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1、August 2016,Cultural Differences文化差异,Index 目录,Objective目的Mexico History墨西哥历史Mexico Traditions墨西哥传统Understanding Mexico Basic Law理解墨西哥法律Dos and Donts可行与不可行Geography and Wheatear地理与气候Safety Recommendations for San Luis 在圣路易斯波托西的安全出行建议,BienvenidosWelcomewillkommen欢迎,1.Objective,Understand the history a

2、nd traditions to understand the cultural behaviors.理解历史及传统,以便理解文化行为。Understand the Basic Mexico Law and take personal responsibility to adapt our behaviors to be effective when doing business in Mexico.理解墨西哥基本法律,使自己在墨西哥从事商业活动时行之有效。Recognize there are many ways to achieve a successful end result in a

3、 business environment.意识到在商场上,获得成功有多种途径。,2.History of Mexico,Since Hernn Cortes lands on Cozumels coasts on 1519 and beginning the Colonial Period(1521-1821)Mexico has suffered multiples changes.*自1519年Hernn Cortes 登陆Cozumel,殖民时期拉开帷幕(1521-1821),墨西哥历经各种变化。Some of the Historic Dates in Mexico:墨西哥历史事件:

4、September 27 1821 Independence of Mxico form Spain after 3 centuries.1821年9月27日,经历3世纪西班牙殖民统治后,墨西哥宣布独立。2.February 2 1849,Mexico give the states of Texas,New Mexico Arizona,California,Utha and part of Colorado to USA.*1849年2月2日,原墨西哥领土的德克萨斯,新墨西哥亚利桑那,加利福尼亚,犹他及卡罗拉多部分领土归属美国。3.1906-1907,Rio Blanco in Verac

5、ruz and Cananea Mine in Sonora strikes 1906-1907,Veracruz的Rio Blanco及Sonora的Cananea铜矿罢工。4.November 20 1910,Starts of Mexico Revolution*.1910年11月20日,墨西哥资产阶级民主革命。5.February 5 1947,Mexico Constitution 1947年2月5日,墨西哥确立新宪法。,6.March 18 1938,Mexico Nationalization of petroleum.1938年3月18日,墨西哥石油国有化。7.1946-195

6、2,Industrialization in Mexico(Miguel Aleman)1946-1952,墨西哥工业化(米格尔阿莱曼)8.1988,Starts the industrialization in Mexico 1988年,墨西哥工业化进程开始9.March 1 1994,TLC with USA,Canada and Mexico starts 1994年3月1日,美国、加拿大及墨西哥签订北美自由贸易协定。,Who was the conqueror that lands in Cozumel?Cozumel地区占领者是谁?,How much time Mexico was

7、conquered by Spain?西班牙占领墨西哥多久?w much time Mexico was conquered by Spain?,点Comprehension that the culture is an Art,not a exact science,is possible that 1+2=5 理解文化是一种艺术而非精密科学,1+2=5也是有可能发生的。2.Accept ambiguity and some mysterious.接受意义不明及令人费解的部分。3.Find understanding,not a probe to some is correct or inc

8、orrect,or a Judge for some good or bad.尝试理解,而不是探究或判断是非好坏。4.Remember that the objective of the training is understand the cultural differences is facilitate the cooperation In our organization.记住培训的目的是理解文化差异,促进组织内部沟通合作。omprehe,4 Basic necessary to obtain transcultural abilities获得跨文化交际能力的基本要点,3.Mexico

9、 Traditions墨西哥传统,Some of the most popular traditions in Mexico are:墨西哥一些最受欢迎的传统节日。January 1st,New Year celebration(Statutory day)1月1日,新年(法定假日)January 6th,The 3 Kings or wise men(Non Statutory day)1月6日,三王节(非法定假日)February 2nd,Candelaria celebration(Non Statutory day)2月2日,圣烛节(非法定假日)February 5th,Mexico

10、Constitution celebration(Statutory day)2月5日,墨西哥立宪纪念日(法定假日)February 14th,San Valentin Day(Non Statutory day)2月14日,情人节(非法定假日)March 21th,Benito Juarez birthday(Statutory day)3月21日,贝尼托胡亚雷斯生日(法定假日)April-March,Eastern Celebration or holy week(Non Statutory Days)3-4月,圣周宗教节(非法定假日)April 30th,Childrens day(No

