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1、易混易错对比选择100例 Have you _ to Jack for many years?No,just one year.Have you _ to Jack?Not yet.A.been marrying B.married C.got marriedD.been marriedSeeing my mother is busy,I cant help _ housework.I was busy with my work,so I cant help _ housework.A.doB.be doingC.to doingD.doingJack hopes that he _ visi

2、t the Great Wall in China some day.Jack wishes that he_ visit the Great Wall in China some day.A.mustB.canC.has toD.couldIt is on Monday morning _ Professor Zhang teaches us English.It is Monday morning _ Professor Zhang teaches us English.A.thatB.whatC.whenD.whereWe all think that Han Kate is good

3、_ singing and dancing.Mr.Smith is good _ his wife and children.As is known to all,swimming is good _ peoples health.A.inB.for C.atD.to,D,C,D,A,B,D,A,C,C,D,B,We cant get there _ by swimming.We got there by boat _ by swimming.Do you have plenty of books?Yes,_ I can read.Do you have plenty of books?Yes

4、,Im _ ready to get any more.A.rather than B.less than C.more than D.other thanMy English is so poor that I cant make myself _.My English is so poor that I cant make them _.A.understand B.to understand C.understood D.understandingWe must go all out to fight _ the Four Modernizations.What were the cou

5、ple fighting _ last night?England fought with France _ Germany in the war of 1914 1918.A.againstB.forC.withD.aboutWho would you like _ you with your English?Who would you rather have _ you with your English?Who would you rather _ you with your English?A.helped B.helpingC.to helpD.helpHe had his sick

6、 kid _ to the hospital,for he had no time then.He had a boy _ the books for him.He had a boy _ the books all the morning.He had a boy _ on his motorcycle,so he couldnt take me along.A.carry B.to carry C.carryingD.carried,D,A,C,B,C,A,B,D,A,C,D,A,D,A,C,B,Im afraid I cant make myself _.Im afraid I cant

7、 make myself _ it.A.understand B.understood C.understanding D.to understandId prefer him _ us in the game.Id prefer that he _ us in the game.Id rather that he _ us in the game.A.not to join B.doesnt join C.didnt join D.not joinThe mother likes to have her little daughter _ in red.The mother would li

8、ke to have her little daughter _ herself.The mother never forces her little daughter _ herself.A.dress B.to dress C.dressing D.dressed We are all here on time,_ Tom.He is always late.We are all here on time,_ Tom.You are all punctual(守时).This composition was well written,_ two wrongly-spelled words.

9、The patient would have lost his life,_ the doctor.A.except B.except for C.besides D.but for_ by some children,the teacher entered the Town Hall._ some children,the teacher entered the Town Hall.A.Following B.To be followed C.Having followed D.Followed,B,A,A,D,C,D,A,B,A,C,B,D,D,A,The teacher told us

10、that this English poem was _.The teacher told us that this English poem was difficult _.A.understanding B.to understand C.to be understood D.understandThe family are _ out on Sundays.As everybody knows,Tom is a _ diligent student.Wonderful.I have never seen a _ interesting film.Of the twins,Sally is

11、 _ naughty.A.moreB.mostC.the moreD.mostlyLong ago,China became famous _ china.As we know,Las Vegas is famous _ a gambling city(赌城).Albert Einstein was famous _ science.A.asB.inC.forD.toRobots are used to _ a lot of work in place of us.Robert is used to _ a lot of work in place of us.Robert used to _

12、wrong in the company by his workmates.A.be doneB.doingC.doD.be doing_ the beginning,all of us didnt know about him._ the beginning of the new term,all of us didnt know about him.To begin _,let me introduce the new comer to you.A.(不填)B.withC.AtD.In,C,B,D,B,A,C,C,A,B,C,B,A,D,C,B,In this university,Joh

13、n is the one of the professors who _ Chinese.In this university,John is one of the professors who _ Chinese.In this university,John is among the professors _ Chinese.A.knowB.knowsC.knowingD.to knowThere lie lots of beautiful islands _ the south coast of our country.There lie lots of fishing villages

