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1、GRE背单词宝典再要你命三千使用方法要点讲解 GRE背单词宝典再要你命三千使用方法要点讲解,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。GRE背单词宝典再要你命三千使用方法要点讲解结合遗忘曲线制订科学的背诵计划新人刚开始背诵单词的时候往往会出现三分钟热度、开始背的很努力,渐渐的就降低了注意力,出现难以持续等情况。建议大家根据艾宾浩斯遗忘曲线制订自己的背诵时间计划,按照第1,2,4,7,15天的时间间隔进行复习。背GRE单词事半功倍有妙招每日背诵时间表清晨起床不久后就可以开始背诵单词,此时的记忆效果是一天中最好的,又可以避免前摄抑制效应。以再要你命3000为例,这本材料一共分为31个list,每个list

2、分为 10个unit,每个unit建议花4-5min过完一遍,然后立即重新复习一遍;建议30-40min过完一个list,每过完一个list花10-20min复习一遍,能够起到很好的记忆效果。背新词更要注意复习旧词上述的时间计划各位考生可以根据自己的实际情况进行调整。不过请记住一点,那就是复习单词比背新词重要。如果时间实在安排不开,宁可不背新的单词,但是一定要完成复习的任务。增加思维过程很重要在背单词的过程中,一定要发挥主观能动性,勤于思考,勤于比较,多多使用,努力增加对单词的思维过程,一次来给单词赋予更多的意义。一个人对于有意义的材料的记忆程度要远远超过无意义的材料,所以请大家尽量避免作机械


4、E词汇背诵时间计划和时间表,希望各位同学能参考学习,总结制定出适合自己的背单词计划并坚持执行,一定会有所收获。GRE分类词汇形容词类【简单,简洁】简单apt adj. 易于的,恰当的facile adj. 容易做的;肤浅的facilitate v. 使容易,促进foolproof adj. 容易懂的,简易而不会误用的legible adj. 易读的lucid adj. 明白易懂的,表达清楚的 (lucidity n. 清晰,明白)readily adv. 轻易地,迅速地;不迟疑地straightforward adj. 易懂的;正直的;直截了当的superficial adj. 肤浅的,表面的

5、superficiality n. 浅薄简洁compact adj. 简洁的;结实的;n. 合同,协议concise adj. 简洁的 (concision n. 简明,简洁 conciseness n. 简明)curt adj. (言词、行为)简略而草率的laconic adj. 简洁的perspicuity n. 明晰(清晰易懂);聪明睿智pithiness n. 简洁pithy adj. (讲话或*)简练的plain adj. 简单的;清楚的;n. 平原sententious adj. 简要的;好说教的succinct adj. 简明的,简洁的summary adj. 简略的,摘要的;n

6、. 摘要,概要terse adj. 简洁的,简明的 (terseness n. 简洁)GRE数学词汇积累之商业术语与计量单位Intercalary/leap year 闰年(366天)common year 平年(365天)depreciation 折旧down payment 直接付款discount 打折 / denote 表示margin /profit 利润interest 利息/ dividend 红利simple interest 单利compounded interest 复利Increase / decrease to 增加/减少到increase /decrease by 增

7、加/减少了list price 标价 /markup 涨价retail price 零售价 /per capita 每人cent 美分/penny 一美分硬币nickel 5美分硬币 /dime 一角硬币dozen 打(12个) / score 廿 (20个)Centigrade 摄氏/Fahrenheit 华氏quart 夸脱/ gallon 加仑(1 gallon = 4 quart)yard 码 / inch 英寸/ foot 英尺meter 米/ micron 微米square measure 平方单位制cubic meter 立方米pint 品脱(干量或液量的单位)GRE词汇:50个

8、表达心情的地道词语1. abandonedforsaken by owner or inhabitants被主人或者居民抛弃;Adopted children must face issues of abandonment as they grow older.2.aggressivecharacteristic of an enemy or one eager to fight富有侵略性的人或者好斗的;But Bowser could appoint new and aggressive leaders in other city agencies, where Grays appointe

9、es have tended to be more cautious. Washington Post3. alienatedsocially disoriented分不清方向或者目标;The more vigilant Allen was, the more resentful and alienated Nicholas became, and the worse things got. Class Matters4.apatheticshowing little or no emotion or animation对事情缺乏兴趣,无动于衷;“And some people are abl

