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1、第三章 旅游文本中的用词及其翻译,第一模块:热身练习,Youll see,too,why St.Petersburg is called a“floating city”.Standing there,nearly surrounded by water,you can see four of the citys 42 islands.您也会了解,为什么圣彼得堡又称为“漂浮的城市”。驻足四望,发现自己周围碧波涟涟,还可以看到这城市四十二个岛屿中的四个。,For most of us,Hawaii begins to weave her spell with some little glimme

2、r of awareness.Golden beaches and golden people.Sun,sand,sea,and surfAnd somewhere between the blue skies and the palm treeswere hooked.对大多数人来说,那些关于夏威夷星星点点的印象足以让我们沉浸于她的魅力。金色的海滩,优雅的人群。阳光、沙滩、大海、浪花在蓝天和棕榈树之间,我们流连忘返。,Blue-green lakes where lake steamers cruise,lush green Alpine pastures where cows graze,

3、picturesque villages with richly-carved wooden chalets and eternally white mountain summits reached by rail or cableways:picture-postcard Switzerland comes to life in Interlaken.And thats by no means all:pleasure seekers and adventure addicts will find an impressive palette of activities in this uni

4、que natural setting.A jam-packed events calendar also caters for that very special holiday highlight.,汽船在蔚蓝的湖水上巡游,成群的奶牛在碧绿的阿尔卑斯草原上吃草,装饰精美的木屋组成了风景如画的村庄,火车和缆车线路直通白雪皑皑的山峰:“瑞士风景明信片”在因特拉肯变成了现实。当然,享受远不止于此:无论您寻求的是休闲娱乐还是惊险刺激,自然美景中的丰富活动都会令您满意。多姿多彩的活动安排构成了假日中一道亮丽的风景。,普陀山属亚热带海洋性季风气候,夏无酷暑,冬无严寒,温和湿润,四季宜人。岛上植被丰茂,

5、种类繁多,有“海岛植物园”之称。有引人注目的“千年樟”,树干周围有七米多,伟枝横空,苍劲挺拔,冠盖数亩,生机勃发。还有“普陀鹅耳枥”,虽貌不惊人,却属当世罕见珍木。此外,有野茶花和水仙花,特别是“普陀水仙”,为我国水仙三大名品之一。古树珍木,奇花异草,把名山普陀装点得更具迷人魅力。,With the subtropical marine monsoon climate,Putuo Mountain is mild and damp in four seasons.It has long been known as a“botanical garden on the sea island”for

6、 its variety of plentiful and luxuriant vegetation,of which the spectacular“thousand-year-old camphor tree”and the rare“Putuo hornbean tree”are especially eye-catching.Besides,it has wild camellias and narcissuses,the“Putuo narcissus”in particular,which is rated as one of the three great famous narc

7、issuses in China.The whole mountain is charmingly decorated with all these old trees and exotic flowers and rare herbs.,苏州是我国著名的风景旅游城市,享有“人间天堂”之美誉。苏州旅游既有园林之美,又有山水之胜,自然、人文景观交相辉映,加之文人墨客题咏吟唱,使苏州成为名副其实的“人间天堂”。Suzhou,a renowned tourist city in China,enjoys the reputation of“Paradise on Earth”.Apart from

8、its magnificent hills and waters,it is also famous for its marvelous gardens.As a perfect combination of both natural and man-made landscapes,Suzhou deserves its fame of“Paradise on Earth”.,例1:Welcome to breath-taking views,unforgettable moments and impressive scenery.Springtime in Interlaken debauc

9、hes with blooming landscapes,natural alpine air,crystal clear rivers and rustling waterfalls.Snow-covered mountains and sunny days invite for springtime skiing in the Jungfrau region.欢迎前来欣赏令人叹为观止的美丽风光。春天的因特拉肯景色宜人,让人流连忘返,这里有纯净的山区空气、水晶般清澈剔透的河水和哗哗作响、飞流直下的瀑布。另外,白雪皑皑的高山和灿烂明媚的阳光都在热情地迎接您春天来少女峰地区滑雪。,例2:The

