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1、GRE阅读专业长阅读如何复习 专业长阅读如何复习?专家为你支招?我们来看看吧,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。专业长阅读如何复习?专家为你支招GRE考试中的阅读题,时间和题量上的严格要求,让不少初涉阅读的同学倍感压力。大家怎么样才能在紧张而短暂的十几分钟内做好GRE阅读呢?*将为大家汇总介绍一些GRE专业长阅读应对技巧,希望可以帮助大家攻克阅读难关,取得理想的成绩!专业长阅读是软肋很多考生只要面对的长阅读是社科专业类的,更准确说是艺术类的,就往往答得比较糟糕。根据一般经验,中国考生最害怕的就是社科类的长阅读,经常花了很多时间好好读,但结果还是不知所云,再加上几个不认识的单词,几乎题目全蒙的,不


3、主义等,艺术类则包括印象主义、现实主义等流派。另外需要留意的是上述知识的代表人物,混个眼熟,考试时如果碰到一大串人名,只要对其中一两个眼熟,也有利于猜测出大概的意思来。以上就是为大家整理的GRE专业长阅读的备考方案了。大家可以结合自己的实际情况,在有一定GRE阅读量的基础上,对一些美国专业知识进行补习,从而取得理想的成绩GRE考试之每日一篇双语阅读As other countries move to ban Muslim head coverings, Turkey is going the opposite way.当其他国家正执行穆斯林头巾禁令时,土耳其却反其道而行。Women have

4、been free to wear headscarves at state universities since 20XX, and in parliament since 20XX.自20XX年以来,女性可以不受限制地在公立大学戴头巾,并且从20XX年开始女性可以戴头巾进入国会。Last August policewomen were allowed to cover their heads; in November a ban on headscarves among civilian defense staff was lifted.去年八月份允许女警察戴头巾;11月份解除了民事国防人

5、员不得戴头巾的禁令。In 1925 Kemal Ataturk, Turkeys first president, declared that a “civilized, international dress” was “worthy and appropriate” for the new republic.1925年土耳其第一任总统凯末尔阿塔图尔克宣布:“文明且与国际接轨的着装是与新共和国相称且恰当的。”For men, this meant Western shoes, trousers, shirts and tiesin with the bowler and out with t

6、he fez.这意味着男子要西装革履废除费兹帽并改戴常礼帽。Women were urged to follow European fashion, dance the foxtrot and work in the professions.鼓励女子跟随欧州时尚,跳狐步舞并进入各行各业工作。In 1934 Turkey let women vote and banned the wearing of the Islamic veil.1934年土耳其允许妇女投票并禁止佩戴穆斯林面纱。Curbs on religious garb were tightened in the 1990s.二十世纪

7、九十年代对宗教服装的限制更加严格。Fatma Benli, a lawyer and parliamentarian, remembers being asked to remove her scarf before defending her dissertation in the late 1990s.作为一名律师和国会议员,Fatma Benli记得九十年代末她在论文答辩前被要求除去头巾。In 1999 an MP who came to parliament in a headscarf was booed out.1999年一位国会议员因戴头巾进入国会而被赶了出去。That bega

8、n to change after 2002, as the Justice and Development (AK) party consolidated power.随着正义与发展(AK)党巩固权利,自2002年后情况开始改变。Today 21 covered women sit in parliament.今天有21位戴头巾的女性在国会占据席位。Critics say the AK party has promoted veiling by preferring veiled job applicants and conservative groups.批评家说AK党通过倾向选择遮面的求

9、职者和保守团体,从而促使妇女去戴头巾。Binnaz Toprak, a sociologist and opposition politician, has found that some women, especially in the public sector, wear the scarf to further their careers.社会学家和反对党政客Binnaz Toprak发现有些女性通过戴头巾以求升职,这种情况在公共部门尤其严重。Some secularists see a link between stricter Islamic dress norms and inc

10、reased violence against women.一些世俗主义者看到在更严格的伊斯兰着装规范与对女性暴力的增加之间的联系。In September a nurse in Istanbul was kicked in the face by a man enraged at her shorts.九月份,在伊斯坦布尔,由于被一名护士身着短裤激怒,一名男子踢伤了这名护士。He was quickly released, to be rearrested only after an outcry.该男子很快就被释放,但在一片抗议声中再次入狱。At a protest several wee

11、ks later a teenage student, Oznur, complained about a hostile climate in the district where she lives: “We cant walk on our own in the evening without being harassed.”在几周后的一次抗议活动中,一名青少年学生Oznur抱怨她生活地区怀有恶意的风气:“我们在晚上穿着随意出门总会被骚扰。”She and her friends wanted neither a return to Kemalist dress codes nor th

