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1、最有效的GRE阅读提分方法 最有效的GRE阅读提分方法 ,营造全英文的阅读学习氛围!我们来看看吧,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。【GRE阅读】最有效的GRE阅读提分方法 营造全英文的阅读学习氛围对于GRE阅读的提分方法,最有效的莫过于考生在自己营造的学习氛围中更好的备考GRE阅读考试。对于考生们来说做这些有些困难,万事开头难,但是当你一旦适应了这样的阅读氛围的时候,我们就真真实实地使用到了英语,对GRE阅读是一种提高,对我们的英语能力也是一种提高。现在就让来告诉大家有哪些方法吧。1.从英文电影中获得灵感现在网络如此发达,考生们可以随便在网上搜罗一步美剧或者欧美电影来看。一般来说,最好选择两种

2、字幕的版本,下面英文上面中文,这样对照着看,不至于有的地方忽略看不懂。而且看英文字母很容易记住里面的单词。例如鸟叫 chirp,因为英文字幕会注明象声词,鸟一叫字幕里就出现bird chirping。这样记单词又形象又生动,很容易就全部记住了。基本上看历史片里面的词更GRE一些,现代片子的词都口语化。2.诵读英文原著推荐GRE考试考友们看中国日报英文的世界新闻版和文艺版,世界新闻版都是正宗路透社美联社的人写的,里面也有很多GRE词汇,但是量不大,因为GRE单词中偏文学的词还是挺多的,这些词一般新闻里不会太多,比如Mawkish就肯定没有。文艺版的话,里面的*基本上是中国人写的,所以就只找单词看


4、快,可一听special English,那里面也可以听到不少GRE考试词汇,但是还是推荐大家听正常速度的BBC与VOA,因为每个走上GRE道路的人必定是要考托福的,而托福的语速和它们是一样的,那为何不从现在开始听呢。既能够背单词,又可以为以后的GRE听力打下基础。尤其是BBC,不要因为不是美国英语就不愿意听,BBC的节目远远好过VOA,而且只要听懂了BBC必可以听懂VOA,因为英国人基本上说话嘴不张大因此比美国人的英语更难听懂,而且说得超级快。以上就是如何营造适合自己的GRE阅读氛围的经验介绍,人为营造一种英语环境,而且这样就是真正做到把英语变成一种实用的语言,而不仅仅局限在考试的范畴,也不


6、主流杂志,每天会发布一篇*,包含中文翻译,供大家学习!Apple is becoming a very different company, and not just because of its newly unveiled products苹果公司正在进行转型,不仅是因为它刚刚发布的神秘新产品APPLE prides itself on constantly re-imagining the future, but even the worlds leading gadget-maker likes to dwell on the past too. Thirty years ago St

7、eve Jobs commanded the stage at the Flint Centre for the Performing Arts near Apples headquarters in Cupertino to show off the new Macintosh computer. On September 9th Mr Jobss successor, Tim Cook, held a similar performance in the same location to thunderous applause. Those invited were given a cha

8、nce to play with the gadgets presented on stage: two new iPhones and a wearable device, called the Apple Watch. “This is the next chapter in Apples story,” he said, sounding much like the young Mr Jobs in 1984.苹果公司以能够不断勾画未来蓝图而自豪,但即使作为世界上最顶尖的小型设备制造商,苹果也难免沉溺于过去。三十年前,史蒂芬乔布斯在弗林特演艺中心(位于库比蒂诺的苹果公司总部附近)展示Ma

9、cintosh电脑;今年9月,乔布斯的继任者,蒂姆库克,在同一个舞台面对千万热情观众举行了一个类似的产品展示活动。被邀请到的人有机会试用展台上的设备:两台新款iPhone和一款叫做Apple Watch可佩戴手表。像当年的乔布斯一样,库克说:“这是苹果的下一篇章!”It may well be truebut not for the reasons most people might think. Consumers, analysts and investors have been howling for proof that Apple can still do the magic tri

