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1、美容院常用英语,Beauty&Health,By Mandy&Jtw,一、接待常用语,1、早上好,先生(女士),这里是美容院,我能帮您做社么吗?Good morning,sir(madam).This is beauty salon.May I help you?2、我要做美容。I want a facial.,一、接待常用语,3、您是想做皮肤护理还是身体推油?Do you want skin care or oil massage?4、不要着急,先生。几分钟后,就会有美容师来为您服务。Dont worry,sir.The beautician will be free in a few mi

2、nutes.,一、接待常用语,5、您在这里休息一下,看看杂志,等一会好吗?Would you please wait here and read this magazine for a while?,一、接待常用语,6、对不起女士,我们有很多预约的客人,美容师很忙。如果预定的客人十分钟之内不能来,我们就可以为您服务。Im sorry,madam.We have many appointments already.The beautician is busy now.If the customer hasnt arrived in ten minutes,we can take you.,一、接

3、待常用语,7、对不起女士,您晚了十分钟,现在没有美容师有空。您可以在做一个新的预定吗?Im sorry,madam.Since you are ten minutes late,theres no beautician available at moment.Would you like to make another appointment?,一、接待常用语,8、这边请,这里是皮肤护理房。This way,please.Here is the skin care room.9、请您脱下外衣。Would you please take off your coat?10、请把手提箱交给我,我们会

4、替你照看它的。May I help you with your suitcase,Madam?We will take care of it for you.,一、接待常用语,11、请您摘下项链和耳环,把它们放在这里。Would you please take off you necklace and earring and put them here?12、请您沐浴,然后换上这件衣服。Please take a bath and put on this dress.,一、接待常用语,13、我会在外面等候,准备好了就请叫我一声。I will wait outside,please call m

5、e when you are ready.,二、护理时常用语,1、您好,我叫莉莉,我是这里的美容师,很高兴为您服务Hello,My name is Lily,I am a beautician,I will be glad to serve you.2、请躺在床上。请脸朝下趴在床上Please lie on the bed.Please lie on the bed with your face downward.,二、护理时常用语,3、您现在感觉怎么样,女士?How are you feeling now,madam?4、很好,谢谢!Very good.Thank you.5、还没有什么感觉

6、。I dont feel much yet.6、力度还需要再加大一点吗?Should I do it a little harder?,二、护理时常用语,7、这样可以吗,先生?Its that OK,sir?8、好痛。可以稍微轻一点吗?It hurts.Could you be a little gentler?9、请您翻一下身。Please turn over.,二、护理时常用语,10、对不起,我只会一点点英文。Sorry,I know only a little English.11、女士,按摩已经做好了,您可以穿好衣服起来了Madam,the massage is done,you ca

7、n get up and dress now.12、对不起,我没听清楚,请再说一次。I beg your pardon?,三、收款与结账,1、这个多少钱?How much will this be?2、做皮肤护理多少钱?Whats the price of skin care?3、180元。That is 180 yuan.,三、收款与结账,4、多少钱?Whats the price?5、一共是80元,先生。That is 80 yuan,sir.6、这是找您的20元。Here is your change of 20 yuan.,三、收款与结账,7、你们接受信用卡付款吗?Do you acc

8、ept credit card?8、当然。您可以用信用卡付款。Of course。You can pay by your card.,三、收款与结账,9、请您在前台付款。Could you please pay at the Front Desk?10、不用找钱了。Keep the change.11、谢谢!这是给你的小费。Thank you.This is your tip.,附录:英文数字,1 2 3 4 5 one two three four five 6 7 8 9 10 six seven eight nine ten,附录:英文数字,11 12 13 14 15 eleven t

9、welve thirteen fourteen fifteen 16 17 18 19 20sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty,附录:英文数字,30 40 50 60 70 thirty forty fifty sixty seventy 80 90 100eighty ninety hundred,附录:英文数字,180 210one hundred and eighty two hundred and ten 230 480two hundred and thirty four hundred and eighty,四、送别常用语,1、谢谢您光临我们美容院。Thank you for coming to our beauty salon.2、希望您能满意我们的服务。We hope youre satisfied with our service.3、我们希望您能再来。We hope to see you again.4、谢谢,先生(女士),再见。Thank you,sir(madam),good-bye.,


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