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1、GRE阅读详解考前提速3大要点 你的GRE阅读速度够快了吗?详解考前提速3大要点?我们来看看吧,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。你的GRE阅读速度够快了吗?详解考前提速3大要点面对即将到来的GRE考试,相信大部分考生在知识点和解题技巧方面,都已经做好了充分的准备,应对难题也有了一定的信心。但是GRE考试并非只靠题目的解答正确率,解题速度同样是关键所在。而说起来GRE考试中最容易拖慢答题节奏影响解题速度的就是阅读部分了。你的阅读速度真的够快了吗?下面来和大家分享GRE阅读进一步提速的3大要点。提速也要求稳首先要特别提醒各位备考GRE的同学,切记稳中求快,而切忌走极端,或是盲目求快,忽视*中的重要


3、但是GRE阅读的考查点还是着眼于逻辑思维能力的考查,要想在GRE阅读中取得高分,就一定要针对自己的阅读思维多做训练。以上就是为大家介绍的GRE阅读考前提速3大要点。各位考生如果对于自己的GRE阅读速度还不满意,那么不妨参考上文内容,学习一下进一步提高阅读速度的方法和技巧。GRE阅读模拟题Whereas Carlos Bulosan aimed through fiction and personal testimony to advance both Filipino civil rights in the United States and the social transformation

4、 of the Philippines, Yen Le Espiritu has set herself the task of recovering life histories of Filipino Americans. Her work brings Filipino Americans of the generation following the 1934-1965 immigration hiatus graphically to life. A special strength is the representation of Filipino American women,

5、who were scarce among immigrants before the 1934 American curb on Filipino immigration but composed more than half of the immigrants to America since liberalization in 1965. Espiritus subjects document their changing sense of Filipino identity in the United States, much as Bulosan did as a member of

6、 the first substantial wave of immigrants.1. According to the passage, both Bulosan and Espiritu do which of the following in their work?A. Consider generational differences in Filipino immigrants responses to life in the UnitedB. Attempt to make allowance for the demographic variations among Filipi

7、no immigrants to the United StatesC. Employ fiction in addition to documenting actual life histories of Filipino immigrants to theUnited StatesD. Represent how life in the United States has affected immigrants sense of Filipino identityE. Examine the effects on Filipinos in the United States of the

8、1934 American curb on Filipino immigration2. In the context in which it appears, “graphically” most nearly meansA. in writingB. by means of drawingC. impressionisticallyD. diagrammaticallyE. vividly1Whereas Carlos Bulosan aimed through fiction and personal testimony to advance both Filipino civil ri

9、ghts in the United States and the social transformation of the Philippines, Yen Le Espiritu has set herself the task of recovering life histories of Filipino Americans.在 C B 力求通过小说和人证推进在美菲律宾人的权利,以及菲律宾国内的社会转型的同时,Y L E 给自己设定的目标是重现菲律宾裔美国人的生活史。2Her work brings Filipino Americans of the generation follow

10、ing the 1934-1965 immigration hiatus graphically to life.她的作品栩栩如生地描绘了 1934 - 1965 移民中断期以后的一代菲律宾裔美国人的生活。(【关于 1965 年美国移民法】1965 年,美国通过了新的移民政策即 The Hart - Cellar Act of 1965 亦即 The 1965 Immigration Act,此前的移民政策(可上溯至 1920 年代)是严格根据美国当时已有的人口比例发放配额,也就是说北欧人移入比意大利人容易,而亚裔因为当时人口占比非常低,加上其他限制(比如成年文盲不允许移民等),移民数大减,

11、hiatus 本意空隙、中断、间隔,指的就是这段菲律宾裔的移民低潮期。如果你有志留在美国工作和生活,该感谢 1965 年的移民法,因为从这个法案开始,所谓 “技术移民” 开始成为外国人进入美国的一种最重要通道。而作为上限的 1934 年,发生了什么?合理的推测是,发生了某事,让菲律宾裔移民数锐减。事实的确如此,1934 年通过的 The Tydings - McDuffie Act,officially the Philippine Independence Act,其中规定:The act reclassified all Filipinos, including those who wer

12、e living in the United States, as aliens for the purposes of immigration to America. A quota of 50 immigrants per year was established.2 Before this act, Filipinos were classified as United States nationals, but not United States citizens, and while they were allowed to migrate relatively freely, th

13、ey were denied naturalization rights within the US, unless they were citizens by birth in the mainland US.3(https:/是的,你没看错,定额为每年 50 人。尽管这个法案并没有严格执行,比如夏威夷蔗糖种植园主派人成功游说联邦政府,允许更多菲律宾劳工入境工作,但准入的多为男性劳工,从事的也是底层体力劳动,这种情形在 1965 年以后改变很大,文段下文有呼应。)3A special str

14、ength is the representation of Filipino American women, who were scarce among immigrants before the 1934 American curb on Filipino immigration but composed more than half of the immigrants to America since liberalization in 1965.作品特别有力地展示了菲律宾裔美籍女性,1934 年美国限制菲律宾裔移民以前就很少,但 1965 年政策放开后却在总数中过半。(【Carlos

15、Bulosan】Carlos Sampayan Bulosan (November 24, 19131 September 11, 1956) was an English-language Filipino novelist and poet who spent most of his life in the United States. His best-known work today is the semi-autobiographical America Is in the Heart, but he first gained fame for his 1943 essay on T

16、he Freedom from Want.(https:/ subjects document their changing sense of Filipino identity in the United States, much as Bulosan did as a member of the first substantial wave of immigrants.E 的描述对象记录了美籍菲律宾人身份的转变,就像 B 作为第一代移民大潮的一员所做的记录。1. According to the

17、passage, both Bulosan and Espiritu do which of the following in their work?A. Consider generational differences in Filipino immigrants responses to life in the UnitedB. Attempt to make allowance for the demographic variations among Filipino immigrants to the United StatesC. Employ fiction in additio

18、n to documenting actual life histories of Filipino immigrants to theUnited StatesD. Represent how life in the United States has affected immigrants sense of Filipino identityE. Examine the effects on Filipinos in the United States of the 1934 American curb on Filipino immigration选 D比较朴实的细节题,根据句 4:Es

19、piritus subjects document their changing sense of Filipino identity in the United States, much as Bulosan did as a member of the first substantial wave of immigrants.2. In the context in which it appears, “graphically” most nearly meansA. in writingB. by means of drawingC. impressionisticallyD. diag

20、rammaticallyE. vividly选 E这种题我都没啥讲的,只能引词典释义:graphic 【MWC】vividly or plainly shown or described几乎可以听见 ETS 娇嗔道:还要人家怎么样嘛。长难句解析:组织工作场所New ways of organizing the workplace all that reengineering and downsizing - are only one contribution to the overall productivity of an economy, which is driven by many o

21、ther factors such as joint investment in equipment and machinery, new technology, and investment in education and training.句子主干New ways of workplaceare only one contribution to, which is, and语法难点有插入语。两个破折号中间的成分为插入结构,可以视为括号里面的内容。Such as后面的内容是对many other factors的列举。在阅读的时候基本可以跳过不看,除非后面有细节题考查这里的内容。句子翻译 组织工作场所的新方法包括机构重组和缩小规模只是促进某个经济实体的综合生产率提高的一项措施,还有其他许多因素促进生产率的提高,比如对机械设备的联合投资、采用新技术、对教育培训投资等。翻译技巧all that译为“这一切包括”。overall productivity译为“综合生产力水平”。Joint investment译为“联合投资”。Drive译为“驱动”。GRE阅读详解考前提速3大要点


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