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1、GRE阅读文章常见结构及解读技巧 GRE阅读*常见结构及解读技巧,我们来看看吧,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。GRE阅读*常见结构及解读技巧1GRE阅读*5大常见结构之现象解释型考点:顾名思义是对某种自然或社会现象进行分析解释。这类*在一开始就会描述一种“奇怪”的现象,说它奇怪是因为这种现象发生的频率比较低或者在日常生活中不容易见到,又或者是容易被我们忽略的一些现象。*的展开也是围绕这一现象进行,首先是对这一现象的描述,然后介绍其产生的原因及所造成的影响,从而间接地表达作者的态度或评价。应对方法:对于这类*,考生不仅要对描述的现象有所了解,知道其具体在讲什么,更重的是对该现象的成因解释要理解


3、作者态度评价及逻辑的判断。*通常围绕新观点展开,明白这一点,就要在平时的练习中多家注意,并养成好的做题习惯,这样才能在考试的时候临危不乱,取得满意的成绩。3GRE阅读*5大常见结构之结论说明型考点:此类型的*通常会在*开头给出一个明确的结论,然后在下文中围绕这一结论进行详细论述,通过摆事实和分析论据的方式来证明结论的正确性或可行性。*的展开通常会以“总-分”的形式来呈现。应对方法:这类*一般在首句都会出现一个主题句,即topic sentence,接着下文围绕这一话题展开讨论,并且在讨论的过程中不断抛出论据来证明该结论的正确性。通过对论据的分析考生可以准确判断作者的态度,对接下来的题目练习做好


5、自问自答型考点:问题解答类的*通常会以问句的形式开始,第一段会提出一个问题或者呈现一个难题,而问题通常是“设问”句。常见的标志词如:problem,difficulty, task, puzzle, challenge, question等词。紧接着会对这一问题进行解答或作出解释,*围绕这些问题展开讨论分析,并把作者的观点态度贯穿其中。主要考察考生对*问题的理解以及对所给答案的分析和判断,要求考生有明确的思路和方向。应对方法:该类*的大体结构基本可以总结为“提问-解答-表明立场”,考生在读*的时候一定要把握好*的基调和作者的评价,善于分析并把握*的重点,判断作者最想表达的内容。为接下来的作答做

6、好准备。首先,正如上文介绍的,*一开始就要找出作者提出的*要讨论的问题。接着,作者会对此给出解答这个问题的重要信息考生对这些信息要进行明确的标注,方便最后的题目解答。最后根据作者对问题作出的回答判断作者的观点和立场,把握*的主要内容。【热门GRE人文知识拓展阅读】酿酒师逐梦之旅RAY WALKER, a trainee securities representative at Merrill Lynch in California, cashed in his chips before his career had barely begun and decided instead to lea

7、rn how to make wine.雷沃克是加利福尼亚州美林证券公司的有价证券实习生代表,就在要开始他的职业生涯之际,他决定去学酿酒。He then moved to France to make red Burgundy, the most rarefied and tricky wine of them all.于是他来到了法国,学习最纯正最优良的勃艮第红酒制作。Now a successful vintner, he has an intoxicating tale to tell.如今他作为一个成功的葡萄酒商人,接下来要告诉我们一个动人的故事。Mr Walker knew noth

8、ing about wine before his wife began serving it at mealtimes. But soon it became a passion, then a pursuit.沃克先生对葡萄酒一无所知,直到他的妻子在餐桌上摆上了酒,猛地激发了他对酒的爱好,于是变成了他一生所追随的事业。这篇阅读材料还有MP3音频哦!下载传送门Though his wife was six months pregnant at the time, he dropped his banking career to follow his dream.他不顾妻子已有六个月的身孕,辞

9、去了银行的工作,开始追随他的梦想。The reader may well be mystified as to how the author could be so capricious, particularly as he had little beyond his own savings to draw from.读者可能会困惑,为什么作者会这么任性出走特别是在他还有妻小储蓄也不多的情况下。But had events gone another way, this would be a rather different memoir.但他还是走了,换另外一个说法,这将会是一个特别的回忆录

10、。Once he gleaned what he could from books, Mr Walker sought lowly work at wineries in California to learn more about the business.沃克先生来到加利福尼亚的一家酿酒厂索诺玛公司做低等工,他已经不能从书本提供的知识里得到满足了,他期望在公司学到更多关于这个行业的东西。After a season of back-breaking work in Sonoma, this Panglossian figure heads to Burgundy to buy modest

