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1、新GRE写作考试要掌握多少词汇 新GRE写作考试要掌握多少词汇?专家权威解析,我们来了解一下吧,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。新GRE写作考试要掌握多少词汇?专家权威解析GRE写作考试要求掌握的词汇量是多少?首先GRE词汇考试能考到18000个单词左右,其中核心大概在10000个左右。对于这个需求量来时,GRE考试词汇量确实不小,所以要考出好成绩先要掌握核心词汇,在看有没有时间进行扩展。GRE写作考试中词汇量和高分的关系?如果想考一个很高的分数,那GRE词汇量自然是越大越好,像再要你命3000里面的单词是需要学生必须要记住的,如果这里面的单词有一半都不认识,那语文部分最多也就能拿155分了,


3、,对于以后考试活着是留学生涯都是非常有益处的事情。GRE词汇解析:Synonyms1) n. 新手: a person who is just starting out in a field of activity2) young and inexperiencedSynonyms: novice, rookie, nascent, uninitiated; apprentice, beginner, freshman, neophyte, novice, tyro, recruit, rookie; fledgefledgling mature, veteranI am learning C

4、hinese, but Im just a fledgling speaker, having studied the language for only six months.The fledgling mountain climber needed assistance from the more experienced mountaineers.The course was not recommended for fledgling skiers.At hockey hes still a fledgling and needs to work on his basic skating

5、skills.GRE词汇解析:implacable1) unwilling to be pacified or appeased2) unable to be calmed down or made peacefulSynonyms: inflexible, merciless, relentless, uncompromising, unyieldingAlthough the team had been eliminated from contention in the playoffs, it proved to be an implacable opponent.The baby wa

6、s so implacable a warm bottle would not settle her.The two year old was an implacable child; he cried no matter what his parents did to comfort him.【考法1】adj. 固执的: sticking to an opinion, purpose, or course of action in spite of reason, arguments, or persuasion【近】 adamant, dogged, headstrong, intrans

7、igent, mulish, obdurate, pertinacious, stubborn, unyielding【反】 acquiescent 倾向于默认的;compliant, flexible, pliable, pliant, yielding 易受影响的【考法2】adj. 无法平息的: not capable of being appeased, significantly changed, or mitigated【例】 an implacable enemy 无法与之和解的敌人【近】 determined, grim, relentless, unappeasable【反】

8、placable 可平息的,可缓和的GRE词汇解析:impiousIMPIOUSdevoutimpious devoutThe impious eccentric hadnt been to church for years.【考法1】adj.不敬神的: lacking reverence for holy or sacred matters【例】 made impious remarks about the church 对教会做出不敬的评论【近】 blasphemous, irreverent, profane, sacrilegious【反】 pious虔诚的;reverent 敬神的【

9、派】 impiety n. (对神的)不敬GRE词汇解析:impetuous1) moving with great force; done with little thought2) characterized by undue haste and lack of thought or deliberation3) passionately impulsiveSynonyms: impassionate, spontaneous, unexpectedimpetuous tolerant, patient, circumspect, deliberateimpetuous : patienceimpetuous : hesitanceimpetuous : hesitateimpetuous : hesitantimpetuous : hesitationimpetuous : vacillationimpetuosity hesitance/vacillation 冲动犹豫/踌躇新GRE写作考试要掌握多少词汇


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