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1、如何应对新GRE考试中的词汇问题 如何扫清新GRE考试中的词汇问题,我们一起来学习吧,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。如何扫清新GRE考试中的词汇问题改革后的新GRE考试,更注重考查考生的研究能力,同时在内容和形式上都有重大变化。拿词汇部分来讲,旧GRE考试中最为让人望而生畏的类比反义词部分在新GRE考试中被取消,这固然是一个让很多考生都欢欣鼓舞的消息,但同时又提出一个疑问,应该如何相应地来准备新GRE考试中的词汇呢?在这里笔者对此进行一个初步的分析与探讨。一、新旧GRE考试对词汇量要求的对比旧GRE考试中非常注重对词汇的要求,对单词量要求非常之大,到了让人瞠目结舌的地步。不仅常见词汇能考到1

2、8000左右,而且充斥着大量日常生活中难以见到的生僻词汇,比如coven意为”十三个女巫的集会“,arabesque意为”具有阿拉伯风格的图案“,illumination转义为”古书上的修饰图案“,因此导致单词不认识几乎无法解题。然而在新GRE考试中,由于将类比反义词类题型取消,单词量要求相对减少,生僻词考查力度削弱,主要考查一些具有特征的单词,即使某个生词不认识也完全能根据上下文的语境把词的大致含义给推断出来。因此从这个角度来讲,考生背诵单词的数量大幅度下降,对单词精确含义理解的要求也相应的大幅度削弱。二、新旧GRE考试对词汇考察方式的比较改革前的GRE Verbal部分的38道题目由类比、


4、要求考生不仅要掌握词汇的意思,还需要进一步了解常考词汇的用法和内涵。其中样题的填空类题型direction和例题如下:For the following questions, select the two answer choices that, when used to complete the sentence, fit the meaning of the sentence as a whole and produce completed sentences that are alike in meaning.4 . International financial issues are

5、typically by the United States media because they are too technical to make snappy headlines and too inaccessible to people who lack a background in economics.A. neglected 被忽视的B. slighted 被忽视的C. overrated 被高估的D. hidden 被隐藏的E. criticized 被批评的F. repudiated 被拒绝的从direction和样题可以看出,填空题由以前的五选一变为了六选二,为什么会做这


7、样题中阅读题是如何对词汇进行考查的。Questions 9 and 10 are based on the following reading passage.Scholarship on political newspapers and their editors is dominated by the view that as the United States grew, the increasing influence of the press led, ultimately, to the neutral reporting from which we benefit today.

8、Pasley considers this view oversimplified, because neutrality was not a goal of early national newspaper editing, even when editors disingenuously stated that they aimed to tell all sides of a story. Rather, the intensely partisan ideologies represented in newspapers of the early republic led to a c

9、lear demarcation between traditional and republican values. The editors responsible for the papers content especially those with republican agendas began to see themselves as central figures in the development of political consciousness in the United States.10. In the context in which it appears, di

10、singenuously most nearly meansA. insincerelyB. guilelesslyC. obliquelyD. resolutelyE. pertinaciously此类在阅读中直接考察词汇的题目在改革前的GRE阅读中从未出现过,可见在改革后的GRE考试中并未放松对词汇的考察。按部就班的解题方法应该是通过上下文逻辑关系推断出单词的含义,但是掌握了大量GRE单词后就完全可以脱离上下文而快速选出答案。由于disingenuously的意思是不真诚的,所以答案选A选项。可见此类题很类似于改革以前的反义词题型,无非是把它放在阅读题里对考生进行考察。三、准备新旧GRE考


12、院的入学考试,如果你不具备大量的学术词汇,又怎么可能在美国读懂一篇篇逻辑缜密、述理透彻的学术*呢?鉴于此,ETS在GRE考试中必然会继续对考生的词汇能力做一定的测试,考生们还是应该掌握大量的GRE词汇,以不变应万变。GRE重点词汇解析:germanegermane: 密切有关的; relevant, appropriate1) pertinent; related; to the point2) relevant, appropriate, apropos, fittingSynonyms: applicable, connected, fitting, relatedgermane : pe

13、rtinenceBecause your concerns are germane to the topic of the meeting, I would like to ask you to speak first.Her essay contained germane information, relevant to the new Constitutional amendment.【考法1】adj. 有关的,适当的: being at once relevant and appropriate【例】details not germane to the discussion 与讨论无关的

14、细节【近】 applicable, apropos, apposite, pertinent, relevant【反】 extraneous, irrelevant 无关的;inappropriate 不适当的GRE重点词汇解析:UbiquitousUbiquitous: 到处存在的; existing everywhere at once1) omnipresent; present everywhere2) existing everywhere at the same time; constantly encountered; widespread相近词汇:omnipresent, pe

15、rvasive, widespreadubiquitous rarely encountered 到处都是的很少遭遇的ubiquitous unique _x001D_ubiquitous : PLACE = perpetuity : time 无所不在的:地方=永恒:时间ubiquitous: existing or being everywhere at the same time : constantly encounteredubiquitous (无所不在的)A) uniform (统一的)B) unanimous (意见一致的)C) unique (独特的)D) anachroni

16、stic (年代错误的)E) mediocre (平庸的)That hit song was ubiquitous all summer long: I heard it at the beach, at the grocery store, waiting on line at the deli, and on the radio just about every time I turned it on.A ubiquitous spirit followed the man wherever he went.Water may seem ubiquitous, until a drough

17、t comes along.GRE重点词汇解析:veracityveracity: 诚实, 老实; truthfulness; adherence to the truth1) filled with truth and accuracy; truthfulness or accuracy2) truthfulness; honestyveracity mendacity .verity: truthveracious : trustful, accurate1. She was a scrupulous journalist, and when she could not check the

18、 veracity of the claim, she struck all mentions of it from her article.2. She had a reputation for veracity, so everyone trusted her description of events.相近词汇:authenticity, credibility, honesty, candor, exactitude, fidelity, probity, truthfulnessGRE重点词汇解析:vilifyvilify: 诽谤; to make vicious and defam

19、atory statements about1) to slander2) to defame; to characterize harshlyvilify commend, laud, extol, honor, adulatevilifiercalumny: 诽谤; 中伤invective: 恶言漫骂, 臭骂|猛烈抨击,痛骂How dare you vilify my name in the newspaper when you are the one who has been squandering city funds.相近词汇:attack, censure, defame, denigrate, disparage诽谤,辱骂: to utter slanderous and abusive statements against【例】be vilified by the press because of her radical views 因为她激进的观点而被媒体抨击【近】 asperse, blacken, calumniate, defame, libel, malign, smear, traduce【反】 acclaim, applaud, commend, praise 表扬【派】 vilification n. 辱骂如何应对新GRE考试中的词汇问题


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