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1、,Unit 3,职业综合英语 2,ENGLISH FOR CAREERS,Unit 3Business Travel,新职业英语,Contents,Warm-1,Task The following table lists a lot of things to carry on a business trip.Discuss with your partner and choose five most important items from each category.Then add some other items that you think are necessary.,Warm-2

2、,Suggested answers:Luggage Trunk,Shoes,Contact Lenses,Ties,Make-up,Razor,Product Samples,etc.,Reading A,Reading A,Text,Task 1,Task 2,Business Know-how,Text A-1,Business Trips Dont Have to Be All Business 1 Its important to know your objectives on a business trip,and to set out with those goals in mi

3、nd and how to accomplish them.But along the way,something rather amazing happenswhen you travel on business.You may go to some pretty amazing places,and get chances to see things you would have never sought out on your own.,Reading A,Text A-2,Reading A,2 Business trips dont have to be all about busi

4、ness.There are times when you have completed your work and you can take in some of the local color,attractions and good food.The first resource(to find out what is really cool to enjoy in the city or town)(you are visiting)is the locals.If you go to a faraway town to conduct business with a partner

5、or vendor,they are often more than happy to show you(the lay of the land)and(what is fun to see and do in town).,Text A-3,Reading A,3 If you can secure the evening of a local in your destination town,you can get quite an amazing tour of the area and see things that tourists may never find.It isnt th

6、at hard to invite a local to be your guide.If you have expense account money,you can arrange to buy your guide dinner.They get a good meal for free,and you get a guided tour of the area.But dont be afraid to be a tourist if you are in a great city and you want to see the big sites.It can be a fine m

7、emory of your visit to the town,and after all,youve worked hard on your business objectives so you are entitled to some relaxation.,Text A-4,Reading A,4 If you are there on Friday,but your work must be continued on Monday,most businesses would rather pay for two nights in a hotel and meals than fly

8、you home and back out again.So you can keep your rental car and simply put aside your business for a while and really explore the local haunts.,Text A-5,Reading A,5 To find those unique events in town that not many know about,you can read the local paper and look for those little local culture or ar

9、ts papers.They will carry details of festivals going on around the area as well as what is happening in the clubs and theaters.You may find a regional celebration not far away that you can be part of,and pretend to be a local for a few hours and have plenty of fun along the way.,Text A-6,Reading A,6

10、 Take advantage of your business travel to see the world and have some fun as the song says“stop and smell the roses along the way”.If you do,you will come home with successful business to deliver to your company and a nice set of new memories to keep for a long time to come.,A-Trans-1,商务旅行不必都是生意1 了

11、解出差的目标、出发时牢记目标并清楚如何达成目标,这些都是很重要的。但在途中也会发生一些有趣的事情。你可能会去到一些令人惊叹的地方,有机会看到你自己可能永远都发现不了的东西。,Reading A,A-Trans-2,Reading A,2 商务旅行不必都是生意。完成工作后,就可以去领略一下地方特色,参观当地的风景名胜,品尝当地的美味佳肴。如果想要了解出差城市里有些什么真正好玩的东西,第一大资源就是当地居民。如果你去一个很远的城市与合伙人或卖家谈生意,他们会非常乐意带你去了解当地的环境,去好玩的去处做有意思的事。,A-Trans-3,Reading A,3 如果能让某个当地人晚上随行的话,那你在目

12、的地城市的旅行将会非常棒,可以欣赏到游客们可能永远都发现不了的东西。要请当地人当导游也并非难事。如果你公司允许报销经费,那么你可以花公司的钱请导游吃顿晚饭。这样,他们可以吃上免费大餐,而你就可以有导游陪你游览。但是,如果你在大城市出差并且想参观大景点的话,那就大胆去当一回游客吧。这些都将会是旅途中一段非常美好的回忆,毕竟你已经努力完成了出差使命,所以理应放松放松。,A-Trans-4,Reading A,4 如果你周五出差,但下周一还得继续,那么大多数公司会宁愿花钱让你在当地吃住两天,而不让你坐飞机回家然后再飞回来出差。所以你不必归还租来的车,大可暂且放下工作,好好探索一番当地人常去的地方。,

