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1、GRE阅读提速备考3个训练要点讲解 GRE阅读提速备考3个训练要点讲解 养成正确阅读习惯是关键,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。GRE阅读提速备考3个训练要点讲解 养成正确阅读习惯是关键适应英语表达方式因为英语并非我们的母语,很多考生不太习惯英语的表达方式。因为英语的表达与汉语的表达有很大的区分点,所以很多考生在接触到GRE阅读*的时候都需要一个转换的过程。比如,看到一个单词,都想要先去明白这个单词的意思,再去理解整个句子,并且往往阅读中的很多句子都习惯使用倒装形式,这在一定的程度上又会给考生带来一定的压力。那么怎么解决这种情况呢?通常来说,最好的方法就是熟练,多读*,不断地阅读与GRE考试相

2、关的*,经过阅读积累经验,做到不硬纠结一个单词的意思,而是试图通过速读充分了解*的大致内容和基本逻辑。通过锻炼缩短语言切换的时间,最后达到一种一旦阅读GRE*就迅速转换到英语环境的模式。提升逻辑思维能力很多时候考生可以根据自己的预测来提升自己在GRE阅读中的速度。假设你看到作者在*中的第一句话设定为many people,prevail,past time等以这些词语做开头,那么你就要在脑海中迅速思考出一点,那就是此篇*很有可能是关于新老观点交换类的,因为这些词后面往往会紧跟一个老观点,然后一定出新的however,but之类的转折,这就是*中所提出的新观点。紧接着,你还要迅速分析*中的方式论


4、阅读习惯,提升你对GRE*结构的预判,还要和读中文*一样,掌握GRE阅读技巧。那么经过长时间的训练,你会发现自己的阅读速度会有一个突飞猛进的进步。希望各位考生在今后的练习中都能得到提升!期待认真备考,以便在GRE考试中顺利答题,取得优异的成绩。GRE考试阅读理解练习题及答案Our study revealed that nest-guarding long-tailed skinks (a species of lizard) homed (returned to their nests) more successfully when displaced shorter distances.

5、There are two reasons why homing success rates decreased with increasing displacement distance. One possibility is that females were simply displaced too far to find their way home. However, this is unlikely given that some individuals managed to find their way home from each distance we used. The s

6、econd possibility deals with trade-offs between the risks associated with making a long return trip and the benefits of returning. Animals should expend energy only when the associated costs are low. As reptiles increase the time spent moving, their daily energy expenditure increases dramatically. T

7、he energetic costs of returning home and the chances that the eggs will have been preyed upon during the return trip both increase substantially as displacement distance increases. For example, the 130 hours (5.5 days) that female skinks spent returning from a distance of 300 meters is sufficient fo

8、r an egg-eating snake to locate and prey upon the entire clutch. However, females with larger clutches were more likely to home at distances over 50 meters. For these females, the relative fitness benefits associated with having more eggs successfully hatch may outweigh the energetic costs of return

9、ing to a nest site, even if the nest may have already been preyed upon.1. The primary purpose of the passage is toA. question the validity of research on nest-guarding behavior in long-tailed skinksB. consider explanations for a finding regarding long-tailed skinksC. discuss the importance of homing

10、 for long-tailed skinksD. describe the relationship between clutch size and homing success in long-tailed skinksE. identify the benefits of a behavior common among long-tailed skinks2. The claim in the highlighted sentence assumes which of the following about the individuals that managed to find the

11、ir way home from each distance?A. They were less able to detect egg-eating predators than were the other long-tailed skinks studied.B. They were more averse to risk than were the other long-tailed skinks studiedC. They expended less energy when homing than did the other long-tailed skinks studied.D.

12、 They did not possess better homing skills than did the other long-tailed skinks studied.E. They had significantly smaller clutches than did the other long-tailed skinks studied.3. The second possibility implies which of the following as a possible explanation for the female long-tailed skinks that

13、failed to home from distances over 50 meters ?A. They had relatively small clutchesB. They were unable to find their way homeC. They lacked sufficient energy to home successfullyD. They had male long-tailed skinks guarding their clutchesE. They detected evidence of egg-eating snakes In the vicinity

14、of their nests.P461Our study revealed that nest-guarding long-tailed skinks (a species of lizard) homed (returned to their nests) more successfully when displaced shorter distances.我们的研究显示,守窝长尾石龙子(一种蜥蜴)被移动的距离越短,返家(回窝)成功率越高。2There are two reasons why homing success rates decreased with increasing dis

15、placement distance.随移动距离变长回窝成功率变低的原因有二。3One possibility is that females were simply displaced too far to find their way home.一种可能,单纯是因为雌石龙子被移动得太远,找不到家了。4However, this is unlikely given that some individuals managed to find their way home from each distance we used.然而,这不大可能,因为一些个体无论被移动多远,都成功回窝。5The s