11、 grapes from a wine broker.筋疲力尽地工作了一个季度后,这个过分的乐观主义者从法国勃艮第区的一个葡萄酒代理人那里买来了价格适中的葡萄。Instead he ends up securing enough to make three different Burgundies, including two barrels of Chambertin, one of Frances greatest wines.结果,他买到的葡萄足以让他做成三种不同的勃艮第葡萄酒,包括两桶香贝坦红葡萄酒,这是法国最好的葡萄酒之一。None of this could have happen

12、ed without the support of a laid-back Californian financier, a friend of someone Mr Walker met through an online wine forum.如果没有那个生活优越的加利福尼亚金融家支持,所有这些都不会发生。那个金融家是沃克先生在葡萄酒论坛上认识的网友的朋友。After a single telephone call, this man cheerily upped his stake in this modest business to around 150,000.沃克和他通了一次电话之

13、后,这个男人就欣然把投资增加到了15万美元左右,虽然这个行当业绩平平。Mr Walkers good fortune continued in Burgundy, where nearly everyone he dealt with was honourable and helpful, save for two winemakers who tried to sabotage his plans.沃克先生在勃艮第也遇到了好运气,除了两个试图破坏他酿酒计划的勃艮第酒商,那里的人几乎个个都为人正直而又乐于助人。Fortuitously, his first vintage was an exc

14、eptional one in Burgundy.意外的是,沃克先生第一次酿的酒在勃艮第特别出众。更多双语* 点击这里But there is more to Mr Walkers success than that.沃克先生不仅成功了,他还成了一个受欢迎的又能干的人。He comes across as a likeable, can-do guy who earnestly believes that hard work, confidence and some luck is all it takes to make things happen.他相信努力、自信和好运气是成功的垫脚石。N

15、ow ensconced in Burgundy with his wife and young family, he is the only non-Frenchman ever to have made Chambertin.沃克成了第一个做出香贝坦红葡萄酒的非法国籍人士,如今他和妻儿在勃艮第的生活别提有多安逸。A common fantasy of overworked executives is to throw it all in and retire to a vineyard.那些过度劳累的公司高管们通常是幻想着退休后要变卖掉一切然后到一个葡萄园里去享福。Rarely do su

16、ch endeavours end well.没有人像沃克先生那样如此竭尽全力做到最好收尾的。Mr Walkers story is sure to inspire a few more leaps of faith.沃克先生的故事值得激励那些人来一个一百八十度的转变【热门GRE阅读背景材料】 家庭关系对爱情的冲击YANG YOURONGs wife kicks him as they walk upstairs and he falls back a few steps, then follows again at a distance up to the cramped offices o

17、f a district-government bureau handling divorces in Chongqing, a region in the south-east. After more than 20 years of marriage, Mr Yangs wife has had several affairs; she is “quick tempered”, he says (she had slapped him earlier, he claims). At the bureau, divorce takes half an hour and costs 9 yua

18、n ($1.40). It is administered a few steps away from where other couples get married and take celebratory photographs. Mr Yang and his wife have second thoughts, however; they return home, still arguing. Most couples hesitate less.杨友荣上楼的时候被老婆踢了一脚,跌下几级台阶后又重新跟上,在老婆后面亦步亦趋地爬上已经挤满人的重庆某区民政局他们是来办离婚的。20多年的婚姻

19、中,杨的老婆多次出轨。“她是个急性子。”杨解释道,他之前还被老婆扇了一巴掌。在民政局,离婚只需要半个小时,花9块钱(约1.4美元)就能搞定。而不远处就是一对刚领结婚证的夫妇在拍纪念照。杨氏夫妇决定再想想,但回家之后仍然争吵不休。大部分来离婚的夫妇都没这么犹豫。Divorce rates are rising quickly across China. This is a remarkable transformation in a society where for centuries marriage was universal and mostly permanent (though co

20、nvention permitted men to take concubines). Under Communist rule, traditional values have retained a strong influence over family relationships: during much of the Mao era, divorce was very unusual. It became more common in the 1980s, but a marriage law adopted in 1994 still required a reference fro

21、m an employer or community leader. Not until 2003 were restrictions removed.中国的离婚率增长得很快。这表明整个社会正在发生巨大改变,在过去的几百年里,结婚是一件很普遍且持续终生的事(尽管传统上允许男人纳妾)。在共产党的领导下,传统价值观念对家庭关系仍具有重要影响:在毛时代,离婚非常罕见,到了80年代则变得普遍,但1994年婚姻法的实施,仍规定离婚需要雇主或党内领导开具的说明材料,这项限制直到2003年才被取消。这篇阅读材料还有MP3音频哦!下载传送门The trend reflects profound economi

