1、Unit 17,则洪昼铲重逮公碾跨教惦缓溉佰钦薛垄逸悼贱务庐涩剥渤涌窥垃渠朴蜕厩NCE3Lesson-17_the_longest_suspension_bridge_in_the_worldNCE3Lesson-17_the_longest_suspension_bridge_in_the_world,违糯跪师僚撕辑泉竣拍市氏孺杯伍咐忙抠琼纬棚印涵刑克靛誉透骏窍杏秽NCE3Lesson-17_the_longest_suspension_bridge_in_the_worldNCE3Lesson-17_the_longest_suspension_bridge_in_the_world,悬索
2、桥(吊桥)(suspension bridge),指的是以通过索塔悬挂并锚固于两岸(或桥两端)的缆索(或钢链)作为上部结构主要承重构件的桥梁。Basic words to describe the suspension bridge span 跨度(n)cable 缆索 concrete n.混凝土 suspend v.悬挂 length n.根,段 tower 索塔,仿瞎廷淖毫杨蛇刮兆尉晌孪籍赣父傀懦婿接吐照掠调茹歇品淆层约肇淆劲NCE3Lesson-17_the_longest_suspension_bridge_in_the_worldNCE3Lesson-17_the_longest_
3、suspension_bridge_in_the_world,New words and expressions,Suspension(n.)Suspend(v.)be suspended from 悬挂于eg:The bridge has been suspended from the cables The light is suspended from the ceiling.suspense(n.):担心、挂念、悬念suspenders Agreeable adj.宜人的eg:Today is agreeable agreeable situation.,逐簧芽肚移晶蚌酒判态谁刚惮挨钱汽
4、肥萍刹椅织颗三她赵布悍硷慑诲极袖NCE3Lesson-17_the_longest_suspension_bridge_in_the_worldNCE3Lesson-17_the_longest_suspension_bridge_in_the_world,亚幼溅卫煞对皖瞻粒长埠铁存术原佛洁拼椽婶襄桑抽稠汐患瓣芍眺沦矿裂NCE3Lesson-17_the_longest_suspension_bridge_in_the_worldNCE3Lesson-17_the_longest_suspension_bridge_in_the_world,What kind of people is Ver
5、razano?What did he do in 1524?How did he describe New York harbor?Why his name will probably remain immortal?Who designed the Verrazano Bridge?,Read pra.1 and think about,部抚哄擦敬毫舍勇绅挫阳颜饼帽嗓悯辑昼疲纽柄皂募眨豹衷宪拾眠奔刽汤NCE3Lesson-17_the_longest_suspension_bridge_in_the_worldNCE3Lesson-17_the_longest_suspension_brid
6、ge_in_the_world,Verrazano,an Italian about whom little is known,sailed into New York Harbour in 1524 and named it Angouleme.He described it as a very agreeable situation located within two small hills in the midst of which flowed a great river.Though Verrazano is by no means considered to be a great
7、 explorer,his name will prob-ably remain immortal,for on November 21st,1964,the greatest bridge in the world was named after him.,堂毕态雄激昔症辨蓖涤躇脆码呼追询棺疮菏槛焕规谊吠燃硅桶归姑摈姻丧NCE3Lesson-17_the_longest_suspension_bridge_in_the_worldNCE3Lesson-17_the_longest_suspension_bridge_in_the_world,Who designed the Verrazan
8、o Bridge?How long is it?Why the shape of the earth had to be taken into account?What support four huge cables?What kind of platform are the towers built on?How deep is the platform?,Read pra.2 and think about,纲膳贼觅兜圭伺羞顷衡哀括嚼贼颗迸坛呕奠奇休且障柴颇绩声杯分沧重戈NCE3Lesson-17_the_longest_suspension_bridge_in_the_worldNCE
9、3Lesson-17_the_longest_suspension_bridge_in_the_world,Is it an easy work to build this bridge?What is the relationship of the towers,cables and bridge?Will the bridge fall down if the bridge were packed with car?What is the designers dream to creat?,Read pra.2 and think about,恶毕乙烹挂用皿碉害舰阐丸杜持吸味另鲸磷驻延椰侧
10、式赖荐翰檀椿教聋惫NCE3Lesson-17_the_longest_suspension_bridge_in_the_worldNCE3Lesson-17_the_longest_suspension_bridge_in_the_world,The Verrazano Bridge,which was designed by Othmar Ammann,joins Brooklyn to Staten Island.It has a span of 4260 feet.The bridge is so long that the shape of the earth had to be ta
11、ken into account by its designer.Two great towers support four huge cables.The towers are built on immense underwater platforms made of steel and concrete.The platforms extend to a depth of over 100 feet under the sea.These alone took sixteen months to build.Above the surface of the water,the towers
12、 rise to a height of nearly 700 feet.They support the cables from which the bridge has been suspended.Each of the four cables contains 26,108 lengths of wire.It has been estimated that if the bridge were packed with cars,it would still only be carrying a third of its total capacity.However,size and
13、strength are not the only important things about this bridge.Despite its immensity,it is both simple and elegant,fulfilling its designers dream to create an enormous object drawn as faintly as possible.,无赃脓苦不芬蹿滔完涤神止串职河若觅酒威下演腰安承骑洼邢弱诉颇炊酪NCE3Lesson-17_the_longest_suspension_bridge_in_the_worldNCE3Lesson-17_the_longest_suspension_bridge_in_the_world,