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1、gre词汇背诵时间应该如何规划 gre词汇背诵时间应该如何规划?3大层面深度解剖,我们来学习一下吧,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。gre词汇背诵时间应该如何规划?3大层面深度解剖GRE词汇背诵时间规划首先建议各位同学用一个月左右的时间完成词汇的基础准备,平均每天花费时间根据自身的英语基础水平不同可能会有所区别,以一个月背完手头词汇书为准。记住,背诵单词的过程比较枯燥,但请大家一定要坚持下去,这个阶段打好基础之后的其他备考工作就会顺利很多,当然,这个过程是需要很大毅力和决心才能完成的。GRE词汇背诵小技巧平常可以使用一些小的技巧和方法来进行辅助记忆。比如各种GRE的阅读材料,各类杂志*的阅读,


3、:冷静的;not affected by or showing passion or feeling1) not showing feeling2) detached;unruffled;calm;austere indifference to joy, grief, pleasure, or pain3) indifferent to or unaffected by pleasure or pain;steadfast相近词汇: dispassionate, indifferent, philosophic, self-controlledstoic flinch, touchystoic

4、:perturbstoic:perturbationdeadpan:stoicOur mothers stoic attitude toward her struggle to make a living for our family was an inspiration to us.The soldier had been in week after week of fierce battle;nonetheless, he remained stoic.With stoic obedience the child sat quietly on the chair.stoic:perturb

5、 = avaricious:satisfy/satiatestoic:perturbation = avaricous:satisfactionstoic:perturb = BUOYANT:SUBMERGE新GRE词汇盘点:immanentimmanent: adj. 内在的: being a part of the innermost nature of a person or thing【例】 Beauty is not something imposed but something immanent. 美丽是内在的品格而非外加的东西【近】 constitutional, essenti

6、al, inborn, inbred, indigenous, ingrained, innate, integral, intrinsic, natural【反】 adventitious, extrinsic, extraneous 外在的,非本源的imitation: n. 仿制品: something that is made to look exactly like something else【例】 usually wore imitations of her costly jewels 通常只戴她那些贵重珠宝的复刻品【近】 clone, copy, dupe, duplicati

7、on, facsimile, mock, reduplication, replica, replication, reproduction【反】archetype, original, prototype 原型【派】 imitating adj. 仿制的新GRE词汇盘点:immaterialimmaterial: adj. 非实体的: not composed of matter【考法1】adj. 非实体的: not composed of matter【例】 It is only possible to study immaterial forces like gravity by obs

8、erving their effects on the physical world.要研究那些非实体的作用力例如万有引力,只能观察它们对于现实世界的影响【近】 ethereal, formless, incorporeal, insubstantial, nonmaterial, spiritual【反】 bodily, corporeal, material, physical, substantial 实体的【考法2】adj. 无关的,不重要的: of no importance or relevance【例】 While undoubtedly upsetting, that stor

9、y is immaterial to the question of why you are late. 尽 管那个故事的确很让人遗憾,但是和你为什么迟到没有半点关系【近】 extraneous, impertinent, inapplicable, inapposite, irrelevant【反】 applicable, apposite, apropos, germane, pertinent, relevant 相关的;crucial, important, significant 重要的GRE词汇解析:paragonparagon: model of excellence or pe

10、rfection of a kind1) an example of excellenceparagon : excellenceparagon : imitateparagon : excellentparagon travestyapotheosis, ideal, quintessence, standard1. She is a paragon of what a judge should be: honest, intelligent, hardworking, and just.2. As a student, Gina was thought to be a paragon, but her English teacher noticed that she excelled only because she refused to take any risks.Synonyms: epitome, exemplar, nonpareil, standardgre词汇背诵时间应该如何规划


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