10、cks of the Jobs era;iPad sales have weakened in recent quarters and the iPhone, launched a tech aeon ago in 20XX,still generates more than half of the firms revenues. Yet lost in the maelstrom of snazzy new gadgets, applause and photos was an important shift: this weeks announcements showed that App

11、les future will be less about hardware and more about its “ecosystem”a combination of software, services, data and a plethora of partners.这篇阅读材料还有MP3音频哦!下载传送门这可能是真的但原因并非大多数人想的那样。消费者、市场分析员、投资者一直都在极力试图证明苹果可以再创乔布斯时代的传奇;然而,iPad近几季的销量已有所下降,于20XX年发布的iPhone掀起了一段科技狂潮,它至今仍然占据苹果公司收入的半壁江山。然而,在充斥着时髦的新产品、掌声、美图的狂

12、潮中,被人忽略的是苹果的重大转型:本周发布会表示苹果未来的重心将从硬件转移到“生态系统”一个集软件、服务、数据、众多合作伙伴于一体的有机系统。If Apple were simply a hardware-maker, there would be reason to worry. It is losing market share to rivals such as Samsung of South Korea and Xiaomi of China, which make cheaper devices, and to Googles Android operating system, w

13、hich runs on 71% of the worlds smartphones. Apples average selling price is $609, compared with $249 for smart phones worldwide, according to IDC, a market-research firm. That is good for profits, but it makes Apple increasingly a niche player, somewhat like a luxury-goods firm, says Colin Gillis of

14、 BGC, a stockbroker.如果苹果只是一家简单的硬件制造商,那么情况是让人担忧的。苹果的市场份额正在缩小,相反的韩国的三星和中国的小米因为价格低廉而占据着越来越多的市场份额,并且谷歌的安卓操作系统占领了全球70%的只能手机。据市场调研公司IDC的数据,苹果手机的平均售价为609美元,而全球智能手机均价为249美元。一名来自BGC的股票经纪人科林.吉利斯认为:这样利润固然客观,但是这使得苹果市场越来越成为一种缝隙市场,有点类似于奢侈品企业。As with Apples existing products, much effort went into the watchs desig

15、n. Its back plate contains sensors that measure the users vital signs; and people can send their heartbeat toother watch-wearersas a new sort of expressive message. But starting at $349, and only usable in conjunction with an iPhone, it looks unlikely to be a serious competitor to other expensive wa

16、tches (see article).与现有的产品一样,苹果为设计这款手表做出了很大努力。它的后板装有感应器,可以测量出佩带者的生命特征;作为一种新的信息表达方式,人们可以将心率数据发送给其他的手表用户。但是它的售价为349美元起,而且只能与iphone联合使用,这使得它难以敌对其他名贵手表。Still, many are likely to stick with their iPhones and even plunk down the money for an Apple Watch, because of the firms ecosystem. Apple is considered

17、 a laggard in online offerings,especially since it bungled the launch of its map service. Its services and apps can be maddening. But iTunes, Apples media store, now boasts more than 800 m active users, three times as many as Amazons. Apples software and services category, which includes iTunes, its

18、 Apps Store, revenue from warranties and other businesses, brought in sales of more than $16 billion in 20XX and is growing steadily.但是许多人仍然愿意坚守苹果阵营,继续使用iPhone,甚至是为了苹果的“生态系统”而大手笔地花钱购买AppleWatch。在线服务方面,苹果被认为是落后者,尤其是它粗制滥造的地图服务。它的服务和应用有时候让人抓狂。但是,苹果的媒体商店iTunes,它的活跃用户现在已经飙升超过了8亿,是亚马逊的三倍之多。苹果的软件和服务,包括iTun

19、es、应用Store,来自授权和其他业务的收入等,20XX年超过160亿美元,并依然在稳定增长。Apples watch is supposed to help the firm expand into new areas. One example is a mobile wallet. It aims to replace swiping credit cards with the tap of an Apple watch (or an iPhone)on a device connected to a retailers cash register. Apples new health

