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1、GRE阅读如何提取解题线索技巧介绍 GRE阅读提取解题线索技巧介绍 ,*要有重点的看!我们来看看吧,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。GRE阅读提取解题线索技巧介绍 *要有重点的看GRE阅读题目怎么做,这是每个踏入GRE备考工作的考生都十分关心的问题。一般来说,在做GRE阅读题时,从阅读*开始就需要进行思考。在看一篇阅读*的时候,尽可能多的获得信息,就可以大量节省时间,同时做题也会更流畅。下面就由来介绍具体的阅读方法。GRE阅读做题要抓*重点对于一篇阅读来说,最重要的就是结构,所以首先要关注focus,关注作者对focus的态度、评价,缺陷及需要改进的地方。然后重点读首段和各段首句,注意起承转合

2、,看不懂的继续往下看,只关心是顺接还是转折关系。同时还要做一下笔记,尤其是新观点、TS、判断句、虚拟语气、强对比、强转折、最高级、唯一性、比较级、列举,大写名词、时间,地点,人名等,不要精读,记住位置即可,可以简单做一下标记。阅读速度一定要快,能不读则不读,能少读则少读,长*一定要只看框架,大胆的略读粗读,做笔记,读题,精确定位,解题需要特别注意这些内容:1. 强对比、强转折、双重否定2. 比较级、最高级、唯一性、“所有”, only, in particular3. 大写名词、斜体字做好标记4. 有关时间的句子,弄清楚前后关系5. 反复出现的关键词,弄清其含义6. 虚拟、让步语气7. 转折、

3、比较弄清比较双方是谁8. *脉络,作者的观点和倾向,评价最重要GRE阅读题型分类要清楚了解1.按写作方法分:presentation立论, argument评论2.按写作套路分:新旧观点型、现象解释型、结论解释型、问题解决型3.按题材分:文学评论,美国历史,弱势群体,生命科学GRE阅读整体思路和方法先读*后做题,阅读速度一定要快,勇敢的省略,记住:看题时间要比看文时间长,一般推荐使用两遍法,第一遍通读,重点看*的结构、focus、作者态度,第二遍在解题时定位阅读。同时,解任何题目时都要回到原文中定位,严格把握文字对应法,每个正确答案都必须找到依据,绝对不可凭记忆或知识背景做题。特别注意的是,不

4、要精读,不必了解*的意思,速度一定要快,一定要作笔记,时间不够看首段和各段首句。然后,每天都积累几个GRE句子,总之阅读的关键就是:“速度 定位 改写”。以上就是新GRE阅读一些重点知识点和如何来做新GRE阅读方法的介绍,希望通过这些技巧和知识,帮助考生们在新GRE阅读考试中,战胜难题的挑战,取得理想的成绩。【高分GRE阅读材料】女孩变美成长为魅力女性要接受多少洗礼?FOR tips on taking a selfie, talk to teenage girls.Many know that your “good” side is the one without your parting,

5、 and that it is slimming topose with a hand on hip and legs “bevelled” (one straight, the other bent). Not quite pleasedwith the results? Simply download one of many “selfie surgery apps” to edit blemishes, whitenteeth and shrink noses.想知道自拍的小贴士的就去问那些少女吧。很多人都明白好看的自拍照就是不露出身体的其他部位,或者一只手放在臀部,两条腿倾斜(一条伸直

6、,另一条弯曲)。如果你对这个拍摄结果仍不满意的话,很简单,在众多自拍手机软件中下载一个可以遮瑕祛斑、美白牙齿和挺鼻功能的app即可。这篇阅读材料还有MP3音频哦!下载传送门Adolescents have always been keenly aware of how they are seen by their peers. But socialmedia amplify this self-consciousness. Now that nearly three-quarters of American teens have access to a smartphone, many of

7、them while away their days broadcasting their thoughts,photos and lapses in judgment for immediate praise or scorn from hundreds of “friends”.Being a teenager was never easy, but this is the first time your charm, looks or popularity have been so readily quantifiable, and your mistakes so easy for o

8、thers to see. Just how this technological revolution affects young peopleand particularly young womenis the subject of two fascinating new American books.青少年总是能够很敏锐地意识到他们的同龄人是如何评价自己的。但是社交媒体将这种自我意识放大了。现在近四分之三的美国青少年都在使用智能手机。很多人会上传他们的想法,照片来消磨度日,为了成百的朋友的点赞或嘲笑而陷入别人的评价中。作为青少年并不容易,这是你的魅力、外貌和知名度第一次如此容易量化,同时

9、你的错误也很容易被他人看到。技术变革如何影响年轻人,尤其是年轻女性,是美国两本极具吸引力的新书主题。For many girls, the constant seeking of “likes” and attention on social media can “feel like beinga contestant in a never-ending beauty pageant”, writes Nancy Jo Sales in “American Girls”, athoroughly researched if sprawling book. In this image-satur

10、ated environment, comments on girls photos tend to focus disproportionately on looks, bullying is common and anxieties about female rivals are rife. In interviews, girls complain of how hard it is to appear “hot” butnot “slutty”, sexually confident but not “thirsty” (ie, desperate). That young women