11、n Statutory day)4月30日,儿童节(非法定假日)May 1st,Labor Day Celebration(Statutory day)5月1日,国际劳动节(法定假日)May 5th,Battle of Puebla celebration(Non Statutory day)5月5日五月五日节/爱国主义节日(非法定假日)May 10th,Mothers Day(Non Statutory day)5月10日,母亲节(非法定假日)June 16th,Fathers Day(Non Statutory day)6月16日,父亲节(非法定假日)September 16th,Inde

12、pendence of Mexico Celebration(Statutory day)9月16日墨西哥国庆节(法定假日)November 2nd,Deaths Day(Non Statutory day)11月2日,亡灵节(非法定假日)November 20th,Revolution of Mexico Celebration(Statutory day)11月20日,革命纪念日(法定假日)December 12th,Virgin of Guadalupe Day(Non Statutory day)12月12日,瓜达卢佩圣母节(非法定假日)December 25th,Christmas

13、Celebration(Statutory day)12月25日,圣诞节(法定假日),Most popular Celebrations:最普遍的庆祝活动January 6th,The 3 Kings or wise men Celebration:1月6日,三王节Three Kings Day remains an important holiday for the people of Mexico.Known as Rosca de Reyes(Kings Cake),this holiday dessert offers much in the way of symbolism.Shap

14、ed in the round to signify a kings crown,this sweet bread holds a special surprise.Baked inside is a small plastic figurine representing the baby Jesus.Whoever finds this token is obligated to host an upcoming party for the occasion of Dia de la Candelaria(Candlemas Day)which occurs each year on Feb

15、ruary 2nd.三王节依然是墨西哥人心目中重要的节日。在这天除了互赠礼物外,还会专门制作一道甜点。人们把这道节日甜点叫做“国王面包”,这是三王节的象征。圆形象征国王的皇冠,这其中还隐藏着一个特殊的惊喜。里面有一个小型塑料人像,是小耶稣。如果有人吃到这块带有小耶稣的面包就要在2月2日“圣烛节”请客。The effigy of the baby Jesus,hidden inside the cake,represents another aspect of the holiday.The reason Jesus is hidden inside the bread is to symbol

16、ize how in life,the Christ childs birth location also needed to remain secret,in order that his life be spared.The ruler of Jerusalem at the time,King Herod,had been appraised of the mystical signs that indicated the new and rightful King of Jerusalem was soon to be born.Herods reaction to these pre

17、dictions was swift and horrible.藏在面包里的小耶稣像是出于对这个节日的尊重。因为圣婴降生地点需要保持神秘,这样才能使他幸免于难。当时耶路撒冷的统治者,King Herod(希律王),已经预见了耶路撒冷真正的新王即将诞生。希律王对这些语言的反应是非常迅速可怕的。,3.Mexico Traditions墨西哥传统,He ordered his minions to murder all male infants recently born in Bethlehem.However,as destiny would have it,Mary and Joseph fo

18、und their lodgings in a manger,not an inn.Herods henchmen didnt think to look for an infant in such a location.他命令他的部下前去伯利恒杀死所有刚刚诞生的男婴。然而,命运的安排,玛丽和约瑟夫住在马棚里,而不是小旅馆。希律王派去的部下并没有想到去那种地方寻找婴儿。The supper served on this special day is delicious corn tamales accompanied by hot chocolate.This makes for a perf

19、ectly quintessential Mexican meal and one that is enjoyed by everyone in attendance.三王节这天的晚饭是玉米粉蒸肉和热可可。这已经是一道经典墨西哥菜肴,在场所有人都可以去享用。,Most popular Celebrations:最普遍的庆祝活动February 14th,San Valentin Day Celebration:2月14,情人节In Mexico,February 14th is celebrated as“El Da del Amor y la Amistad,”the“day of love

20、 and friendship.”While people also give flowers,candies and balloons to their romantic partners,it is also a day to show appreciation for your friends.It is a time for people to show appreciation to the people they care about in general.在墨西哥,2月14日是“庆祝爱情与友谊”的。在这一天,人们给恋人赠送花朵、糖果和气球,同时也会给向朋友表示感谢。总的来说,人们

