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1、新GREArgument写作具体规划 新GRE Argument写作具体规划,我们一起学习一下吧,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。新GRE Argument写作具体规划具体的规划:目标1:系统地了解GRE写作的考试要求和应试技巧时限:4周左右1、首先,词汇是要坚持背的,红宝书的背诵不能间断。红宝书最好背2道3遍,记住80%左右单词的意思。为下一步的写作,笔试打好基础。同时最好背诵一些范文,积累写作素材,培养良好语感,养成英语思维习惯。2、参考 GRE写作,了解这本书的前三章关于GRE写作考试的介绍和关于issue和argument的写作技巧,熟悉argument的几种逻辑错误掌握其规律和攻击技

2、巧。3,参考GRE作文大讲堂-方法、素材、题目剖析,学习这本书中的前5章,了解issue的题库分类以及各个题目详细的提纲,论据,范文和写作素材,为以后的issue的作文思路展开和论据的充实打下基础。另外,学习argument写作的各类逻辑错误的攻击方法和针对各类错误的攻击模板以及其写作步骤和论证方法。目标2:突破Argument作文时限:2个周左右必备资料:Argument题库包括242个题目,argument的范文,可参考北美GRE范文GRE作文大讲堂-方法、素材、题目剖析具体的规划:1. 列提纲每天坚持列提纲,把所有的题目都熟悉,因为到考试的时候是在题库中抽取题目,所以只要做到对所有题目都

3、熟悉了,考试的时候遇到任何题目都不会觉得陌生。每天的提纲数量为8个,要先从高频题目开始练习,利用这一个月的时间把所有题目都熟悉一遍,尽量做到抽取一个题目可以立刻想到思路应该怎么发展。在列提纲的同时可以参照范文或示例提纲对比一下,认真分析自己的不足之处,在以后的复习过程中尽量避免。2. 搜集和总结经典句型以及各类逻辑错误的攻击语言,总结自己的模板。参考GRE作文大讲堂-方法、素材、题目剖析一书中的第六章的argument常用句型和GRE写作一书中的第六章argument闪光句型和第七章高分语言,我也会发一些模板给你,你可以参考一下上面的句式和用词,然后总结出自己常用的模版句,到考试的时候就可以直

4、接套用。但是注意自己一定要总结,因为大多数考生都在看这些参考书如果照搬的话很容易雷同。3. 练习写作每周在列提纲的同时练习写作,开始如果感觉限时比较困难的话可以先慢慢适应,先不用限制时间,等操作熟练之后再进行限时练习。数量为每周2-3篇为宜,写完之后可以参照范文对比,总结分析自己的不足和在以后写作中应该注意的地方。考试当天:好好调整自己的心态,以一个良好的状态满怀信心地去参加考试!祝你成功!满怀信心地去参加考试吧!新GRE argument 写作题目要求更加具体,在此提醒广大考生在平时备考新GRE考试写作增强语言功底的同时,还要勤于思考分析。新GRE写作Argument范文Discuss ho

5、w well reasoned you find this argument.The following appeared in a letter from the owner of the Sunnyside Towers apartment building to its manager.One month ago, all the showerheads on the first five floors of Sunnyside Towers were modified to restrict the water flow to approximately 1/3 of its orig

6、inal force. Although actual readings of water usage before and after the adjustment are not yet available, the change will obviously result in a considerable savings for Sunnyside Corporation, since the corporation must pay for water each month. Except for a few complaints about low water pressure,

7、no problems with showers have been reported since the adjustment. Clearly, restricting water flow throughout all the 20 floors of Sunnyside Towers will increase our profits further.The following is a recommendation from the director of personnel to the president of Professional Printing Company.In a

8、 recent telephone survey of automobile factory workers, older employees were less likely to report that having a supervisor present increases their productivity. Among workers aged 18 to 29, 27 percent said that they are more productive in the presence of their immediate supervisor, compared to 12 p

9、ercent for those aged 30 or over, and only 8 percent for those aged 50 or over. Clearly, if our printing company hires mainly older employees, we will increase productivity and save money because of the reduced need for supervisors.The following appeared as part of an article in a health magazine.A

10、new discovery warrants a drastic change in the diets of people living in the United States. Two scientists have recently suggested that omega -3 fatty acids (found in some fish and fish oils) play a key role in mental health. Our ancestors, who ate less saturated fat and more polyunsaturated fat, in

11、cluding omega -3 fatty acids, were much less likely to suffer from depression than we are today. Moreover, modern societies-such as those in Japan and Taiwan-that consume large quantities of fish report depression rates lower than that in the United States. Given this link between omega -3 fatty aci

12、ds and depression, it is important for all people in the United States to increase their consumption of fish in order to prevent depression.A new report suggests that men and women experience pain very differently from one another, and that doctors should consider these differences when prescribing

13、pain medications. When researchers administered the same dosage of kappa options- a painkiller-to 28 men and 20 women who were having their wisdom teeth extracted, the women reported feeling much less pain than the men, and the easing of pain lasted considerably longer in women. This research sugges

14、ts that kappa opioids should be prescribed for women whenever pain medication is required, whereas men should be given other kinds of pain medication. In addition, researchers should reevaluate the effects of all medications on men versus women.新GRE写作Argument范文Discuss how well reasoned you find this

