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1、Unit 9 Modern Administration,More Things to Do,4,Section 1 Getting Things Ready,1,understand the functions of modern administration,understand rules and regulations of a company,draft rules and regulations,In this unit,you will learn how to:,2,3,Section 1 Getting Things Ready,Activity 2:Read the pas

2、sage in Section 2 and complete the following paragraph.,Section 1 Getting Things Ready,There are 4 basic management functions:1)_,organizing,2)_,and controlling.Planning is the first step for management to meet the 3)of an organization.Organizing function involves obtaining and coordinating natural

3、resource,capital resource and 4)resource to accomplish the objectives.Directing is the process of influencing,guiding and 5)_ subordinates to carry out an organizations activities.At this level of management,managers focus on the 6)_ of employees.Managers evaluating work performance is called 7)_.Ma

4、nagement checks to see that plans are carried out to achieve objectives.,planning,directing,objectives,human,leading,value,controlling,Section 2 Things to Do,Activity 1,available,responsibility,resource,objective,control,direct,organize,plan,function,Section 2 Things to Do,Activity 1 Listen and Writ

5、e.,management,Section 2 Things to Do,Question 3 Do you think you have the potential for doing managing work?,Question 2What is the greatest asset according to the managers?,Question 1 What are the basic functions of management?,Read,and,Think,Section 2 Read and Think,Functions of Management What a m

6、anager does is also called management function.There are four basic management functions:planning,organizing,directing,and controlling.Management begins with planning.Since the purpose of management is to achieve organizational objectives,the most important function of management is planning.There a

7、re two types of plans:long-term plans and short-term plans.As changes occur everyday in the availability of resources,amounts of money available,customer demands,and technology,managers of every level must respond to these changes and revise the plans of their organization.,Organizing involves obtai

8、ning and coordinating resources so that a businesss objectives can be accomplished.Managers deal with every type of resource:natural,capital,and human.This means that the organizing function includes recruiting and training people to fill positions in the organization.A manager typically breaks down

9、 an organizations plans into specific tasks and evaluates what resources are necessary for performing the tasks.If the resources are available within the company,the manager will make sure that they are allocated to the task when they are needed.If the resources are not available,the manager must lo

10、cate and obtain the necessary resources before they are needed by the organization.,Section 2 Read and Think,Section 2 Read and Think,Directing is the process of influencing,guiding,and leading subordinates to carry out an organizations activities.Directing is the most widely recognized function of

11、management.It is particularly important at the first-line,or supervisory,level of management.Managers often say that“people are our greatest asset”.By this they mean that a companys human resources,its employees,are what truly distinguish the excellent performance of one company from the ordinary pe

12、rformance of another.A managers approach to directing subordinates should focus on their value.It should not view workers simply in terms of their output,problems,and costs.,Section 2 Read and Think,A manager must recognize a subordinates human potential.One aspect of directing is that a manager mus

13、t build employee responsibility and achievement into a job.To fully realize their potential,workers need and want the demand,the discipline,and the incentive of responsibility.The final managerial function is controlling or evaluating work performance.Controlling is tied to the planning function.Onc

14、e objectives have been set,management checks to see that plans are being carried out.If necessary,adjustments must be made to ensure organizational success.(381 words),translation,Section 2 Read and Think,Henri Fayol is well-known for his management theories.Try to find out who he is and his 14 prin

15、ciples of management.Henri Fayol(1841-1925)was a French management theorist.He was a mining engineer.Then he moved into general management and wrote various articles on administration.His 14 management principles are as follows:1.Division of Work 2.Authority and Responsibility 3.Discipline 4.Unity o

16、f Command 5.Unity of Direction,Task 1 Test your problem-solving ability.,Section 2 Read and Think,6.Subordination of Individual Interest 7.Remuneration 8.The Degree of Centralization 9.Scalar Chain 10.Order 11.Equity 12.Stability of Tenure of Personnel 13.Initiative 14.Esprit de Corps(This refers to

17、 the need of managers to ensure and develop morale in the workplace;individually and communally.Team spirit helps develop an atmosphere of mutual trust and understanding.),Section 2 Read and Think,Fayol also divided the management function into five key roles:To organize To plan and forecast To comm

18、and To control To coordinate,Section 2 Read and Think,Task 2 Tell whether the following statements are true or false.Write T for True and F for False.1.What does“management function”mean?2.What are the two types of plans managers make to meet the organizations objectives?3.What resources do managers

19、 deal with for the performance of tasks?4.What function is particularly import at the first-line level of management?5.What should a manager focus on when directing subordinates?6.Is there any relationship between planning function and controlling function?,F,T,T,F,F,T,Section 2 Read and Think,What

