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1、如何修炼GRE阅读文章的逻辑思想 如何修炼GRE阅读*的逻辑思想,快来一起学习吧,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。如何修炼GRE阅读*的逻辑思想修炼必备:“心静”,“万事皆空”,无所欲,无所求。什么儿女私情,恩怨情仇都统统放下,只有GRE阅读*的逻辑思想在你脑中流淌,笔者每逢心乱如麻时,都会塞一张KARUNESH的ZEN BREAKFAST或SECRET GARDEN的专集来听,这时什么烦恼都没了。好,告别了你的爱人,朋友,兄弟,现在找一个没人打扰的地方,面对GRE阅读,开始解剖它。为了达到高速度,高效率原则,我在下面切实让每个字都让大家感到有用!1.*套路:(1)新老观点:首段先提出老观点,

2、多以traditionally, some什么学者,most什么学家,或者时间上的过去时态(与recent, contemporary相对立)来引出,然后来一个However, nevertheless, yet, unfortunately, regretful, pity等引出新观点。注意这里我们立刻在3秒内判断出是该类型后,迅速反映TOPIC在However之处,主题题的答案就是新老对比,辞旧迎新,定位关键词:对比的对象(*的主体事物),新旧的交锋(comparison, contrast等)。但是注意若是问作者态度题,那么我们现在应持保守态度,千万注意,在后半部分作者可能会给出削弱证据

3、,甚至否定!所以,我们不要make a hasty generalization!另外,我们立刻反应两种观点“强对比,互取非”!有时作者会列出几个老观点,几个新观点,但最终记住:永远只同意一个新观点,比如经典NO题范文phytoplankton与zooplankton,所以要抓住最后作者同意的那个,要作到“不见真佛不磕头”!注意:不要去刻意去背诵所有出现过的判断类型标志,或是转折词,看的多了也就熟了,我们是去识别而已,就象我们都可以在路上很容易识别出一个dazzling girl,尽管我们中很少有人能够合理说出“美女”的standard是什么,但我们一看到,就大呼:“美女!”说是迟,那是快,立

4、刻反应她与周围的恐龙是“强对比,互取非”的关系,然后毫不犹豫朝她奔去!(2)现象解释型:这种题型考逻辑organization最简单,永远是a phenomenon is presented, following several opinions/explanations,所以这类题往往难在细节题上。那么,解决方法就是分层!这种*条理很清楚的,即使在复杂冗长的LSAT阅读中也不例外,如第二套的Passage3关于adaptive responses的经典解释型*,一旦分了层,定位方便很多。首先现象提出句单独一大层,以下各理由各是一小层,如果这些理由是并列的,那么它们之间是无交集的,于是就某个理

5、由考细节时,选项中出现其他理由中事物的必错无疑。作者的态度,如果没有明确的“情态形容词或副词”,那么考态度永远是“objective”!(3)结论解释型:首先提出一个assertion,后面没有However等转折词,即为该类型。这类题注重作者对各观点的态度评价,而自己的意见观点永远在最后!这里由于是解释性的观点,各门各派都会玩尽花样,拿出举例,正反之辩,分类等段来引你相信,那么太好了,举例处考EXCEPT,罗马题;正反之辩考取非,分类细节推断,此时拿出自己在集中突破中的经验公式与直觉作好准备,ETS的傻瓜们要上钩了!(4)问题解决型:出现problem, puzzle, difficulty


7、我说一下为什么:(1)文学评论:作者一贯坚持从纯文学角度去判断,不要用宗教及政治来掺入。(2)社会现象:反对激进革命思想及马列主义及从人性(mentality, ideology)的角度去判断(3)生命科学:反对进化论(Darwin),主要是自然选择,反映在取非题上。(4)新材料,新技术:褒扬态度,偶有缺陷不影响总体正评价(5)环保问题:焦虑,关心,现在还在努力,一切都是可能发生的。(6)女权主义:一定值得研究,不会完全解决,给予尊重关注。作者喜新厌旧,传统意见不会持正评价。这些东西是ETS的思维定势,但是对我们解题帮助不大,ETS出题的公平性原则让我们永远从*本身出发,而不从任何文化背景入手


