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1、这3大问题可导致GRE阅读意外扣分 这3大问题可导致GRE阅读意外扣分,我们来看看吧,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。【高分警报】这3大问题可导致GRE阅读意外扣分长篇*定位问题GRE阅读*篇幅不一,大致可分为短篇*和长篇*,其中大部分阅读题的*都是短篇,一次GRE考试中长篇*的数量可能只有1-2篇。但恰恰是这1-2篇的长篇阅读,才是最让考生头痛的内容。这是因为长篇*往往涉及到一些比较专业晦涩的科技类社会类内容,*中存在大量长难句式和冷僻生词,本身具备一定难度,通篇阅读往往需要大量时间。同时*中往往会涉及到许多细节内容,题目中也会有涉及到这些细节的部分,定位就成为了大问题。想要看的细节找不到在



4、确做法是先看懂题目,然后把涉及到的细节进行分类排除,只保留真正有关的细节,如此一来就能顺利应对好细节题中的那些隐藏陷阱和扣分点。以上就是为大家介绍的整个GRE阅读中最容易导致扣分的三个问题,希望能够引起各位考生的关注和重视,做好充分应对,避免因为这些原因而错失GRE高分。GRE课外阅读材料补充 你知道吗?岛屿可能会增强海啸势力Islands may amplify the biggest waves, not break them.SURFERS shun beaches shielded by islands off the coast.That, as generations of swa

5、rthy, golden-haired hulks will tell you, is because such islands create a natural breakwater.This dampens waves and makes for a boringly calm surf best left to sunbathers.The surfers reasoning is sound for the short-wave, wind-generated swells that they ride.岛屿可能会增强海啸,而不会减弱海啸冲浪者不会去海中的岛屿的沙滩上去冲浪。一代又一代

6、的金发肤色黝黑的冲浪者会告诉你,那是因为这类小岛形成天然的防波堤。这类岛屿的沙滩海浪较小,海面很平静,最适合晒日光浴的人了。较短、由风产生浪比较适合冲浪,对于这种浪来说,这种解释很合理。But Themistoklis Stefanakis, of the Ecole Normale Superieure in Cachan, France, warns it may not be true for the longer wavelengths of tsunamis.As he and his colleagues show in a paper posted on arXiv, an on

7、line repository, littoral islands may actually exacerbate, rather than diminish, the effects of these waves.Anecdotal evidence for this counterintuitive assertion comes from episodes where the same tsunami has battered different types of coastal topography.但是,来自法国卡尚高等师范学校Themistoklis Stefanakis警告说,对

8、于波浪较长的海啸来说,就不一样了。如Themistoklis Stefanakis跟他的同事在线数据库arXiv发表的*中所描述的的那样:实际上沿海的岛屿可能会增强长波浪的强度,而不是减弱。这种违反直觉的判断的轶事证据来自很少见的现象同一海啸会造成不同的海岸地貌。这篇阅读材料还有MP3音频哦!下载传送门In 20XX, for instance, when one hit the Mentawai islands in Indonesia, areas of coastline directly behind islets bore the brunt of the damage, accor

9、ding to Costas Synolakis, a tsunami expert at the University of Southern California who is one of the studys co-authors.Dr Synolakis, Mr Stefanakis and their colleagues decided to try to put numbers on their hunch.Rather than valiantly staking out seafront locales, though, they tested the idea with

10、a computer model.例如,20XX年印度尼西亚明达威岛遭遇的海啸,明达威岛后的海岸区域的破坏的最为严重,南加州大学的海啸专家Costas Synolakis这样说道,他是这篇*的作者之一。博士Synolakis Mr Stefanakis及他们的同事,决定验证这个设想。他们想到用电脑模拟的方法来实验,而不是在海岸实验。This is harder than it sounds.Simulating the way waves behave as they make landfall means taking account of, literally, oceans of dat

11、a.To simplify the problem, the researchers looked at what happens when a computerised wave encounters a cone-shaped island on a smoothly sloping seabed in front of a straight cyber-coastline with a beach that continues to rise smoothly as it progresses inland.实际做起来要比听起来难很多。要模拟当海浪到大陆地时海浪的运动就意味着要严格地考虑

12、到海洋的信息。为了简化问题,在带有海滩的笔直虚拟海岸线可平滑上升的情况下,研究人员观察当模拟的的海浪在平滑的斜海床上与锥形岛屿相遇时,会发生什么。These approximations allow a computer to cope with the problem, yet are sufficiently similar to many real places for the conclusions drawn from them to, as it were, hold water.The team made their virtual islet jut out of the oc