20、does“management function”mean?What a manager does is called management function.2.What are the two types of plans managers make to meet the organizations objectives?Long-term plans and short-term plans.3.What resources do managers deal with for the performance of tasks?Natural resource,capital resou

21、rce,human resource.,Task 3 Give brief answers to the following questions.,Section 2 Read and Think,4.What function is particularly important at the first-line level of management?Directing.5.What should a manager focus on when directing subordinates?Their value.6.Is there any relationship between pl

22、anning function and controlling function?Yes.Controlling is tied to the planning function.,Section 2 Read and Think,Task 4 Match A with B.,1-j 2-g 3-c 4-i 5-f 6-d 7-h 8-b 9-e 10-a,Section 2 Read and Think,Task 5 Fill in the blanks with the right words or phrases.Change the form where necessary.1.Joh

23、n checked the room carefully to _ that nobody was there.2.All plans must _ simultaneously to meet the final goal.3.What you _ in your English-learning this term will help you a lot with your future work.4.The responsibility of public relations _ the General Office of this company.,make sure carry ou

24、t achieve be tied to respond to available deal with widely process break down into,make sure,be carried out,have achieved,is tied to,Section 2 Read and Think,5.The responsibility of the after-sales department is to _ the customer demands.6.Details of the competition are _ from our head office.7.All

25、complaints will be _ by our business agent.8.Henri Fayol is _ known for his 14 principles of management.9.Management is the _ of planning,organizing,directing,and controlling.10.The work _ specific tasks for different employees to perform.,respond to,available,dealt with,widely,process,has been/was

26、broke down into,Section 3 Things to Write,Activity 1:Task-based Writing,Section 3 Things to Write,Activity 1:Task-based Writing.,Rules and Regulations of a Company,Task 1 Study the following tips for writing.,Task 2 Study the following language for writing.,Task 3 Study the following model for writi

27、ng.,Task 4 Complete the following rules.,Section 3 Things to Write,Company Regulation is the basic rules of standardizing a companys organization and behaviour.The Regulation usually consists of:1.A general introduction:stating the reasons why the rules are set and expressing hopes that the rules ar

28、e to be observed;2.Specific rules:detailed rules concerning the workplace behaviors of employees.Rules may vary from company to company.But generally they include Dos and Donts regarding timekeeping,health and safety,company property,daily behaviors such smoking,dressing,etc.,Task 1 Study the follow

29、ing tips for writing.,Section 3 Things to Write,Task 2 Study the following language for writing.,Words and phrases:basic standards of conduct 行为基本准则by way of illustration only 仅作示例company premises 公司场所disciplinary procedure 处罚程序immediate supervisor 直接上司regulations of a company 公司章程safety guards 安全保卫

30、人员,Section 3 Things to Write,The rules below are binding on all employees.下列规定对所有雇员具有约束力。Failure to observe the rules will result in disciplinary(惩戒的)action taken in accordance with the companys disciplinary procedure.忽略遵守规定将导致根据公司处罚程序所采取的处罚行为。All employees are expected to report for work punctually

31、 and to observe the normal hours of work.所有员工均需按时上班,遵守正常工作时间。,Sentence patterns:,Section 3 Things to Write,The company reserves the right to make deductions(扣减)from wages or salaries in respect of lateness or absence.公司保留因迟到或缺勤扣减工资的权利。Statements must be sent to the company without delay.证明必须尽快送交公司。G

32、ambling is forbidden on company premises at all times.严禁任何时候在公司范围内赌博。,Section 3 Things to Write,Task 3 Study the following model for writing.,Company Rules Introduction The general interest of all employees and the efficient operation of the business require the observance(遵守)of certain basic standa

33、rds of conduct.The rules below are binding on all employees.You are asked to read them carefully and to discuss with your supervisor any points you do not fully understand.Failure to observe the rules will result in disciplinary(惩戒的)action taken in accordance with the companys disciplinary procedure

34、.THE FOLLOWING LIST IS PROVIDED BY WAY OF ILLUSTRATION ONLY AND IS NOT INTENDED TO BE EXHAUSTIVE(详尽).,Section 3 Things to Write,Attendance and timekeeping 1)All employees are expected to report for work punctually and to observe the normal hours of work in their Statement of Terms and Conditions.2)I

35、f late for work,you are to report to your supervisor and explain the reason for lateness before starting work.3)The company reserves the right to make deductions(扣减)from wages or salaries in respect of lateness or absence.Absence and time off 1)If for any reason you are unable to report for work,you

36、 should telephone or send a message to your supervisor.You should indicate the reason for,and probable duration of,your absence.,Section 3 Things to Write,2)In cases of sickness absence lasting 7 days or less,you should obtain and complete a company self-certification form immediately upon your retu