9、现,记住“从前不从后”,以前的主旨为准),有时还要将下面的细节段落的层次关系概括考虑入内,得出答案。如果大家在突破时边读边想的话,该题花不了15秒就能看出,然后用以前积累的错误项的标志来“审核”(注意永远不要用“排除法”来解这种题,否则浪费的时间是无法弥补的!),哪些标志呢?主要记住细节段中的举例事物,唯一性,绝对性词汇就行了!(2) Insgroupsto题型:注意直接出现insgroupsto字样及可能出现的“变体”,判断方式为该题问的是一种“因果联系”,及作者提到A是为了什么,这个A可以是例子,或是一个论证细节等等,那事不疑迟,立刻从题干的事物出发回原文定位,然后迅速判断此层面的逻辑关系

10、,然后决定是向上还是向下找几行,找到那个原因,提取“中心词”(有显著特征的词)然后在5个选项中识别出来,填上答案,不出30秒。(3)作者态度题:回忆问及的事物是否给过“情态形容词或副词”修饰过,注意是“回忆”,对于这类词前面我已说过要特别注意留心,诸如unfortunately, regretful,等自己在突破中应该已经有所发现,很多书上还举出动词,诸如misrepresent, misidentify等,这种词一出现大家比较看得清,谁都知道是否定,但是我这里举的就比较隐蔽,单独指出似乎谁都知道,但是在长达几十行的段落中你能注意到这个一带而过不经意的一个小修饰吗,ETS当然不会蠢得让你直接将



13、样久经沙场的经验与魄力,你必定死得很难看!(5)推断题:以infer为主要标志,有时是细节推断题,那么记住从问及事物的地方找到原文定位,这种题大都要定位,是免不了的,然后从问及事物所在的“单一逻辑层面”做“一步”有理有据的推理,记住一定是“单一层面”,不要将其余无关的层面引入,推导永远从原文论据出发,不要用“常识”,往往推导的论据就在所在段落,在定位的上下几行间,要敏锐识别,另外推断时要从所在段的主题讨论去观察,记住该段的TOPIC永远是合法的第一论据或结论。(6)取非题:原文出现强对比,或是出现unless, rather than等处就是取非处,那么读*时已经守侯多时,此时正中下怀,15秒


15、点来一一筛选,我就是靠这种“感官上的形象类似直觉”来解题,这种直觉直接在答案中反映为主体特征词在答案中的重现,比如上面LAST例子中的题,5个选项都长达5行左右,而且句式复杂,对象多样,很难读懂,但我就是根据原文中所问对象后的not significantly轻松将其在15秒内选出,所以大家要在集中突破时找到这种感觉。(9) EXCEPT及罗马题:若是考列举,不用说了,前面强调的太多了,早知你要出这题,你可以指着ETS的鼻子说!若是细节题,那么就跟前面我们遇到的细节难题一样困难,这时前面剩下的时间给你的定位提供时间支持,但是罗马题还是友善的,往往只要排到2个就能找到答案,第三个可以忽略,注意排

16、除技巧!记住,一旦决定要定位,一定要定到位,不要模糊地去判断,很可能一上来的判断就是错误的,结果你就算将下面的判断都弄对了,正确答案早已被你第一步的hasty assertion给排掉了,一定要有充分的理由再做决定!(10)补充题型:往往让你补出末段的末句,那么记住从所给*末句的逻辑层面出发,结合该段的主旨,去顺接。很多人认为应该从首段去出发,但是我认为这是不必要的,如果前面边想的原则贯彻的好的话,那么末句的逻辑层面是否与前联系,怎样联系应该是很容易看到的,很多*的末句往往是背离主旨的,或是对原来肯定的结论做“惊人的修补”,根据“从前不从后”原则,我们会发现从这里入手才是最稳妥的,沿着所论述的