12、eir replacement by Islamic ones.她和朋友既不希望回到基马尔式的着装规范,也不希望它被伊斯兰式的所代替。The state, she said, has no business telling women what they should wear.她声称这个国家无权对妇女的穿着进行干涉。GRE阅读双语训练Can a Muslim woman be denied a job because of her headscarf?穆斯林妇女就该因为头巾而遭遇求职被拒吗?SAMANTHA ELAUF, a young Muslim woman, did well in h

13、er interview for a job at a childrens branch of Abercrombie Fitch, a casual-clothing store, in Tulsa, Oklahoma. But when the interviewer told a manager about Ms Elaufs black headscarf, she was instructed to lower the applicants “appearance” score and deny her the job. According to the companys “look

14、 policy”, employees must align their dress with the “preppy look of the Ivy League” and must not wear “caps” or black clothing. In fact Abercrombie is best-known for the half-naked (but preppy) hunks that adorn its shopping bags.萨曼莎埃劳夫是一名穆斯林少女,曾在Abercrombie Fitch休闲服装公司(位于奥克拉何马州吐桑市)的童装分公司面试中表现不错。然而,当

15、面试者和经理谈起埃劳夫小姐的黑色头巾时,埃劳夫小姐的“形象分”便大打折扣,而且她的求职也被拒绝了。根据该公司的“外貌政策(look policy)”,雇员着装要求必须符合“常青藤学院派风格”,不能戴“帽子”,不能穿黑色衣服。事实上,AF公司却是因印刷在购物袋上半裸(但具学院风)的大块头而闻名于世。Ms Elauf turned to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), which sued the store on her behalf. A federal district court in Oklahoma ruled t

16、hat in refusing to hire Ms Elauf because of her religious practice, Abercrombie had violated Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. On appeal, the Tenth Circuit Court held for the company. If Ms Elauf wanted a religious accommodation, the appeals court said, she should have asked for it.埃劳夫小姐向公平

17、就业机会委员会(EEOC)求助,该委员会代表她起诉了AF。奥克拉荷马州的联邦地区法院裁决,AF公司因宗教习俗而拒绝雇佣埃劳夫小姐,违反了1964年民权法案第七章条例。经过上诉,第十巡回法院适用该公司。如果埃劳夫小姐想要一个宗教住房,上诉法庭表示她应该申请一个的。On February 25th the Supreme Court heard arguments in the case. The chief justice, John Roberts, worried that the EEOCs view would lead an interviewer to grill a bearded

18、 applicant with a “Middle Eastern appearance” about possible “religious reasons” for his facial hair while asking no other applicants about grooming. “It seems that your solution causes more problems,” he told the governments lawyer.2月25日,最高法院主张对案件开辩论庭。公平就业机会委员会(EEOC)的观点会促使面试者对有着“中东外貌”、长满胡子的求职者进行“严刑

19、拷问”,内容包括与他的脸部毛发相关的“宗教原因”,相比之下此类美容问题不会问及其他求职者;首席大法官约翰罗伯茨对此表示担忧。“看起来,你的解决之道招致更多麻烦,”他对政府律师说道。The toughest question for the other side came from Justice Samuel Alito, author of a decision earlier this term protecting the right of a Muslim inmate to grow a beard. Imagine that “a Sikh man wearing a turban

20、”, “a Hasidic man wearing a hat”, “a Muslim woman wearing a hijab” and “a Catholic nun in a habit” come in for an interview. In order to be accommodated, would these individuals have to say, “Im dressed this way for a religious reason”? Abercrombies lawyer admitted that some “religious outfits” are

21、“more obvious than others”. But the significance of Ms Elaufs headscarf, he said, was “ambiguous”.另一派的“烫手山芋”源于塞缪尔阿里托法官,曾主张维护一名穆斯林囚犯蓄胡子的权利。假想一下:一名锡克教男子戴着头巾,抑或哈希德派人戴帽子,抑或一名穆斯林妇女戴着希贾布(头巾),又或修行的天主教修女,走进来面试。这些人为了适应大环境可能会说“我穿成这样是处于宗教信仰”吗?AF公司的律师承认,“一些宗教服饰”比“其他人的更加明显招摇”。但是他补充道,埃劳夫小姐头巾的意义是“不明确的”。Putting the

22、 onus on employers without “actual knowledge” of applicants religious scruples would be “unadministrable”, the stores lawyer argued, and would lead to stereotyping. The governments lawyer disaGREed: the interviewer just needed to explain the “look policy”, and ask applicants if they had trouble complying with it. Most of the justices seemed to sympathise with Ms Elauf. A decision is expected by the end of June.律师继续说道,雇主对求职者的“宗教顾忌”“不知情”却要一切承担罪责,这么做是“处理不当”的,而且还会引发陈腔滥调。政府律师反驳道:固执只需要解释“外貌政策(look policy)”,并且询问求职者是否有困难遵守条例。大部分法官似乎同情埃劳夫小姐,将于六月底做出决议。GRE阅读专业长阅读如何复习


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