37、rn to work.All periods of sickness absence in excess of(超过)7 days must be covered by medical Statements(certificates).Statements must be sent to the company without delay.3)If time off work is required for domestic or other reasons,prior authorization is to be obtained from your supervisor.Health an

38、d safety 1)Employees have a particular duty to safeguard the health and safety of themselves and all others who may be affected by their acts or omissions(疏忽).,Section 3 Things to Write,2)All safety notices and instructions are to be strictly observed.3)Safety guards are not to be adjusted or remove

39、d from machinery except by authorized persons.4)No machinery is to be cleaned or adjusted whilst in motion.5)All injuries from work must be reported to your supervisor immediately and entered in the Accident Book.Company property 1)All company property shall be treated with due care.2)No company pro

40、perty shall be removed from the companys premises(场所)without prior authorization from a member of management.3)The companys time,materials and equipment shall not be used for unauthorized work.,Section 3 Things to Write,Company business All information about the company business acquired in the cour

41、se of employment is to be regarded as strictly confidential(机密)and must not be disclosed(泄露)to another party except as required in the normal course of your work.Visitors Visitors are only to be brought onto company premises with the prior consent of management.Smoking Smoking is only allowed in the

42、 canteen and designated rest areas.Ashtrays(烟灰缸)are to be used and sensible fire precautions observed.Smoking is strictly prohibited in production,warehouse,stores and food preparation areas.,Section 3 Things to Write,Drinking Alcoholic beverages(饮料)are not to be brought onto,or consumed,on company

43、premises.Gambling(赌博)Gambling is forbidden on company premises at all times.Private telephone calls Urgent private telephone calls may be received but should be kept as brief as possible.Essential outgoing calls may be made with the prior approval of your immediate supervisor.,Section 3 Things to Wr

44、ite,Task 4 Complete the following rules by translating the words given in brackets.,Gross Misconduct(严重违规处理办法)The following breaches(违背)make up gross misconduct and will render(致使)an employee liable(可能)to immediate dismissal(开除)i.e.dismissal without notice.1.Refusal or failure to 1)_(执行合理指令).2.A ser

45、ious breach of the companys 2)_(安全条例).3.3)_(工作中的任何行为)which seriously endangers the health or safety of any other person,including interference with any equipment provided for the health and safety of employees.,carry out a reasonable instruction,safety rules,Any act at work,Section 3 Things to Write

46、,4.Violence,assault(侵犯)or dangerous horseplay(胡闹).5.Theft or fraud(欺骗),4)_(包括替其他雇员打卡).6.5)_(蓄意破坏)to the property of the company or a fellow employee.7.6)_(上班睡觉).8.Being under the influence of drink or non-prescribed(非处方)drugs 7)_(上班期间).9.Conduct which is inconsistent(矛盾的)with the continuance of the

47、relationship of loyalty 8)_ _(公司和雇员之间).10.9)_(严重违反)of Internet and E-mail policy.,including clocking for another employee,Willful damage,Sleeping during working hours,during working hours,between the company and,Serious breach,an employee,Section 3 Things to Write,Task 1 Look at the words or express

48、ions.,aisle 走廊economize 节约minor 未成年人nail 钉牢;钉子office supplies and files 办公用品和文件passage 过道litter 乱扔垃圾,sanitation 卫生scribble 涂画socket 插座spit 吐痰stack 堆放sundries 杂物vulgar 粗俗的workplace rules 工作场所规定,Section 3 Things to Write,Section 3 Things to Write,Section 3 Things to Write,工作场所规定一、工作秩序 1.禁止在工作场所制造噪音和打闹

49、。2.禁止说脏话和使用庸俗语言。3.保护公司财产和设施,节约资源。4.未经许可,不得带未成年人进入公司。二、保持环境卫生 1.办公室设备和文件必须摆放整齐。2.不得在走廊或过道堆放杂物。3.禁止未经许可在墙上涂画和钉钉。4.禁止随地吐痰。5.禁止在非吸烟区吸烟。6.禁止乱扔杂物和烟头。7.禁止在电线或插座上放置物品,以防因过热起火。,Section 4 More Things to Do,Activity 1,Bill Gates and Microsoft In 1978,Bill Gates and Paul Allen 1)Microsoft,which grew from a smal

50、l business into a giant.Microsoft quickly surpassed(超过)the value of IBM.Bill Gates 30%stock ownership has been valued at over$70 billion.The growth of Microsoft is directly 2)to Gates dedication(贡献)to innovation(创新)and hard work.,Section 4 More Things to Do,manage launched present independent run in


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