17、对象继续下去,我做题时会有一种直觉,如果发现到了文末作者没提出一个自己的观点,我就知道可能要出这题了,这时我会在末段读后的“边想”中对其作出预测,这种猜想很简单,比以前的逻辑题简单不知多少倍,ETS的出题者做不出什么“惊世骇俗”的定论,所以记住原则是“顺着它的叙述思路下来必然得出什么”,不要去牵扯更多的东西。(11)泛指化题型:注意题干的问法,定冠词a, an,及普遍性词汇,答案在*出现普遍性词汇,诸如any, every等地方寻找定位,大多在插入语(两个中的成分),以及()中的补充说明中,比较简单。新GRE考试阅读逻辑题练习1. Patel: Although enrollment in t

18、he regions high school has been decreasing for several years, enrollment at the elementary school has grown considerably. Therefore, the regional school board proposes building a new elementary school.Quintero: Another solution would be to convert some high school classrooms temporarily into classro

19、oms for elementary school students.Which of the following, if true, most helps to support Quinteros alternative proposal?(A) Some rooms at the high school cannot be con-verted into rooms suitable for the use of ele-mentary school students.(B) The cost of building a high school is higher than the cos

20、t of building an elementary school.(C) Although the birth rate has not increased, the number of families sending their children to the regions high school has increased markedly.(D) A high school atmosphere could jeopardize the safety and self-confidence of elementary school students.(E) Even before

21、 the regions high school population began to decrease, several high school class-rooms rarely needed to be used.2. Peter: More than ever before in Risland, college graduates with science degrees are accepting permanent jobs in other fields. That just goes to show that scientists in Risland are not b

22、eing paid enough.Lila: No, it does not. These graduates are not working in science for the simple reason that there are not enough jobs in science in Risland to employ all of these graduates.Which of the following, if true in Risland, would most undermine the reasoning in Peters argument?(A) The col

23、lege graduates with science degrees who are not working in science are currently earning lower salaries than they would earn as scientists.(B) Fewer college students than ever before are receiving degrees in science.(C) The number of jobs in science has steadily risen in the last decade.(D) A signif

24、icant number of college graduates with science degrees worked at low-paying jobs while they were in college.(E) Every year some recent college graduates with science degrees accept permanent jobs in nonscientific fields.3.Counselor: Every year a popular newsmagazine pub-lishes a list of United State

25、s colleges, ranking them according to an overall numerical score that is a composite of ratings according to sev-eral criteria. However, the overall scores gen-erally should not be used by students as the basis for deciding to which colleges to apply.Which of the following, if true, most helps to ju

26、stify the counselors recommendation?(A) The vast majority of people who purchase the magazine in which the list appears are not college-bound students.(B) Colleges that are ranked highest in the magazines list use this fact in advertisements aimed at attracting students.(C) The rankings seldom chang

27、e from one year to the next.(D) The significance that particular criteria have for any two students is likely to differ according to the students differing needs.(E) Some college students who are pleased with their schools considered the magazines rankings before deciding which college to attend.4.

28、A thorough search of Edgar Allan Poes correspon-dence has turned up not a single letter in which he mentions his reputed morphine addiction. On the basis of this evidence it is safe to say that Poes reputation for having been a morphine addict is undeserved and that reports of his supposed addiction

29、 are untrue.Which of the following is assumed by the argument above?(A) Reports claiming that Poe was addicted to mor-phine did not begin to circulate until after his death.(B) None of the reports of Poes supposed morphine addiction can be traced to individuals who actu-ally knew Poe.(C) Poes income

30、 from writing would not have been sufficient to support a morphine addiction.(D) Poe would have been unable to carry on an extensive correspondence while under the influence of morphine.(E) Fear of the consequences would not have pre-vented Poe from indicating in his correspon-dence that he was addi

31、cted to morphine.5. Adelle: The governments program to reduce the unemployment rate in the province of Carthena by encouraging job creation has failed, since the rate there has not changed appreciably since the program began a year ago.Fran: But the unemployment rate in Carthena had been rising for

32、three years before the program began, so the program is helping.Which of the following, if true, most strongly counters Frans objection to Adelles argument?(A) The government is advised by expert economists, some of whom specialize in employment issues.(B) The unemployment rate in the province of Ca

