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1、为什么用做托福阅读的方法答不出GRE高分 为什么用做托福阅读的方法答不出GRE高分,从头说起!我们看看吧,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。为什么用做托福阅读的方法答不出GRE高分,从头说起伙伴们必须首先认清,GRE的阅读考试不同于我们过去所经历的各种阅读考试,无论是中文还是英文,无论是小学和中学阶段的语言考试,还是大学之后可能经历的四六级阅读考试,抑或是TOEFL/IELTS中的阅读考试。GRE阅读所测试的能力决定了我们必须以不同的阅读策略切入,抛弃我们所固有的、已经习以为常的阅读习惯。那么,要做到这一点,我们就必须首先弄清楚GRE阅读考试到底考察哪些能力。下面我就来看看GRE官方指南是怎么说

2、的:Reading Comprehension questions are designed to test a wide range of abilities required to read and understand the kinds of prose commonly encountered in graduate school. Those abilities include:1understanding the meaning of individual words/理解词义2understanding the meaning of individual sentences/理

3、解句意3understanding the meaning of paragraphs and larger bodies of text/理解段落及篇章的意义4distinguishing between minor and major points/区分细节与主旨5summarizing a passage/概括段落6drawing conclusions from the information provided/从已有信息当中推出结论7reasoning from incomplete data, inferring missing information/从已有信息当中推出缺失信息8

4、understanding the structure of a text, how the parts relate to one another/理解*结构和各部分之间关系9identifying the authors perspective/判断作者的视角aidentifying the authors assumptions/判断作者的假设banalyzing a text and reaching conclusions about it/从文本中得出结论cidentifying strengths and weaknesses/判断论证的优点与缺陷今天我们先通过两道题目来了解能力

5、1和2考察的具体展现形式,希望能够帮助伙伴们迅速理解这项考试的策略,并寻找合适的应对方案。1understanding the meaning of individual words/理解词义显然会出现在词汇题当中。与很多同学可能熟悉的TOEFL词汇题不同,我们都知道TOEFL词汇题的做法是不带回原文直接选词义,更多考察的是词汇量本身,而不是词汇在语境中的含义;GRE的词汇题更需要大家能够根据上下文推断词义。比如:A critical consensus has emerged that Mary McCarthy will be remembered primarily as an essa

6、yist rather than as a novelist. But despite her formidable gifts as a polemical and discursive writer, and for all her reputation as an intellectual who sacrificed feeling to intelligence, what powers McCarthys best essays are her fictional rather than strictly intellectual gifts. She makes her poin

7、ts by telling stories or by way of vivid description, arresting images and subtle characterization. And for all her exacting sense of fact, McCarthys greatest contribution was to blur the distinctions between different kinds of prose writing: to show how fiction could be opened up to the thinking mi

8、nd and how essays could profit from the techniques of fiction.In the context in which it appears, “discursive” most nearly meansA. ProlificB. SophisticC. RamblingD. AnalyticalE. Circuitous答案:D这道题目如果同学们,很容易选出C这个答案,因为discursive和rambling这两个词就是同义词,是“离题的”的意思。然而,在*背景下,discursive一定是essay的特点,是用来表达intelligen

9、ce而不是feeling的,在这种上下文背景下,它的意思应该是“推论的,论证的:通过推理而非直觉来得出结论的”,所以选择的答案是analytical。很显然,GRE的词汇题要求的并不简简单单是词汇量本身,而是上下文语义关系判断的能力。2understanding the meaning of individual sentences/理解句意同样看似考察的是句子本身的字面意思,如果在TOEFL考试当中,只要看懂一个句子的语义,一道句子改写题基本就不成问题了。但是GRE考试当中,即便考察的是语句本身的语义,选项对原文的改写不仅仅是句型的改写,而很可能是不同逻辑形式对等效语义的表达。比如:请输入正

10、文Astronomers studying a certain kind of supernova (exploding star) were surprised to find the supernovas were fainter than expected. Seeking explanations, they discounted the possibility that cosmic dust might be screening out some of the light, because it would filter out blue light more than red,

11、causing the supernovas to appear redder than they really are. Also, unless spread very smoothly throughout space, the dust would introduce large variations in the measurements. Another possibility is gravitational lensing, the bending of light rays as they skirt galaxies en route. Such lensing occas

12、ionally causes brightening, but most often it contributes to the dimness of distant supernovas. Calculations show, however, that this effect becomes important only for sources more distant than the supernovas studied.According to the passage, the astronomers rejected gravitational lensing as an expl

