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1、GRE重点词汇解析整理5篇 这里有你不得不背的GRE重点词汇,整理了GRE重点词汇解析,我们一起来看看吧,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。GRE重点词汇解析:contiguouscontiguous: 接壤的,接近的, in contact, adjoining1) touching; or adjoining and close, but not touching2) adjacent to; touching uponSynonyms: adjacent, bordering, neighboring, touchingcontiguous disjunctive(分离性的)contigu

2、ous disjunctThe state of Alaska is contiguous with Canada but not with the United States.There are many contiguous buildings in the city because there is no excess land to allow space between them.GRE重点词汇解析:ephemeralephemeral: 短暂的, lasting a very short time1) very short-lived; lasting only a short t

3、ime2) enduring a very short timeSynonyms: brief, fleeting, momentary, passingephemeral eternal, lasting, permanent, enduring, worldly, perpetuate, endured, everlasting, permanence, perpetualephemeral : preserve = invisible : seeephemeral : persist = invisible: seeephemeral : longevityParadoxically,

4、his work combined with universal topical is ephemeral rather than permanent/eternal.Pleasure may be ephemeral, but so is pain.Living alone gave him an ephemeral happiness, soon to be replaced with utter loneliness.GRE重点词汇解析:gulliblegullible: 易受骗的; easily duped , fooled or cheated1) easily deceived2)

5、 adj. 易受骗的,易被利用的: easily duped or cheated, readily taken advantage of3) easily tricked because of being too trustingSynonyms: naive, trusting; dewy-eyed, exploitable, naive, susceptible, unwary, wide-eyed gullible skeptical, suspicious ;1. I hope that you are not so gullible as to believe a single w

6、ord of his tall tales.2. Gullible people are vulnerable to practical jokes.3. They sell overpriced souvenirs to gullible tourists.credulities : gullible = Obstinate(?) : pretentiousgullible : trust = mawkish : sentimentalitybelieve : gullible = discern : acute (A B)gullible : chicanery = servile : d

7、ominationreceptive : gullible = PATRIOTIC: CHAUVINISTIC )GRE重点词汇解析:laconiclaconic: 简洁的; concise, using few words1) sparing of words; terse, pithy2) using few words; terse: a laconic reply.laconic voluble, prolix, garrulous, loquacious, verboselaconism verbosityvoluble : laconiclaconic : speechlaconi

8、c : volubilitylaconic : curtloquacious : laconic1. For someone as laconic as she, who preferred to speak only when absolutely necessary, his relentless chatter was completely maddening.2. After a laconic introduction the program began.3. The people enjoyed the public addresses of the laconic queen.4

9、. His laconic replies of a sentence or two unfairly earned him a reputation for being rude.Synonyms: brusque, concise, succinct; rudely abrupt, blunt, brusk, brusque, curtlaconic: using or involving the use of a minimum of words : concise to the point of seeming rude or mysteriousGRE重点词汇解析:awryawry:

10、 扭曲的,走样的(deviating from a straight line or direction)1) (adj; adv.) crooked(ly); uneven(ly); wrong; askew2) distorted; crookedawry orderly 有序的, aligned 成一行的Hearing the explosion in the laboratory, the scientist realized the experiment had gone awry.awry: 扭曲的, 走样的awry ORDERED 歪斜awry straight, aligned, orderlyALIGNRIFE,AWRY,WARPED,CURVED,ASKEW 排整齊;使.成一條直線到處充斥;扭曲的awryorderly/aligned扭曲的有序的,整洁的/排列的GRE重点词汇解析整理5篇


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