16、econd possibility deals with trade-offs between the risks associated with making a long return trip and the benefits of returning.第二种可能,涉及 在 长途跋涉回家的风险 与 回到的好处 之间权衡利弊。6Animals should expend energy only when the associated costs are low.动物理应在相关代价较低时消耗能量。7As reptiles increase the time spent moving, the

17、ir daily energy expenditure increases dramatically.因为爬行动物移动慢,它们一整天消耗的能量剧增。8The energetic costs of returning home and the chances that the eggs will have been preyed upon during the return trip both increase substantially as displacement distance increases.随着被移动的距离增加,回窝要消耗的能量,以及在此期间蛋被吃掉的几率都增加了。9For e

18、xample, the 130 hours (5.5 days) that female skinks spent returning from a distance of 300 meters is sufficient for an egg-eating snake to locate and prey upon the entire clutch.比如说,雌石龙子花 130 小时(5.5 天)跋涉 300 米回窝,已经足够蛇定位以及吃掉所有的蛋。(clutch 一次产或孵的蛋)10However, females with larger clutches were more likely

19、 to home at distances over 50 meters.然而,守着大窝的雌性仍然更可能在被移动超过 50 米的情况下回窝。11For these females, the relative fitness benefits associated with having more eggs successfully hatch may outweigh the energetic costs of returning to a nest site, even if the nest may have already been preyed upon.对于这些雌性来说,让更多蛋成

20、功孵化的相对适应性利益,超过了回窝会消耗的能量,即便蛋可能已经被吃了。(fitness 最早讲这个概念在 15 / 36 P1,有兴趣的同学去翻基因适应度,指特定条件下,某个体让自己的基因进入后代基因库的能力,也就是让自己携带的基因尽量延续下去的能力。)1. The primary purpose of the passage is toA. question the validity of research on nest-guarding behavior in long-tailed skinksB. consider explanations for a finding regardi

21、ng long-tailed skinksC. discuss the importance of homing for long-tailed skinksD. describe the relationship between clutch size and homing success in long-tailed skinksE. identify the benefits of a behavior common among long-tailed skinks选 B评估 对 一项关于长尾石龙子的观察发现 的多种解释。finding 就是有的回窝,有的不回。2. The claim

22、in the highlighted sentence assumes which of the following about the individuals that managed to find their way home from each distance?A. They were less able to detect egg-eating predators than were the other long-tailed skinks studied.B. They were more averse to risk than were the other long-taile

23、d skinks studiedC. They expended less energy when homing than did the other long-tailed skinks studied.D. They did not possess better homing skills than did the other long-tailed skinks studied.E. They had significantly smaller clutches than did the other long-tailed skinks studied.选 D难题。首先在于问法,即对于那

24、些被移动多远都回窝了的石龙子,这句话隐含了什么假设。One possibility is that females were simply displaced too far to find their way home. However, this is unlikely given that some individuals managed to find their way home from each distance we used.不妨把句 3 - 4 连起来看。句 3 说,一些雌石龙子不回家,单纯是因为找不到路了,to far to find their way home 。句

25、4 则否认了这种可能 this is unlikely,因为有一些始终要回家,也成功地回了家。看到这里,如果你足够敏锐,就该意识到这样一种情况:可能有一只,它想回家,但因为找不到路,只能在外面瞎打转干着急。文中有提到这样的,想回家又回不了的石龙子吗?没有。后文提到了两种情况,一种是想了想不回了因为不值(言外之意,想回还是能回的),一种是想过了无论如何要回也确实回去了。你注意到了吗,两种情况的区别只在于 trade-offs 对收益与风险的权衡,不在于认路的能力,即*的作者认为所有石龙子都一样认路,想回家就一定能找到路。这就是这句话隐含的假设:回家的并不比其他更认路。现在做完这道题,你认为作者在

26、文中的论证是否存在问题?其结论是否成立?其实,这道题非常犀利地指出了*逻辑的不足。作为一项意在考察蜥蜴是否回家的研究,竟然因为有的蜥蜴成功回家,就假设所有蜥蜴都像上帝一样认路。回头再看看,这道题中竟然一个科学家的名字都没出现过,我怀疑这篇 “ * ” 是 ETS 编的,而不是改写的,故意卖个逻辑上的破绽好出题。3. The second possibility implies which of the following as a possible explanation for the female long-tailed skinks that failed to home from di

27、stances over 50 meters ?A. They had relatively small clutchesB. They were unable to find their way homeC. They lacked sufficient energy to home successfullyD. They had male long-tailed skinks guarding their clutchesE. They detected evidence of egg-eating snakes In the vicinity of their nests.选 A注意问法

28、,从 “ second possibility ” 出发推断可能的解释。根据句 10 - 11 可选出 A 。其实 B / C / E 都是比较有可能的推测,只是因为*的逻辑缺陷,三者都得不到表达。GRE阅读题目解析:河生雌鳚鱼选择巢穴When selecting a nest, the female of the river blenny (a small fish) appears to be sensitive to both size and orientation. Blennies deposit their eggs preferably in nests under large