20、and fitness applications help people monitor their workouts. The firms new operating systems, due out soon, will allow its devices to work together seamlessly: an e-mail started on an iPhone can be finished on an iMac.苹果试图通过智能手表拓展到新领域,移动钱包就是一个例子,它的目标是用苹果手表(或手机)轻触与收款机相连的设备来取代划信用卡。苹果新的健身应用可以帮助人们监视自己的运

21、动过程。另外,新的操作系统即将推出,它将实现设备的无缝操作:如在iPhone上开始写的电子邮件可以在iMac电脑上继续写完。For Ben Wood of CCS Insight, another market-research firm, Apples plan is to be even morel ike the Hotel California (as in the Eagles song), “where you can check out any time you like,but you can never leave”. The more Apple-gadget owners

22、 store their data in them, from photos to health information, the more they are locked in, and must stick with Apple.另一家市场调研公司CCS Insight 的本.伍德认为,苹果的计划更像是“加州旅馆”(老鹰乐队的歌):“你可以随时退房,但却永远不会离开。”苹果用户在系统中储存的数据越多,从照片到健康信息,他们就越依赖苹果。At the same time, Apple is trying to become more open to partnersa big change

23、for the firm. “There has always been a huge tension between keeping control and opening up” at Apple,explains Michael Cusumano of MITs Sloan School of Management. Mr Jobs saw Apple products as complete works of art and never wanted them unbundled. Only after the executive team rebelled, for instance

24、, did he relent and in 2003 let iTunes become available on Windowsamove that dramatically increased sales of the iPod.与此同时,苹果正尝试向合作伙伴们更开放这对苹果是个好机会。麻省理工斯隆管理学院的迈克尔.库森曼诺解释说,就开放程度问题,苹果内部一直存在很大分歧。在乔布斯看来,苹果的产品是一个完整的艺术作品,绝不希望它被拆分。直到管理团队出现反叛之后,他才在2003年做了退步,让iTune可以通过Windows访问这一举措大大地提升了iPod的销量。Three years af

25、ter Mr Jobss death, Apple seems to be ready to go further, hoping to entice other firms to contribute to its ecosystem and make it more attractive. Earlier this year Apple announced a partnership with IBM, as well as changes that make it easier for outside developers to design apps for the iPhone. A

26、nd Apples watch will have third-party apps from the start. The iPhone launched without the app store; it opened only a year later, after many outside developers had hacked the device, allowing them to write apps for it.乔布斯去世了三年,苹果似乎要采取进一步行动,希望通过与其他公司合作来构建苹果的“生态系统”,使其更具吸引力。今年早些时候,苹果就宣布与IBM合作,同时作了些改变以

27、方便外部开发者为iPhone设计应用。并且苹果手表一开始就会有第三方应用。iPhone刚发行的时候并没有应用商店,直到一年后许多外界开发商黑进了手机,苹果才勉强允许他们开放应用。更多双语* 点击这里The new openness does not only apply to technology. Mr Cook has let outsiders join his inner circle, hiring executives from retail and other industries to expand Apples expertise. He has also overseen

28、the largest acquisition in Apples history, the $3 billion purchase in May of Beats, a headphones and music-streaming company. For its new payment system it teamed up with big retailers, such as Whole Foods and Walgreens, and credit-card firms, including MasterCard and Visa.这种新的开放制度不仅适用于技术层面,库克已经允许外界

29、人士参与它的内部圈子,并且聘请零售和其他行业的管理者来扩展苹果公司的业务面。库克见证了苹果史上最大的一起并购案:苹果于今年5月斥资30亿美元收购了Beats(一家生产耳机和音乐流媒体公司)。至于其新开发的支付体系,苹果将与各大零售商进行合作,如有机食品连锁店Whole Foods 和沃尔格林,以及信用卡公司,包括万事达卡和Visa卡。This opening-up may need to go further, to keep up with Googles ecosystem. The internet giants services still beat Apples. And it no

