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1、Lesson 46Expensive and uncomfortable,unload:nlud卸(货),wooden:wudn木制的,extremely:ikstri:mli非常,occur:k:发生,astonish:stni使惊讶,pile:pail堆,woollen:wuln羊毛的,goods:gudz货物 商品,discover:diskv 发现,admit:dmit承认,confine:knfain关在,normal:n:ml正常的,Have a dictation,1.她很不情愿地承认了这事实 be very reluctant to 2.哥伦布于1492年发现了美洲Columb

2、us 3.这是一件及其困难的任务 task4.我想到要去看看我的老师it occurred to me 5.商品对发展很重要 6.不要太担心,一切将会恢复正常的7.工人们从一辆轿车上卸货8.她有一堆工作要做,admit,He had admitted his rude action.deny sth/deny拒绝承认 doingadmit sth/admit doing sthI admit having lunch.,confine 关在或局限在某个地方(一个狭小的空间里),The dog is confined in a box.sb was confined to(一定会加“to”)sb

3、 was confined to the room.,normal,The normal price is$8.Today it is on sale for only$5.,$8,$5,Enjoy the story,What did the man do in the story?,The man hid himself in a wooden box beforethe plane left Londonto avoid paying the fareto Sydney.,课文内容,When a plane from London arrived at Sydney airport,wo

4、rkers began to unload a number of wooden boxes which contained clothing.No one could account for the fact that one of the boxes was extremely heavy.It suddenly occurred to one of the workers to open up the box.He was astonished at what he found.A man was lying in the box on top of a pile of woollen

5、goods.He was so surprised at being discovered that he did not even try to run away.After he was arrested,the man admitted hiding in the box before the plane left London.He had had a long and uncomfortable trip,for he had been confined to the wooden box for over eighteen hours.The man was ordered to

6、pay$3,500 for the cost of the trip.The normal price of a ticket is$2,000!,课文讲解,1.When a plane from London arrived at Sydney airport,workers began to unload a number of wooden boxes which contained clothing.当一架来自伦敦的飞机抵达悉尼机场时,工人们开始卸下装有服装的一批木箱。Unload表示“卸载”的意思。是由un+load组成。Load做动词既是“装载”的意思,前面加个un表示“相反的动作

7、”卸载。Cloth,clothes和clothing比较:Cloth是指做衣服用的“布、布料”。Clothes就是我们平时挂在嘴边的“衣服”的意思。比如多穿衣服wear more clothes;你的衣服真漂亮Your clothes are very beautiful.需要注意的是:clothes是复数形式名词,谓语动词用复数形式。最后那个clothing是“衣服的总的称呼”,我们可以理解为“服装”。十分正式。比如“童装”childrens clothing;“吃、穿、住”food,clothing and shelter。其谓语动词是单数形式。,课文讲解,2.No one could a

8、ccount for the fact that one of the boxes was extremely heavy.其中有只箱子特别重,可谁也弄不清是怎么回事。account for 有“说明原因”的意思;that后面的从句用来进一步说明这个“事实”本身,在语法上称作同位语从句。短语动词 account for的含义为“说明理由”、“作出说明(或解释)”:The bad weather in England accounts for Harrisons decision to leave the country.英国糟糕的气候是哈里森决定离开这个国家的原因。How do you acc

9、ount for the battered car?你如何解释这撞坏的车?,课文讲解,Account在课文中是做动词,account做名词也使用很频繁,意思有很多。我们平时在银行开的帐户就是“account”。什么东西的“记述、叙述”也是account。比如:an exciting account of the match 对这次比赛激动人心的报导。常用的短语有:on account of表示“因为”;take sth.into account表示“把考虑进去”等等。,课文讲解,3.It suddenly occurred to one of the workers to open up th

10、e box.突然一个工人想到打开箱子看看。(1)表示某人想到某事时,要用 sth.occurred to sb.这个结构,主语为事,而不是人。(2)it在句中为先行主语,代替不定式to open up the box。(3)open up的含义之一是“打开”:open up boxesgifts 打开箱子礼物 When he received the gifts,he opened them up at once.他收到礼物后立刻就打开了。,课文讲解,4.He was astonished at what he found.A man was lying in the box on top o

11、f a pile of woollen goods.看到的情景使他吃惊,箱内有一个人正躺在一堆毛织品之上。在这句话中 what引导的名词性从句作介词 at的宾语,其中what相当于the thing which。表示某事使让某人吃惊通常用sb.is/are/was/were astonished at sth.:Sam appears astonished at the news/the sound.这消息声音似乎使萨姆吃了一惊。,课文讲解,再次来复习lie和lay的区别:lie作“躺,卧、处于(位置)”解 时,过去式为:lay,过去分词为:lain;lie作“撒谎”解时,过去式为:lied,