10、e to inspire otherwise apathetic young people to vote.” Forbes (Oct 21, 20XX)5.ashamedfeeling guilt or embarrassment or remorse感觉内疚,尴尬,惭愧;Then, ashamed and embarrassed, he disappeared under a duvet and grieved. BBC (Nov 4, 20XX)6. astonishedfilled with the emotional impact of overwhelming surprise充满

11、巨大的惊喜;Oh my God, he sputters, clearly astonished by the claim. BBC (Oct 18, 20XX)7.avoidancedeliberately avoiding故意避免;A small percentage use it for avoidance, to create a distraction, and an even smaller percentage use it to get attention. New York Times (Oct 30, 20XX)8.awfulexceptionally bad or dis

12、pleasing非常不好,不高兴;Well, its ugly, its awful, but at least its official. Los Angeles Times (Nov 11, 20XX)9.confusedunable to think with clarity or act intelligently不能想得很明白或者有明智的行动;Veterans service organizations had braced for a flood of calls from confusedveterans, but said so far theyve not heard any

13、 complaints. Washington Times (Nov 11, 20XX)10.courageousable to face and deal with danger or fear without flinching面对或者处理危险和恐惧而不退缩;To share in this way is courageous, powerful and generous, Dunham tweeted at the time, adding a link to Dylan Farrows letter. Seattle Times (Nov 4, 20XX)11.depressedfil

14、led with melancholy and despondency充满忧郁和失望;Hours of rehabilitation left him feeling depressed at times. Los Angeles Times (Nov 11, 20XX)12.detestableoffensive to the mind可恶,可恨;Instead of making him more likable, it made him more detestable and he ended up becoming passive-aggressive. Salon (Oct 19,

15、20XX)13.devastateoverwhelm or overpower毁灭或者毁坏;In the aftermath of the quake, ordinary Italians were devastated and outraged. The Verge (Nov 11, 20XX)14.disillusionedfreed from false ideas不再抱有幻想,大失所望;People were scared, disillusioned and confused, so they didnt vote. Salon (Nov 10, 20XX)15.distantrem

16、ote in manner遥远的;Her parents, though, were distant, and the young Jean soon developed the strong independent streak which has characterised her life. BBC (Nov 10, 20XX)16.eagerhaving or showing keen interest or intense desire表现出强烈的兴趣和欲望;Democratic-primary voters are always eager to see a fresh poten

17、tial candidate. The New Yorker (Nov 10, 20XX)17.ecstaticfeeling great rapture or delight感到非常兴奋和高兴;I was just so ecstatic to get the ring back. Chicago Tribune (Nov 6, 20XX)18.embarrassedfeeling or caused to feel uneasy and self-conscious感到很难或者难为情;Together, they embrace then pull apart as if embarras

18、sed by the physical closeness. Seattle Times (Nov 10, 20XX)19.energeticpossessing or displaying forceful exertion精力旺盛的,拥有很强的力量;Niall had been a goofy, energetic, creative kid who wasnt quite sure what he wanted to do with his life. Washington Post20.enragedmarked by extreme anger非常的生气;When he return

19、ed home, he searched his wifes cell phone and becameenraged when he found a picture of another man, prosecutors said. Reuters (Nov 7, 20XX)21.emptyvoid of emotion空的,无意义的;Instead I felt empty, and inside I wanted to cry. BBC (Nov 11, 20XX)22. excitedin an aroused state兴奋的,活跃的;Musically, visually, the

20、 image, the performance, everything aligned. I was very excited. Los Angeles Times (Nov 12, 20XX)23.hatefulevoking or deserving hatred内心激起憎恶的感觉;Most people have been supportive, she said, but others have been hateful. Los Angeles Times (Nov 9, 20XX)24.hesitantunable to act or decide quickly or firmly不能迅速,坚定的才去行动或者作出决定;He is hesitant around me, kind of respectfully shy.25.hostilecharacterized by enmity or ill will持有敌意或恶意;They continued to back Mr. Dunkle, saying an independent investigation had found he had not created a hostile work environment, Bishop Sisk said. New York Times (Nov 7, 20XX)


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