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1、GRE阅读考试中最为常见的4种逻辑思维概览 GRE阅读考试中最为常见的4种逻辑思维概览,我们来看看吧,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。GRE阅读考试中最为常见的4种逻辑思维概览GRE考试是测试考生是否具有研究生思维的考试,有很多中国考生把单词反复背了五六遍,新GRE阅读中的*也能读懂大概意思,但仍旧一做题就错,一对答案恍然大悟,但再做题还错,你遇到过这种情况吗?你知道问题究竟出在哪里吗?GRE是北美研究生入学考试,中美考生的思维是存在差异的,面对同一个问题,可能会出现不同的思考方式,今天就和各位考生一起分享一下,在GRE阅读中几种大家需要注意的美式常见逻辑思维。文中未提到的不要选这是中国考生最




5、式总结啦,希望大家可以结合自己的实际情况,进行具体的分析,早日取得理想的成绩!GRE考试阅读理解模拟题及答案解析P1Many theories have been formulated to explain the role of grazers such as zooplankton in controlling the amount of planktonic algae (phytoplankton) in lakes.The first theories of such grazer control were merely based on observations of negati

6、ve correlations between algal and zooplankton numbers.A low number of algal cells in the presence of a high number of grazers suggested, but did not prove, that the grazers had removed most of the algae.The converse observation, of the absence of grazers in areas of high phytoplankton concentration,

7、 led Hardy to propose his principle of animal exclusion, which hypothesized that phytoplankton produced a repellent that excluded grazers from regions of high phytoplankton concentration.This was the first suggestion of algal defenses against grazing.Perhaps the fact that many of these first studies

8、 considered only algae of a size that could be collected in a net (net phytoplankton), a practice that overlooked the smaller phytoplankton (nannoplankton) that we now know grazers are most likely to feed on, led to a de-emphasis of the role of grazers in subsequent research.Increasingly, as in the

9、individual studies of Lund, Round, and Reynolds, researchers began to stress the importance of environmental factors such as temperature, light, and water movements in controlling algal numbers.These environmental factors were amenable to field monitoring and to simulation in the laboratory.Grazing

10、was believed to have some effect on algal numbers, especially after phytoplankton growth rates declined at the end of bloom periods, but grazing was considered a minor component of models that predicted algal population dynamics.The potential magnitude of grazing pressure on freshwater phytoplankton

11、 has only recently been determined empirically.Studies by Hargrave and Geen estimated natural community grazing rates by measuring feeding rates of individual zooplankton species in the laboratory and then computing community grazing rates for field conditions using the known population density of g

12、razers.The high estimates of grazing pressure postulated by these researchers were not fully accepted, however, until the grazing rates of zooplankton were determined directly in the field, by means of new experimental techniques.Using a specially prepared feeding chamber, Haney was able to record z

13、ooplankton grazing rates in natural field conditions.In the periods of peak zooplankton abundance, that is, in the late spring and in the summer, Haney recorded maximum daily community grazing rates, for nutrient-poor lakes and bog lakes, respectively, of 6.6 percent and 114 percent of daily phytopl

14、ankton production.Cladocerans had higher grazing rates than copepods, usually accounting for 80 percent of the community grazing rate.These rates varied seasonally, reaching the lowest point in the winter and early spring.Haneys thorough research provides convincing field evidence that grazers can e

15、xert significant pressure on phytoplankton population. (461 words)1. It can be inferred from the passage that the first theories of grazer control mentioned in the first paragraph would have been more convincing if researchers had been able to(A) observe high phytoplankton numbers under natural lake

16、 conditions(B) discover negative correlations between algae and zooplankton numbers from their field research(C) understand the central importance of environmental factors in controlling the growth rates of phytoplankton(D) make verifiable correlations of cause and effect between zooplankton and phy

17、toplankton numbers(E) invent laboratory techniques that would have allowed them to bypass their field research concerning grazer control2. Which of the following, if true, would call into question Hardys principle of animal exclusion?(A) Zooplankton are not the only organisms that are affected by ph

18、ytoplankton repellents.(B) Zooplankton exclusion is unrelated to phytoplankton population density.(C) Zooplankton population density is higher during some parts of the year than during others.(D) Net phytoplankton are more likely to exclude zooplankton than are nannoplankton.(E) Phytoplankton number

19、s can be strongly affected by environmental factors.For the following question, consider each of the choices separately and select all that apply3. The author would be likely to agree with which of the following statements regarding the pressure of grazers on phytoplankton numbers?A Grazing pressure

