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1、GRE阅读提分有哪些备考方法需要学习 GRE阅读提分有哪些备考方法需要学习?这6个要点需要了解,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。GRE阅读提分有哪些备考方法需要学习?这6个要点需要了解新GRE阅读提高方法解析:熟悉考点新GRE考试阅读首先要熟悉常考考点。俗化说,知己知彼,百战百胜。要想迅速攻克新GRE阅读难关,就要了解出题者的思维。根据题目反推原文考点,题目都考了原文哪些内容,自己有没有关注到这些内容并做标记,这些内容都有什么可总结的规律、特征词。这样总结非常重要,如果坚持下去,很短一段时间后,就会发现一些固定的原文出题点,日后再读原文的时候也就会自然而然地关注它们了。新GRE阅读提高方法解析



4、期的过程,不是说练习几天就会有效果的。哪怕你的方法是正确的,可能短期效果也不是很明显。所以,这个时候是最关键的时候,往往离胜利就在一步之间,坚持住可能就会豁然开朗。上面就是关于GRE阅读提高方法的全方位解析,各位考生可以结合自身备考情况,参考学习这些方法,祝各位都能取得满意的成绩。新GRE阅读练习题Drug companies lose money when manufacturing drugs that cure those suffering from rare diseases because selling a drug to only a few people usually do

5、es not recoup manufacturing expenses.Therefore, a company manufacturing any of the drugs that cure those suffering from loxemia, an extremely rare disease, will undoubtedly lose money.Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the conclusion above?(A)Several drugs that cure those suffer

6、ing from loxemia also cure those suffering from very common illnesses.(B)Most of those who contract loxemia also con-tract another illness concurrently.(C)Most of the drug companies that manufacture drugs that cure rare diseases do not manufac-ture drugs that cure loxemia.(D)A sizable number of peop

7、le are afflicted with one or another rare disease even though each rare disease afflicts only a small number of people.(E)The larger the amount of a drug that is manu-factured, the lower the manufacturing expense for each unit of the drug that is produced.答案:C新GRE阅读练习题The tomb of a warrior killed in

8、 1501 bears a sculpted portrait depicting him dressed for battle.Some his-torians attribute the portrait to an artist from that century, but of the many references to the tomb in surviving documents, none that predates the 1800s mentions the portrait.The portrait is therefore more likely the work of

9、 a much later artist.Which of the following, if true, would also support the conclusion of the argument if substituted for the evidence given concerning the portrait?(A)The portrait of the warrior was commissioned by the family of the warriors widow.(B)References in surviving documents mention that

10、an artist was paid in 1525 for an unspecified number of works for the church in which the tomb is located(C)The warrior is depicted in the portrait as wearing boots made of a material not used for boots until the 1700s.(D)Some other art treasures from the church in which the tomb is located have bee

11、n reliable dated to the 1400s.(E)The portrait of the warrior on the tomb strongly resembles a portrait of him known to have been completed during his lifetime.答案:C新GRE阅读练习题Gray wolves have been absent from a large national park for decades. Park officials wish to reestablish the wolves without jeopa

12、rdizing any existing species of wildlife there. Since the park contains adequate prey for the wolves and since the wolves avoid close contact with people, reintroducing them would serve the officials purpose without seriously jeopardizing visitors safety.Each of the following, if true, strengthens t

13、he argument above EXCEPT:(A) The park is so large that wolves will not need to venture into areas frequented by people.(B) Rabies is very rare in wolves, and there have been no verified cases of serious human injuries from nonrabid wild wolves since records have been kept.(C) Ranchers in the region

14、near the park have expressed concern that gray wolves, if reintro-duced, would sometimes prey on their livestock.(D) Predation by gray wolves on elk in the park is likely to improve the health and viability of the parks elk population as a whole by reducing malnutrition among the elk.(E) Wolves do n

15、ot prey on animals of any endangered species that currently inhabit the park.答案:C新GRE阅读练习题Women make up the majority of the population in the country, and many of the prescriptions written by doctors for tranquilizers are for women patients. The testing of these drugs for efficacy and the calibratio

16、n of recommended doses, however, was done only on men. Not even the animals used to test toxicity were female.The statements above, if true, best support which of the following as a conclusion?(A) Some tranquilizers are more appropriately pre-scribed for women than for men.(B) There have been no rep

17、orts of negative side effects from prescribed tranquilizers in women(C) Tranquilizers are prescribed for patients in some instances when doctors do not feel confident of their diagnoses.(D) The toxicity of drugs to women is less than the toxicity of the same drugs to men.(E) Whether the recommended dosages of tranquil-izers are optimal for women is not known.答案:E


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