11、 of ten aspire to be titillating should not be surprising given that the most successful female celebrities often present themselves as eye-candy for the male gaze. “Everybody wants to take a selfie as good as the Kardashians,” says Maggie, a 13-year-old.南希在美国女孩一书(一本体系庞大研究彻底的书)中写道,对于很多女孩来说,在社交媒体上持续不

12、断地追求“点赞”和被关注感觉像是在参加一个永无止境的选美比赛。在这个图片饱和的时代,对女孩照片的评论过多地集中在长相上,欺凌最常见不过了,女性之间的竞争焦虑盛行。在采访中,女孩们抱怨要做到看起来火热而不淫荡,在两性方面自信而不显得饥渴。年轻女性经常渴望成为撩人一方,这不足为奇,因为最成功的的女明星往往会展现自己的魅力,从而让男性大饱眼福。13岁的玛吉说每个人都想要像卡戴珊一样有好看的自拍照。Such self-objectification comes at a cost. A review of studies from 12 industrialised countries found t

13、hat adolescent girls around the world are increasingly depressed and anxious about their weight and appearance.如此的自我人格物化需要付出一定的代价。一项关于12个工业化国家的研究回顾表明,全世界青春期的女生对她们的体重外貌感到越来越沮丧和焦虑。【GRE阅读资料】常春藤盟校辉今非昔比 申请留学美国还需慎重择校“WE DO not release statistics on grade-point averages so we cant speak to the accuracy of

14、the information you have.” That was a flack forYale, but other Ivy League collegeswith the partial exception of Princetonwere equallyreluctant to discuss their grading practices with The Economist.“我们并不发布有关平均绩点的统计数据因此无法回应你所持有的信息的准确性。”这是耶鲁大学的宣传手段,但是其他的常春藤联盟高校,除了普林斯顿大学之外,都不愿与经济学人讨论他们的打分详情。Are they try

15、ing to hide something? Perhaps. Stuart Rojstaczer, a critic of grade inflation, hasestimated average grades over time by combining dozens of unofficial and official sources. Theresults are startling (see chart). In 1950, Mr Rojstaczer estimates, Harvards average grade was a C-plus. An article from 2

16、0XX in the Harvard Crimson, a student newspaper, revealed thatthe median grade had soared to A-minus: the most commonly awarded grade is an A. Thestudents may be much cleverer than before: the Ivies are no longer gentlemens clubs for richknuckleheads. But most probably, their marks mean less.他们是不是试图

17、逃避什么?也许是吧!斯科特罗伊斯塔柴尔这个对分数贬值进行批判的学者通过综合各种非官方和官方资源估计了平均分。结果令人震惊。1950年,罗伊斯塔柴尔估计哈佛的平均分是C+。来自哈佛深红报学生报纸的一篇*透露该校的平均成绩已经遽升至A-;最常见的打分是A。或许现在的学生要比从前的聪明很多,常春藤联盟高校不再是富裕的笨孩子的绅士俱乐部。但更可能的是,他们的分数的含金量不如从前高。Universities pump up grades because many students like it. Administrators claim that toughgrading leads to rival

18、ry and stress for students. But if that is true, why have grades at all?Brilliant students complain that, thanks to grade inflation, little distinguishes them from their so-so classmates. Employers agree. When so many students get As, it is hard to figure outwho is clever and who is not.高校提高分数是因为许多学

19、生喜欢高分数。管理者声称严格的打分制会激化学生们的竞争意识会增加他们的压力。但是倘若这一假设属实,那我们干嘛还要分数?成绩优异的学生抱怨感谢分数贬值,他们不再能够在那些资质平平的学生中脱颖而出。招聘方也同意这种说法。当所有的学生都拿A时,实在是难以区分谁更聪明。特别申明:*内容*网络,版权归原作者所有,如有侵权请立即与我们联系contactuszhaGRE考试阅读真题及答案From 1910 to 1913, women suffragists in the United States organized annual paradesactivity traditionally conduct

20、ed by men to proclaim solidarity in some causenot only as a public expression of suffragist solidarity but also a conscious transgression of the rules of social order: womens very presence in the streets challenged traditional notions of femininity and restrictions on womens conduct. While recognizi

21、ng the parades rhetorical force as a vehicle for social change, scholars have recently begun to examine its drawbacks as a form of protest. Lumsden characterizes the American suffrage parade as a “double-edged sword”, arguing that womens efforts to proclaim their solidarity left them open to patroni

22、zing commentary from press and public and to organized opposition from antisuffragists.1. It can be inferred from the passage that mens and womens parades were similar in that bothA. were employed as rhetorical vehicles for social changeB. were regarded as violating contemporary standards of public

23、decorumC. made participants vulnerable to organized oppositionD. were largely ineffective as forms of protestE. were intended by their participants as public declarations of solidarity2. The passage suggests which of the following about proponents of the “rules of social order?”A. They frowned upon

24、public displays such as parades.B. They had ulterior motives for objecting to womens participation in suffrage parades.C. They formed the core of the organized opposition to women suffrage.D. They believed that it was unfeminine for women to march in suffrage parades.E. They supported womens rights to vote but disapprove some of the methods that suffragists employed to gain that right.答案:E D


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