13、A-Trans-5,Reading A,5 要想了解当地不为外人所知的特色活动,你可以阅读地方报纸,翻阅当地的文化艺术小报。这些报纸除了登载俱乐部及影剧院正在举办的活动之外,还会有周边地区详细的节庆活动介绍。你可能会发现没多远就有地区性的庆祝活动,而你则可以权作一回当地人,好好玩上几个小时。,A-Trans-6,Reading A,6 请好好利用你的商务旅行吧,去看看世界、寻寻开心,正如歌里唱的那样“停下脚步去闻闻路边的玫瑰”。这样,你回来后不但可以成功地向公司交差,还能带回一段值得长期回味的美好记忆。,Reading A,accomplish,v.to succeed in doing or

14、 completing somethinge.g.I dont feel I have accomplished very much today.e.g.The first part of the plan has been safely accomplished.Tran:我们必须按时完成任务。We have to accomplish the task on time.,Reading A,amazing,a.very good,especially in an unexpected waye.g.We listened to her amazing story with attentio

15、n.e.g.Its amazing how quickly people adapt to their environment.Tran:他居然对此事一无所知。It was amazing that he knew nothing about the event.,to look for and find someone or something,especially when this means making a lot of efforte.g.We have to seek out a really good person for the job.e.g.We need a diver

16、sity of cultures,so we seek out new ideas and new practices.Tran:销售员的工作就是到市场中寻找顾客。A salesmans job is to seek out customers in the market.,Reading A,seek out,to include something in the travel plan;to try to accept in order to appreciate or understand somethinge.g.After dinner,we can take in sights o

17、f this city.e.g.When we finish business talk with our partners in Qingdao,we will take in the local beer.Tran:老师将自己的意思用简洁的语言表述以便学生能接受。The teacher put his ideas in simple words for the students to take in.,Reading A,take in,n.a person who lives in a particular place or districte.g.The locals tend to

18、be suspicious of strangers.e.g.We are open to everyonevisitors and locals alike.Tran:城里的当地居民很友好。The locals are very friendly in the city.,Reading A,local,very happy;with great pleasuree.g.We were more than happy to hear of your business success!e.g.We will be more than happy to hear from you on how

19、we can work together and benefit both our companies.Tran:我非常乐意用开车把你送到那里。Im more than happy to take you there in my car.,Reading A,more than happy,n.the landscape of a place or a situation of a certain evente.g.He knows the lay of the land here.e.g.I want to get the lay of the land before I take any

20、action.Tran:他想在买股票前先考察股市。Before he buys the stock he wants to check the lay of the land.,Reading A,lay,v.to obtain or achieve something,especially after a lot of efforte.g.She secured 2,000 votes in the general election.e.g.He secured a place for himself at the law school.Tran:该队最终锁定了一个决赛席位。The team

21、 managed to secure a place in the finals.,Reading A,secure,an arrangement by which money spent by someone while they are at work is later paid back to them by their employere.g.Put the cost of the train fare on your expense account.e.g.Ill put this lunch on my expense account.Tran:我们乘飞机不能坐头等舱,报销不了。W

22、e cannot fly the first class on our expense account.,Reading A,expense account,without paymente.g.Our website provides English vocabulary for our registered members for free.e.g.These pictures can be kept for free.You may take whichever you like.Tran:你真幸运,免费获得了一张电影票。You are so lucky to get a theater

23、 ticket for free.,Reading A,for free,to have the right to have or do somethinge.g.You will be entitled to your pension when you reach 65.e.g.If one side failed to honor the contract,the other side should be entitled to cancel it.Tran:每个人都有表达自己意见的权利。Everyone is entitled to his opinion.,Reading A,be e

24、ntitled to,n.ways of resting and enjoying yourself;time spent resting and enjoying yourselfe.g.Relaxation exercises can free your body of tension.e.g.His day is evenly divided between work and relaxation.Tran:爬山是我放松的方式。I go hill-walking for relaxation.,Reading A,relaxation,a.of or relating to the ac

