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1、GRE词汇具体要求数据分析讲解 GRE词汇具体要求数据分析讲解 ,不同分数段要求词汇量总结,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。GRE词汇具体要求数据分析讲解 不同分数段要求词汇量总结科学数据统计GRE词汇数量根据多位GRE名师通过科学统计得出的相关数据GRE 填空单词数:2999GRE 阅读单词数:4191这里面包含了所有的单词数量,包括 on, in, by等。把这里面去除四级大纲的词汇,还剩下5764个。根据预估,在这5764个单词中,去除六级大纲,还剩下4000词汇。再去除托福常用词汇,还剩下2000个词汇。关于GRE词汇结论和真相结论:如果你认识了这超过托福水平的2000个词汇的话,意味

2、着你参加GRE考试的时候,每一个单词都认识。理性分析一下,考生真的需要考试中每一个单词都认识吗?就算的目标Verbal分数定在168+,也不需要认识每一个单词。反过来,认识每一个单词也不一定能考到168+。如果理性的把目标Verbal分数定位在155+,这也就是能够允许错15个题目左右,正确率大概在60%以上就可以了。GRE大部分的题目的单词真的并不是想象的晦涩难懂。GRE中晦涩难懂的单词毕竟那是少数,绝对不是“主流”;很多同学把过多的眼光放到了那些晦涩的单词上,误以为GRE单词就应该是那些单词,其实不然。GRE词汇结论1. GRE绝大部分使用的单词都是很正常的四级,六级,托福水平的单词。2.

3、 超过托福水平的那2000个单词中,大约常考的只有一半不到,也就是1000个必备的核心词。掌握这1000个,做题正确率到60%的基础就有了。也就是155+的基础就有了。“再要你命3000”以及“词汇精选”的选词范围都超过了这1000个,可以说,这两本书对于这部分单词的掌握并非高效。3. 不常考的另外那1000个单词,其中大约有600个不难,但就是不常考。大约有400个左右确实非常晦涩难懂。如果你的目标是165+,那这1000个必须要掌握。对于这1000个单词,“再要你命3000”的选词范围又太小了,是无论如何也覆盖不了的。“词汇精选”的选词范围可能足够,但是你知道背这本书是多么的痛苦。4. 对

4、于每次考试中出现的新词,或者说近期考试中出现的新词,那是任何一本书籍都无法覆盖的。这只能靠不断累积来解决。不同分数段需要的GRE词汇Verbal 154及以下目标分同学:背好四六级,托福就可以达到。Verbal 155-163:背好核心1000词 + 寂静词。Verbal 164-170:刷好词汇精选,以及各种学术渠道补充的词汇。用句子背记GRE单词431. The feeble man feels an ache on his heels and knees when he kneels on the steel steering wheel.当虚弱男子跪在钢舵轮上时他的脚跟和双膝感到疼痛。

5、432. The bee paid the fee of coffee, beef and beer for the cheerful deer.蜜蜂为欢快的鹿付了咖啡、牛肉和啤酒的费用。433. To the ants, the infant elephant is a giant in the plantation.对蚂蚁们来说,幼小的大象是种植园里的庞然大物。434. The merciful merchant wants to grant some merchandise to the panting immigrants.仁慈的商人要给喘气的移民们一些商品。435. The leng

6、thened long fishing rod alongside the lake belongs to me.靠在湖边的加长长钓竿属于我。436. The strong man among us strongly hates the wrongdoing.我们当中的壮汉强烈憎恶这件坏事。437. In occasional case the phrase emphasizes the importance of the phase to the laser.在偶然情况下该短句强调了相位对于激光的重要性。438. Based on the basic case, the purchaser

7、found the vase in the basin in the basement.根据这个基本情况,购买者在地下室的盆子里找到了花瓶。439. On the camp of the campus the campaign champion put the camera on the camel.在校园的营地上运动冠军将摄影机放在骆驼上。440. He stamped on the stamps and slammed the lamp on the damp dam.他用脚踩邮票并将灯砰地摔在潮湿的坝上。用句子背记GRE单词441. When the boat floats throug

8、h the throat, the goat in overcoat goes to the goal.当船漂过狭口时,穿大衣的山羊朝目标走去。442. The competitor is compelled to complete the competition.竞争者被迫完成了比赛。443. Im perplexed by the flexible complex index of sex and age.我被灵活复杂的性别与年龄索引迷惑住了。444. Since then the sincere princess has known the principal principle.从那时

