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1、托福写作20多分为什么GRE作文只有3分 托福写作20多分为什么GRE作文只有3分?从GRE写作特点分析备考要点,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。托福写作20多分为什么GRE作文只有3分?从GRE写作特点分析备考要点GRE写作和托福写作相同点首先必须肯定的一点是,GRE写作和托福写作是存在一定共同点的,毕竟是ETS座下的同门弟子,对于考生在写作方面的基本要求还是比较相近的,比如基础的英语写作能力、*的整体框架搭建、论述的逻辑思维水平、遣词造句的能力等等。这些方面两者的要求可以说是基本一致的。而从题型角度上来看,GRE写作中的ISSUE也和托福写作里的独立写作有近似的题目要求,也就是根据题目提出

2、自己的观点并进行论述,也就是中文里常说的立论文。所以在看来,能在托福写作中拿到20多分,至少可以说明考生在GRE写作评分标准的写作技术层面上是能够达到考试要求的。GRE写作题目深度远超托福写作既然写作技术没有问题,那么为何托福考生的GRE作文得分却并不理想呢?原因其实很简单,作文题目本身的深度根本不在一个层次上。大家可以回想一下托福考试作文特别是独立写作,问的问题内容是不是都涉及比较基础的认知内容,大多数都是围绕大家熟悉的常见话题比如学校生活日常活动等等,即使是社会现象也是大家能够随口就说出一些看法事例的“大路货”。而GRE考试的作文题目就完全不同的,来看下面两个例子:Truly profou

3、nd thinkers and highly creative artists are always out of step with their time and their society.真正影响深远的思想家和具有高度创造力的艺术家们总是超越时代和社会的。Rituals and ceremonies help define a culture. Without them, societies or groups of people have a diminished sense of who they are.典礼仪式有助于定义一种文化。没有了它们,社会或者人类群体就会削弱对对自身的认知



6、构思论点思路和储备论证素材为主,而不要试图去把每个题目都写一遍。这样的做法可以最大程度节省大家的考试时间,也能帮助考生从写作的内容层面充实基础提升水平为作文高分做好准备。关于GRE写作不同于托福作文的特点以及应对方法就为大家分享到这里。希望各位托福写作高分的同学也能通过更有针对性的备考方式拿到GRE作文4分以上的好成绩。新GRE写作:教育的目的题目:The purpose of education should be to create an academic environment that is separate from the outside world. This kind of e

7、nvironment is ideal because it allows students to focus on important ideas without being held back by practical concerns.教育的目的应该是要创造出一个隔离于外界的学术环境。这样的环境最理想因为这样可以使学生们不受功利的干扰而专注于重要的理念。范文:Many people have the opinion that the purpose of education should be to create an academic environment isolated from

8、 the outside world, which would be conducive for the students to focus on their studies without being disturbed by the practical concerns. However, as far as I am concerned, it is near sighted to set the students into an isolated academic environment, and such opinion is a misconception regarding th

9、e purpose of the education.It cannot be denied that some kind of academic fields need a peaceful and quite atmosphere indeed, which help the students to give their most attention to their studies to some extent. To pay more attention on their studies, students have to avoid involving themselves into

10、 some practical concerns, such as mean ambitions, love of comfort, devotion to material things, all of which would cost them lots of time, and influence their studies consequently. In this sense, it is a good will to create an ideal environment for students to pursue their studies. Many universities

11、, colleges and institutions have laboratories with advanced equipment, libraries that allow students access for free, and often offer the scholarship for those potential students. The measures foregoing all indicate that the education make its effort to establish an environment in which students cou

12、ld focus on their academic studies and reduce the disturbance from the outside campus to greatest degree.However, people should have to realize that that each coin has two sides. To create an ideal academic environment is a method to guarantee students attention on their studies rather than the ulti

13、mate purpose of education. When totally being set in an academic environment isolated from the outside world, naturally the students cannot be disturbed by the practical concerns, but they have little opportunity to contact many useful social knowledge either. Therefore a separated academic environm

14、ent is a two edged weapon, the students have to deal the relationship well between the environment and personal development well, otherwise they would suffer from the separated environment rather than benefit from it and the disadvantage of the environment would emerge gradually.One of the disadvant

15、ages worthy to notice is that the students in an isolated academic world have difficulties in melting them into the general group of society. The ultimate purpose of education bases on the social needs, that is, to cultivate workers and trainers that adapt society, and make contribution to society.

