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1、如何做好GRE长篇阅读 如何做好GRE长篇阅读?名师为你揭秘,我们来看看吧,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。如何做好GRE长篇阅读?名师为你揭秘1、读原文GRE阅读的基本做题方法,就是先读原文再看题目,看过题目后再根据题目定位回原文,所以读原文是做一篇阅读的第一步。有些读者已经养成了先读题目再看原文的阅读习惯,其实,做题的顺序要因阅读特点和出题方式而异,GRE阅读题目的出题顺序和原文几乎没有任何联系,也就是说第一道题可能考了原文的末尾,而最后一道题可能考的是原文的开始,故先读题目再读原文对做题没有任何帮助,反而有可能扰乱读者理解原文内在的逻辑结构。2、读原文的同时对重点、考点做标记做标记是指在


3、内容发问,通常通过题干和选项的特征词来找,判断了原文所述的位置之后,就可以找原文和答案之间的对应关系了,绝大多数题目都可以通过找题干和选项的特征词准确的定位到原文某处。5、(排除干扰选项后)按文字对应原则选答案GRE考试的备选答案都是五个,通常很少有考题能让读者非常直接的判断出正确答案,总有1-2个迷惑性比较大的选项,所以,考生不妨先竖读各选相,排除一些明显错误的选项,然后再对剩下的进行细致的比较,通过原文和选项之间的文字对应关系,进行选择。GRE阅读备考训练Dogs, unlike people, are capable of pure loveat least according to F

4、reud.与人类不同,狗对主人的情感是纯洁无瑕的至少弗洛伊德是这么说的。As ever more Americans live alone, unconditional affection is in demand.随着美国独居人数的增多,这种无条件的爱更是广受欢迎。Pet ownership has risen for decades.数十年来,越来越多的人开始饲养宠物。More than a third of homes have at least one dog, according to the American Veterinary Medical Association.根据美国兽

5、医协会的调查,超过三分之一的家庭养了至少一只宠物狗。But the popularity of four-legged friends has an icky cost: dogs squeeze out more than twice the waste of the average person, or around 275 pounds a year.但四条腿朋友的盛行代价也是恼人的:狗年均排泄量比人均两倍还要多,大概一年在275磅左右。With over 83m pooches roaming the country, that is a lot of poop.超过8300万流浪狗游

6、走在城市之间,这可是个不小的“粪”量。Around 60% of the stuff gets scooped and trucked to landfills, where it releases methane, a GREenhouse gas.约60%的粪便会被挖走并运到释放温室气体甲烷的沼气填埋池。The rest delivers surprises to pedestrians and can contaminate waterways, as carnivorous diets create pathogen-rich waste.剩余的便便在惊到路人的同时还会污染河流,因为这

7、种肉食性的饮食会制造出大量携带病菌的排泄物。The problem is particularly bad in cities, where green spaces are few and lonely souls seeking puppy love plentiful.这个问题在城市里极其严重,因为绿化少,而寻求宠物情感关爱的孤独身影却尤为多。New York boasts over 600,000 houndsone for every 14 peoplegenerating over 100,000tons of turd a year.纽约市以拥有逾60万只宠物狗而自豪平均每14个

8、人就会饲养1只它们一年将会制造10万多吨排泄物。Some of it smudges unlucky stilettoes, but most is dutifully tossed into rubbish bins and hauled to landfills, at a cost of over $100 per ton.一部分会弄脏不走运的穿高跟鞋的女士,而大部分则会被负责地扔进垃圾箱,运到沼气填埋池大概1吨会花费一百多美元。This is a missed opportunity, says Ron Gonen, the citys former recycling tsar.“这

9、简直就是错失良机。”前城市“回收沙皇”罗恩戈南说道。Now in the private sector, he is trying to launch “Sparky Power”, a programme to transform dog waste into clean energy in the citys dog parks.如今,在私营企业的他正准备启动一项名为“生机能源”的项目,该项目旨在将城市宠物公园的粪便转化成清洁能源。The idea is to fit parks with small anaerobic digesters.这个想法的初衷是在公园里安装小型厌氧化粪器。Do

10、g owners would place their mongrels mounds into the machine, which then converts poo togas for powering lamps and other park equipment.宠物主人把小狗们的粪便放入化粪器,该设备随即将粪便转化成气体燃料,用于为路灯和其他公园设备供电。A year-long pilot would introduce digesters in three parks at a cost of around $100m.一个为期一年的试点项目将花费近1亿美元将化粪器投入到三个公园中使