12、过去分词为:lied;lay可作“放,摆,搁;产卵”解,其过去式和过去分词均为:laid。on top of,在上层 She put the bread on top of a pile of other goods.她把面包放在一堆其他货物上面。而我们平时所要表达的“在顶部、在头部”,我们使用at the top of短语。比如:Write your name at the top of the page.,课文讲解,5.He was so surprised at being discovered that he did not even try to run away.他由于被人发现而感

13、到非常吃惊,甚至都没有企图逃跑。这句话的主要句型仍为 so that。动名词短语being discovered是介词at的宾语,由于是被动语态,因此要用动词 be加上-ing的形式。6.After he was arrested,the man admitted hiding in the box before the plane left London.此人被逮捕后,承认他是在飞机离开伦敦前躲进箱里的。Admit doing sth.表示“承认做某事”。比如:He admitted stealing the money.此外,这个句子的翻译中,请大家注意一下after和before的用法。

14、,课文讲解,7.He had had a long and uncomfortable trip,for he had been confined to the wooden box for over eighteen hours.他经历了一次漫长而又难受的旅程,因为他在那木箱里闷了18个多小时。Confine表示“把限制起来”,通常与介词to连用:Last weekend,Toms mother confined him to his room.上个周末,汤姆的妈妈把汤姆关在了房间里。8.The man was ordered to pay 3,500 for the cost of the

15、 trip.The normal price of a ticket is 2,000!此人被责令交付旅费3,500英镑,而正常票价是2,000英镑!,Key structures,arrive at/in,reach,get to a number of the fact that be astonished at,on top of a pile of woollen goods admit doing sth.for,since,as,because be ordered to do sth.cost,take,pay for,spendon sth./in doing sth.复习介词

16、用法,Homework,1.听读默写46课;()2.语法背过抄写一遍3.练习册L45-46完成4,试卷完成,Write Lesson 46,Retell the story:假设你是文中的那个人,arrive at,unload,wooden boxes,contain,account for the fact,extremely heavy,occur to,open up,be astonished at,lying,on top of,discovered,try to run away,be arrested,admit hiding,uncomfortable,confined to

17、,eighteen hours,be ordered to pay,mormal,More exercises,Goodbye!,Model:A:How can you get to Dalian from here?B:I can get to Dalin from here by.A:How long does it take?B:It takes about minutes.,Tiananmen,Wangfujingyour home,schoolyour home,the railway stationBeijing,ShanghaiChengdu,NanningGuangzhou,H

18、ongkongTianjin,Dalian your city,TokyoLondon,Sdyney,Ask and answer,Discussion,If you found a stranger hiding somewhere in your house,what would you do?If you wanted a free trip on a plane or a boat,how would you try to get one?Employees of many air and rail companies get free or reduced fares for the

19、mselves and their families.Is this a good thing?,Travel,Do you like travelling?,How?,What is the,slowest way to travel?most expensive way to travel?least expensive way to travel?safest way to travel?most dangerous way to travel?most comfortable way to travel?least comfortable way to travel?,A:What d

20、o you think is the fastest way to travel?B:I think the fastest way to travel is,Talk and write,by plane.,unload,His job is to unload the goods from the truck.load装货,wooden,The desk is a wooden one.,extremely,extremely ikstri:mli adv.非常,极其extremely 把一个形容词或副词推到了极限,达到了无以复加的程度extremely beautifulI am tir

21、ed.我累了I am extremely tired.我累极了,occur,The accident occurred in the morning.happen vi.发生(不及物)It happened to me.这件事发生在我身上What happened to you?什么事发生在你身上?It occurred to me.我想起了一件事It occurred to sb that.It occurred to me that I didnt finish my homework.我想起我还没完成作业sth occur to sb 某人突然想起某件事(从后面往前面翻),astonis

22、h,The animals astonish us very much.astonish vt.使惊讶如果一个动词跟人的情绪有关,则它的主语是人,其形容词有两个:令人-ing;感到-edastonishing/astonishedsurprise/shock/astonish、surprise 最常用,但意思肤浅shock 不快的事情astonish 难以置信的事I am surprised.-astonished-shocked 惊讶程度递增,pile,We can see piles of harvest in the field in autumn.,woollen,I have a woollen sweater.,goods(复数),Goods are important for the development.,discover,They have discovered the secret of them.,Key words,unload v.卸(货)wooden ad.木制的extremely adv.非常,极其occur v.发生astonish v.使惊讶pile n.堆woollen n.羊毛的goods n.(常用复数)货物,商品discover v.发现admit v.承认confine v.关在(一个狭小的空间里)normal ad.正常的,通常的,


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