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1、前景实用英语,综合教程 1 Unit 7 Fashion and Beauty,Unit 7 Fashion and Beauty,Unit 7 Fashion and Beauty,Part ALead in,Part ALead in,Task 1 Study the pictures and discuss the questions below in small groups.Use the words given below if necessary.1.What do you think of the models in the first picture?2.What do yo

2、u think of Michael Jacksons cosmetic surgery(整形手术)?,Cues:beautiful,slim,bony,Cues:personal decision,real,Part ALead in,Task 1 Study the pictures and discuss the questions below in small groups.Use the words given below if necessary.1.What do you think of the models in the first picture?2.What do you

3、 think of Michael Jacksons cosmetic surgery(整形手术)?,a.They are very slim.They look beautiful.,a.Its a personal decision.,b.I dont like bony girls.,b.I dont like it at all,to tell you the truth.Its not real.,Part ALead in,Task 2 Listen to the following short dialogues and fill in the blanks.Dialogue 1

4、A.Amy,are you _tonight?Ive got two movie tickets.B.Good.Who is the leading actor or actress?A:I only know Angelina Jolie is in it.B:Wow.Angelina Jolie.I am a big _ of hers.A:Really?I didnt know that.B:Yeah.You know,she looks so _,and she has adopted several kids.A:Mmm.Ive heard of that.I bet she is

5、an idol of many.B:Absolutely.She is beautiful both in appearance and _.Im crazy about her.,free,fan,pretty,at heart,Part ALead in,Task 2 Listen to the following short dialogues and fill in the blanks.Dialogue 2A:Mom.Ive decided to _ 10 pounds this month.B:Why?You are not _.A:My boyfriend said Im too

6、 big for him.B:Oh,come on,honey.Forget about what he said.You look just _.A:Really?But I still want to look like those bony girls.B:Remember,sweetie,one mans meat is another mans _.,lose,overweight,fine,poison,Part ALead in,Task 3 Discuss the following questions.,Cues:happy,confident,Cues:kind,helpf

7、ul,cant see it,Part ALead in,Task 3 Discuss the following questions.,a.Im beautiful because Im always happy and I always make other people happy.,a.Im not sure.Maybe you should be kind and helpful.,b.I dont think Im beautiful at all.Look at those pretty models.How I wish to be like them!,b.I dont be

8、lieve in the so-called inner beauty.People cant see it.,Part AText,Understanding Human Beauty If someone were to walk right up to you and asked you to define beauty,what would you say?Would you start describing a cover girl you saw in one of the popular magazines,or colors of the rainbow?Or would yo

9、u consider a soft piece of music or even a romantic poem from a lover?All these can be defined within the concept of beauty but one thing that is clear is,there is no definite definition of beauty.,Part AText,A popular definition of beauty is that it is a characteristic about something that gives a

10、feeling of pleasure and satisfaction.Therefore for beauty to be understood,it must cause the senses to feel a feeling of joy,pleasure and satisfaction.From this definition,the judge of whats beautiful is the person who receives or fails to receive the pleasure.,Part AText,How is this definition of p

11、hysical beauty actually used among human beings?What makes one be considered beautiful and attractive?Is a person considered beautiful necessarily attractive?These are difficult questions which do not have a direct answer.The way the societies we live in view beauty is influenced by many things,for

12、example,cultural factors.In the past,each culture had different criteria upon which they based beauty.There are those cultures that considered plump women to be beautiful.Others considered small feet to be beautiful.,Part AText,These have,however,changed a lot in modern times.With the development of

13、 technology and human interaction,the differences in cultural preferences have been reduced and we now almost have a standard way of viewing beauty.This is greatly influenced by top fashion houses.The images they push to the public,including the dress,walking style and physique,have increasingly bec

14、ome the trend that the rest of the world is expected to follow.,Part AText,But what about inner beauty?According to many researchers,physical beauty is always improved by a measure of inner beauty.A person may have all the necessary features to be physically beautiful but without inner warmth,the pe

