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1、,welcome,welcome,Memory skills in interpretation,Lecture 2,General procedures:I.Memory in interpretationII.Memory trainingIII.Interpreting the meaning of the utteranceIV.Improving active listening(提高积极记忆)V.Memory exercise:,口译课堂教学要以技能教学为主,这些技能包括听力理解记忆,分析综合能力,结构重组,注意力分配,笔记,准确精炼的目的语表达等技巧。而听力理解和记忆是口译的第一

2、步,而恰恰是这第一步成为了口译很难突破的瓶颈,同学们需要在这个问题花较大的力气,否则,后续的技巧和技能培训只是空中楼阁。,I.Memory in interpretation,Normal spoken delivery:120220 words/min The more“meaningful”the information,the shorter it takes for it to be committed to memory and the easier it is to remember.the interpreter has to try to make what he hears

3、meaningful.,Grasping of the meaning:active memory Words:a faint impression in his memoryA good example:the moviegoerThe reason the moviegoer remembers the film is because he has understood it.Understanding the meaning is crucial in the memory in consecutive interpreting.,口译记忆的基本原理:记忆的基本原理及口译记忆的特点:同声

4、传译:“超短期记忆”,即记即译。交传:译员需要有超强的记忆力。通过后天的科学、系统的训练来大大提高。记忆中的两个重要环节:存储(storage)和提取(retrieval)。我们的目标:提高存储的条理性,把握提取的线索。,2.记忆的分类:瞬时记忆(instant memory),也称感觉记忆(sensor memory):持续时间很短。短时记忆(short-term memory),也称工作记忆(working memory)持续时间在20-30秒,记忆容量为7+-2个互不关联的信息单位,且始终处于活跃状态,不需要被激活。长时记忆(long-term memory),也称永久记忆(perman

5、ent memory)可以长达数日、数月乃至数年,记忆容量几乎是无限的,但需要被激活。口译:短时记忆。,“记词”还是“记意”?译员运用的主要是意义记忆的方式:在听辩理解的过程中注意分析并整合发言人语词所表达的意义,并把它作为记忆存储和提取的对象。3.口译记忆的运作方式1)听辩理解过程中的“有意识的”筛选-缩小记忆的量去粗取精,留存有意义的信息。2)对记忆的信息进行“条块化”处理-扩大记忆的容量言语的记忆主要采取以“命题”为单位的意义储存的方式。“以命题为单位的意义模块”可以包括一句话、一个语段、乃至一个语篇的意思。,3)理解记忆及意义记忆口译“工作记忆”的核心译员一定要注意对源语意义的分析、整


7、记忆保持的效果也比较理想。另外,记忆的效果还与待识记语料是否具有形象性有关。人们对贴近生活实景生动、形象的描述记忆起来会比较容易,印象也比较深刻。考虑到记忆的不同类型和影响记忆的种种因素,大家不妨采取以下几种方法进行相关的记忆训练。,一、信息视觉化和现实化训练这种训练是针对大脑对意像语料的敏感性而设计的,旨在训练译员通过将信息内容现实化、视觉化来记忆信息的能力。比如听到以下一段内容:,I was walking in the park with a friend recently,and his cell phone rang,interrrupting our conversaiton.Th

8、ere we were,walking and talking on a beautiful sunny day and poof!I became invisible,absent from the conversation.The park was filled with people talking on their cell phones.They were passing other people without looking at them,saying hello,noticing their babies or stopping to pet their puppies.Ev

9、idently,the untethered electronic voice is preferable to human contact.,听到这一段生动形象的描述之后,译员便可在头脑中勾画这样一副图景:自己正与一位朋友在公园中散步、闲谈。突然,谈话被朋友的手机打断。然后放眼四周,发现到处是只顾自己拿着手机讲话而无暇互相交流的人们。译员就这样通过现实化、形象化的方法将一篇复杂的描写转化成生活中一个再熟悉不过的镜头摄入了头脑。然后,译员再用译语将眼前的这幅图景按照自己的方式描述出来即可。这样不仅记忆深刻、全面,而且译员也不会陷入机械的“找词翻译”的误区。,二、逻辑分层记忆训练通常,人们能较好


11、者用译语对原文的内容进行要点复述。(4)复述后可进行讲评、切磋,探讨遗漏信息的性质和原因。(5)练习可分阶段进行。复述的内容逐渐由大意进入细节,并逐渐提高对细节准确性的要求。(6)整个过程中最好不要记笔记。,记住:发言人每个语段的开头结尾都应成为记忆的重点。1)开头往往包含了整个语段的主题,结尾往往是呈现结论、总结的部分2)只有记好了开头和结尾,译员才能清楚地把握好本节口译是从哪里开始说起,说到哪里为止。,II.Memory training(1)Encoding,storage and retrievalPsychologists tell us that memory involves e

12、ncoding,storage and retrieval of information.Forgetting may mean the material was never encoded;it may mean the information was not stored;or it may reflect retrieval difficulties.,II.Memory training:(2)Categorization,generalization and comparisonPeople believe memory can be fortified by consciously

13、 resorting to tactics(retrieval cues)such as categorization(grouping items of the same properties,origins,first letters,etc.);generalization(working out some headings to embrace the supportive details);,comparison(noticing the differences as well as similarities between different things,facts,or eve