9、起诚实的公主就知道该主要原理。445. The bead is put on the forehead of the dead shepherd ahead of the herd.珠子被戴在牧群前面的死牧羊人的前额上。446. The misleader let me use the lead instead of the unsteady metal.误导者让我用铅代替不稳定的金属。447. The reader already readily spread the thread on the ready-made bread.那位读者已经欣然将丝线铺散在现成的面包上。448. Ten p

10、ercent of the cents are made in recent centuries, he said with strong accent.“百分之十的分币是最近几个世纪制造的,”他带着浓重的口音说。449. The neutral scent of kerosene is concentrated in the center of the scene.煤油的中性气味在场景中心被浓缩。450. Those innocent adolescents ascending the hill are the tribes descendants of decent descent.这些爬

11、山的天真青少年是这个部落具有正派血统的后代。451. The tenant is discontented with the content of the agreement for renting the tennis tent.承租人对租用网球帐篷的协议内容不满。452. The current occurrence of torrent spurs him to buy fur and sulfur.现行的倾泻事件驱使他买毛皮衣服和硫磺。453. Im confident that the dentist will deny the confidential accidental inc

12、ident.我确信牙医会否认那个机密的意外事件。454. The student identified the identical idiom on the identity cards.学生辨认出了身份证上相同的成语。455. The stupid student rapidly studied the accident in the studio.愚蠢的学生在画室里快速研究了事故。456. Considering considerable spiders outside, I stay in the presidens residence.考虑到外面有相当多的蜘蛛,我呆在总统的住宅里。45

13、7. Besides this side, I considered both the inside and outside.除了这一面外我还考虑了内外两面。458. Its evident that the evil devil inevitably goes to ruin.很明显,邪恶的魔鬼必然灭亡。459. In the company my companion accompanied me until I accomplished polishing the shoes.在公司里同伴陪着我直到我完成檫鞋(任务)。460. I prepare to compare the two co

14、mparable parallel companies.我准备比较那两个可比较的类似的公司。用句子背记GRE单词461. My neighbor knows the height and weight of the highjacked freight.我邻居知道被劫持货船的高度和重量。462. The rebels labeled the labor laboring in the laboratory and lavatory.反叛者给在实验室和舆洗室劳动的劳工贴上标签。463. At 8 oclock the clerk locked the flock of cocks in the

15、room.八点钟时办事员将那群公鸡锁在房间里。464. The mocker knocked the stock with the knots on the stocking and sock.嘲笑者用长袜和短裤上的结鼓打存货。465. Im determined to permit the permanent term on detergent.我决心同意有关洗涤剂的永久条款。466. The committee admits it committed an omission in commissioning the mission.委员会承认它在委任使团时犯的疏忽。467. The odd

16、 man added an additional riddle to the middle of the saddle.那个怪人把一个额外的谜语添加到鞍座中间。468. The insult to the adult consulter results in multiplication of the faulty faucets.对成年咨询者的侮辱导致有缺陷水龙头成倍增加。469. The detective detected that the arch was under the marching Arctic architects protection.侦察察觉拱门受到行进的北极建筑师们

17、的保护。470. In the college, I alleged that I recollected the dialog in dialect about the dial collection.在学院里我宣称忆起关于收集到度盘用方言进行的对话。用句子背记GRE单词471. In the selection the lecturer neglected the negligible negativereflection on the election.在选集中演讲者忽视了对选举的微不足道的消极反思。472. The electrical connection in the photoe

18、lectric elevator involves electronics.光电升降机内的电气连接涉及到电子学。473. The rising risk arises from the surprised fund raisers praise of the appraisal.上升的风险起因于受惊的资金聚集者对评估的赞美。474. The efficient ancient scientist had conscience in science.那个能干的古代科学家在科学上有良知。475. The eagle is eager to anger the tiger in danger.鹰渴望

19、激怒处在危险中的老虎。476. The language angel hanged up the gang and banged them at the angle of the triangle.语文天使将那伙人吊起朝三角形的角上猛撞。477. equal, equator, equation, equivalent, quiver相等的赤道方程式均等颤动。478.The lawyers son-in-law likes hawks claws and jaws.律师的女婿喜欢鹰爪和下颌.479. Televisions and telescopes give the visitors visual ability to see the casual casualty.电视和望远镜赋予参观者们看见偶然伤亡事故的视觉能力。480. The grown-up growled at a crowd of crows.那个成年人对着一群公鸡咆哮。GRE词汇具体要求数据分析讲解


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