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1、Goal:Describe family relationships,LESSON 3,Robertos family,Roberto:Duong,this is my mother,my father,and my sister.Antonio:Nice to meet you,Duong.Where are you from?Duong:Im from Vietnam.Antonio:Do your parents live here in the United States?Duong:No.Right now they live in Vietnam.,A,Listen to the

2、conversation.,1.Duong,this is my mother,my father,and my sister.唐,这是我的妈妈、爸爸和妹妹。This is+姓名 是将某人介绍给他人时常用的句式。e.g.This is Wang Shan.这是王珊。“This is”表示“这是”时也可用于介绍某事某物e.g.This is a deep book.这是一本深奥的书。e.g.This is my pen.这是我的钢笔e.g.This is only one side of the matter.这只是事情的一方面。“This is”也可用于接打电话时做自我介绍e.g.Hello,

3、This is Li Xue.Is that Wang Shan?你好,我是李雪,你是王珊吗?,A,Further Notes On The Text课文详注,A,Further Notes On The Text课文详注,2.Where are you from?你来自哪里?同义句式:Where do you come from?你来自哪里?What nationality are you?你是哪国人?回答时可用Im from Vietnam.我来自越南。I come from Vietnam.我来自越南。Im Vietnamese.我是越南人。,3.Right now they live

4、in Vietnam.现在他们生活在越南。Right now现在,马上Right now作为“现在”时,同义词组有:now、at present、today、nowadays、currentlye.g.Right now we only have miles with one airline.现在我们只有一个航线的里程。Right now作为“马上”时,同义词组有immediately、right away、at once、straight awaye.g.How I wish I could go there right now.我恨不得马上去那儿。,A,Further Notes On T

5、he Text课文详注,4.Right now they live in Vietnam.现在他们生活在越南。,A,Further Notes On The Text课文详注,1)live in 住在某地(模糊的地址或大地方)e.g.They live in rooms which intercommunicate.他们住在互通的房间里。e.g.They decided to emigrate to the U.S.to live in New York.他们决定移至美国,居住在纽约。e.g.Lei Feng always live in the hearts of the people.雷锋

6、永远活在人民的心里。e.g.All of them live in Chicago.他们都住在芝加哥。e.g.I live in a tiny world/But out there someone waits for me.我住在一个小小的世界/但有人在这个世界外等我,2)live at 住在某地(具体的地址或小地方)e.g.I live at 1203 Washington Street.我住在华盛顿大街1203号。e.g.His parents still live at the letters address.他的父母仍旧住在信中所提及的地址。e.g.I live at the hou

7、sing estate called Meiyu.我是住在一个叫“美域”的小区里。e.g.Teenagers should live at home with their parents.青少年应该跟随父母住在家里。e.g.Others like to live at the edges of town,away from the updates.有些人则喜欢居住在城市边缘,远离现代化气息。,A,Further Notes On The Text课文详注,live in和live at,live at和live in意思相似,都是指“住在什么地方”,后接地点,区别在于in后的地点范围较大,而a

8、t后所跟的地点范围较小.,A,Tren _ _ a house.Duong _ _221 Eastmond Lane.Duong _ _New York.Tren and Alan _ _California.Alan _ _1919 Goldenwest St.,用live 的正确形式及搭配完成下列句子.,lives in,lives at,lives in,live in,lives at,Look at the people from the picture above.Write the words from the box under the pictures.,B,friend s

9、on parents sister brother,friend,brother,sister,son,parents,C,Discuss the words with your classmates and teacher.,mother,father,MumMummyMommymama,daddaddypapa,wife,husband,couple夫妻 spouse 配偶,parents 父母亲,sonboy,daughtergirl,babylambkin,children/kids孩子offsprings后代,grandmother,grandfather,Grandmagranny

10、,grandpagrandfathergranddadgrandpapa,grandparents(外)祖父母,grandson,granddaughter,Grandchildren孙辈,elder brother,eldersister,siblings兄弟/姐妹cousins 堂兄妹/表兄妹,youngerbrother,youngersister,uncle,aunt,nephew,niece,Do you know any other vocabulary about“family relationship”in English?,C,Family relationships 家庭关

11、系,great-grandfather 曾祖父great-grandmother曾祖母great-grandparents曾祖父母,son-in-law 女婿 daughter-in-law 儿媳 father-in-law 岳父/公公mother-in-law 岳母/婆婆sister-in-law 妯娌,C,Family relationships 家庭关系,stepfather 继父 stepmother 继母stepson 继子 stepdaughter 继女stepbrother 异父(母)之兄弟 stepsister 异父(母)之姐妹,foster father 养父foster m