10、Hawaiian Islands are one of the most beautiful places on earth.The weather is friendly.The temperature ranges from 60-90 degrees(Fahrenheit)all year long.Its a little warmer in summer,and a little cooler in winter,but every day is a beach day for somebody.夏威夷岛是世界上最具魅力的地方之一。这里天气晴朗,气候宜人,气温常年在华氏60-90度之

11、间。夏天稍暖,冬天稍凉,但每天都是晒太阳的好日子。,例3:这里千峰竞秀,有奇峰72座,其中天都峰、莲花峰、光明顶都在海拔1800米以上,拔地擎天,气势磅礴,雄姿灵秀。Here you can enjoy numerous magnificent peaks including 72 in odd shapes,with Tiandu,Lianhua and Guangmingding above 1,800 meters in altitude.They all rise up like giants,forming into spectacular scenery.,例4:城内外遍布名胜古迹

12、。寒山寺,诗韵钟声,脍炙人口;虎丘,千年古塔,巍然屹立;天平山,奇石嶙峋,枫林如锦;洞庭东山,湖光山色,花果连绵。The city abounds with fine scenery and historical interest.The popular Hanshan Temple,with its charming bell,has inspired many a poetic mind.On the Tiger Hill,a thousand-year-old pagoda stands in majesty.The Tianping Hill is featured by grotes

13、que rock formations and red maple woods while luxuriant fruit-trees add to the natural beauty of East Dongting Hills and lakes around.,例5:Cross the bridge and turn behind the Winter Palace.In the middle of the huge Palace Square stands the Alexander Column.It commemorates Russias victory over Napole

14、on.The 650-ton granite column is not attached to the base in any way.Its own weight keeps it upright.Hoisted into place in 1832,it has stood there ever since.过了桥转到冬宫的后面,巨大的冬宫广场中间竖立着亚历山大圆柱,此柱为纪念俄国和拿破仑交战的胜利而建。六百五十吨的花岗石圆柱底部并未以任何方式固定,底部也无任何支撑。自1832年竖立之后,便一直站在那里。,例6:Zermatt is surrounded by thirty-eight

15、4000 m/13,000 ft high mountains.Today you go on an excursion by cogwheel railway up to the famous Gornergrat where you will have a superb panoramic view of the Matterhorn,Mont Blanc and many other snow-capped peaks.Overnight at the hotel Simi in Zermatt.采尔马特四周环绕着38座海拔4000米/13000英尺的高山。如今可以乘坐齿轨列车前往著名的

16、戈尔内格拉特,在那里欣赏马特宏峰、勃朗峰和众多积雪覆盖的山峰。在采尔马特的Simi宾馆过夜。,例7:沧浪亭位于人民路的南端,是苏州最古老的园林之一。Located on the southern end of Renmin Road,the Canglang Pavilion(Surging Waves Pavilion)is one of the oldest gardens in Suzhou.,例8:云南有26个少数民族,是中国少数民族种类最多的省份。各民族的服饰、建筑、风俗、歌舞、饮食等,形成了一幅美丽的风情画卷。Home to 26 ethnic groupsthe largest

17、number in ChinaYunnan Province offers tourists a cultural feast of unique ethnic costumes,architectures,customs,cuisines,songs,and dances.,例9:Yet in spite of this,you can still find some of the citys grand past.尽管如此,还是可以找到一些这个城市辉煌的过去。,例10:Youre not permitted to bring your own food to the park;you ca

18、n only consume the fast food sold on the premises.不允许自带食物进入园中,只能在里面的快餐店用餐。,例11:If you like kitsch,you wont want to miss the bizarre melange of cultural artefacts at the National Museum of American History.如果您喜欢一般的工艺品,一定不想错过美国国家历史博物馆的各种文化工艺品大市场。,例12:Youll not only find sport here,but also culture and

