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2、体或宋体;英文用Times New Romans.字体颜色:不超过3种,重要文字要凸显,图表使用,学术报告的技巧,通常15-20分钟,平均每30秒一张幻灯片,每张幻灯片不宜超过1分钟着正装,注意仪容自信,不要太在意自己的英文发音(we are not native speakers of English)不要始终盯着电脑屏幕,适时环顾四周,避免读PPT不用讲得太细(别人会去看论文),突出重点准备一支激光笔,讲重点时用减缓紧张情绪,语速慢一点练习、练习、再练习,介绍自己,Thank you,Mr./Ms.Chair.I am a Master/PhD student from Zhejiang

3、University and I am currently doing some research on Then you can say something about Zhejiang University and the city of Hangzhou and show some relevant pictures.Today,I would like to share with you some of my research progresses on,介绍学术报告结构,My presentation is structured in the following wayThis is

4、 how my presentation will go I will begin with an introduction to Then I will move on to After that,I will deal with And finally,I will conclude with,内容转换,Okay,let me start by looking at First,I would like to give you a bit of background.So why did we conduct this research?Well,Now let me move onto

5、Okay,now we are going to take a look at the next section.,图的描述,Here you can see a figure which shows you the relationship between A and B.This figure shows you how A varies with B.In this figure,the horizontal axis is A and the vertical axis is B.In this figure,A is to the horizontal and B is to the

6、 vertical.On the X axis we have A and on the Y axis we have B.This figure is quite complex,but the only thing I want you to focus on is Solid/dashed/dotted/dash-dotted curves The heavy/thin solid blue line means/represents/is for,表的描述,row/columnThe key test results are listed/summarized in this tabl

7、e.The last column of the table indicates close agreement between theoretical predications and experimental resultsBasically what I want to highlight in this table is,方程、推导,Here you can see the derivation process.Here we are not going to waste our precious time on the lengthy derivation.I would like

8、to invite you to directly take a look at the equation in its final form.This equation basically tells you,结束语,Well,this brings us to the end of my presentation.Let us see what we may conclude here.A promising area of future research is probably Okay,this ends my presentation.Thank you for your atten

9、tion.And I would be really interested in hearing your questions.,Q&A,Sorry,could you repeat your question more slowly please?Sorry,could you raise your voice a bit please?Sorry,I still dont get your question,would you mind asking me again in the break?So your question is I am not sure if there is a right or wrong answer to your question.Personally,I think,考试,形式:准备PPT并做学术报告,时间控制在5-6分钟内容:你的研究或他人的研究,包含背景、研究内容(要有图或表),时间允许可包含结论考试顺序按学生名单顺序提前10分钟把PPT拷到电脑中,评分标准,


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