13、ean to an altitude of 100 metres, a typical height above sea level for such outcrops.They then looked at 200 combinations of gradients for the sides of the island, the seabed and the beach; the distance between the island and the beach; and the wavelength of the encroaching tsunami.电脑在处理这类问题时,这种近似可以

14、忽略,然而这跟之前认为得减弱海浪的结论已经很相似了.研究组将模拟的岛屿拉高到海平面100米的位置,许多岛屿超出海平面也就是100米。他们将岛屿、海床、沙滩的外围的倾斜度,岛屿和沙滩的距离,海啸的波长做了200种组合来实验观察。In none of these did an island offer any succour to the coastline behind it. Instead, it acted as a lens, focusing the waves destructive power and amplifying its size by between 5% and 70

15、%.The upshot is that, far from shielding a coastline, offshore islands can make things worseinformation that should be incorporated into tsunami evacuation plans.For if a big wave is coming, running from it is not enough. You also have to know how far to run before it is safe to stop.没有一类能有助于减弱海啸。实际

16、上,它好比一个透镜,将海浪的破坏力聚集起来,并且扩大5%-70%。结果是。沿海的岛屿不会保护海岸区域不受破坏,反而会让其更糟。这在海啸救援中应当将其考虑在内。如果海啸来临,跑是不够的。还应该知道跑多远才是安全的。GRE考试高分抢先练习题及答案2 To understand the most importantcharacteristics of a society, one must study its major cities.Write a response in which you discuss theextent to which you agree or disagree with

17、 the statement and explain yourreasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting yourposition, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might nothold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.解析观点:大城市能够体现一个社会的主要特点,尽管我不否认中小城镇也能体现特点。理由:1、 大城市通常是社会、国家

18、的政治、经济、文化中心,所以大城市能够体现一个社会的主要特点;(1) 经济领域:NewYork, Thebusiness of American is to do business.(2) 文化领域:racialdiversification(3) 文化领域:history其他例子:Kyoto2、 大城市也有问题。城市化的进程使得大城市千篇一律,并不能真实反映社会的特点。以及城市化的过程也存在对于原有文化的破坏的情况。Examples:MexicoCity3、 社会特点在中小城镇、乡村地区也有体现Examples:Thanks givingTraditionalculture结论:所以大城市能

19、够体现一个社会的主要特点。GRE考试高分抢先练习题及答案The following is a recommendation from thepersonnel director to the president of Acme Publishing Company.Many other companies have recentlystated that having their employees take the Easy Read Speed-Reading Course hasgreatly improved productivity. One graduate of the cour

20、se was able to read a500-page report in only two hours; another graduate rose from an assistantmanager to vice president of the company in under a year. Obviously, the fasteryou can read, the more information you can absorb in a single workday.Moreover, Easy Read would cost Acme only $500 per employ

21、eea small price to paywhen you consider the benefits. Included in this fee is a three-week seminar inSpruce City and a lifelong subscription to the Easy Read newsletter. Clearly,to improve productivity, Acme should require all of our employees to take theEasy Read course.Write a response in which yo

22、u discuss whatquestions would need to be answered in order to decide whether the advice andthe argument on which it is based are reasonable. Be sure to explain how theanswers to these questions would help to evaluate the advice.解析step 1:*共6句话,各自的核心意思是:1、许多其他公司称,参加ER课程后,生产效率提高;2、一个人能在2小时内读500页,另一人1年内

23、从助理到副总裁;3、所以读得越快,吸收信息越多;4、该课程每人只收500块钱;5、费用包含培训班和赠阅项目;6、为了提高生产率,A也要参加培训班。step 2:*的结构是:1、2 、3、4、5 推导出 6step 3:寻找逻辑错误a. 因果关系:2小时读500页不是因为培训班,而是其他原因;b. 因果关系:1年内从助理到副总裁,不是因为培训班;c. 数据问题:2个人不具备代表性;d. 数据问题:500块钱不一定便宜;e. 条件错误:A参加培训班不一定能提高生产效率。难点总结本题难度中等。难点在于:“一个人另一个人”之中能否看出数据问题。尽管写不写这个错是另一回事,但是能不能看出来,是对大家基本功的考验。这3大问题可导致GRE阅读意外扣分


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