22、c and social change. In the past 35 years, the biggest internal migration experienced by any country in human history has been tearing families apart. Traditional values have been giving way to more liberal ones. Women are becoming better educated, and more aware of their marital rights (they now in

23、itiate over half of all divorce cases). Greater affluence has made it easier for many people to contemplate living aloneno longer is there such an incentive to stay married in order to pool resources.这一趋势反映了经济和社会的重大变革。中国过去的35年经历了人类历史上最大规模的迁移,这直接导致了无数家庭的分崩离析。传统观念让位于更为自由的现代思想。女性受教育程度增加,也越来越意识到她们在婚姻中的权

24、利(如今超过一半的离婚申请都是由女方提出的)。物质条件的改善让很多人不再担心独自生活不必再为共享资源而被迫绑在婚姻里。As long as both sides agree on terms, China is now among the easiest and cheapest places in the world to get a divorce. In many Western countries, including Britain, couples must separate for a period before dissolving a marriage; China has

25、no such constraints. In 20XX, the latest year for which such data exist, about 3.6m couples split upmore than double the number a decade earlier (they received a red certificate, pictured, to prove it). The divorce ratethe number of cases per thousand peoplealso doubled in that period. It now stands

26、 at 2.7, well above the rate in most of Europe and approaching that of America, the most divorce-prone Western country (see chart). Chongqings rate, 4.4, is higher than Americas.中国已经成为全世界离婚最容易也是最便宜的国家之一,只要双方同意即可。在包括英国在内的许多西方国家,夫妻双方离婚前必须分居一段时间,而中国则没有此限制。据20XX年最新统计数据显示,约有360万对夫妻分道扬镳,比十年前翻了一倍还不止(离婚的人会领

27、到离婚证并拍照)。离婚率已上升至2.7,跟同期相比也增加了一倍,该比值已经远超欧洲,直追美国这一离婚率最高的西方国家(见下表)。而重庆的离婚率则冲破了美国的平均值,高达4.4。Helped by the huge movement of people from the countryside into cities, and the rapid spread of social media, the availability of potential mates has grown with astonishing speed, both geographically and virtuall

28、y. But many migrants marry in their home villages and often live apart from their spouses for lengthy periods. This has contributed to a big increase in extramarital liaisons. Married people previously had limited opportunities to meet members of the opposite sex in social situations, according to r

29、esearch by Li Xiaomin of Henan University. Peng Xiaobo, a divorce lawyer in Chongqing, reckons 60-70% of his clients have had affairs.由于人口大量从农村转移至城市,再加上社交媒体的兴起,在不同地域或不同年龄段内找到另一半的几率已经比从前大得多。但很多背井离乡的打工者都是先在家乡结婚,然后再和配偶长期分居,因此婚外情的现象越来越普遍。河南大学的李晓敏研究表示,已婚人士在之前的社会条件下遇到异性的机会很有限。重庆的离婚律师彭小波也表示,他的客户中有60%70%的人都

30、有过外遇。Such behaviour has led to much soul-searching. The notion that “chopsticks come in pairs” is still prevalent; propaganda posters preach Confucian-style family virtues using pictures of happy, multi-generation families. (President Xi Jinping is on his second marriage but this is rarely mentioned

31、.) Many commentators in the official media talk of separation as a sign of moral failure; they fret that it signifies the decline of marriage, and of family as a social unita threat, as they see it, to social stability and even a cause of crime. The spread of “Western values” is often blamed.此举也给人们带

32、来了深思。熟语“筷子成双成对,永不分离”一直深入人心。媒体也用四世同堂的和美家庭图画来倡导传统儒家家庭美德(事实上,习近平主席也是二婚,但这点很少为人所提及)。官方论及离婚,通常认为是道德风气败坏所致。他们担忧这标志着婚姻与家庭作为社会组成的意义大幅锐减正如他们所能预见的,离婚对于社会的稳定性以及犯罪都是一大威胁。这些也常归咎于“西方价值观”的“泛滥”。更多双语* 点击这里But marriage is not losing its lustre. In most countries, rising divorce rates coincide with more births out of

33、wedlock and a fall in marriage rates. China bucks both these trends. Remarriage is common too. The Chinese have not fallen out of love with marriageonly with each other.但是婚姻并未失去它的魅力。在大多数国家,与飙升的离婚率并发的还有婚外生子率的增加、结婚率的下降。中国却违背了这两种趋势。再婚现象也司空见惯。中国人并没有失去对婚姻之爱,只是他们不再爱对方而已。It is tradition itself that is part