14、 _ the south coast of our country.Taiwan,the beautiful island,lies _ the southeast of China.A.alongB.toC.offD.inThe Great Pyramid is made up of _ 2300,000 huge stones.The biggest stone weighs _ 15 tons.A.as well asB.as far asC.as much asD.as many asI hear that youve been to England _ on business.I h

15、ear that _ you go to England on business.I hear that you will go to England _ on business.I hear that you are likely go to England on business _this week.A.anytimeB.some timeC.some timesD.sometimesThis film is by all considered _ interest.This film is by all considered _ interesting.A.to beB.beingC.

16、asD.of,B,A,C,C,A,D,D,C,C,D,B,A,D,A,_ is your father?He is an engineer._ is your father like?He is tall and strong._ is your father?He is very well,thank you._ is your father?He is Jackson.A.HowB.WhatC.WhoD.WhomIf you take five out of eight,three _.Five out of eight _ three.Take five from eight and t

17、he _ is three.A.remainderB.remains C.is remainedD.leavesFinally,our class _ the football game.Finally,our class _ Class Two in the football game.A.defeatB.stuckC.wonD.beatI doubt _ he can help you with your English in his spare time.I dont doubt _ he can help you with your English in his spare time.

18、A.thatB.whenC.whetherD.whatAs a child,I lived in the country with my granny _.Keep up,and you will succeed _.John was so hurried that he went up the stairs two _.I dont think the train will arrive at the station _.A.at one timeB.at a timeC.in timeD.on time,B,B,A,C,B,D,A,C,D,C,A,A,C,B,D,He is looking

19、 forward _ his grandma in the country next week.He was looking forward _ what was going on over there.He was looking forward,_ what was going on over there.A.to see B.seeing C.to seeing D.seeHe died _ the traffic accident.He died _ overwork.He died _ a glorious death.He died _ old age.A.fromB.ofC.in

20、D.(不填)As is known to all,the rich _ often cruel to the poor.As is known to all,the new _ sure to replace the old.A.isB.areC.wereD.wasThey have _ jobs to offer us.They have _ work for us to do.They have _ the jobs to offer us.They have _ job to offer us.A.a good many ofB.a great deal of C.many aD.a g

21、ood many I thank you _ me the news.Youre welcome.I appreciate your _ me the news.Its my pleasure.I thank you _ me the news.All right.A.for tellingB.tellC.to tellD.telling,C,A,B,C,A,D,B,B,A,D,B,A,C,A,D,C,They worked all day,_ for the sports meeting.They worked all day _ for the sports meeting.A.prepa

22、reB.preparingC.preparedD.to prepareTheir team is sure _ the game.Im confident in them.Their team is sure _ the game.Theyre confident in themselves.A.to winB.winC.to winningD.of winningI suggested he _ it again.I suggested him _ it again.His expression suggested he _ it again.A.tryB.tryingC.triedD.ha

23、d triedEast of the city _ a beautiful park 3 years ago.He _ his hand on my shoulder.He often _ to his teacher in high school.Hes _ there for 2 hours.A.laidB.liedC.layD.lainIf you come here earlier,you _ the great scientist.If you had come here earlier,you _ the great scientist.A.are going to see B.w

24、ould have seen C.will see D.would see,B,D,A,D,A,B,D,C,A,B,D,C,B,Its three years_ I smoked.Its good for your health.Its for three years _ Ive smoked.Its bad for your health.A.forB.sinceC.beforeD.thatWhat _ are you trying to say?The murderer must have gone _ somewhere in Wuhan.Last night,back in the g

25、arden the couple secretly picked up a pot of gold _.A.on earthB.with earthC.in the earthD.to earth_,he can lift the heavy stone._,he cant lift the heavy stone._ that he can lift the heavy stone._,but he cant lift the heavy stone.A.Strong as he is B.So strong is he C.He is very strongD.As he is stron