15、 argument.The following is a recommendation from the dean at Foley College, a small liberal arts college, to the president of the college.Since college-bound students are increasingly concerned about job prospects after graduation, Foley College should attempt to increase enrollment by promising to

16、find its students jobs after they graduate. Many administrators feel that this strategy is a way for Foley to compete against larger and more prestigious schools and to encourage students to begin preparing for careers as soon as they enter college. Furthermore, a student who must choose a career pa

17、th within his or her first year of college and who is guaranteed a job after graduation is more likely to successfully complete the coursework that will prepare him or her for the future.The following is a letter to the editor of the Glenville Gazette, a local newspaper.Over the past few years, the

18、number of people who have purchased advance tickets for the Glenville Summer Concert series has declined, indicating lack of community support. Although the weather has been unpredictable in the past few years, this cannot be the reason for the decline in advance ticket purchases, because many peopl

19、e attended the concerts even in bad weather. Clearly, then, the reason for the decline is the choice of music, so the organizers of the concert should feature more modern music in the future and should be sure to include music composed by Richerts, whose recordings Glenville residents purchase more

20、often than any other contemporary recordings. This strategy will undoubtedly increase advance ticket purchases and will increase attendance at the concerts.The following is a letter from a professor at Xanadu College to the colleges president.The development of an extensive computer-based long-dista

21、nce learning program will enhance the reputation of Xanadu College. This program would allow more students to enroll in our courses, thereby increasing our income from student tuition. Traditional courses could easily be adapted for distance learners, as was shown by the adaptation of two traditiona

22、l courses for our distance learning trial project last year. Also, by using computer programs and taped lectures, faculty will have fewer classroom obligations and more time to engage in extensive research, thereby enhancing the reputation of Xanadu.The following is a letter to the editor of the Ros

23、eville Gazette.Despite opposition from some residents of West Roseville, the arguments in favor of merging the townships of Roseville and West Roseville are overwhelming. First, residents in both townships are confused about which authority to contact when they need a service; for example, the polic

24、e department in Roseville receives many calls from residents of West Roseville. This sort of confusion would be eliminated with the merger. Second, the savings in administrative costs would be enormous, since services would no longer be duplicated: we would have only one fire chief, one tax departme

25、nt, one mayor, and so on. And no jobs in city government would be lost-employees could simply be reassigned. Most importantly, the merger will undoubtedly attract business investments as it did when the townships of Hamden and North Hamden merged ten years ago.新版GRE写作新题库:Argument题目:The following app

26、eared in a letter to the editor of a Batavia newspaper.The department of agriculture in Batavia reports that the number of dairy farms throughout the country is now 25 percent greater than it was 10 years ago. During this same time period, however, the price of milk at the local Excello Food Market

27、has increased from $1.50 to over $3.00 per gallon. To prevent farmers from continuing to receive excessive profits on an apparently increased supply of milk, the Batavia government should begin to regulate retail milk prices. Such regulation is necessary to ensure fair prices for consumers.Write a r

28、esponse in which you discuss what questions would need to be answered in order to decide whether the recommendation is likely to have the predicted result. Be sure to explain how the answers to these questions would help to evaluate the recommendation.中文翻译:Batavia的农业部门报告说全国奶牛农庄的数量比10年前增加了25%。然而就在同一时

29、期,当地Excello Food Market牛奶的价格从每加仑$1.5上涨到了$3.0。为防止农场主在牛奶供应量明显增加的情况下获取过多的利润,Batavia的政府应限制牛奶的零售价。这种规定对于稳定物价是必需的。写一篇回应,在其中讨论还有哪些问题需要被回答才能决定文中的推荐是否能得到预期结果,并务请解释对这些问题的回答是如何帮助更好的评估文中的建议的。新版GRE写作新题库:Argument题目:The president of Grove College has recommended that the college abandon its century-old tradition o

30、f all-female education and begin admitting men. Pointing to other all-female colleges that experienced an increase in applications after adopting coeducation, the president argues that coeducation would lead to a significant increase in applications and enrollment. However, the director of the alumn

31、ae association opposes the plan. Arguing that all-female education is essential to the very identity of the college, the director cites annual surveys of incoming students in which these students say that the schools all-female status was the primary reason they selected Grove. The director also poi

32、nts to a survey of Grove alumnae in which a majority of respondents strongly favored keeping the college all female.Write a response in which you discuss what questions would need to be answered in order to decide whether the recommendation and the argument on which it is based are reasonable. Be su

33、re to explain how the answers to these questions would help to evaluate the recommendation.中文翻译:G学院院长建议Grove学院放弃其已有百年历史的女校传统,允许录取男性。鉴于其他女校在实行男女同校后,学生申请数量增加。院长认为G实行男女同校一定会在申请和入学人数上都有大幅提升。但校友会的主席却反对该提议,并认为G的女校形式已经成为深入人心。在每年一度的新生调查中显示女校的性质是她们报考G的主要原因。另外在G校友中的调查显示绝大多数的回访者强烈建议保留女校传统。写一篇回应,在其中讨论还有哪些问题需要被回答才能决定文中的推荐是否能得到预期结果,并务请解释对这些问题的回答是如何帮助更好的评估文中的建议的。新GRE Argument写作具体规划(文库搜索)


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