19、 emotion.这里,您不仅可以体验体育运动,还可以尝试各种文化活动,一切充满了激情。,例13:当你在杨柳青年画作坊亲眼所见那传世的印版、五彩的颜料、娴熟的画技,或许更能领略到这早已闻名四海的中国非物质文化遗产的无穷魅力,你不得不感叹这民间艺术奇葩的恒久生命所在。When you see in the workshops for yourself the printing plates handed down from ancient times,the multicoloured pigments and the consummate skills,perhaps you will get

20、 a better understanding of the charm of this world-famous Chinese nonmaterial cultural heritage.And you cannot help marvelling at the lasting vitality of the exquisite folk art.,例14:我们还专门为您安排了“环岛一日游”,带给您最大的舒适与享受。您既可以留在船上度过令人难忘的一天,也可以在几处停靠站下船游览,饱览岛上的宜人风光。Our Round-the-Island Day Excursion has been sp

21、ecially designed to offer you maximum comfort,luxury and enjoyment.You can either spend a perfect day without leaving the cruise or pay visits to the added attractions of the fascinating shore at each of our places of call.,例15:Out of all of Americas symbols,none has proved more enduring or evocativ

22、e than the Statue of Liberty.【译文一】在美国所有的标志当中,没有比“自由女神”更持久、更具感召力的了。【译文二】在美国所有的标志当中,“自由女神”最为持久,也最具感召力。,例16:Easy to reach by road and rail,for decades this resort in the heart of the Bernese Oberland has been one of the most popular destinations for every visitor to Switzerland.该旅游胜地位于伯尔尼高地中心地带,数十年来,已成

23、为瑞士最受欢迎的旅游目的地之一。,例17:全国以西湖命名的淡水湖有36处,杭州西湖就是其中自然风光最秀丽的一个。In China,there are actually 36 fresh-water lakes that have got the name of West Lake,but of them the one in Hangzhou is blessed with the most picturesque natural scenery.,例18:许多山川林泉,之所以称为名胜,除了灵秀独钟的纯自然美以外,还因为有独一无二的人文景观。Many mountains,rivers,fore

24、sts and springs have become famous because they have a unique man-made landscape apart from their unique pure natural beauty.,例19:In the summer months,Interlaken sets the scene for culture as well as sport.Several events already enjoy a long tradition and are as much a part of Interlaken as the accl

25、aimed view of the Jungfrau massif.夏季,因特拉肯的文化活动和体育活动一样精彩纷呈,有些活动历史悠久,这些活动和闻名遐迩的少女峰一样,成为该地区一道不容错过的美丽风景。,例20:If you are looking for the most delicious French cuisine in town,why not rendezvous at this delightful spot where appetizing dishes are always served?如果您正在城里寻找最美味可口的法国大餐,为什么不到这令人兴致盎然的地方来?要知道,这里总有

26、令人垂涎欲滴的各种美味佳肴期待您的光临!,例21:太湖奇峰环抱,烟水迷蒙,自然天成的湖光山色美不胜收。【译文一】Grotesque peaks around and mist over the surface form into harmonious natural scenery of the Taihu Lake.【译文二】Grotesque peaks around and mist over the surface have turned the Taihu Lake into a marvelous natural landscape.【译文三】Thanks to the grote

27、sque peaks around and the mist over the surface,the Taihu Lake is really a fascinating natural landscape.,例22:当你步入沟中,便可见林中碧海淡荡生辉,瀑布舒洒碧玉。一到金秋,满山枫叶绛红。盛夏,湖山幽翠。仲春,树绿花艳四时都呈献出它的天然原始,宁静幽深。Limpid lakes and sparkling waterfalls captivate your eyes as you enter the ravine.The trees are in their greenest in spring when intensified by colorful flowers.In summer,warm tints spread over the hills and the lakes and in autumn,the maple trees turn fiery red.Tranquility pervades primitive Jiuzhaigou throughout the year.,


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