33、rthena has historically been higher than that of the country as a whole.(C) The current government was elected by a wide margin, because of its promises to reduce the unemployment rate in Carthena.(D) Around the time the government program began, large numbers of unemployed Carthena residents began

34、leaving the province to look for work elsewhere.(E) The unemployment rate in Carthena had been relatively stable until shortly before the current government took office.6. Soft Drink Manufacturer:Our new childrens soft drink, RipeCal, is fortified with calcium.Since calcium is essential for developi

35、ng healthy bones, drinking RipeCal regularly will help make children healthy.Consumer Advocate:But RipeCal also contains large amounts of sugar, and regularly consuming large amounts of sugar is unhealthful, especially for children.In responding to the soft drink manufacturer, the consumer advocate

36、does which of the following?(A)Challenges the manufacturers claim about the nutritional value of calcium in childrens diets(B)Argues that the evidence cited by the manufac-turer, when properly considered, leads to a conclusion opposite to that reached by the manufacturer.(C)Implies that the manufact

37、urer of a product is typically unconcerned with the nutritional value of that product.(D)Questions whether a substance that is healthful when eaten in moderation can be unhealthful when eaten in excessive amounts.(E)Presents additional facts that call into question the conclusion drawn by the manufa

38、cturer.7.Over a period of several months, researchers attached small lights to the backs of wetasflightless insects native to New Zealandenabling researchers for the first time to make comprehensive observations of the insects nighttime activities.Thus, since wetas forage only at night, the research

39、ers observations will significantly improve knowledge of the normal foraging habits of wetas.Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?(A) Researchers were interested only in observing the wetas foraging habits and so did not keep track of other types of behavior.(B) No p

40、attern of behavior that is exhibited by wetas during the nighttime is also exhibited by wetas during the daytime.(C)Attaching the small lights to the wetas backs did not greatly alter the wetas normal night-time foraging habits.(D)Wetas typically forage more frequently during the months in which the

41、 researchers studied them than they do at other times.(E)The researchers did not use other observational techniques to supplement their method of using small lights to track the nighttime behavior of wetas.8.People whose bodies cannot produce the substance cytochrome P450 are three times as likely t

42、o develop Parkinsons disease, a disease that affects the brain,as are people whose bodies do produce this substance.Since cytochrome P450 protects the brain from toxic chemicals, toxic chemicals probably play a role in the development of Parkinsons disease.Which of the following, if true, most stron

43、gly supports the argument?(A)It will soon be possible for cytochrome P450 to be synthesized for the treatment of people whose bodies cannot produce this substance.(B)Many people whose bodies are unable to produce cytochrome P450 lack the ability to produce certain other substances as well.(C)Cytochr

44、ome P450 has no effect on the brain other than to protect it from toxic chemicals.(D)People with Parkinsons disease often exhibit a marked lessening in the severity of their symp-toms when they are treated with dopamine, a chemical produced naturally in the brain.(E)Many people with Parkinsons disea

45、se have the ability to produce cytochrome P450 naturally.9.The early universe contained only the lightest elements, hydrogen and helium. Heavier elements,such as carbon, form only in nuclear reactions in stars and are dispersed when the stars explode. A recently discovered gas cloud contained carbon

46、 several billion years ago, when the universe was no more than two billion years old.If the statements above are true, which of the following must, on the basis of them, also be true?(A)The earliest stars contained only hydrogen.(B)Some stars were formed before the universe was two billion years old

47、.(C)The carbon in the gas cloud later formed part of some stars.(D)No stars identified to date are as old as the gas cloud.(E)The gas cloud also contained hydrogen and helium.10.Sleep deprivation is a known cause of workplace error, and many physicians frequently go without sleep for periods of 24 h

48、ours or more. However, few of these physicians have, in the course of a routine examination by a peer, been diagnosed with sleep deprivation.So there is little cause for concern that habitual sleep deprivation will cause widespread physician error.The answer to which of the following questions would be most helpful in evaluating the argument?(A)Do physicians who have been diagnosed with sleep disorders also show signs of other ills not related to sleep deprivation?(B)Is the a


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