25、t of paying for the use of something(like an apartment or house or car)e.g.Im going to have a video rental shop and make big money.e.g.What about the facility rental services?Tran:我买不起车,这辆车是租来的。I cannot afford to buy a car.This is a rental car.,Reading A,rental,to decide not to deal with something;t

26、o save something for later usee.g.Will you please put aside your work and listen to me for one minute?e.g.She puts aside 1,000 yuan every month for her sons future education.Tran:让我们将困难暂时抛开,好好聚会吧。Lets put aside our difficulties for a while and enjoy the party.,Reading A,put aside,n.a frequently visi

27、ted placee.g.After 10 years,I revisited the old haunt again.e.g.Is this one of your usual haunts?Tran:大学图书馆是学生最爱光顾的地方。The college library is a favorite haunt for students.,Reading A,haunt,n.a day or period of time set aside for feasting and celebratione.g.We all enjoyed the happy activities of the S

28、pring Festival.e.g.Christmas is a festival of the Christian people in the Western countries.Tran:该市每年夏天都举办音乐节。This city has a music festival every summer.,Reading A,festival,the title of a song written by American singer-songwriter Mac Davis in 1974.Parts of the lyrics go as follows:Hey Mister,where

29、 are you going in such a hurry Dont you think its time you realized Theres a whole lot more to life than work and worry The sweetest things in life are free And theyre right before your eyesChorus Youve got to stop,and smell the roses Youve got to count your many blessings every day Youre gonna find

30、 the way to Heaven is a rough and rocky road If you dont stop and smell the roses along the way,Reading A,“stop and smell the roses along the way”,A-Task 1-1,Task 1 Answer the following questions according to the passage.,Reading A,What are the two important things for you to keep in mind when you a

31、re going on a business trip?2.In order to take in some local color,attractions and good food in a new place,what is the first thing for you to do?3.If you can get a local to be your tour guide,what can you do for him?,They are the goals you will achieve and the methods you will use to achieve them.T

32、he first thing to do is to find the locals as your resource.You can buy him dinner on the company dime if you have expense account money.,A-Task 1-2,Reading A,4.Why are you sometimes entitled to some relaxation on a business trip?5.If your business trip starts on Friday and must be continued on Mond

33、ay,how can you take advantage of the weekend?6.If you can take advantage of your business trip,what will you bring home for your company and for yourself?,Because youve worked very hard on your business objectives.You can rent a car and explore the local haunts.You will bring home successful busines

34、s for your company and a nice set of new memories for yourself.,A-Task 2,Task 2 Decide whether the following statements are true(T)or false(F)according to the passage.,Reading A,1.The first source you can use to find fun about a city is the local newspaper.2.Because youve worked hard on a business t

35、rip,you deserve to have some relaxation by touring around the city.3.You can enjoy yourself only by pretending to be a local.4.The clubs and theaters may present very rich local culture.5.The business trip is a good opportunity to explore the local haunts in the destination city.,FTFTT,Business Know

36、-how,Business Know-how,Giving Business Gifts Check with the recipients company concerning its gift policy before sending a business gift;Send a business gift that reflects both yourself and your companys image;Make your business gift special;Exhibit good timing when giving business gifts;Choose high

37、-quality products for business gift giving;Consider the recipients location,position and personal interests when deciding on a business gift;Give gifts that reflect the value you place on the relationship.,Reading B,Reading B,Text,Task 1,Task 2,Text B-1,Manchester Airport Security Procedure To make

38、your journey as smooth as possible and avoid unnecessary delays,we ask that you pay special attention to our security procedure.,Reading B,Text B-2,Reading B,At the Airport To ensure your journey is a smooth one,please ensure that you read the latest regulations about what you can and cannot take on

39、 board the aircraft.,Text B-3,Reading B,Hand Luggage We would remind all passengers that each airline has their own policy regarding the amount of hand luggage allowed on their aircraft and we strongly recommend(that information regarding this is sought directly from the airline before travel).,Text