11、用。The parks department is pondering the proposal.公园部门正在考虑此项提议。Similar schemes in other cities have proved short-lived.类似的方案在其他城市昙花一现。An underground Energy Transformation Using Reactive Digestion (E-TURD) device created by Arizona State University students for a dog park in Gilbert, Arizona, in 20XX

12、ultimately failed.亚利桑那州立大学的一名学生为吉尔伯特镇的宠物公园设计了一套名为E-TURD的地下能源转换设备,该设备通过化学消化来实现能源转化。然而该项目最终于20XX宣布失败。“Its great to turn it into a bio fuel, but first you gotta pick it up,” says Tom Boyd, an entrepreneur in Tennessee.“把粪便转化成生物燃料的点子真是太棒了,但是首先你得把它们捡起来。”一个田纳西州的企业家汤姆博伊德说道。His company, Poo Prints, shames t

13、he owners of dogs who fail to clean up their messes by testing DNA in uncollected coils.他的公司“便便印记”通过检验便便DNA来让那些不清理宠物散落的粪便的狗主人无地自容。There are enough offenders to secure a new customer every two hours, he says.他说,“罪犯”过多,以至于每两小时就能为他们带来一名新客户。Most are landlords of smart apartment complexes, but in Septemb

14、er the company launches its first district-wide programmein the London borough of Barking and Dagenham, naturally.顾客大多数都是高档住宅小区的老板,九月,该公司将开启首次跨国项目地点当然是在伦敦的巴金达格南区。GRE阅读备考训练ONE of Indonesias newest brands of beer, Prost, traces its ancestry back to 1948 when Chandra Djojonegoro, a businessman, started

15、 selling a “health tonic”, known as Anggur Orang Tua, from the back of a bright-blue lorry at night markets in the coastal city of Semarang.Prost是印尼的最新啤酒品牌的之一,其源头可以追溯到1948年,在港口城市三宝垄的夜市上,一个名为Chandra Djojonegoro的商人在货车车斗里开始出售一种称为“Anggur Orang Tua”的“保健品”。A troupe of dancing dwarves would pull in the pun

16、ters, while Djojonegoro peddled shots of what was, in essence, a fortified herbal wine to fishermen.一群跳舞的侏儒会拦住船夫们,让Djojonegoro将这些强化版草药酒兜售给渔夫们。It kept them warm during the chilly nights in the Java Sea.这种酒得以让他们在爪哇海的寒夜里保持温暖。The tonic is still sold in bottles with distinctive labels depicting an old Ch

17、inese man with a thick white beard.如今这种补酒仍然以瓶装出售,并且带有独特的标签一个长着厚厚白胡子的中国老人。The company that makes it now produces a vast range of consumer goods, and Prost beer is the latest addition to its range.它的公司现在生产着多种多样的消费品,而Prost啤酒是最新产品。It is made in a $50m brewery that opened in August 20XX, filled with shin

18、y stainless-steel machinery from Germany.生产Prost的这个耗资5000万美元的啤酒厂于20XX年8月建成,里面是闪闪发亮的不锈钢德国机器。Thomas Dosy, chief executive of the subsidiary that produces Prost, says that given Orang Tuas history in the booze business it was natural for the company to move into Indonesias $1bn-a-year beer market.生产Pro

19、st酒的子公司的首席执行官Thomas Dosy表示,从Orang Tua酒经营的历史看,进入印度尼西亚的年消费额十亿美元的啤酒市场是自然而然的事。It will not be straightforward.但这将不是一件简单的事情。Conservative Muslim groups have become more assertive.保守派穆斯林组织态度变得更加强硬。Only months before the brewery opened, the government slapped a ban on the sale of beer at the small shops wher

20、e most people buy their groceries.在酿酒厂开工的短短数月前,政府颁布法令禁止在小商店里出售啤酒,而那里是大部分人购买日常用品的地方。It led to a 13% slump in sales, according to Euromonitor, a research firm.负责调查研究的欧睿公司称,这项禁令已经导致销售业绩下滑了13%。The government minister who issued the decree has since been sacked, but his ban remains in place.宣布这一禁令的政府官员已下

21、台,但这项禁令依然存在。And Muslim parties in parliament are still not satisfied.而国会中的穆斯林政党仍不满意。They are pushing legislation that would ban the production, distribution and consumption of all alcoholic beverages.他们正在推进立法,要求禁止生产、分销和购买所有酒精饮料。Drinkers could face two years in jail.饮酒者可能会面临两年监禁。The law is unlikely t

