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1、GRE重点词汇汇总 整理了重点词汇,一起来看看吧,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。GRE重点词汇积累:impeccableimpeccable: 无缺点的; free from fault or blame : FLAWLESSimpeccable : flawblemish : impeccableimpeccable blemished, defective, flawed, tarnishedIt is surprising that historian criticize . as fanciful, since economist. impeccable logic.【考法1】adj

2、. 无罪的: free from sin, guilt or blame【例】 the belief that there can be no such thing as an impeccable soul 不相信存在无罪的灵魂【近】 blameless, clear, guiltless, inculpable, pure, sinless【反】 guilty, sinful 有罪的【考法2】adj. 无瑕的,无可挑剔的: free from fault or blame【例】 She had impeccable taste in clothes. 她有着无可挑剔的穿衣品味【近】 abs

3、olute, faultless, flawless, immaculate, indefectible, irreproachable, perfect, seamless, unblemished【反】 amiss, defective, faulty, flawed, imperfect 有错误的,有误差的impeccable : flaws = sterile : bacteriaimpeccable : flaw = indolent : stirimpeccable : flaw = perfection : errorimpeccable : flaw = ingenuous :

4、 guileblemish : impeccable = guile : artlessimpeccable blemished, defective, flawed, tarnishedGRE重点词汇积累:impedeimpede: 阻止; hamper; to hinder, get in the way of1) to stop the progress of; obstructSynonyms: hamper, interfere, obstructimpede facilitate, abet out, speed, abet, cheer, expedite【考法1】v. 妨碍,阻

5、碍: to interfere with or slow the progress of【例】 Storms at sea impeded our expedition. 海上的风暴阻碍了我们的远征【近】 clog, embarrass, encumber, fetter, hinder, inhibit, obstruct, retard, shackle, stymie, trammel【反】 aid, assist, facilitate, help 促进,帮助【派】impediment n. 障碍,阻碍An unexpected visit from friends from out

6、of town impeded on her plan to paint the living room.The rain impeded the work on the building.Re:impede: 阻止; hamper; to hinder, get in the way ofimpede : ENCUMBRANCE = DIVERT : DISTRACTIONimpede : hamper = fast : hungerimpede : INCUMBRANCE = divert : distractionencumbrance : impede = divert : distr

7、actionobstructionist : impede = provocative : arouseblandishment : cajole = obstacle : impede = explanation : enlightenGRE重点词汇积累:loquaciousloquacious: 多嘴的; given to fluent or excessive talk1) tending to or characterized by excessive talk2) full of trivial conversation3) tending to talk a great deal;

8、 talkativeSynonyms: talkative, verbose, wordyloquacious silent, succinct, laconic, reticent, taciturnloquacious: talkloquacious : talkativeEmilys loquacious roommate constantly distracted her from her studies.loquacious : complain : obsequious : respectloquacious : laconic : maladroit : deftloquacio

9、us : succinct : adroit : ineptloquacious : succinct : adroit : ungainlyloquacious : talkative :loquacious : talkative : flatter : praiseloquacious : talkative : prudent : modestloquacious : talkative : rash : adventurousloquacious : talkative : reckless : adventurousloquacious : word : profligate :

10、moneyloquacious : words : prodigal : moneyloquaciousness : talk : extravagance : expenditureloquaciousness : talkativeness : flattery : praiseloquacity disinclined to speakloquacity reluctance to speakRETICENT effusive, frank, loquacious, talkative, volubleLaconicprolix ? loquaciousloquacious(A) tra

11、nquil(B) skeptical(C) morose(D) taciturn(E) wittyloquacious : taciturn = voluble : tersenessGRE重点词汇积累:impassiveimpassive: 冷淡的; revealing no emotion; expressionless1) not subject to pain, without feeling or emotion2) showing no emotionSynonyms: apathetic, dispassionate, stoic, unmovedimpassive pertur

12、bation, perfervid, emotional, overwrought, excitedimpassive : perturbdeadpan : impassiveEven when his father died he gave an impassive response and walked out tearless.Her expected announcement was met by an impassive facial expression.Though he seemed impassive at the collapse of his company, his w

13、ife could see that he was in despair.【考法1】adj. 冷漠的,无感情的: giving no sign of feeling or emotion【例】 She remained impassive as the officers informed her of her sons death. 她面不改色地听着警官宣读她 儿子的死讯【近】 affectless, apathetic, cold-blooded, deadpan, emotionless, numb, phlegmatic, stoic, undemonstrative【反】 demons

14、trative, emotional, fervent, fervid, impassioned, passionate, vehement 充满感情的GRE重点词汇积累:querulousquerulous: 发牢骚的; complaining; peevish; inclined to find fault1) given to complaining2) complaining in a petulant or whining mannerSynonyms: dissatisfied, fretful, whiningquerulous : complainquerulous : wor

15、dsFew of his classmates liked the querulous child, which only made him more irritable.querulous : complain = disaffected : rebel 【选项有prodigal : conserve】querulous : complain = prodigal : spendquerulous : complain = sycophant : flattery 发牢骚的:抱怨=奉承的:谄媚querulous : complain = sycophantic : flattery 好抱怨的 : 抱怨 = 奉承的 : 諂媚querulous : complain = voluble : talk 满腹牢骚的:抱怨=多话的:说话 (A is a person who does B a lot)querulous : words = profligate : money? 发牢骚的:话=挥金如土的:金钱GRE重点词汇汇总


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