13、anation for their findings becauseA. gravitational lensing can cause supernovas to appear brighter than they really areB. their calculations showed a negligible effect of gravitational lensing for light rays from distant sources.C. light rays traveling from the supernovas studied did not have to ski

14、rt galaxies.D. the effect of gravitational lensing on the appearance of supernovas is unpredictable.E. the supernovas studied were too near for gravitational lensing to have the observed dimming effect.答案:E这道题很明显考察的就是最后一句话“this effect becomes important only for sources more distant than the supernov

15、as studied”的意思。而X becomes important for Y这句话,等效于X is not important for non-Y,而题干相当于在问X为什么not important,则答案就应该是non-Y。根据这个形式,鉴于原文的Y相当于distant,则正确选项就应该是以not distant为关键信息,所以选择了E,核心词是near。其实这个题反映了一个更普遍的常考察的语言现象,即以“only”为逻辑信息的句型其表面语义和实际语义之间的关系。当我在说“only when I work hard can I get high score”时,我并没有表达努力工作能够

16、带来高分的意思,相反,我所表达是不努力工作没法带来高分的意思。而这种现象又代表的是一大类现象,即某种逻辑句型的表面语义和实际语义之间的关系,它要求同学们在阅读时能够在逻辑等效的句型之间进行语义的灵活切换。GRE阅读题之基督教流派问题每日一练Ancient Christianity may be divided into two great periods. In the first, it was a religion liable to persecution, suffering severely at times and always struggling to maintain its

17、elf; in the second, it became the religion of the State, and in its turn set about to repress and persecute the heathen religions. It was no longer without legal rights; it had the support of the secular rulers and was lavishly endowed with wealth. These two periods are markedly different, and the c

18、onditions had a distinct effect upon the life and growth of the Christian religion.The central idea presented by the author in this paragraph is that:A. Early Christians were often persecuted for their beliefs, and sometimes even killed.B. Though later Christians were no longer persecuted, they neve

19、r forgot the history of their religion.C. The Christian church became very wealthy over time and was supported by kings and emperors.D. The two very different periods of early Christianity each served to mold the nature of the religion.E. Becoming the religion of the State was the turning point for

20、Christianity as a world religion.正确答案CGRE阅读题之犯罪率在上升每日一练The same truth is now known about crime; but the understanding and the application of it are just opening upon us. The old and still dominantthought is, as to cause, that a crime is caused by theinscrutable moral free will of the human being, do

21、ingor not doing the crime, just as it pleases; absolutelyfree in advance, at any moment of time, to choose ornot to choose the criminal act, and therefore in itself the sole and ultimate cause of crime. Asto treatment, there still are just two traditional measures - jail, or a fine (for death is now

22、employed in rare cases only). But modern science, here as in medicine, recognizes that crimealso (like disease) has natural causes. It need not be asserted for one moment that crime is adisease. But it does have natural causes. And as to treatment, modern science recognizes thatpenal or remedial tre

23、atment cannot possibly be indiscriminate and machine- like, but must beadapted to the causes, and to the man as affected by those causes.The author believes which of the following? Select all correct choices.A.The dominant thought is that crime is caused by free willB.Free will is not the only cause

24、 of crimeC.Crime is not a disease正确答案A B CGRE阅读题之美国和欧洲的联系每日一练The American frontier is sharply distinguished from the European frontier - a fortified boundary line running through dense populations. The most significant thing about the American frontier is, that it lies at the hither edge of free lan

25、d. In the census reports it is treated as the margin of that settlement which has a density of two or more to the square mile. The term is an elastic one, and for our purposes does not need sharp definition. We shall consider the whole frontier belt, including the Indian country and the outer margin

26、 of the settled area of the census reports. This paper will make no attempt to treat the subject exhaustively; its aim is simply to call attention to the frontier as a fertile field for investigation, and to suggest some of the problems which arise in connection with it.1. It can be inferred that th

27、e phrase elastic one suggests which of the following? Select all correct choices.A. The American frontiers boundaries are more fluid than staticB. The ways in which we define the American frontier differ and are multifariousC. The American frontier can be defined in very specific and distinct terms2

28、. We can infer that the larger essay from which the passage is take focuses mainly onA. The differences between the American frontier and the European frontierB. The European settlements on the American frontierC. The positive and negative effects of the American frontierD. The importance of census reportsE. The fluctuation of population groups on the American frontier正确答案1. A B2. C为什么用做托福阅读的方法答不出GRE高分


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