15、rson will be seen as cold.While outer beauty and appearance is made up of factors like health,youth,skin,etc.,defining what inner beauty is depends on characteristics like politeness,intelligence,elegance,personality,etc.,Part AText,Therefore,what we see on the catwalk is not necessarily the true re

16、presentation of beauty.Human beauty is so rich in variety that we can have no set standards by which to define it and each individual is beautiful in her own way.(419 words),Part AText Translation,人生之美 如果有人走过来要你给“美”下个定义,你会怎么说呢?会开始描述你在某一流行杂志上看到的封面女孩,还是彩虹的颜色?又或者是一曲柔美的乐曲,还是来自情人的一首浪漫诗?所有这些都属于“美”的概念,但有一点

17、很清楚,那就是:对于“美”,人们并没有确切的定义。,Part AText Translation,一种流行的定义是,美是一种能给人愉快感和满意感的东西。所以,美必须要能引起一种喜悦、愉快和满足的感觉才能被人理解。依此定义,对美与不美的判断取决于快乐感的接收方,得看他/她是否获得了快乐。,Part AText Translation,人类是如何应用外在美的定义的呢?一个人被认为漂亮、有魅力的根据是什么呢?漂亮的人一定有魅力吗?这些问题都很难直接回答。我们所生活的社会对于美的看法受到了很多因素的影响,比如说文化。在过去,每种文化都有其不同的审美标准。有些文化认为丰满的女人很漂亮,有些则认为小脚很美

18、丽。,Part AText Translation,然而,在现代,这些观念已大大改变。随着技术与人际交往的发展,文化偏好的差异已减弱,现在我们几乎有了一套标准的审美方式。这都极大地受到了顶级时装公司的影响。他们向公众推出来的形象,包括服装、走姿及体形,越来越成为全世界追捧的潮流。,Part AText Translation,那么内在美呢?许多研究者表示,审视内在美可以改善外在美。一个人也许具备了外在美的所有要素,但是如果内心不温暖,那也只是个冷漠的人。判断一个人的外在美不美要看他/她的健康、年龄、皮肤等状况如何,而内在美则要看他/她的性格特点,如礼貌、智慧、优雅、个性等。,Part ATex

19、t Translation,因此,我们在时装表演中所看到的并不一定代表了真正的美。人类之美有很多种,因而没有固定的标准去定义它,每个人都有其独特的美。,v.to say or explain what the meaning of a word or phrase ise.g.Definitions should not be more difficult to understand than the words they define.词语的定义不应比所解释的词语更难理解。The powers of a judge are defined by law.法官的权限是由法律规定的。,Part

20、AText Language Points,n.a typical feature or quality that something/somebody hase.g.The two groups of children have quite different characteristics.两个小组的孩子有相当不同的特点。Ambition is a characteristic of all successful businessmen.雄心勃勃是所有成功生意人的共同特点。,Part AText Language Points,v.to consider something in the

21、mind;regard something(as something)e.g.How do you view your chances of success?你认为你有多大把握获得成功?The attack on the ship was viewed as an act of war.攻击那条船被视为战争行为。,Part AText Language Points,n.(pl.of criterion)standards or principles by which something is judged,or with the help of which a decision is mad

22、ee.g.Success in making money is not always a good criterion of success in life.能挣钱并不一定是衡量人生成功与否的可靠标准。What are the criteria for deciding who gets the prize?评定获奖者的标准是什么?,Part AText Language Points,Part AText Language Points,to use something as grounds,evidence,etc.for something elsee.g.I base my hopes

23、 on the good news we had yesterday.我把希望寄托在我们昨天得到的好消息上。The novel is based on historical facts.这部小说是以历史事实为根据的。,a.having a soft,round body;slightly fate.g.a baby with plump cheeks 双颊胖乎乎的婴儿 You look a little bit plump.Dont eat too much.你看起来有点胖了,别吃太多。,Part AText Language Points,n.the state or activity of