26、g_ he come,what _ you say to him?_ he comes,what _ you say to him?A.Should;wouldB.When;would C.If;willD.Were to;do_ had he come out of the house than he was arrested by the police._ had he come out of the house when he was arrested by the police._ he had come out of the house he was arrested by the

27、police.A.HardlyB.ImmediatelyC.No soonerD.quickly,B,D,A,D,C,D,A,B,C,A,A,C,C,C,A,B,_ time going on,she leant more and more._ time went on,she learnt more and more.A.WithB.ForC.AsD.WhenShe was so excited that she couldnt fall _.She was so tired that she felt _ while driving.She didnt go to _ until 12:0

28、0 last night.She sat there watching her _ baby.A.sleepB.sleepingC.asleepD.sleepyLight travels faster than _.She enjoys the country life,away from city _.Can you recognize my _ on the phone?A.soundB.voiceC.noiseD.voicesThat is our teaching building,_ top well above the others.That is our teaching bui

29、lding,_ top is well above the others.A.whatB.whichC.whoseD.itsHe was careless _ he failed.He failed _ his carelessness.His failure _ his carelessness.His carelessness _ his failure.A.as a result of B.with the result that C.resulted from D.resulted in,A,C,C,D,A,B,A,C,B,D,C,B,A,C,D,I wont invite him t

30、o drink there,because he is my boss._ I wont invite him to drink there because he is my boss._A.Oh,I see.B.For what then?C.Not at all.D.Why not?The black car,_ petrol,ran out of the gas station.The football players,_ go,entered the pitch.A.which filled withB.filling with C.filled with D.full of Moth

31、er is in the kitchen,busy_ supper.Since you are _now,lets begin.A.preparedB.preparing C.get ready for D.preparing forMr.James is popular _ young men.Mr.James is popular _ societyMr.James is popular _ his kindness.A.inB.atC.among D.forHe as well as his friends _ going to the Great Wall.Not only he bu

32、t also you _ going to the Great Wall.Neither Jack nor Tom is going to the Great Wall,_A.are theyB.isC.are D.is he,A,B,C,D,B,A,C,A,D,B,C,A,Of the two the _ is better than the former.Mr.Smiths _ wife was sent to the country and buried there.Ill tell you about it _ on.I havent heard from him _.A.lateB.

33、later C.latterD.latelyThey will send more mobile medical teams _ in the countryside.They at last sent the machine _ again.A.workingB.workedC.to workD.to workingHe said that his grandfather had passed away _.We know that his grandfather passed away _.The doctor says that his grandfather will pass ove

34、r _.A.before longB.long beforeC.long agoD.ago longHe will _ the Atlantic Ocean on his own.Id like you to buy a round _ for me.The Great Canyon is a days _ by car from here.Mr.Smith has made up his mind to _ all the countries in Asia in search of novelty(新奇的事物).A.journeyB.tripC.travelD.voyageHer over

35、coat _,the girl hurriedly went out of the flat with her boyfriend.The girl,_ in her coat,hurriedly went out of the flat with her boyfriend.On _ her coat,the girl hurriedly went out of the flat with her boyfriend.The girl _a coat hurriedly went out of the flat with her boyfriend.A.putting onB.dressed

36、C.wearingD.going on,C,A,B,D,C,A,B,C,A,D,B,A,C,D,B,A,C,Our class is made _ thirty boys and twenty-four girls.My brothers jacket is made _ my fathers overcoat.The desks and chairs are made _ wood and steel.A.offB.out of C.up ofD.ofThe plants _ the heavy rain.The heavy rain _ the plants.The heavy rain

37、was_ the plants.A.benefited B.of great benefit to C.benefited from D.for the benefit of Did you scold him for his mistake?Yes,but _ it.”Did you scold him for his mistake?No,but _ it.”A.Id like to have doneB.I shouldnt doC.Im going to doD.Id rather not have done This bill doesnt agree _ your original

