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1、为什么GRE阅读分数提不高 为什么GRE阅读分数提不高?因为你没有看原版杂志!我们来看看吧,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。为什么GRE阅读分数提不高?因为你没有看原版杂志复习GRE不止要看各类考试资料教课书籍,也需要阅读一些课外读物帮助提升实力,原版杂志无论从*难度还是涉及内容上来说,都跟GRE考试,特别是GRE阅读有较大的相似度,可以说是最适合GRE复习的课外读物之一。不过,看原版杂志练GRE阅读提分也需要讲究方法,只是走马观花一看而过并不是正确的方法。下面就为大家具体讲解看原版杂志提升GRE阅读分数的心得技巧。看原版杂志对复习GRE有哪些好处?那么看原版杂志对于备考复习GRE来说到底有哪

2、些实际价值和好处呢?1. GRE词汇填空首先从词汇上来说,GRE考试对于词汇的考察不仅体现在量上,对质也有很高的要求。考生不仅要背出单词的含义,还要学会辨析和使用词汇。而原版杂志中的*由于难度和内容上与GRE考试相近,在词汇使用方面常会大量运用各类GRE词汇,对于很多词汇也常常会用各类近义词进行替换让*更显出色。因此通过看杂志来学习巩固复习GRE词汇的含义和辨析用法,可以说原版杂志是相当好的选择。2. GRE阅读看原版杂志最能够提升的应该就是GRE阅读了。事实上,许多GRE阅读*本身就是选自杂志中的*并加以适当改动而来,因此从*风格上来说,看原版杂志就等于是变相在看GRE阅读*。而无论是*涉及

3、的各类背景知识,还是其中对于长难句的运用,考生都可以在GRE阅读中找到相似之处。常看原版杂志的考生,面对GRE阅读时,往往会觉得十分亲切,考试压力也会更小。3. GRE写作原版杂志的*文笔相当优秀,各类遣词造句的使用可谓经典,而*中对观点理论的阐述和论证,也有很高的借鉴价值,而这些恰恰都是GRE写作所需要的。因此,多看杂志,考生的写作能力必然会在无形中逐渐提升。而把这些技巧心得运用到GRE写作中,想要拿到作文高分自然也就不在话下了。怎样正确阅读和使用原版杂志?虽然看原版杂志好处不少,但考生也需要讲究正确的阅读和使用方法。充分用好杂志内容需要注意以下几点:1. 培养端正的阅读态度大家在看*的时候

4、总是会想当然下意识地根据自己喜好进行挑选。一些不感兴趣的话题往往会直接跳过。但在GRE考试中无论*题材如何考生都必须认真去看,因此常会让一些人觉得很痛苦。所以,为了端正阅读态度,做到对所有题材内容都一视同仁,大家在看杂志的过程中也要注意避免挑食,哪怕是完全不熟悉不了解的话题,也需要认真投入地阅读,逐步培养对于所有*一视同仁的阅读态度。这种态度对于GRE考试是十分重要的。2. 看*学会找重点GRE考试中最让人头疼的就是长篇阅读,*内容那么长,光是读完就要花不少时间,可以说是许多考生考试时间来不及的罪魁祸首。阅读长篇*需要学会抓重点、跳读略读等技巧,要做到读完后脑海中对*主旨和结构框架有所印象。而

5、这些技巧和能力的培养,完全可以通过阅读原版杂志的*来进行锻炼。大家还可以结合笔记进行整理,提高对长篇阅读的适应力。3. 训练猜词技巧在阅读过程中遭遇生词在所难免,哪怕是背熟了GRE词汇也偶尔会碰到冷僻词汇。看原版杂志也常会遇到这种情况。因此,考生完全可以通过阅读杂志来锻炼自己的猜词能力以及在生词干扰下理解*大意的能力,应对考场上GRE阅读中生僻词。4. 学习遣词造句如上文所说,原版杂志中的*质量很高,特别是在遣词造句方面都可以达到GRE高分满分范文的水平。因此,大家在阅读过程中,也可以适当摘抄记录一些好词妙句,适当背诵后灵活运用到自己的写作之中,让*增光添彩。提升GRE阅读能看什么原版杂志?有

6、许多质量优秀适于作为GRE备考课外读物的原版杂志刊物,比如时代周刊、新闻周刊等等。大家如果有比较方便能够接触到这些内容的渠道,完全可以把它们纳入自己的课外读物书单之中,结合备考复习计划进行阅读。最新新闻周刊资源分享以上就是关于原版杂志和GRE阅读备考提分的一些介绍,希望大家也能够根据自身的备考计划,安排好课外杂志的阅读环节,为考试积累更多底蕴,在GRE考试中发挥出色,分数更上一层楼。GRE考试阅读真题及答案Unlike most Jane Austen scholarship before 1980, much recent scholarship analyzes the novels of

