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1、GRE词汇记忆规律 了解GRE词汇记忆规律 ,背诵单词不再可怕,快来一起学习吧,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。了解GRE词汇记忆规律 背诵单词不再可怕词频选择记忆效率高运用词频选择记忆词汇效率最高这就是为什么Barrons Word List虽然比“红宝书”词汇量少一倍,考试中命中率却高许多的原因。背单词要少量多次背单词一口气背一大串的效果其实并不好,科学证明其实分散记忆比起集中记忆才是更好的背单词方法,因此考生背单词应注重少量多次,增加背诵的频率和次数。联想记忆是王道通过联想把不熟悉的东西与熟悉的东西联系起来记忆可事半功倍,这也是背单词中考生需要掌握的一个方法,具体如何联想因人而异,关键在


3、例如:hyphen n. 连字号-记法 1: hyphen音“还分”还分着呢,快用连字号连起来吧quaff n. /v. 痛饮,畅饮记法 1: quaff音“夸父”夸父追日,渴极痛饮GRE作文逻辑词汇归纳逻辑连接词:因果(后接结果):=导致:result in; be responsible for; attributable to/ attribute to; contribute to; lead to; cause; give birth to; give rise to; serve to;=故此:hence; therefore; thereby+现在分词; thus; as a r

4、esult; so that;eventually; correspondingly; accordingly; consequently; resultingly; namely;=为了:so as to; for the purpose of; for the sake of; in an attempt to; in efforts to;因果(后接原因):=因为:owing to; in respect that; on account of; due to; for the reason that; since; for; may account for;=由导致:as a cons

5、equence / result of; is the result of; derive from; result from; be a response to;弱因果(考虑到):=for fear of; bearing in mind; be blamed on;=considering; in consideration of; knowing;=in face of (such limited evidence); in light of; in view of; in favor of; concern with; in terms of;=object to;关于:in rela

6、tion to; with respect to; with regard to; with/in reference to;within the context of;with the guise of(在伪装下);常用点缀小副词:事实上:in itself; actually; in fact; in reality; realistically;as a matter of fact; more prosaically;程度:highly; greatly; inescapably; to some extent; somewhat; thoroughly; seriously; spe

7、ctacularly; indeed; undoubtedly; certainly; completely; wholly; in many cases; it is save to say;其它:comparatively; relatively; relevantly; as to; ideally; presumably;转折:nonetheless; nevertheless; in spite of; whereas; instead; conversely; however;对比:in contrast; as compared to; in comparison with; a

8、t the same time;differentiate between and ; differentiate from ;让步:take it for granted; grantedly; granted that ;Now that; as though; after all; even if; even assuming; despite; to the extent that this is the case; appear; seem; while this may be true in some cases, it is equally possible that;递进:fu

9、rthermore; in addition/additionally; besides; moreover; what really matters/counts is; what is more; let alone; particularly; most importantly; _is even more_;等同:equate with; amount to; likewise; in like manner; similarly; in other words; that is to say; along with; in combination; in the same way;C

10、oincide with;GRE词汇联想归类记忆法比如说以下单词,都是和疾病有关的:hepatitis 肝炎 neurosis 神经病nephritis 肾炎 psychosis 精神病gastritis 胃炎 derangement 精神错乱pneumonia 肺炎 deliriumbronchitis 支气管炎 insanityencephalitis 脑炎 mania 狂热laryngitis 喉炎 dipsomania 嗜酒症arthritis 关节炎 kleptomania 盗窃癖megalomania 自大狂leukocyte 白细胞 pyromania 纵火狂leukemia 白

11、血病hemophilia 血友病 phobia 恐惧症hemorrhage 大出血 cynophobia 恐犬症anemia 贫血 gynophobia 恐女症amnesia 健忘症 distraught 心神狂乱aphasia 失语症 hysteria 歇斯底里asthma 哮喘 hypochondria 忧郁症asphyxia 窒息 euphoria 欣快症anorexia 厌食症 stupor 昏迷dyspepsia 消化不良 coma 昏迷dyslexia 阅读障碍 dizzy 头晕眼花flatulence 肠胃气涨 vertigo 眩晕concussion 脑震荡ailment 小病

12、 hypnosis 催眠状态fracture 骨折 tumor 肿瘤diabetes 糖尿病 lump 肿块myopia 近视 leprosy 麻风病astigmatism 散光 insomnia 失眠症measles 麻疹 paralysis 中风瘫痪allergy 过敏症 addiction 吸毒上瘾convulsion plague 瘟疫spasm 痉挛,抽筋 contagion 传染病automatism 无意识行动 inanitiontorpor 有气无力又比如说以下单词,都是和音乐有关的:solo (aria) 独唱;独奏 fantasia 幻想曲duet 二重唱 capricci

13、o 随想曲trio 三重唱 concerto 协奏曲quartet 四重唱 rhapsody 狂想曲ensemble 大合唱 serenade 小夜曲note 音符 sonata 奏鸣曲scale 音阶 gamut 全音阶 symphony 交响乐movement 乐章 lullaby 摇篮曲score 乐谱 requiem 安魂弥撒madrigal 情歌 reverie 梦幻曲overture 序曲 coda 尾声prelude 序曲 finale 尾声piano 轻柔的 forte 强音的crescendo 音乐渐强 decrescendo 音乐渐弱diminuendosoprano 女高

14、音 tenor 男高音burlesque 讽刺滑稽的戏剧 audition 试唱cantata 清唱剧 rehearsal 排练oratorio 清唱剧 debut 初次登台露面operetta 小歌剧 premiere 首次公演melodrama 情节剧 farewell performance 告别演出farce 闹剧 rendering 演出;翻译skit 小喜剧 staccato 断音的pageant露天历史剧;壮观的游行 pirouette 脚尖立地的旋转pantomime 哑剧 ballerina 芭蕾舞女演员pastiche 混合作品 maestro 音乐大师ditty 小曲,小调minuet 小步舞 choir 合唱团repertoire 常备剧目 chorus 合唱团ballad 歌谣,小曲 orchestra 管弦乐队percussion 打击乐器 troupe 歌剧团,剧团baton 指挥棒 band 乐队,乐团harp 竖琴 tambourine 手鼓harpsichord 键琴(钢琴的前身) cornet 短号;圆锥形蛋卷bassoon 低音管 trumpet 小号


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