20、 can vary according to the individual type of zooplankton.B Grazing pressure can be lower in nutrient-poor lakes than in bog lakes.C Grazing tends to exert about the same pressure as does temperature.4. It can be inferred from the passage that one way in which many of the early researchers on grazer

21、 control could have improved their data would have been to(A) emphasize the effects of temperature, rather than of light, on phytoplankton(B) disregard nannoplankton in their analysis of phytoplankton numbers(C) collect phytoplankton of all sizes before analyzing the extent of phytoplankton concentr

22、ation(D) recognize that phytoplankton other than net phytoplankton could be collected in a net(E) understand the crucial significance of net phytoplankton in the diet of zooplankton5. According to the passage, Hargrave and Geen did which of the following in their experiments?(A) They compared the gr

23、azing rates of individual zooplankton species in the laboratory with the natural grazing rates of these species.(B) The hypothesized about the population density of grazers in natural habitats by using data concerning the population density of grazers in the laboratory.(C) They estimated the communi

24、ty grazing rates of zooplankton in the laboratory by using data concerning the natural community grazing rates of zooplankton.(D) They estimated the natural community grazing rates of zooplankton by using data concerning the known population density of phytoplankton.(E) They estimated the natural co

25、mmunity grazing rates of zooplankton by using laboratory data concerning the grazing rates of individual zooplankton species.P2The belief that art originates in intuitive rather than rational faculties was worked out historically and philosophically in the somewhat wearisome volumes of Benedetto Cro

26、ce, who is usually considered the originator of a new aesthetic.Croce was, in fact, expressing a very old idea.Long before the Romantics stressed intuition and self-expression, the frenzy of inspiration was regarded as fundamental to art, but philosophers had always assumed it must be controlled by

27、law and by the intellectual power of putting things into harmonious order.This general philosophic concept of art was supported by technical necessities. It was necessary to master certain laws and to use intellect in order to build Gothic cathedrals, or set up the stained glass windows of Chartres.

28、When this bracing element of craftsmanship ceased to dominate artists outlook, new technical elements had to be adopted to maintain the intellectual element in art.Such were linear perspective and anatomy. (156 words)6. The passage suggests that which of the following would most likely have occurred

29、 if linear perspective and anatomy had not come to influence artistic endeavor?(A) The craftsmanship that shaped Gothic architecture would have continued to dominate artists outlooks.(B) Some other technical elements would have been adopted to discipline artistic inspiration.(C) Intellectual control

30、 over artistic inspiration would not have influenced painting as it did architecture.(D) The role of intuitive inspiration would not have remained fundamental to theories of artistic creation.(E) The assumptions of aesthetic philosophers before Croce would have been invalidated.7. Select the sentenc

31、e in the passage that indicates a traditional assumption of aesthetic philosophers.8. The author mentions linear perspective and anatomy in the last sentence in order to do which of the following ?(A) Expand his argument to include painting as well as architecture(B) Indicate his disagreement with C

32、roces theory of the origins of art(C) Support his point that rational order of some kind has often seemed to discipline artistic inspiration(D) Explain the rational elements in Gothic painting that corresponded to craftsmanship in Gothic architecture(E) Show the increasing sophistication of artists

33、after the Gothic periodP3Nahuatl, like Greek and German, is a language that allows the formation of extensive compounds.By the combination of radicals or semantic elements, single compound words can express complex conceptual relations, often of an abstract universal character.The tlamatinime (those

34、 who know) were able to use this rich stock of abstract terms to express the nuances of their thought.They also availed themselves of other forms of expression with metaphorical meaning, some probably original, some derived from Toltec coinages.Of these forms the most characteristic in Nahuatl is th

35、e juxtaposition of two words that, because they are synonyms, associated terms, or even contraries, complement each other to evoke one single idea.Used as metaphor, the juxtaposed terms connote specific or essential traits of the being they refer to, introducing a mode of poetry as an almost habitua

36、l form of expression. (140 words)9. According to the passage, some abstract universal ideas can be expressed in Nahuatl by(A) taking away from a word any reference to particular instances(B) removing a word from its associations with other words(C) giving a word a new and opposite meaning(D) putting

37、 various meaningful elements together in one word(E) turning each word of a phrase into a poetic metaphorFor the following question, consider each of the choices separately and select all that apply10. It can be inferred solely from the information in the passage EXCEPT thatA all abstract universal