29、 stones and in nests facing southeast. Southeast-facing nests contain larger egg clutches, a fact that cannot be completely explained by differences in nest stone sizes. Moreover, in a recent study, current speeds upstream of the nest and at the nest entrance were similar for nests facing southeast

30、and those facing in other directions. A southeast-facing entrance per se thus seems to be the specific nest feature preferred by females, rather than the effect of selective positioning on current at nest entrance. The reasons for this preference are unclear, however.1. The passage is concerned with

31、 which of the followingA. Determining the different ways in which current speeds can influence the nesting preferences of female river blenniesB. Establishing nest orientation as a determining factor in egg laying among female river blenniesC. Questioning the importance of nest size as an influence

32、on egg laying among female river blenniesD. Comparing the features of female river blennies that face southeast with those of nests facing in other directionsE. Examining how female river blennies determine the relative importance of nest size versus nest orientation2. The author of the passage cons

33、iders “current speeds” in order toA. identify a factor that undermines the significance of nest stone size for female river blenniesB. indicate one possible advantage of river blenny nests that do not face southeastC. eliminate a possible explanation for a nest orientation tendency among female rive

34、r blenniesD. indicate why female river blennies are sensitive to both size and orientation of possible nestsE. suggest a reason why many female blennies prefer southeast-facing nests1When selecting a nest, the female of the river blenny (a small fish) appears to be sensitive to both size and orienta

35、tion.选择巢穴时,河生雌鳚鱼(一种小鱼)似乎对大小和朝向都有挑剔。(鳚 blenny鲈形目鳚亚目许多种鱼类的统称。大多体型小,海产,广布于热带到寒带海域。体细长如鳗。生活于各种生境,包括岩潭、沙滩、礁盘和藻床。多数生活于浅水,但有些可深至水下450米处。有些主要为草食性,有些则部分或完全为肉食性。一般为底栖,没有多少经济价值。(大英袖珍百科)Australian blenny (Ecsenius axelrodi) in East Timor.(https:/ deposit their eggs pre

36、ferably in nests under large stones and in nests facing southeast.鳚鱼更喜欢把卵产在大石下以及朝向东南的巢中。3Southeast-facing nests contain larger egg clutches, a fact that cannot be completely explained by differences in nest stone sizes.产在朝向东南的巢中的卵更大,这无法用巢的大小完全地解释。4Moreover, in a recent study, current speeds upstream

37、 of the nest and at the nest entrance were similar for nests facing southeast and those facing in other directions.此外,最近一项研究显示东南朝向与其他朝向,巢受水流冲刷的速度与巢口的水流速度都相近。(这里翻译不是很确定,坦白一下我的想法。upstream 逆流的,向上游的upstream of the nest 我理解为,巢是不动的,upstream of the nest 指水流冲刷巢,也就是那块石头的速度有不同理解请留言指导我)5A southeast-facing entr

38、ance per se thus seems to be the specific nest feature preferred by females, rather than the effect of selective positioning on current at nest entrance.所以,入口西南朝向本身,似乎是雌鱼择巢的特征,而不是因为巢口水流速度而选择巢口的朝向。6The reasons for this preference are unclear, however.然而,这种偏好的原因仍未探明。1. The passage is concerned with wh

39、ich of the followingA. Determining the different ways in which current speeds can influence the nesting preferences of female river blenniesB. Establishing nest orientation as a determining factor in egg laying among female river blenniesC. Questioning the importance of nest size as an influence on

40、egg laying among female river blenniesD. Comparing the features of female river blennies that face southeast with those of nests facing in other directionsE. Examining how female river blennies determine the relative importance of nest size versus nest orientation选 B确定巢的朝向是河生雌性鳚鱼产卵的决定因素。establish 此处

41、解释为 确定、证实。A 错。句 5 告诉我们,水流速度没啥区别 similar 。C 错。*没有质疑大石偏好,只在句 2 提了一下:Blennies deposit their eggs preferably in nests under large stones and in nests facing southeast.D 错在 features of female river blennies,没有讨论鱼,只讨论了巢,水流什么的。E 错。没有比较两种因素哪个更重要。2. The author of the passage considers “current speeds” in ord

42、er toA. identify a factor that undermines the significance of nest stone size for female river blenniesB. indicate one possible advantage of river blenny nests that do not face southeastC. eliminate a possible explanation for a nest orientation tendency among female river blenniesD. indicate why female river blennies are sensitive to both size and orientation of possible nestsE. suggest a reason why many female blennies prefer southeast-facing nests选 C去掉一种可能的解释。需要读懂整段才能做对:鱼产卵有两种偏好,大石头,开口朝东南。文段着重讨论了开口朝向的问题,但也只能通过实验推出,鱼这么选跟水流速度无关,至于真正的原因,目前还不知道。综上,选 C 。GRE阅读提速备考3个训练要点讲解


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