30、t only lets device-makers modify Android, but also gives it away (albeit with conditions, such as the requirement to carry Googles services). “Apple v Android” could still end up a repeat of “Apple v Windows”: in personal computers Apple lost the battle against Microsoft because it refused to licens

31、e its operating system to other hardware-makers.为了赶上谷歌的生态系统,苹果的对外开放制度需要更进一步。目前苹果的服务仍逊于这家互联网巨头。谷歌不仅允许制造商们改造安卓系统,而且可以完全撒手不管(虽然这是有条件的,比如必须安装谷歌的某些服务)。“苹果VS安卓”的结局可能会和“苹果VS Windows”一样:在个人电脑市场,苹果因为拒绝向其他硬件制造商认证其操作系统,所以不敌微软。Umber to Eco, an Italian novelist, once compared Apples platform to Catholicism and M

32、icrosofts to Protestantism. The Macintosh, he wrote, “tells the faithful how they must proceed, step by step”. By contrast, Windows “allows free interpretation of scripture.and takes for granted the idea that not all can achieve salvation.” This still rings true today, but Apple is clearly going thr

33、ough a Reformation.一名意大利小说家恩贝托.艾克曾经将苹果比作天主教,而将微软比作新教。他这样写道:Mac电脑“告诉信徒必须沿着一个方向,一步一步坚定地走下去。”相反的,Windows则“允许对教义进行自由的解释,并且认为不是所有的想法都可以最终解决问题。”这些道理至今仍然受用,但是很显然,苹果已经开始改变并且将进一步改革。【GRE阅读】抑制全球变暖 次好方案的绝地挺身A carbon price would be better, but Barack Obamas plan to cut emissions from power plants is welcome为碳排放定

34、价显然更为理想,但奥巴马的电厂减排方案依然备受欢迎。NOTHING is too good for the United States Congress. The Capitol even has its own powerstation. The Capitol Power Plant in south-east Washington is still puffing away, though it was built in 1910making it older than most museums of powerand even though it has not generated a

35、ny electricity since 1951. It pipes steam and chilled water to heat or cool thenations legislators, and in the process it pumps out over 100,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide ayear. In 2000, when the administrator of the plant tried to switch it over from burning coal to natural gas to cut that pollution

36、, senators from coal-producing states ganged up to stop him.The plant symbolises everything that is wrong with Americas power sector and the policies thatinfluence it.这对美国国会来说不是什么好事。国会甚至拥有自己的电站。位于华盛顿东南部的国会电力工厂建于1910年,历史比大多数电力博物馆还悠久。虽然这家电厂自从1951年后就不再发电,却还在造成污染。电厂通过管道输送蒸汽和冷冻水来为立法者们取暖纳凉,在这个过程中,电厂每年会排放超

37、过100,000吨二氧化碳。2000年,电厂管理者试图将原来的燃料煤换成天然气,来减少污染。但是,生产煤的各州议员却联合抗议。了解此电厂,可知道美国电力部门出现的问题以及影响电力部门的各项政策。So President Barack Obamas proposal on June 2nd to cut CO2 emissions from power plants is welcome. Power stations are the single biggest source of greenhouse-gas emissions in America, accounting for a th

38、ird of the total. The plan to cut them by 30% from their 2005 level by 2030 is the biggest step an American president has taken to curb climate change for several decades.这篇阅读材料还有MP3音频哦!下载传送门因此,6月2号,奥巴马总统提出减少电厂二氧化碳排放量的提议备受欢迎。电厂是美国温室气体排放量的最大*,排放量约占总排放量的三分之一。根据提议,到2030年,温室气体排放量需在2005年的水平上下降30%。这是几十年来,

39、美国总统在遏制气候变化上迈出的最大一步。The proposal matters for political reasons: several states which Democrats must win if they are to keep control of the Senate are also coal producers, where anything that hurts miners is unpopular. So the plan probably increases the chance that Republicans will recapture the uppe

