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1、Unit 1Ways of Developing Paragraph(Development by Cause and Effect),In our daily conversation,questions with why are often asked and answered.This shows that causal analysis is very common;it is something we are familiar with.Causal analysis explains the cause-effect relationship between two or more

2、 subjects.Causes tell readers why something happened.For example,smoking causes lung cancer.(Smoking is one of the causes of lung cancer.)Effects are the results of something.For example,twelve thousand smokers die from lung cancer every year.(Lung cancer is one of the effects of smoking.),Definitio

3、n,Sound reasoning or logic is naturally the most important quality of any causal analysis.But it is not always easy to explain causes and effects clearly and logically.One reason for this is that an effect may have many causes and a cause may have many effects.So we must be thorough in our discussio

4、n and careful in our selection of details.,Characteristics,Advice about how to use cause-effect to develop a paragraph1.Before we start to write,we must think carefully and work out a list of causes and effects,and find out the logical relationship between them.Logical thinking is particularly impor

5、tant in writing paragraphs of cause and effect.2.When we write,we had better put the important cause or effect at the beginning of the paragraph.3.Use some words or phrases that used for discussing cause and effect when it is necessary.,Procedure,Steps for writing a cause and effect essay:1)Distingu

6、ish between cause and effect2)Develop your thesis statement3)Find and organize supporting details(statistics,examples,etc)Chronological(按年代顺序)A chronological organization means arranging the discussion by following the time sequence in which actual events happened.This organization is effective for

7、topics which involve narrating how something happened through a period of time.,Guidelines,Order of importance In an analysis which involves multiple causes and effects,you can either arrange the factors from the least important ones to the most important ones,or from the most important to the least

8、 important ones.The former organization would build to a climax,while the latter organization would present the strongest factor first to impress the reader.Categorical(按类别顺序)You can also group the various factors into different categories(political,social,financial,personal,psychological,etc)and ar

9、range them accordingly.4)Using appropriate transitions,Guidelines,主题句“因”,“因果”型语段主题句“果”,“果因”型语段主题句“果”,发展句分析“因”,再次归纳论点,“果-因-果”型语段“因-果-因-果”型语段,Types of causes and effects,Supposethetopicsentenceis:“MoreandmorefertilelandinChinaistakenupbynewbuildings.”Intherestoftheparagraphtheeffectsofthisdevelopments

10、houldbementioned,suchasthereductionofthegrainoutput,increasingenvironmentalproblems,toomanypeasantsmovinginto thecities,etc.(single cause-multiple effects),Sample 1,Suppose thetopicsentenceis:“Inthepastfewyears,highereducationhasbecomelessimportanttoyoungpeoplethanitwaspreviously.”Thisisaneffect.Its

11、houldbe followedbyadiscussionofthecauseofthiseffect,suchas thepressureoffiercecompetition,betteropportunitiesand collegesbeingout-dated,andsoforth.(single effect-multiple causes),Sample 2,The two-day weekend is sincerely popular with college students.It offers students more leisure time for their ho

12、bbies and entertainments,which help them relax completely after five-day hard work.It also relieves the pressure on them from too many courses and assignments.Therefore,many students try to enjoy themselves in many interesting ways such as going camping and having a potluck party.(effect-causes-effe

13、ct),Sample 3,Although blacks had“freedom”in a legal sense,most of them still did not have any education or economic independence.Consequently,they were helpless to participate significantly in the political process to try to improve their status.Except for farm work,most former slaves had no skills.

14、As a result,many blacks went back to work for the same white people who used to be their masters.(causal chain),Sample 4,Because,since,for,as,because of,due to,owing to,as a result of,result from,on account of,on the ground of,thanks to,on the ground that,for the sake of,attributeto Therefore,so,as

15、a result,consequently,as a consequence,accordingly,because of this,thus,hence,for this reason,result in,lead to,contribute to,be responsible for,so that,Useful Words and Expressions,Two major factors contributed to devastating summer flooding along the Yangtze River and its tributaries.First,erosion

16、 resulting from excessive deforestation in the upper reaches of the river and,second,heavy silting which raised the riverbed in the main channel.两个主要因素导致了夏季长江及其支流的特大洪水。第一,过度砍伐引起的河流上游的侵蚀,第二,严重的泥沙淤积抬高了主干道的河床。,Useful Sentence Patterns,The explanation for the phenomenon of the rising teenage suicide rat