22、o pass.这条法令不太可能会通过。Muslim parties control less than one-third of the legislatures seats.因为穆斯林政党在立法机构仅占不到三分之一的席位。The government is proposing a far more limited law aimed at curbing the production of toxic home-brews, known as oplosan, which are responsible for nearly all alcohol-related deaths in Ind

23、onesia.政府正提出一个范围更有限的法案,其旨在遏制人们生产有毒的自酿酒,在印尼,几乎所有的酒精致死事件都与自酿酒有关。Turning Indonesia dry would be seen by many people as an affront to the cultural diversity of the sprawling archipelago, which has large Buddhist, Christian and Hindu minorities, as well as many Muslims who are partial to a cool one.在很多人看

24、来,印尼禁酒是对这个群岛国家文化多样性的公然挑战,因为这里有佛教、基督教、少数印度教,同时还有很多得到偏爱的穆斯林教徒。Brewers argue that alcohol is not an import from the decadent West, as the puritans often claim, but has been produced and consumed in Indonesia for at least 700 years.酿酒商认为,酒不是像清教徒声称的堕落的西方的舶来品,它已经在印度尼西亚生产和消费了700年以上。“It is part of the cultu

25、re of Indonesia,” says Michael Chin, chief executive of Multi Bintang, the countrys biggest brewer.印尼最大的啤酒商星星啤酒公司的董事长Michael Chin说:“喝酒是印尼文化的一部分。”Indonesians consume less than one litre of alcohol per head a year, belying Muslim groups claims that booze is creating a health crisis.印尼每年人均喝不到一公升酒,与穆斯林团

26、体声称的酒正在损害人们的健康不符。Still, even without a national prohibition, Islamists will push for local banssuch as the one in force in Aceh since 2005 and adopted elsewhere.但是,就算没有国家禁令,伊斯兰教徒们也会推动地方立法禁酒,就像那个从2005年开始先在亚齐省生效,然后推广到各处的法令一样。Beyond booze, the state-backed council of clerics, the Indonesian Ulema Counc

27、il (MUI) , has in recent years passed edicts condemning everything from homosexual partnerships to the wearing of Santa hats.受政府支持的印度尼西亚伊斯兰学者理事会近年来还通过了一系列的法令谴责除酒以外的很多事情,从同性恋关系到戴圣诞帽都有涉及。Although these have no legal force under Indonesias secular constitution, vigilantes have sometimes used the edicts

28、 to target revellers as well as religious and sexual minorities.虽然这些法令在印度尼西亚的世俗宪法之下并没有法律效力,但是义警会时常利用这些法令去攻击一些喝酒狂欢的人、宗教少数群体和性少数群体。Partly at the MUIs urging, parliament has passed sweeping anti-pornography laws, which some Indonesians see as a threat to artistic and cultural liberties.一定程度上来说,正是在伊斯兰学者

29、理事会的督促下,国会通过了大量的反色情法,这些法律被一些印度尼西亚人视为对艺术自由和文化自由的威胁。Muslim groups are petitioning the courts to interpret the law in a way that would criminalise extramarital sex.穆斯林团体还要求法院将婚外性行为按有罪处理。They are also making more use of laws against blasphemynotably in the trial against the governor of Jakarta, Basuki T

30、jahaja Purnama, a Christian of Chinese descent.他们还越来越多地利用反渎神的法律,尤其是在起诉雅加达省长钟万学一案中,钟万学是一名华裔基督教徒。Still, for a country with the worlds largest Muslim population, Indonesia is remarkably permissive.尽管如此,印度尼西亚作为全世界穆斯林人口最多的国家还是相当的宽容的。Night spots in Jakarta, the capital, and tourist magnets such as the isl

31、and of Bali have their raunchy sides.在首都雅加达的夜总会或者巴厘岛这样的游客聚集地也有很多粗俗的方面。In Semarang, Mr Dosy predicts steady growth in domestic sales of 8-9% per year, buoyed by a growing number of middle-class tipplers.在三宝垄,Dosy先生预测国内销售受日益壮大的中产阶级贪杯客的影响,将以每年8%9%的速度平稳增长。Most Indonesians, proud of their tradition of tolerance, will be hoping that he is right.许多印度尼西亚人对他们宽容的传统非常骄傲,也希望他是对的。如何做好GRE长篇阅读


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