16、Actually, most of those students so called high mark low ability have little awareness of social responsibility, and do not know how to communicate or cooperate with the partners in their future career, even if they performed well in the laboratories, scored high marks in the final exams, and get do

17、ctoral degrees with the excellent dissertations. Once the students leave their familiar academic environment, it is hard for them to live happily in a new field. The absence of such social ability attributes to the separation from the outside world, and few opportunities to contact the society.Anoth

18、er fact is that the students knowledge from the outside world could contribute to their academic studies. Some social science as economics, law, management is on the basis of current affairs or practical experience. Without knowledge accumulated from the actual experience, it is hard for the student

19、s to attain any achievement in these academic fields. The outside knowledge also contributes to the natural science. If the students just engage themselves in the laboratories without little idea of the urgent needs of the human beings, their research will have little value. In this view, although a

20、n quite academic environment can protect the students against the disturbance from the outside world to some extent, too much indulging oneself into such an environment will generate many negative effects.To sum up, a separated academic environment is a two edged weapon, which keep the outside distu

21、rbance away from the students, but isolate the students from the useful practical things equally. Therefore, in order to realize the terminal purpose of education, the students should increase their knowledge from the outside world when making use of the academic environment.新GRE写作范文:思想家题目:Most soci

22、eties do not take their greatest thinkers seriously, even when they claim to admire them.大多数社会都没把最伟大的思想家当回事,虽然有时候这些社会自称是求才若渴的。范文:In this busy, packed and dull world, peoples most important concerning is how to make a living. They work assiduously to make money, to support their family, to purchase h

23、ouses and cars. Hardly one common individual knows who their greatest thinkers are, not mention to take them seriously. Admittedly, in some cases, people claim that they admire the greatest thinkers; however, they actually know little about what the greatest thinkers thoughts are. The fact is, in hi

24、story of human civilizations, most societies do not take their greatest thinkers seriously, even when the greatest thinkers are seemed to be respected.Generally, whatever societies the greatest thinkers are in, they have similar characteristics, such as high intelligence, eccentric temperament, wide

25、 range of knowledge, and the most essential one: the deeply and often predicted thoughts, which is the product of real wisdom. On one hand, it is the thoughts that distinguish the greatest thinkers from the mass. On the other hand, it is also the thoughts, however correct and predicted, which cause

26、these elites out of the mass sights and put them into an embarrassment in which few can understand them and their thoughts. A proper example is the passional German philosopher and poet Nietzche. Nietzche is a pioneer, whose profound exploration in philosophy influenced the descendants deeply. Yet h

27、is life is miserable and full of tragedies. Without money and job, Nietzche lived an impoverished life, which along with loneliness defeated him at last: he became insane when 45,and died 10 years later. Until that time, almost no one knew him or his thoughts. Even today, many people including some

28、scholars call him mad philosopher.In some worse cases, the greatest thinkers are even persecuted by their societies since the greatest thinkers always tend to have skeptical and critical thoughts, which the manipulators fear mostly and manipulated reluctant to accept. The reason is that once the adv

29、anced ideas, which are against the old ones, are accepted by mass, the domination or the present social system will in the danger of collapse. And at the same times, most people are reluctant to admit that what they believe in or cherish, however, always prejudice and rigid ideas set in peoples mind

30、s beforehand, are not the truth but falsehood or illusions. A case in point is the great astronomer Copernicus, who developed the theory that the earth and other planets revolve around the sun. Although the theory was the most advanced astronomy theory in that time, it hadnt come out of press until

31、the year before Copernicus death because of mass being strongly against it especially the powerful churches, which were afraid that such a theory would shake authority of theology.In some specific period, for political reasons, thinker and intellectuals as a whole undergo ruthless treatment, such as

32、 the Culture Revolution from 1966 to 1976 in China. During those ten years, many great thinkers and intellectuals are forbidden to think and express their thoughts freely. Some of them even encountered physical torture. A crueler example is Qin Dynasty in China 2000 years ago. Yingzheng, the first e

33、mperor of China, sentenced the thinkers who held different political or social ideas from him to death. Moreover, he buried their writings.It is the greatest thinkers tragedy not to be understood or even be persecuted. It is also the fact that human beings are always shortsighted, sometimes even foo

34、lish. Nevertheless, what is truth will never change itself or disappear along with the elapsing of time however strong the falsehood seems to be. Hence, though almost all the greatest thinkers are hermits, some of them may be even the prisoners in their societies; they would gain their perpetual lives through their glaring.托福写作20多分为什么GRE作文只有3分


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