40、r chamber of Congress in November. It also matters because of an international timetable:countries are negotiating a treaty to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions globally which can be signed at the end of 20XX. The presidents proposal makes it more likely that some such deal will see the light of day.从

41、政治的角度,这项提议很重要:为了守住议会的席位,民主党必须要争取几个生产煤的州的支持,在这些州,有损矿主利益的行为不受待见。所以,这项提议很可能增加共和党于11月重获国会上议院席位的几率。从国际上看,这项提议也很重要:各国将要商定一项在全球范围内减少温室气体排放量的条约,并可能于20XX年底签署。奥巴马的提议使得类似协议有了一丝曙光。Because of these implications, the plan has been greeted in America with wild partisanship. Theleft welcomes it as a decisive step a

42、way from fossil fuels. The right condemns it as a new taxon American companies and consumers which will only help China, where pollution will risefurther, negating any benefit to the climate. Both views are exaggerated. The truth is that theproposal wont save the planet, but it will bring about smal

43、l improvements that are worthhaving.因为上述原因,美国国内对此项提议态度分立。左派赞成,认为这是减少化石燃料决定性的一步。右派则指责,这只会加重美国企业和消费者的税赋负担,而得益于中国。中国人口不断上涨,这会抵消此项提议带来的利益。双方的观点都被夸大了。事实是,这项提议不会拯救地球,但是,它依然能带来意义非凡的些许进步。Satisfyingly mediocre令人满意的平庸方案Assuming the plan is carried out, it would reduce total American carbon emissions by around

44、5%. That is a lot for one measure, though tiny compared with the overall cuts required to reinin climate change. American power plants have already reduced their emissions by 15% since2005, so requiring them to cut the same amount over a longer period is not too arduous. Theplan will raise electrici

45、ty prices and kill some jobs, but it will also save lives, most immediately by cutting particulate pollution.假设这项提议得以实施,美国的碳排放量会减少约5%。虽然对于应对气候变化所要求的总排放量这还不够,但对于这一具体措施,已然进步巨大。自2005年以来,美国的电厂已经将温室气体排放量减少了15%,因此,在更长时间期限内减少等量气体排放应该是可行的。这项提议会提高电费,减少部分工作,但也因减少了粒状物污染拯救了部分生命。It is far from the best policy. I

46、deally, Congress would have passed a carbon tax or created acarbon market, putting a price on emissions and letting buyers and sellers decide on thecheapest way to reduce them. Instead, the government is telling a particular sector how much to cut and whenand then adding layers of complexity by allo

47、wing different states different ceilings. As a method of dealing with a problem, this has all the attractions of a blackout in a blizzard.这不是最好的方案。理想来说,国会应该通过碳税提案或建立碳市场,给排放定价,让买家卖家自行决定,使用最便宜的方式减少温室气体排放。相反,需要政府告知一个特定部门(电力提供商)减排量以及减排时间。由于不同州有不同的排放量上限,实施又变得更复杂。这是解决问题的一个方法,是应对打击的一次管制。But it became inevi

48、table once Congress rejected a better approachcap-and-tradelegislationduring Mr Obamas first term. The current approach is at least better thannothing, the most likely alternative. In climate policy, delay is rarely good. The more carbon isin the atmosphere, the more expensive it is to cut back and

49、the more damage it does in themeantime. Anyway, Mr Obamas command-and-control approach does not forestall settingup a carbon market later.但一旦国会拒绝了另一项更好的方案奥巴马第一任期提出的“总量控制和排放交易”法案,此项提案必会得以采用。现有的方案至少比什么措施也没有更好,是最好的替代方案。气候政策拖延不得。大气中的二氧化碳越多,要减量就更贵,同时会产生更大的破坏。此外,奥巴马的“命令与管制”方案不会阻碍日后建立碳市场。更多双语* 点击这里The second-best ap


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