24、 working together to produce an effect on each othere.g.student-teacher interaction 师生互动 There should be a lot more interaction between the social services and local doctors.社会公益服务机构和当地医生应该加强协作。,Part AText Language Points,Part AText Language Points,n.the impression that a person,an organization or a

25、 product,etc.gives to the publice.g.This company is concerned about its image.这家公司关心自身的形象。The leader has a very bad image among people.那位领导在群众中的形象很差。,n.manner of doing anythinge.g.a typically British style of living 典型的英国生活方式 a very unusual style of swimming 非常独特的游泳姿式,Part AText Language Points,n.th

26、e size and shape of a persons bodye.g.The physique of these boys is steadily improving.这些男孩的体质正在逐步增强。He doesnt have the physique for such heavy work.干这样的重活,他的体格不行。,Part AText Language Points,a.(of the)insidee.g.I was allowed once into her inner room.我有一次获准进入她的内室。She doesnt want to show her inner fee

27、lings much.她不想过多流露自己内心的情感。,Part AText Language Points,Part AText Language Points,n.something important,interesting or typical of a person,a place or a thinge.g.Her eyes are her best feature.她的眼睛是她容貌中最美的一部分。An interesting feature of the city is the old market.旧市场是这个城市最有趣的特征。,be composed ofe.g.Clouds

28、are made up of little drops of water.云是由小水滴构成的。The group is made up of members from all over the world.这个小组是由来自世界各地的成员组成的。,Part AText Language Points,Part AText Language Points,n.power of learning,understanding and reasoning;mental abilitye.g.She has more intelligence than we thought.她的智商比我们想的要高。We

29、must pass an intelligence test before being hired by the boss.我们必须通过智力测验才能被老板雇用。,n.qualities of grace,beauty and fashione.g.She dresses with casual elegance.她的着装随意而优雅。His writing combines elegance and wit.他的写作风格优美而风趣。,Part AText Language Points,Part AText Language Points,n.characteristics and qualit

30、ies of a person seen as a wholee.g.She has a very strong personality.她个性很强。Peoples clothes are often an expression of their personality.人们的衣着往往能够揭示他们的个性。,Part AText Language Points,n.the long stage that models walk on during a fashion showe.g.a catwalk model/show 时装模特/表演 She felt quite nervous when

31、walking on the catwalk.走在T台上她感到很紧张。,n.the act of presenting somebody/something in a particular waye.g.Fashion models are not necessarily the true representation of beauty.时装模特不一定就代表真正的美。The beautiful rose is a representation of love.美丽的玫瑰代表爱情。,Part AText Language Points,a.fixed and unchanginge.g.She

32、 has very set ideas about politics.她在政治问题上有自己的固定看法。The meals in this hotel are at set times.这家旅馆的用餐时间是固定的。,Part AText Language Points,Task 2,Part AExercises,1.Beauty is a feeling of pleasure and satisfaction.()2.A beautiful person is not necessarily attractive.()3.Plump women with small feet are def

33、initely beautiful.()4.The images pushed to the public by fashion houses do not necessarily represent true beauty.()5.A physically beautiful person is internally beautiful.(),Part AExercises,Task 1 Read the text again and check whether the following statements are true(T)or false(F).,F,F,T,T,F,Task 2

34、 Identify the key words or main ideas of the following paragraphs.,definitions,popular,cultural,inner,Part AExercises,Task 3 Fill in the puzzle spaces with the words from Text A according to the explanations given below.,Across4.characteristics and qualities of a person seen as a whole8.the size and

35、 shape of a persons body9.the state or activity of working together to produce an effect on each other10.qualities of grace,beauty and fashionDown1.to consider something in the mind;regard something(as something)2.the impression that a person,an organization or a product,etc.gives to the public3.pow

36、er of learning,understanding and reasoning;mental ability5.having a soft,round body;slightly fat6.standards or principles by which something is judged,or with the help of which a decision is made7.to say or explain what the meaning of a word or phrase is,1.view 2.image3.intelligence 4.personality5.p

