1、美国名校对GRE词汇量的要求 想要被名校入取?揭秘美国名校对GRE词汇量的要求,我们来了解一下吧,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。想要被名校入取?揭秘美国名校对GRE词汇量的要求GRE要求词汇量是多少1.若要顺利地通过新GRE考试,一般的中国学生需要准备8000个左右的新单词。2.这些单词中的大部分有实际的用处,因专业不同有差异;以红宝书词汇量为准,其中约有2000词对以后学业无太大帮助。3.对之前参加过托福考试的同学来说,已经背过的托福三千词已属于红宝书的8千范围,所以实际需要背得单词量在5000左右。想要考出高分需要多少词汇量如果想考一个很高的分数,那GRE词汇量自然是越大越好,比如再要你
4、罗里达大学的排名一般是50名左右,它的传媒专业录取的学生平均作文分数可能是在4.5分,这个分数已经是很高了。如果同学们打算申请美国前五十的学校,那工科需要考到310多分就差不多了,文科要求分比较高,320分以上才比较保险。而如果想要考到这个分数,那词汇量的要求就比较高了,语文部分拿到165分是最低要求,对应上面所说的词汇量要求,吃透整本红宝书的8000+词汇是必须的。以上就是关于美国名校对GRE词汇量的要求信息,如果大家想要申请名校,掌握大量词汇并拿到高分是必不可少的。希望考生们认真背诵GRE词汇,争取获得理想的成绩。GRE词汇解析:vacillationvacillate: 犹豫; to w
5、aver in mind, will, or feeling1) to sway physically; to be indecisive2) to sway or fluctuate; to waver in feeling or hesitate in making a decision 3) to waver; to sway back and forth; to fluctuate or oscillate;4) to waver in attitude; show indecision5) to waver; to sway indecisively相近词汇: oscillate,
6、stagger, swing; alternate, hedge, pause, dither, falter, fluctuate, oscillate, wavervacillation resolutionvacillate equipoise, stand firm, resolve firmly, resolutevacillate : indecision = bristle : anger1. The customer held up the line as he vacillated between ordering chocolate chip or rocky road i
7、ce cream.2. Roberta vacillated for so long that by the time she decided to go to the show, the tickets were all sold out.3. It is not unusual for ones position on an issue to vacillate as more and better information becomes available.4. Homer and Marge often vacillate on where to go for their summer
8、 vacation.vacillating, vacillation-equipoise:to equal or offset in weight; balance. Vacillate: to sway unsteadily; waver; totter; stagger.vacillation constancyvacillation impetuosityvacillation motionless balancevacillation pertinacityvacillation decisiveness, pertinacitypompous : pontificate irreso
9、lute : vacillate 同义unswerved : vacillate capricious/whimsical/headlong : deliberate 反义irresolute: vacillate pompous: pontificatevacillate decisiveness, equipoiseresolute(/ decide / settle / adamant /vacillation decisiveness, pertinacityconstancy / persistence / impetuosityGRE词汇解析:bogus1) Fake, fraud
10、ulent2) counterfeit; not authentic3) sham, counterfeit, not genuine bogus authentic Pb=J4Lvz(dbogus adj.美假的, 伪造的【考法1】adj. 伪造的,假冒的: being such in appearance only and made or manufactured with the intention a2 fV0d6.of committing fraud【例】 The evidence turned out to be completely bogus and the suspect
11、may be innocent. 由于证据被发现是彻底伪造的,嫌犯很有可能是无辜的。【近】 counterfeit, fake, false, forged, inauthentic, phony , queer, sham, snide, spurious, unauthentic【反】 authentic, genuine, real, unfaked, bona fide 真实的【考法2】adj. 虚伪的,做作的: lacking in natural or spontaneous quality【例】 There was often a lot of bogus convivialit
12、y at the companys parties. 公司的聚会上往往有着虚伪的欢乐。【近】 affected, assumed, contrived, factitious, feigned, plastic, pretended, pseudo, simulated, unnatural【反】 artless, natural, spontaneous, unaffected, uncontrived, unfeigned, unforced 真诚的,不虚伪的GRE词汇解析:ambrosial1) pleasing to taste or smell2) extremely pleasin
13、g to the senses, divine (as related to the gods) or delicious (n: ambrosia)3) (食物或者气味)特别美味的:something extremely pleasing to taste or smellambrosial unsavoryambrosial : tasteambrosial : food【例】The ambrosial aroma of the roast stimulated our appetites.【近】savory, aromal, aromatic, perfumed, redolent, o
14、dorous【反】fetid, noisome, stenchy, malodorous, rancidGRE词汇解析:pariah1) an undesirable; one despised and rejected by others; an outcast;2) a member of the lowest social caste in India3) one that is despised or rejected : OUTCAST4) an outcastpariah : ostracizepariah an outcast a rejected and despised pe
15、rsonpariah : contemptPARIAH - an outcast, a rejected and despised personpariah social outcast; Ex. Mariah the pariah1. The pariahs in India comprise a caste known as “the untouchables.”2. The soldiers returning home from the Vietnam War were treated as pariahs by much of the American public.3. The pariah of the group sat by himself under the tree.