38、 estimate.The basketball teams agreed _ a date for another game.They didnt agree _ her taking up the job.A.onB.withC.toD.at Must they work here for long?No,they _.They must have worked for long,_ they?They must have worked for long yesterday,_ they?A.mustntB.haventC.didnt D.neednt,C,B,D,C,A,B,D,C,B,

39、A,C,D,B,C,Id like to keep a pet,_,a cat or a dog.Id like to keep a pet,_a cat or a dog.Id like to keep a cat,a dog,_.A.such asB.as suchC.for exampleD.and such_ many times,but she still didnt know how to do it._ many times,she still didnt know how to do it._ her many times,she still didnt know how to

40、 do it.A.She was taughtB.I having taught C.Having been taught D.I had taughtWe are all familiar _ Wuhan City.Wuhan City is familiar _ all of us.A.toB.atC.inD.withHe came home so late last night,_ early this morning.His father said that he would return it in a week _.Well get there somehow,by train _

41、.Youd better start out immediately,_youll miss the 8:00 train.A.or else B.or otherwise C.or rather D.or so_ break the law must receive punishment._ breaks the law must receive punishment._ breaks the law he must receive punishment.A.No matter whoB.WhoeverC.Those who D.Those that,C,A,D,A,C,B,D,A,C,D,

42、B,A,C,B,A(B),I was in great need of money,so I _ 200 yuan for my bike.I was in great need of a bike,so I _ 200 yuan buying one.A.paidB.spent C.costD.tookToms home is about 30 kilometers _ the school.He said that Tom watched them fighting _.A.far away fromB.from far away C.away fromD.from awayHe got

43、tired _ working in the office,so he wanted to change his post.He got tired _ working in the office,so he wanted to have a day off.A.withB.forC.ofD.at_,the Huangshan Mountain is famous for its beauty._ the Huangshan Mountain is famous for its beauty.A.It is known to allB.As is known to allC.It is kno

44、wn to all that D.As we all know thatThe flower is very beautiful.And it smells _.We can guess from her face that the _ news was really a pleasure to her.The _ boss awarded Steven a prize for his excellent work.A.pleasant B.pleasedC.please D.pleasing,D,B,C,B,C,A,B,C,A,D,B,I regret _you that you faile

45、d in the exam.Oh,my God.Its too bad.I regret _ you that you failed in the exam.Oh,has it caused any trouble?A.to tell B.to tellingC.tellingD.tell_ the weather was bad,he went to school as usual.Bad _ the weather was,he went to school as usual._ bad weather,he went to school as usual.A.Despite B.alth

46、oughC.ThoughD.as“Can you tell me _ you are going to deal with at home?”the teacher asked.“Can you tell me _ you arent going to do anything with it at home?”the teacher asked.A.why B.howC.whatD.whenSeeing his funny face,they burst into _.Seeing his funny face,they burst out _.A.laughter B.to laugh C.

47、being laughed D.laughingThe math problem is too difficult to work out.Youd better _.The math problem is not too difficult to work out.You can _.The math problem is too easy not to work out.You must _.A.work at it B.give it up C.have a try D.work on it,A,C,C,D,A,C,A,A,D,B,C,D,They planted evergreen t

48、rees on _ side of the square.They planted evergreen trees on _ sides of the square.They planted evergreen trees on _ side of the road.A.eitherB.bothC.allD.every He had tried _ the tall tree three times,but every time he failed.He tried _ the tall tree for the third time,but I stopped him.A.climb B.t

49、o climbC.climbingD.climbed There is a large waiting room there,_ a lot of passengers.There are a lot of passengers _ in the waiting room there.A.seatingB.sittingC.seatsD.sits The old teacher _ a lot of care in teaching his students.His carelessness _ him the first place in the competition.A.spent B.

50、tookC.paidD.cost The new is certainly to _ the old.The chairman has _ and the meeting will begin at 8:00 sharp.The ceremonies(典礼)will _ on the fifth,as scheduled.A.take place B.taken the place C.take the place of D.take place of,D,C,A,C,B,A,B,A,D,C,B,A,He was late for the English contest _ his car h


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