34、ly to blame for rising divorce rates. Chinas legal marriage age for men, 22, is the highest in the world. But conservative attitudes to premarital relationships result in Chinese youths having fewer of them than their counterparts in the West (they are urged to concentrate on their studies and caree

35、rs, rather than socialise or explore). Living together before marriage is still rare, although that is changing among educated youngsters. People still face social pressure to marry in their 20s. Their inexperience makes it more than usually difficult for them to select a good partner.不断攀升的离婚率部分是由传统

36、观念本身所致。男性的法定结婚年龄是22岁(世上最大的婚龄)。但是中国年轻人对待婚前关系持保守态度,这就造成与西方的同龄人相比,他们中已婚的反倒还要少些(他们被迫关注于自己的学习与事业,而不是去与异性接触、交往)。婚前同居试婚仍旧罕见,尽管在一些受过教育的年轻人当中这一趋势日益改变。20多岁的未婚青年还面临着社会舆论压力。再加上,他们经验不足,更难找到好的灵魂伴侣。Couples ageing relatives are part of the problem too. Yan Yunxiang of the University of California, Los Angeles, says

37、 “parent-driven divorce” is becoming more common. As a result of Chinas one-child-per-couple policy (recently changed to a two-child one), many people have no siblings to share the burden of looking after parents and grandparents. Thus couples often find themselves living with, or being watched over

38、 by, severaloften contendingelders. Mr Yan says the older ones interference fuels conjugal conflict. Sometimes parents urge their children to divorce their partners as a way to deal with rifts.夫妇的老年亲属也是他们离婚的诱因之一。来自洛杉矶加利佛尼亚大学的阎云翔指出“父母促使的离婚案件”也越来越常见。中国的独生子女政策造成许多人没有兄弟姐妹来分担照顾父母与祖父母的重担。因此夫妻常常与多个(通常是相互不和

39、的)长辈同住或者受到他们的监视。阎云翔称长辈的干扰会给夫妻间的冲突火上浇油。甚至有时父母会迫使他们的子女与另一半离婚以解决家庭的矛盾冲突。Women are more likely to be the ones who suffer financially when this happens. Rising divorce rates reflect the spread of more tolerant, permissive values towards women, but legislation tends to favour men in divorce settlements. A

40、 legal interpretation issued in 2003 says that if a divorce is disputed, property bought for one partner by a spouses parents before marriage can revert to the partner alone. That usually means the husbands family: they often try to increase their childs ability to attract a mate by buying him a hom

41、e.而当夫妻离婚时,更易遭受经济重创的一方是女性。攀升的离婚率也反映了社会对女性更为包容的价值观,但是司法体系更照顾离婚案件中男性的利益。2003年颁布的新婚姻法解释指出如果有离婚纠纷,婚前由一方父母出资为子女购买的不动产会被认定为夫妻一方的个人财产。这通常意味着男方家庭会努力购置房屋以增加他们求偶的吸引力。In 20XX the Supreme Court went further. It ruled that in contested cases (as about one-fifth of divorces are), the property would be considered t

42、hat of one partner alone if that partners parents had bought it for him or her after the couple had got married. In addition, if one partner (rather than his or her parents) had bought a home before the couple wed, that person could be awarded sole ownership by a divorce court. This ruling has put w

43、omen at a disadvantage too: by convention they are less often named on deeds.20XX年,最高法院又进一步裁定如果婚后一方父母为子女出资购买不动产,该不动产应被认定为夫妻一方个人财产。另外,如果婚前一方(而不是一方的父母)购买的房产,那么该房产应归购买房产者(产权登记者)一人所有。这样的判决也使女性处于不利地位:通常,女人的名字很少登记在在房产证上。In practice, if the couple has children the person with custody often keeps the homemo

44、re often the mother. Yet the courts interpretation sets a worrying precedent for divorced women. Their difficulties may be compounded by the two-child policy, which came into effect on January 1st. If couples have two children and both partners want custody, judges often assign parents one child each. Marriage and the family are still strong in Chinabut children clearly lie in a different asset class.事实上,如果夫妻有小孩,有监护权的一方一般享有房屋通常是指母亲。然而依照最高法院颁布的解释,这项判例令离异女性堪忧。此外,一月一日开始生效的二孩政策又加剧了她们的困境。如果夫妻有两个小孩,而双方都要监护权,那么法官通常会判决双方分别抚养一个小孩。婚姻与家庭观念在中国依旧很强但是孩子很明显地又是另一项资产。GRE阅读*常见结构及解读技巧


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