7、 Austen, who lived from 1775 to 1817, in the context of Austens tumultuous times, which saw the French and American revolutions and the Napoleonic Wars. Yet Frantz notes another revolution, rarely mentioned in Austen scholarship: the Great Masculine Renunciation that altered conventions in mens dres

8、s and behavior. During the later eighteenth century, wealthy gentlemen exchanged the velvets and satins long in fashion for somber woolen suits. Frantz contends that this change reflected deeper cultural changes. The value once placed on mens expressiveness, reflected in Mackenzies novel The Man of

9、Feeling (1771), gave way to a preference for emotional restraint. In Austens novels, the heroine often struggles to glimpse the true nature of hero beneath his reserved exterior.1. The author of the passage mentions The Man of Feeling (1771) in order toA. contrast Mackenzies reasons for writing nove

10、ls with those of AustenB. introduce evidence regarding the influence of particular writers on AustenC. corroborate a claim that a convention of masculine behavior changed during Austens lifetimeD. suggest that Austens novels were more reflective of their historical context than Mackenzies had beenE.

11、 challenge a particular misconception about the modes of behavior common among gentlemen in the later eighteenth century2. The passage suggests which of the following about scholarship on Jane Austen?A. Much recent scholarship has begun to place greater emphasis on gender conventions governing mens

12、behavior during Austens lifetime.B. Some scholarship has debated whether Austens novels depict emotional restraint as an admiral quality.C. Certain scholars argue that Austens novels do not accurately reflect cultural changes during Austens lifetime that changed the way gentlemen dressed and behaved

13、.D. After 1980, scholarship on Austen shifted toward a greater emphasis on the historical context in which she wrote.E. With few exceptions, recent scholarship depicts Austen as a writer who had little interest in the tumultuous events of her time.答案:C DGRE考试阅读真题及答案Whereas Carlos Bulosan aimed throu

14、gh fiction and personal testimony to advance both Filipino civil rights in the United States and the social transformation of the Philippines, Yen Le Espiritu has set herself the task of recovering life histories of Filipino Americans. Her work brings Filipino Americans of the generation following t

15、he 1934-1965 immigration hiatus graphically to life. A special strength is the representation of Filipino American women, who were scarce among immigrants before the 1934 American curb on Filipino immigration but composed more than half of the immigrants to America since liberalization in 1965. Espi

16、ritus subjects document their changing sense of Filipino identity in the United States, much as Bulosan did as a member of the first substantial wave of immigrants.1. According to the passage, both Bulosan and Espiritu do which of the following in their work?A. Consider generational differences in F

17、ilipino immigrants responses to life in the United StatesB. Attempt to make allowance for the demographic variations among Filipino immigrants to the United StatesC. Employ fiction in addition to documenting actual life histories of Filipino immigrants to the United StatesD. Represent how life in th

18、e United States has affected immigrants sense of Filipino identityE. Examine the effects on Filipinos in the United States of the 1934 American curb on Filipino immigration2. In the context in which it appears, “graphically” most nearly meansA. in writingB. by means of drawingC. impressionisticallyD

19、. diagrammaticallyE. vividly答案:D EGRE考试阅读真题及答案1800 Thomas Dilworths New Guide to the English Dialogue was being widely used to teach reading in the United States. Dilworths primer, unlike earlier ones, stressed the importance of childrens understanding what they read. While it is in fact unlikely th

20、at children would have recognized all the vocabulary Dilworth used, that was at least his stated goal. Dilworth recognized that primers should enable children to decode words from print with the form of language they already knew: speech. In contrast, many earlier authors assumed that, just as intro

21、ductory Latin texts taught children an unknown language, introductory English texts should teach English as if it, too, were an unknown languagesuch their esoteric choice of vocabulary, it in effect became unknown.1. According to the passage, the “earlier authors” adopted a model for English instruc

22、tion thatA. mirrored the practice used in Latin instructionB. was originally formulated by DilworthC. was less esoteric than that adopted by DilworthD. stressed familiarity with the peculiarities of English spellingE. emphasized the importance of fluent and articulate speech2. The author of the pass

23、age would probably agree with which of the following criticisms of English primers predating Dilworths?A. Their Latinate grammatical terms poorly described the structures of English.B. They failed to make effective use of the knowledge of language a child already possessed.C. Their texts typically focused on subject matter that held little intrinsic interest for their readers.D. They neglected to teach the language in a sufficiently systematic way.E. They required a pedagogical method that few American teachers of the era possessed.答案:A B为什么GRE阅读分数提不高


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