21、可以在这一天向自己在乎的人表示感谢与欣赏。,3.Mexico Traditions墨西哥传统,Most popular Celebrations:(Most Celebrated in Mexico)最普遍的庆祝活动(墨西哥大部分地区会举行)March-April,Holy Week or Eastern Celebration:3月-4月,圣周或复活庆典Semana Santa(Holy Week)is the week leading up to Easter.This is a very important holiday in Mexico.Religious celebrations

22、 are at the forefront,but its also a time when Mexican families head to the beaches and tourist attractions.Most schools have two weeks vacation at this time,both Semana Santa and the following week,which is referred to as Semana de Pascua,圣周是指复活节前一周。这在墨西哥是非常重要的节日。宗教庆典是最重要的,但在这段时间许多墨西哥家庭会去海边或者旅游景点度假

23、。大部分学校会放假两周,圣周和复活节。Maundy Thursday-Jueves Santo圣周四濯足节The Thursday of Holy Week is known as Maundy Thursday or Holy Thursday.This day commemorates the washing of the feet of the apostles,the Last Supper and Jesus arrest in Gethsemane.Some Mexican traditions for Maundy Thursday include visiting seven

24、churches to recall the vigil the apostles kept in the garden while Jesus prayed before his arrest,foot-washing ceremonies and of course Mass with Holy Communion.圣周的周四又叫做圣周四。这天是用来纪念耶稣为其门徒洗脚,最后的晚餐以及在客西马尼被捕。这天一些墨西哥传统是前往七座教堂,唤醒门徒,让他们在耶稣被捕前祈祷、洗脚仪式、圣餐弥撒时保持警惕。,3.Mexico Traditions墨西哥传统,Good Friday-Viernes S

25、anto圣周五耶稣受难日Good Friday recalls the crucifixion of Christ.On this day there are solemn religious processions in which statues of Christ and the Virgin Mary are carried through town.Often the participants of these processions dress in costumes to evoke the time of Jesus.Passion plays,dramatic recreat

26、ions of the crucifixion of Christ,are presented in many communities.The largest takes place in Iztapalapa,south ofMexico City,where over a million people gather every year for theVia Crucis.圣周五是为了纪念耶稣受难(被钉死在十字架上)。在这一天,人们言容肃穆手持耶稣及圣母玛利亚的雕像举行游行。游行参与者通常身穿特定服装,以此纪念耶稣受难时刻。在一些社区里还会有“耶稣受难复活剧”,“耶稣十字架受难再现”。最大

27、规模的游戏在墨西哥南部城市Iztapalapa,每年有数百万人聚集在那里铭记耶稣受难。,Most popular Celebrations:(Most Celebrated but only in San Luis and Queretaro)最普遍的庆祝活动(大多仅在San Luis 和Queretaro 举行)Holy Week or Eastern Celebration:(continues)圣周或者复活节庆典:(续前页)The Silent procession-Good Friday肃穆游行圣周五This procession if one of the most importan

28、t Holy Week observances in Mexico,one of the most important religious event for the state of San Luis Potos and emblematic for the city The procession takes place on Good Friday,in the historical center of the city of San Luis Potosi,which is filled with churches and colonial era buildings.Illuminat

29、ed with candles,the area has a church-like atmosphere and even though thousands of spectators line the streets,no one will speak during the hours of the procession,which gives it the name.肃穆游行是墨西哥圣周最重要的活动之一,也是圣路易斯波多西州最重要的宗教活动之一,是这个城市的象征。游行一般于周五在圣路易斯波多西的城市历史中心举行,那里有许多教堂和殖民时期的建筑。点燃的蜡烛使这个区域更加拥有教堂的肃穆神圣感

30、,成千上万的观众在街道两边,数小时的游行中没有人讲话,这也是这个游行的名字来历。,3.Mexico Traditions墨西哥传统,Most popular Celebrations:(Most Celebrated in Mexico)最普遍的庆祝活动(墨西哥大部分地区会举行)Holy Week or Eastern Celebration:(continues)圣周或者复活节庆典:(续前页)Holy Saturday-Sabado de Gloria圣周六复活节前夜In some places there is a custom of burning Judas in effigy bec