12、other 养母adopted son 养子 adopted daughter 养女,Look at the picture and write the names on the family tree.Then,listen and check your answers.,D,Rebecca,Antonio,Julio,Roberto,Silvia,Lidia,Juan,Carla,mother,father,wife,I,sister,brother,son,daughter,Listening Script,My name is Roberto Garcia.I am very happ

13、ily married.My wifes name is Silvia.This is a picture of my family.The older man and the woman in the picture are my parents.My mothers name is Rebecca and my fathers name is Antonio.I have one sister,Lidia,and one brother,Julio.The girl and the boy are my children,Juan and Carla.,我是罗伯特。我的婚姻很幸福。我妻子叫

14、西尔维娅。这是一张我的全家照。照片中的年龄稍长的男士和女士是我的父母。我的母亲叫丽贝卡,我的父亲叫安东尼奥。我有一个姐姐,她叫利迪亚,有一个弟弟,他叫朱利奥。途中的女孩和男孩是我的孩子,胡安和卡拉。,Practice the conversation.,E,Student A:WHO is Silvia?Student B:Silvia is Robertos wife.Student A:WHO are Antonio and Rebecca?Student B:They are Robertos parents.,Work with a partner.Ask questions abou

15、t Robertos family on page 8.,F,Rebecca,Antonio,Julio,Roberto,Silvia,Lidia,Juan,Carla,mother,father,wife,I,sister,brother,son,daughter,Work with a partner.Ask questions about Robertos family on page 8.,F,Work with a partner.Ask questions about Robertos family on page 8.,F,Student A:WHO is Rebecca?Stu

16、dent B:Rebecca is Antonios wife.Student B:Rebecca is Robertos mother.Student B:Rebecca is Silvias mother-in-law.Student B:Rebecca is Juan and kalas grandmother.Student A:WHO are Silvia and Roberto?Student B:They are Juans parents.,Work with a partner.Ask questions about Robertos family on page 8.,F,

17、Student A:WHO is Roberto?Student B:Roberto is Rebeccas husband.Student B:Roberto is Antonio and Rebeccas son.Student B:Roberto is Lidias younger brother.Student B:Roberto is Julios elder brother.Student B:Roberto is Juan and Carlas father.,Complete the family tree for your family.,G,mother,father,si

18、ster,you,brother,grandmother,grandfather,grandmother,grandfather,Active Task.Find or draw a picture of your family and share it with the class.,H,This is my mother.she is a diligent teacher.,This is my father.he is a industrious worker.,This is my elder sister.she is a smart high school student.,Voc

19、abularyactive a.积极的,主动的;活跃的aunt n.婶母;姨母,姑母;舅母check vt.检查,检验,核对children n.孩子们(child 的复数)granddaughter n.孙女,外孙女grandfather n.祖父,外祖父grandmother n.祖母,外祖母grandson n.孙子,外孙husband n.丈夫nephew n.侄子;外甥niece n.侄女;甥女parent n.(人的)父亲或母亲prominence n.突出;重读relationship n.关系;联系,Glossary,share vt.分享;同享task n.任务uncle n

20、.舅父;姑父,姨父verb n.动词wife n.妻子Phrases&Useful Expressionsfamily tree 家族谱,家庭关系right now 现在,目前sharewith 与分担,Glossary,Unit 1 Talking with Others Challenge 3:More on Simple Present:Have/Be,Homework,Exercise B.1.c2.a3.a4.b,(Page 6-7),Exercise D.1.is2.are3.is4.are5.am6.are,Exercise E.1.has2.has3.has4.have5.ha

21、ve6.have,Homework,Exercise G.,3.My mother is a diligent teacher.,4.My father is a industrious worker.,6.My elder sister is a smart high school student.,My baby sister is a very lovely angel.,She has many good qualitiesgenerosity,diligence,simplicity.她有许多优秀品质:慷慨,勤奋,朴实。,He is ordinary but great and pe

22、rfect in my heart.在我的心中,他是一个平凡而伟大的人。,My younger brother is an excellent student.,1.This is my family.,7.I love my family for ever!,2.There are five people in my family.,5.I have one brother and two sisters.,5.I dont have any brothers or sisters.=I have no brothers and no sisters.=I am an only child.

23、,Homework,Exercise G.,Li Jun is a middle school student.He doesnt have any brothers or sisters.He is an only child.His father is a teacher.You can see him at our school.His mother is a doctor.She works in a hospital.She is busy.Li Jun lives with his grandparents at home,too.Li Juns family loves him

24、a lot.,doctor teacher worker driver policeman policewoman postman singer farmer student clerk cook,Tips:How many people are there in your family?Who are they?What is your father/your mother like?What is his/her job?What does your father/your mother like?,He is tall.She is pretty beautiful.He is funny.I am a little shy.,


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