40、 B-4,Reading B,Liquids Passengers will be allowed to take liquids,gels and pastes of 100ml or less in their hand luggage.These items must be contained within a small,transparent re-sealable plastic bag,which will have to be removed from their hand luggage and X-rayed separately.,Text B-5,Reading B,T

41、he plastic bag can contain two or more items of less than 100ml or 100g each but must not be cluttered to allow security officers to carry out thorough checks.,Text B-6,Reading B,Large Electrical Items/Laptops Laptops and other complex items of electrical equipment have to be removed from hand lugga

42、ge and screened separately.,Text B-7,Reading B,Medicines and Baby Foods Passengers will also be allowed to carry in their hand luggage medicines and dietary requirements including baby foods for use during the flight.Please note that you may be asked for proof that these items are needed.Parents WIL

43、L be asked to sample baby milk and food and also those people with dietary requirements(these can be any size).,Text B-8,Reading B,Check-in Times Please check your ticket or travel itinerary,or contact your airline for advice on check-in times.Generally,check-in desks open 2-3 hours before the fligh

44、t is due to depart.,Text B-9,Reading B,X-ray Scanners Any selected passenger who refuses to use the scanner will be denied travel.,Text B-10,Reading B,What Does Not Change Passengers will continue to be allowed to pack liquids in the bags that they check in.,曼彻斯特机场安全须知 为尽可能使您旅途顺利,避免不必要的延误,敬请您特别关注本安全

45、须知。,B-Trans-1,Reading B,B-Trans-2,Reading B,机场 为确保您旅途顺利,请务必阅读关于物品携带的最新规定。,B-Trans-3,手提行李 请乘客注意,关于可携带上飞机的手提行李数量,每家航空公司有不同的政策。建议乘客在旅行之前直接从航空公司了解相关信息。,Reading B,B-Trans-4,液体 乘客可以随身携带体积不超过100毫升的液体、胶状物或膏状物,这些物品必须放在一个可以重新封口的透明小塑料袋中,而且必须从手提行李中取出单独接受X光检查。,Reading B,B-Trans-5,塑料袋可装2至3件物品,每件不超过100毫升或100克,请勿杂乱

46、堆放以便安检人员进行彻底检查。,Reading B,B-Trans-6,大件电子产品/手提电脑 手提电脑和其他复杂电子设备必须从手提电脑中取出单独接受扫描检查。,Reading B,B-Trans-7,药物和婴儿食品 乘客可以在手提行李中携带飞行途中使用的药品和特殊需要的食品,如婴儿食品。请注意:您有可能被要求提供需要这些物品的证据。父母将会被要求试吃/喝婴儿牛奶和食品,有特殊饮食需要的人士也不例外(这些物品不限体积)。,Reading B,B-Trans-8,登机手续办理时间 关于登机手续办理时间,请查看机票或旅行行程表,或向航空公司咨询。值机服务台通常在飞机起飞前2至3小时开放。,Read

47、ing B,B-Trans-9,X光扫描仪 被选中的乘客如拒绝接受扫描检查,将不允许登机。,Reading B,B-Trans-10,未变更事宜 乘客仍可将液体放入行李中托运。,Reading B,B-Task 1,Task 1 Decide whether the following statements are true(T)or false(F)according to the passage.,Reading B,1.The security regulations of Manchester Airport are not changed from time to time.2.Ea

48、ch airline has its own policy regarding the amount of hand luggage allowed on its aircraft.3.Generally,check-in desks open 2-3 hours before the flight is due to depart.4.Any selected person who refuses to use the scanner is not allowed to take the flight.5.Only people carrying a baby can bring milk

49、in their hand luggage.,F,T,T,T,F,B-Task 2,Task 2 Match the right actions for passengers flying from Manchester Airport with the following situations.,Reading B,C,D,E,SituationsA French passenger wants to take 190ml of perfume in his hand luggage.A Chinese passenger wants to take with him some vitami

50、n tablets in his hand luggage.3.An Italian passenger does not know the exact time to check in.4.A British passenger takes a laptop computer in his hand luggage.5.An American mother takes some milk in the hand luggage for her baby.,Actions Take it out for separate screening.Drink some of it.Contact t


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