31、ause of his betrayal of Jesus,now this has become a festive occasion.Cardboard or paper mache figures are constructed,sometimes with firecrackers attached,and then burned.Often the Judas figures are made to look like Satan,but sometimes theyare made to resemblepolitical figures.在一些地方会有焚烧犹大雕像的习俗,因为他曾

32、背叛过耶稣。现在则变成了节日仪式的一种。制作一些纸质人像,有时还会系上鞭炮,然后燃放。犹大的形象通常会被制作成形似撒旦,但是有时他们也会做成酷似政治人物。,3.Mexico Traditions墨西哥传统,Most popular Celebrations:最普遍的庆祝活动May 10th,Mothers Day Celebration(Most Celebrated in Mexico)5月10日母亲节(墨西哥大部分地区会举行)In Mexico,Mothers Day is always celebrated on May 10 as opposed to the Mothers Day

33、in the US that fall on the second Sunday in the month of May.According to a custom in Mexico,sons and daughters come to the Family Home on the eve of Mothers Day on May 9.在墨西哥,5月10日这天会庆祝母亲节,不同于美国在五月的第二个周六庆祝母亲节。根据墨西哥传统,儿女们会在5月9日也就是母亲节前夜,回到家里。In several schools Mothers,Day functions are organized wher

34、e little ones present skits and songs to their Moms to express their gratitude and love.You can hear the most popular song“Las Mananitas”and some times the mariachi in a serenade when the mariachi sings to his/her Mother.在一些学校,母亲节这天会组织孩子们为母亲表演短剧,吟唱歌曲,以表示对母亲的感激之情和爱。最流行的歌曲是“Las Mananitas”;有时候一些墨西哥接头艺人

35、还会会母亲演唱小夜曲。“For Mexicans,first,there is the Virgin of Guadalupe,and,second,there is our mother,”“对墨西哥人来说,最重要的首先是瓜达卢佩圣母,然后是自己的母亲”,3.Mexico Traditions墨西哥传统,Most popular Celebrations:最普遍的庆祝活动November 2nd,Deaths Day Celebration(Most Celebrated in Mexico)11月2日,亡灵节(墨西哥大部分地区举行)The Day of the Dead or“El da

36、de los Muertos“is one of the most popular holidays in Mexico.The holiday includes two days.On the 1st of November or Da de los Angelitos(Day of the Little Angels)Mexicans celebrate babies and children.On the 2nd of November or Da de los Muertos or Da de los Difuntos(Day of the Dead)people of Mexico

37、honor the deceased grown-ups.亡灵节是墨西哥最广泛的节日之一。节日持续两天。11月1日,“天使日”,墨西哥人纪念去世的婴儿和小孩。11月2日,“亡灵日”,主要纪念去世的成人。his is a holiday when people remember dead family members.People build special altars which include sugar skulls,Marigold(Tagetes)flowers,food and drinks the deceased used.People also visit cemeterie

38、s and pray for their loved ones who died.这个几日主要是纪念去世的家人。人们搭建特殊的祭坛,上面摆放糖头骨,万寿菊,已故亲人喜欢的食物和饮料。人们还会去墓地拜谒所爱的人,并为他们祈祷。,3.Mexico Traditions墨西哥传统,Most popular Celebrations:最普遍的庆祝活动November 2nd,Deaths Day Celebration(continues)(Most Celebrated in Mexico)11月2日亡灵节(续前页)(墨西哥大多数地区举行)The origins of this holiday ar

39、e some 2500-3000 years ago in rituals commemorating the death of ancestors by numerous Indigenous nations(Olmec,Zapotec,Mixtec,Mexican or Aztec,Maya and Totonac)from what is now Mexico.Skulls were kept as trophies.The owners of those skulls presented them as symbols of death and rebirth.亡灵节起源于2500-3

40、000年前,一些居住在当今墨西哥领土上的土著族群(Olmec,Zapotec,Mixtec,Mexican or Aztec,Maya and Totonac)在这天会纪念祖先。逝者头颅则象征着死亡和再生。For most Mexicans the Day of the Dead is a good day for communication between the living and the dead.That is why all Mexican cemeteries are full of people on this day.Graves have special decoratio