17、e involves many complicated factors.Some attribute the rise to an overemphasis on early success,others point to mounting peer pressure,and still others to confusion over changing social values.对上升的少年自杀率的解释涉及很多复杂的因素。有的人把上升的原因归结为过分强调少年时期的成功,有的人指出是因为不断增长的同伴之间的压力,还有人认为是对不断变化的社会价值的迷茫造成的。,Useful Sentence

18、Patterns,Identifying the reasons for an emerging phenomenon which involves several complicated factors is far from an easy task.For example,some scientists attribute environmental deterioration to a series of natural factors,while others place the blame solely on inappropriate human behavior.要找到涉及许多

19、复杂因素的新现象的原因远非一件易事。例如,一些科学家把环境的恶化归结为一些自然因素,而另一些人把责任都推在人类不适当的行为上,Useful Sentence Patterns,What has sparked the increasing interest in exercise?For one thing,people have gained a greater awareness of the need for physical fitness.For another,the constantly improving standard of living enables Chinese p

20、eople to patronize the increasing number of recreational venues.The main thing perhaps centers on the healthcare and psychological benefits exercise provides.什么引发了人们对锻炼越来越浓的兴趣?一方面,人们更加清楚地意识到保持健康的必要性。另一方面,不断提高的生活水平使中国人能够支付增加的娱乐支出。最主要的可能在于锻炼带来的保健和心理上的好处。,Useful Sentence Patterns,The rapidly emerging s

21、exual revolution has been accompanied by many disturbing trends.Perhaps the most serious consequences center on the rapid spread of sexually transmitted diseases(STDs),rising prostitution and the rise in AIDS cases.伴随着迅速出现的性革命有很多令人烦恼的趋势,最严重的后果可能是性传染病的迅速蔓延,卖淫现象及艾滋病患者的增多。,Useful Sentence Patterns,The

22、deep impact of opening to the outside world is readily discernible in a number of areas:the adoption of many Western habits,both good and bad;changing social and moral values;the trend towards individualism;and the introduction of state-of-the-art concepts and technology.The key to adopting Western

23、way centers on accepting the good and rejecting the bad.对外开放的深刻影响在许多方面都能看到:模仿西方的习惯,包括好的和坏的;改变社会和道德价值观;个人主义的趋势;引进已发展的概念和技术。采取西方方式的关键在于取其精华,去其糟粕。,Useful Sentence Patterns,To brainstorm and make a list of possible causes for the topic Girls dont do as well at math and science as boys Girls dont do as w

24、ell at math and science as boys.There are several reasons for this.The first and most important reason is that they arent encouraged to play with toys that build up interest in math and science problems and that build skills for problem solving or understanding how things work.Girls are encouraged t

25、o play with toys that foster language and human relations skills.As a result,they can grow up not knowing how an engine works or how to build a model from directions.,In-class Practice,Second,studies have shown that teachers dont expect girls to be good at math.Even female math and science teachers

26、pay more attention to boys in class and call on boys more often.Because teachers dont expect girls to excel,they dont try very hard,and soon girls are far behind boys in these studies.Finally,girls dont have many role models to look up to.Not very many math and science teachers are women,especially

27、in the later grades.When the media picture mathematicians and scientists,they usually picture men.As a result,girls arent inspired to choose these fields as careers.,In summary,several factors work together in the home,in schools,and in society at large to send a subtle message to girls.Girls almost

28、 always get the message,as a result,few girls excel at math and science.,1.Write a paragraph about the reasons of the problem of piracy.2.Write a paragraph about the effects of free admission to museums.,Homework,There are several reasons for the problem of piracy.First of all,consumers have not dev

29、eloped enough legal consciousness to resist the pirate products.Rather,they tend to be tempted by the great gap between the prices.Secondly,the government has not paid due attention to it and no effective measures have been taken to stop piracy.For example,the copy right law still has many holes in

30、it.Finally,some writers and producers,being afraid of the trouble of lawsuits they may bring upon themselves,prefer to suffer the piracy in silence.,Sample 1,Some people hold that free admission to museums can bring about many problems.Since anybody can enter a museum without paying,the museums can

31、be overcrowded and it will be a difficult job for museums to maintain their collections.Besides,museums will face financial problems since they can not make profits from the admission fee.Due to the decrease in profits,museums have less motivation to up-date their collections.An out-of-date museum can not avoid the fate to close up in the long run.,Sample 2,


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