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1、1.她的名字是什么?Whats her name?2.我的朋友在中国。My friend is in China.3.他们是你的父母吗?Are they your parents?4.我的爷爷和奶奶在第一张照片里。My grandfather and grandmother are in the first photo.5.这支蓝色的钢笔是她的。This blue pen is hers.6.我的书包在椅子下面。My schoolbag is under the chair.,7.他的铅笔盒在哪里?Where is his pencil box?8.它在你父母的房间里。It is in you

2、r parents room.9.在我们的房间,我的书和磁带在书架里。In our room,my books and tapes are in the bookcase.10.吉娜的书到处都是。Ginas books are everywhere.11.“我的钥匙在哪里?”吉娜常常这样问。Where are my keys,Gina always asks.12.你有一个乒乓球拍吗?不,我没有。我有篮球。Do you have a ping-pang bat?No,I dont.I have a basketball.,13.我没有足球,但是我的弟弟艾伦有。I dont have a soc

3、cer ball,but my brother Alen does.14.我们和我们的朋友们在学校踢足球。We play soccer with our friends at school.15.她喜欢西红柿吗?不,她不喜欢。Does she like tomatoes?No,she doesnt.16.他不喜欢蔬菜。He doesnt like vegetables.17.你早餐喜欢吃什么?What do you like for breakfast?18.晚饭后你吃冰淇淋吗?Do you have ice-cream after dinner?19.我不想变胖。I dont want to

4、 be fat.,20.这顶帽子多少钱?它1美元。这些裤子多少钱?他们8美元。How much is the hat?Its one dollar.How much are these trousers?They are eight dollars.21.我们大减价,来买衣服吧!Come and buy your clothes at our great sale!22.我们以很好的价格出售衣服。We sell all our clothes at very good prices.23.绿色的羊毛衫我们只卖15美元。We have green sweaters for only 15 dol

5、lars.24.他的生日是什么时候?他的生日是七月19号。他的生日在四月。When is his birthday?His birthday is on July nineteenth.His birthday is in April.,25.这学期我们为你们准备了一些有意思有趣的事。We have some interesting and fun things for you this term.26.九月20日下午我们有一个学习旅行。On September 21st,we have a school trip in the afternoon.27.你最喜欢的学科是什么?他最喜欢的学科是

6、语文和英语。因为它们很有趣。Whats your favorite subject?His favorite subjects are Chinese and English.Because they are interesting.28.他最喜欢的食物是鸡肉和汉堡。我最喜欢的水果是苹果。His favorite food is chicken and hamburger.My favorite fruit is apples.,29.你什么时候上地理和历史?When do you have geography and history?30.星期五我很忙。Im busy on Friday.3

7、1.老师说科学很有用,但我认为它很难。The teacher says science is useful,but I think it is difficult.32.午餐是从中午12点到1点,吃完后我们上数学课。Lunch is from 12 to 1,and after that we have Chinese.33.我的课在下午1点50结束,然后我上两个小时的艺术课。My classes finish at 1:50,but after that I have an art lesson for two hours.34.你想参加什么俱乐部?我想参加运动俱乐部。What club d

8、o you want to join?I want to join sport club.,35.你会什么运动?What sports can you play?36.他很擅长讲故事。他能参加讲故事俱乐部。He is good at telling stories.He can join the story telling club.37.我也喜欢画画。I like painting,too.或者 I also like painting.38.她会下象棋吗?不,她不会。但是她会游泳。Can she paly chess?No,she cant.But she can swim.39.放学后你

9、忙吗?六月份你有空吗?周末你有时间吗?Are you busy after school?Are you free in June?Do you have time on weekends.40.你会说汉语吗?Can you speak Chinese?,41.你会弹钢琴或者拉小提琴吗?Can you play the piano or the violin?42.学校需要帮助教音乐。The school needs help to teach music.43.司各特有一份有趣的工作。他在一家广播电台工作。Scott has an interesting job.He works at a

10、radio station.44.你什么时候去上班?你什么时候回家?When do you go to work?When do you go home?45.你什么时间吃早餐?When do you have breakfast?46.因此我上学从来不迟到。So Im never late for work.,47.我不喜欢早起。I dont like to get up early.48.我没有太多时间吃早餐,所以我通常吃的很快。I dont have much time for breakfast,so I usually eat very quickly.49.放学后,我有时打半个小时

11、篮球。After school,I sometimes play basketball for half an hour.50.到家后,我总是先做家庭作业。When I get home,I always do my homework first.51.她吃很多水果和蔬菜。She has lots of fruit and vegetables.,52.她知道冰淇淋对她不好,但是冰淇淋吃起来很美味。She knows ice-cream is not good for her,but it tastes good.53.她有一个非常健康的生活方式。She has a very healthy life.,


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