41、ns.People build sort of altars which include food,beverage and other objects dearest to the dead person.In some towns like Mixquic,Ptzcuaro and Janitzio people stay there whole night.The most popular flowers for the occasion are orange marigolds called cempaschitl.对多数墨西哥人来说,亡灵节是生者与亡者之间交流的好时机。这就是为什么在

42、这天所有墨西哥墓地里都会有很多人。坟墓上会有特殊装饰。人们搭建祭坛,摆放逝者喜爱的食物、酒水饮料或其他东西。在某些城镇,例如 Mixquic,Ptzcuaro 和Janitzio,人们会在墓地里待一整晚。在这天里最常见的花朵是黄色的万寿菊。,3.Mexico Traditions墨西哥传统,Most popular Celebrations:最普遍的庆祝活动December 12th,Virgin of Guadalupe Day Celebration(Most Celebrated in Mexico)12月12日,瓜达卢佩圣母节(墨西哥大多数地区举行)Before the Christm

43、as season“officially”begins on December 16,day when the firstPosadatakes place,Mexicans join together for the festivities ofLa Virgen de Guadalupe,Our Lady of Guadalupe,on December 12.This is one of the most important dates in the Mexican calendar.在官方规定的从12月16日开始的圣诞季前,12月12日墨西哥人会聚集在一起庆祝瓜达卢佩圣母节。这是墨西哥

44、最重要的节日之一。On this date,thousands of the faithful to Our Lady of Guadalupe,from all over the country make the most important pilgrimage of all those undertaken during the year to theBaslica of Guadalupe,in Mexico City,where the miraculous image of laVirgen Morenais kept.在这天,成千上万瓜达卢佩圣母的信徒从全国各地前往墨城瓜达卢佩圣

45、母大教堂,朝拜瓜达卢佩圣母原像。On the day before the great celebration,thousands and thousands of people start to arrive.Trucks follow them to provide assistance and for them to have a place to rest if necessary.The monumental atrium of more than 46 thousand square meters begins to fill up.Some of the pilgrims arr

46、ive on their knees as a sign of their enormous devotion and gratitude for a favor received.There are many groups of dancers and musicians that have come to offer their art to the Virgin.By nighttime,the atrium is filled to bursting with pilgrims.在庆典前一天,成千上万人陆续达到。自驾卡车带着食物补给,必要时也会在上面休息。超过46,000平方米的教堂大

47、厅也人满为患。一些朝拜者跪拜抵达教堂,以示自己对圣母的感恩。还有一些舞者和歌者来这里为圣母表演。一到晚上,大厅里便全是朝拜者。,3.Mexico Traditions墨西哥传统,The mothers day celebration is one of the most popular traditions in Mexico?母亲节是墨西哥最普遍庆祝的节日之一吗?,Name other 2 of the most celebrated Traditions in Mexico?列举出其他2个墨西哥最著名的传统节日?,1.The cultures are not good or bad,bet

48、ter or worsethey are only different.文化没有好或坏,也没有更好或较差.他们只是有所不同Every culture as their own logic.每个文化都有自己的逻辑。The cultures are changing.文化在不断变化着。Generalize respect to any culture do not explain the guy,do not take it personal.推广对文化的尊重并不能代表这个人,这并不是个人职责。The cultures could be 90%similar,but the differences

49、 are the ones that causes problems.文化之间可能有90%的相似性,但是由不同点引起了问题。To understand cultures,you need to know yours.理解其他文化之前,你需要先理解你自己的文化。,6 Perspectives for the cultural understanding文化理解的6个要点,Breakfast from 8 am to 9 am 早餐时间:8点到9点,4.Food 食物,Lunch from 1 pm to 3 pm 午餐时间:1点到3点,4.Food,Lunch from 1 pm to 3 pm

50、午餐时间:1点到3点,4.Food,Dinner from 7 pm to 9 pm 晚餐时间:7点到9点,4.Food,Drinks 饮品,4.Food,What are the basics of Mexicos Labor Law?墨西哥劳工法的基本条款是那些?There are basically two federal laws that govern over labor issues in Mexico.有两条基本联邦法律引导解决墨西哥所有劳工纠纷问题。1.-Is the Federal Labor Law-Ley Federal del Trabajo 联邦劳工法2.-Is t


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