外保持清洁;清扫暗敷于地面内的线槽时,可先将带线穿通至出线口,然后将布条绑在带线一端,从另一端将布条拉出,反复多次就可将线槽内的杂物和积水清理干净。也可用空气压缩机将线槽内的杂物和积水吹出。(1) cleaning trough: cleaning the Ming fu trough, the net line slot available dishcloth residual impurities and water, make the sl

36、ot inside and outside clean; Apply cleaning the shadow on the ground in the trough, can will take first line through to the outlet, and then take cloth tied to the line end, on the other side to pull cloth, repeatedly can clean up the debris and water within the slot. Also can use air compressor to

37、blow out impurities and water in the trough. (2)放线:放线前应检查管与线槽连接处的护口是否齐全;导线和保护地线的选择是否符合设计图的要求;管进入盒时内外根母是否锁紧,确认无误再放线。(2) the pay-off: pay-off should check the tube and the slot connection before whether to protect the mouth is complete; The choice of wires and protecting the earth is in line with the

38、design requirements; Root tube into the box inside and outside the mother whether lock, again confirmed pay-off. 3.1.3 质量标准3.1.3 quality standards 1、桥架线槽应紧贴建筑物表面,固定牢靠,横平竖直,布置合理,盖板无翘角,接口严密整齐,拐角、转角、丁字连接、转弯连接正确严实,线槽内外无污染。1, the bridge should be close to the building surface wiring slot, fixation, horiz

39、ontal flat vertical, layout is reasonable, the cover board without the newborn, neat interface closely, turn the corner, corner, t-shaped connection, connection correct, trough and pollution-free. 2、支架与吊架安装:可用金属膨胀螺栓固定或焊接支架与吊架,也可采用万能卡具固定线槽,支架与吊架应布置合理、固定牢靠、平整。2, support and hanger installation: availa

40、ble expansion bolted or welded metal stents and hanger, also can use the universal fixture fixed trough, should support and hanger layout reasonable, fixed firm and smooth. 3、桥架线槽保护:线槽穿过梁、墙、板等处时,桥架线槽不应被抹死在建筑物上;跨越建筑物变形缝处的桥架线槽底板应断开,保护地线应留有补偿余量;线槽与电气器具连接的位置,有防火隔堵措施。3, the bridge pylon tank protection:

41、trough cross beam, wall, such as plate, bridge pylon tank should not be put to death on the buildings; Cross the bridge pylon building deformation joints groove bottom should be disconnected, protect earth compensation allowance shall be maintained; Slot connection to the electrical appliances, fire

42、 bulkhead and measures. 4、允许偏差项目:桥架线槽水平或垂直敷设直线部分的平直程度和垂直度允许偏差不应超过5mm。4, the allowable deviation project: bridge pylon tank horizontal or vertical laying straight line part of the flat degree and the verticality deviation should not be allowed more than 5 mm. 3.1.4 成品保护3.1.4 product protection 1、安装金属

43、桥架线槽及时,应注意保持墙面的清洁。1, install metal bridge pylon slot in a timely manner, should pay attention to keep the walls clean. 2、配线完成后,线槽盖板应齐全平实,不得遗漏,并防止损坏和污染线槽。After completion of 2, wiring, trough plate should be complete level, shall not be omitted, and prevent the damage and pollution trough. 3、使用高凳时,注意

44、不要碰坏建筑物的墙面和门窗等。3, when using the high stool, be careful not to touch the bad building walls and doors and Windows, etc. 3.1.5 安全环境保护措施3.1.5 security environmental protection measures 1、电焊工、电工必须经有关部门进行安全技术培训,并经考试合格、取得合格证后方可上岗作业。1, welders, electricians must be conducted by the relevant department sec

45、urity technology training, and passed the examination, obtain the certificate of approval rear can mount guard. 2、施工用电应符合施工现场临时用电安全技术规范JGJ4688相关要求。2, construction electricity should comply with the technical specification for the construction site temporary electricity safety JGJ46-88 requirements.

46、3、电缆支架应按规定间距焊接牢固,放电缆前应进行检查。3, cable support shall be in accordance with the provisions, distance between welding is firm, the cable should be checked before. 4、施工现场电、气焊作业必须办理防火作业票,指派专人监护,配备消防器材。作业前清理现场易燃物,作业后将电焊机拉闸断电,检查无火点隐患后人员方可离开作业区。4, electricity, gas welding operation must be dealt with to the c

47、onstruction site fire operation ticket, appoint the guardianship, equipped with fire equipment. Homework before cleaning the scene tinder, homework will be electric welding machine switch power, fire hazard after check no personnel can leave the assignments section. 5、搭设的脚手架应经验收合格后方可使用,脚手架上堆料不得超过规定荷

48、载,脚手板应用铅丝绑扎固定,不得有探头板。5, the erection of scaffolding should be experienced, qualified rear can use scaffolding material piling shall not exceed the specified load, scaffold board fixed application lead wire bundle, can not have probe plate. 6、移动式电动机具和手持电动工具的电源线必须使用软橡胶绝缘电缆。6, portable electric machine

49、 and hand-held power tools of the power cord must use the soft rubber insulated cable. 7、移动式梯子宜用于高度在4m以下的短时间内可完成的工作。梯子使用前应进行检查,并应有专人负责保管、维护及修理。7, portable ladders should be used for highly under 4 m in a short period of time to complete work. Ladders should be checked before use, and shall have the specialist is responsible for the warehousing, m


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