37、lump 6.criteria7.define 8.physique9.interaction 10.elegance,Part AExercises,Task 4 Complete the following sentences with the words from Task 3.Change the word forms if necessary.1.I wish I had a more confident _.2.Her appearance had left on me an impression of high-born _.3.He equals me in strength

38、but not in _.4.The athlete has a powerful _.5.I have this _ of you as always being cheerful.,personality,elegance,intelligence,physique,image,Part AExercises,Task 4 Complete the following sentences with the words from Task 3.Change the word forms if necessary.6.Price is determined through the _ of d

39、emand and supply.7.The baby is _ and very cute.8.An experiment was made to check up on the reliability of the _.9.We _ every customer as a partner.10.It is difficult to _ what makes him so popular.,interaction,plump,view,define,criteria,Part AExercises,1.She likes her clothes to be simple but _.2.Th

40、ere is no agreed _of what happiness is.3.Though very_,she is rather modest and hardworking.4.It is not a good manner to ask _questions.5.The competition attracted over 500 college students _ 8 different countries.,elegant,definition,intelligent,personal,representing,Part AExercises,Task 5 Complete t

41、he sentences using derivatives of the words in the box.Change the word forms if necessary.,Task 6 Rewrite the following sentences after the models.1.If I know where he lives,I shall send a note to him.2.If she wasnt ill,she would not be absent from school yesterday.3.If she comes tomorrow,she will m

42、eet my brother.,If I knew where he lives,I would send a note to him.,If she hadnt been ill,she would not have been absent from school yesterday.,If she came tomorrow,she would meet my brother.,Part AExercises,Task 6 Rewrite the following sentences after the models.1.Well go to hear the famous singer

43、 whom we have often talked about.2.Tomorrow I will bring here a magazine that you asked for.3.I still remember the day when I first came to the school.,Well go to hear the famous singer about whom we have often talked.,Tomorrow I will bring here a magazine for which you asked.,I still remember the d

44、ay on which I first came to the school.,Part AExercises,Task 7 Translate the following sentences into English,paying attention to the highlighted parts.,人生是由琐碎的事物构成的。(be made up of)2.几小时后,学生便开始做作业了。(start doing)3.装船预计需要20 天。(be expected to)4.成功常常取决于一个人的性格。(depend on)5.我母亲不喜欢你说话的方式。(the way),Life is

45、made up of little things.2.A few hours later,the students started doing their homework.3.Shipment is expected to take 20 days.4.Success often depends on ones personality.5.My mother doesnt like the way you speak.,Part AExercises,Part BLead in,Task 1 Listen to the recording,and complete the following

46、 passage.,When I was young,I read many kinds of books,including fairy(1)_.Most of the books described heroes who were(2)_ and heroines who were beautiful.So,I believed I had to be beautiful if I wanted to become a great person.It was a(3)_ time for me.Whenever I looked at someone who was more beauti

47、ful than me,I was stressed.,tales,handsome,hard,Part BLead in,Task 1 Listen to the recording,and complete the following passage.,As I grew up,I began to(4)_ outer beauty was not so important to make someone good.I(5)_ a friend of mine who was so beautiful that every classmate wanted to talk with her

48、,but she was too(6)_.She(7)_ that she could do everything she wanted because she was so beautiful,however,she(8)_ friends one by one.My poor friend!But she learned a good(9)_:inner beauty is more important than outer beauty.After she learned that,she(10)_ her attitude and made friends again.,realize

49、,remember,proud,believed,lost,lesson,changed,Part BLead in,Task 2 Discuss the following questions with your partner about cosmetic surgery among todays youth.,1.Why do more and more college students seek out cosmetic surgery?2.What harm can cosmetic surgery do to college students?,Cues:pay attention

50、 to looks,outer beauty,have a beautiful face and body,fit in with social groups,Cues:do harm to physical and spiritual health,honor inner beauty,the only solution to ones low self esteem,Part BLead in,Task 2 Discuss the following questions with your partner about cosmetic surgery among todays youth.


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