14、nts);noticing the time-markers or spatial barometers which often indicate the sequence of an event;description of a scene,or the shape and size of a substance.,Three ways of training memory1.Shadow-speaking2.Retelling in the original language3.Retelling in the target language,Retelling exercises:,Di

15、rection:Listen to the following passages,then retell in your own words in the same language the information you have just heard.Exercise 1:,金福实业有限公司从一个打火机五金塑料作坊起步,发展成为现在相当规模的实业公司。这个过程的确来之不易,是经过了十年艰苦努力,不断开拓,广聚人才和发展原始积累而成。,我们近几年新发展的塑料包装瓶盖,拥有世界最先进的注塑系统及成型模具。我们先进的技术、舒适洁净的工作环境、科学的管理方法、勇于开拓进取和至诚待客的精神,受到所有

16、客户的一致好评。在这里我代表公司全体员工向曾经给予过和即将给予我们关心和支持的人们表示深深的诚挚的谢意!我们将秉承一贯以诚待人的经营作风,戒骄戒躁,在愈演愈烈的经济大潮中与您携手共进。同时,欢迎您择日莅临指导工作,谢谢!,Analysis:主要概念为:-小五金公司经过十年创业发展成为金福实业有限公司-新开发的瓶盖技术先进(注塑,成型模具)-在技术、工作环境、管理方法、创新客户服务方面受好评-代表员工表示感谢-坚持诚信、戒骄戒躁、共同进步-欢迎光临,When a guys printer type began to grow faint,he called a local repair shop

17、 where a friendly clerk informed him that the printer probably needed only to be cleaned.Because the store charged$50 for such cleanings,he told him he might be better off reading the printers manual and trying the job himself.Pleasantly surprised by his candor,the guy asked,“Does your boss know tha

18、t you discourage business?”“Actually,its my bosss idea,”the employee replied sheepishly.“We usually make more money on repairs if we let people try to fix things themselves first.”,Exercise 2:,Analysis:主要概念为:-printer has some problem-repair shop clerk asked him to clean it himself to save$50-surpris

19、ed and asked-astonished by the answer-the shop makes more money by working on the printer damaged by innocent users,IV.Improving active listening(提高积极记忆)Key factors of interpretation:Gaining information,comprehension and memorizing.The reasons for forgetting the content which was just heard:1.Not en

20、ough concentration.2.Not familiar with the topic or cannot understand the source language thoroughly.,Active listening:Actively analyze and memorize the information points which the interpreter just heard and find the relationship between the information points.Exercise:Listen to the following passa

21、ge,try your best to grasp the main information and make clear the development orientation of the matter and logical connections.,Good morning.Since I took office Ive done everything in my power to protect our children from harm.Weve worked to make their street and their schools safer,to give them so

22、mething positive to do after school and before their parents get home.Weve worked to teach our children that drugs are dangerous,illegal and wrong.,1.发言人就任以来在保护孩子不受伤害方面有哪些业绩?,Today I want to talk to you about the historic opportunity we now have to protect our nations Children from an even deadly th

23、reat:smoking.Smoking kills more people every day than AIDS,alcohol,car accident,murders,suicides,drugs and fires combined.Nearly 90 percent of those smokers lit their first cigarette before they turned 18.Today,the epidemic of teen smoking is raging throughout our nation as,one by one,our children a

24、re lured by multimillion dollar marketing schemes designed to do exactly that.Consider this:3,000 children start to smoke every day illegally,and 1,000 of them will die sooner because of it.,2.今天讲话的主题是什么?3.吸烟的危害如何?4.导致青少年吸烟的一个重要原因是什么?记住了相关数据吗?,This is national tragedy that every American should be h

25、onor-bound to help prevent.For more than five years weve worked to stop our children from smoking before they start,launching a nationwide campaign with FDA to educate them about the dangers of smoking,to reduce their access to tobacco products,and to severely restrict tobacco companies from adverti

26、sing to young people.,5.在过去的5年里政府采取了什么措施防止青少年吸烟?,But even this is not enough to fully protect our children.To put an end to the epidemic,Congress must act.Last fall,I called on Congress to put aside politics and pass comprehensive bipartisan legislation to reduce teen smoking by raising the price of

27、 cigarettes by up to$1.50 a pack over the next 10 years,imposing strong penalties if the tobacco industry keeps selling cigarettes to our childrens access to tobacco products,and to restrict tobacco ads aimed at young people,so that our children cant fall prey to the deadly threat of tobacco.,6.发言人的

28、身份是什么?谁可以呼吁国会通过议案?7.能复述议案的主要内容吗?,Now,we learned last month that if we do this,well cut teen smoking by almost half over the next five years.That means if we act now,we have it in our power to stop 3 million children from smokingand to save a million lives as a result.Today,there are as few as 70 wor

29、king days left before this Congress adjourns.On every one of those days,1,000 adults will die from smoking.On every one of those days,3,000 children will light their first cigarettes.On every one of those days,this Congress has the opportunity to stop it.,8.采取行动可能带来怎样的积极效果?9.在这次行动中占主导地位的是哪个机构?,Will

30、this Congress be remembered for putting politics aside and protecting our children from tobaccoor for letting the public health opportunity of a lifetime pass us by?There will be no greater measure of your commitment to the health of our children or the future of our nation.Thank you.,10.国会在这个问题上将面临两种怎样的选择?,


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