38、ideas are ideas of complex relationsB some record or evidence of the thought of the tlamatinime existsC metaphors are always used in Nahuatl to express abstract conceptual relationshipsP1(这是一篇长*,各种不认识的词形状很接近,容易混淆,线索又多,确实难。然而,如果认真地做这种长*,一个词一句话地认真翻译*理解选项,就是在累积自己对GRE阅读的心理优势,做的越多越不怕阅读.就算花一天也要完成我就是这么劝 pi

39、an 自己的。)1Many theories have been formulated to explain the role of grazers such as zooplankton in controlling the amount of planktonic algae (phytoplankton) in lakes.很多学说都详细地阐述了湖泊里植食动物的角色,比如浮游动物,会控制浮游藻类(浮游植物)的规模。(zooplankton 浮游动物;planktonic 浮游的;algae 藻类,单数形式 alga;phytoplankton 浮游植物;graze 牛羊等吃草、放牧;gr

40、azer 查了几本词典都没有详细解释它,只说它有“放牧者、牧羊人(澳洲)”的意思,但根据语境,显然应该翻译成“吃植物的动物”而不是“放牧的人”。本句 Chen Meng 老师译得比较顺,借鉴了 ta 的译法。)2The first theories of such grazer control were merely based on observations of negative correlations between algal and zooplankton numbers.早期的植食者控制论只是基于藻类和浮游动物的数量呈负相关的观察结果。(negative correlations

41、 负相关:一个变量的增加时,总伴随着另一个变量的减少;反之亦然。一起变多或变少叫正相关。)3A low number of algal cells in the presence of a high number of grazers suggested, but did not prove, that the grazers had removed most of the algae.藻细胞含量少,植食者较多意味着植食者处理掉了大多数藻类,但也不绝对。4The converse observation, of the absence of grazers in areas of high p

42、hytoplankton concentration, led Hardy to propose his principle of animal exclusion, which hypothesized that phytoplankton produced a repellent that excluded grazers from regions of high phytoplankton concentration.一个相反的观察结果是大量浮游植物聚集的区域浮游动物几乎消失, 这启发 H 提出了他的动物排除原理,他假设浮游植物大量聚集时可以产生一种浮游动物驱逐剂。5This was t

43、he first suggestion of algal defenses against grazing.这是第一次有人提出藻类抵抗被吃的假设。6Perhaps the fact that many of these first studies considered only algae of a size that could be collected in a net (net phytoplankton), a practice that overlooked the smaller phytoplankton (nannoplankton) that we now know graz

44、ers are most likely to feed on, led to a de-emphasis of the role of grazers in subsequent research.许多早期的研究只考虑到浮游植物采网能够采集的藻类,这种实验流程忽略了体型更小的浮游植物(微型浮游生物),而我们现在知道它们是浮游动物最爱吃的食物,在后续研究中,这种忽略降低了植食者角色的重要性。7Increasingly, as in the individual studies of Lund, Round, and Reynolds, researchers began to stress th

45、e importance of environmental factors such as temperature, light, and water movements in controlling algal numbers.在L,RO 和 RE 的研究中,研究者们更多地开始强调环境因素对藻类数量的控制,比如温度,光线,水流。8These environmental factors were amenable to field monitoring and to simulation in the laboratory.这些环境因素更便于现场监测和实验室模拟。9Grazing was be

46、lieved to have some effect on algal numbers, especially after phytoplankton growth rates declined at the end of bloom periods, but grazing was considered a minor component of models that predicted algal population dynamics.研究者相信浮游动物的摄食行为对藻类数量有影响,特别是浮游植物爆发期尾声增长率下降后,不过这种摄食行为只被看作预测藻类数量动态模型中的一个小因素。10The

47、 potential magnitude of grazing pressure on freshwater phytoplankton has only recently been determined empirically.摄食压力对淡水浮游植物的潜在重要性最近才通过实验被认定。11Studies by Hargrave and Geen estimated natural community grazing rates by measuring feeding rates of individual zooplankton species in the laboratory and then computing community grazing rates for field conditions using the known population density of grazers.H 和 G 主持的研究,先测量实验室中单独的浮游动物种群进食速率,再用已知的浮游动物种群密度计算出野外总体浮游动物摄食速率,通过这种方式估算出自然条件下浮游动物总体的摄食速率。12The high estimates of grazing pressure postulated by these researchers were not fully ac


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