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1、面对GRE长篇阅读如何保持注意力集中 面对GRE长篇阅读如何保持注意力集中?提升应对能力要这么做,我们一起来看看吧,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。面对GRE长篇阅读如何保持注意力集中?提升应对能力要这么做GRE长篇阅读为何会让人注意力分散?GRE阅读的长篇阅读可以说是最让考生头疼的题型之一。虽然每场GRE考试中一般只会出现1篇长阅读,但这篇阅读连带4道题目很多人都会放到最后再去处理。这是因为阅读长篇*不仅会耗费大量时间,做对题目的可能性也比其他题型要小很多。而考生在阅读长篇*时,也常会出现了读了后面忘记前面,或是读着读着就开始走神很多地方都没有看明白的情况。认为这主要有2个原因,一个是*本身

2、难度较高,考生并不能很好的理解全文到底是在讲什么。另外考生对于某些*的话题内容不了解也不太感兴趣,因此在读的过程中注意力就比较容易分散了。如何保持阅读时的专注状态?知道了长篇阅读中注意力分散的原因,接下来就来讲讲避免这类问题的方法。在看来,想要提升专注度主要可以从这几个方面来入手:1. 提升短期记忆力首先,长阅读对考生能力中的短期记忆力应该是不小的考验,那些刚看过的内容转眼就忘的同学短期记忆能力肯定是有点不足的,也因此才会忘记*内容从而迷失在其中。因此提升短期记忆力能够帮助考生更好地从整体上看懂理解*,能够看懂考生的注意力当然就会更加集中,对于一些考察*整体大意主旨态度的题目也能够更从容的解答

3、。具体的提升方法大家可以通过主动训练来进行,比如看各类阅读*材料,尝试在每阅读完一段文字后都进行回忆,主动提出几个问题并自己解答,比如这段文字主旨是什么,作者是什么态度,用了哪些论证方法和案例等等。经常性地进行自我回忆总结,这对于提升短期记忆力是有很大好处的。2. 克服心理上的厌烦情绪每个人都有自己感兴趣和完全不想看的*,而从GRE考试中阅读*的选材来看,认为大家可能对大部分的GRE*其实都处于一种无感或者厌烦的心态中。毕竟太过学术化专业性的东西受众肯定是比较小的。无法引起阅读兴趣的*也就更容易让大家产生厌烦心态,阅读过程中开小差注意力分散也就在所难免了。克服厌烦情绪的练习方法也并不复杂,大家

4、不妨先根据GRE考试阅读中经常出现的*题材类型进行分类,按照自己有兴趣看,没兴趣但也不反感以及完全不想看三个类别把这些话题都分别归入进去,之后再从完全想看开始强迫自己去阅读相关*,这么做不是为了培养大家的阅读兴趣,而是让考生逐步习惯这些话题内容,至少要做到即使不想看也能硬着头皮按照考试要求看完和正常解题的程度。能够做到这一点,考生对于特定题材话题*的心理厌烦情绪就算是被克服了,考试中也就很难出现注意力分散的问题了。3. 减轻阅读负担减少阅读量这里的减少阅读量并不是要大家减少平时的做题训练量,而是通过大量阅读培养出一种对*主次分类的敏感性,通俗点说就是知道哪些地方需要花心思读哪些地方看个大概就可

5、以。这种敏感性并非短期内就能培养出来,需要一定阅读量和阅读经验的积累才能练好。但如果顺利练成,那么大家在面对长阅读时就可以更有重点地读取关键性内容,减少阅读时间和量的消耗,避免注意力因此下滑。总而言之,GRE阅读中保持精神集中专注还是很重要的,特别是长篇阅读,如果大家能够顺利应对这个题型,那么在GRE总分上有所突破也就不在话下了。GRE阅读练习每日一篇Even as the number of females processed through juvenile courts climbs steadily, an implicit consensus remains among schola

6、rs in criminal justice that male adolescents define the delinquency problem in the United States. We suggest two reasons why this view persists. First, female adolescents are accused primarily of victimless crimes, such as truancy, that do not involve clear-cut damage to persons or property. If comm

7、itted by adults, these actions are not even considered prosecutable; if committed by juvenile males, they have traditionally been looked on leniently by the courts. Thus, ironically, the plight of female delinquents receives little scrutiny because they are accused of committing relatively minor off

8、enses. Second, the courts have long justified so-called preventive intervention into the lives of young females viewed as antisocial with the rationale that women are especially vulnerable. Traditional stereotypes of women as the weaker and more dependent sex have led to earlier intervention and lon

9、ger periods of misdirected supervision for female delinquents than for males.17. Which of the following statements best expresses the irony pointed out by the authors in lines 13-16 of the passage?(A) Female delinquents tend to commit victimless crimes more frequently than their male counterparts.(B

10、) The predicament of male delinquents receives more attention than that of females because males are accused of more serious crimes.(C) Adults are frequently punished less severely than adolescents for committing more serious crimes.(D) The juvenile justice system cannot correct its biases because i

11、t does not even recognize them.(E) Although the number of female delinquents is steadily increasing, the crimes of which they are accused are not particularly serious.18. It can be inferred from the passage that the authors believe traditional stereotypes of women to be(A) frequently challenged(B) p

12、ersistently inexplicable(C) potentially harmful(D) rapidly changing(E) habitually disregarded19. The passage suggests that scholars in criminal justice could be criticized for which of the following?(A) Underestimating the seriousness of juvenile crime(B) Rationalizing the distinction made between j

13、uveniles and adults in the legal system(C) Concerning themselves too little with the prevention of juvenile delinquency(D) Focusing on those whose crimes have involved damage to persons or property(E) Failing to point out injustices in the correctional systemScattered around the globe are more than

14、one hundred regions of volcanic activity known as hot spots (hot spot: a place in the upper mantle of the earth at which hot magma from the lower mantle upwells to melt through the crust usually in the interior of a tectonic plate to form a volcanic feature; also: a place in the crust overlying a ho

15、t spot). Unlike most volcanoes, hot spots are rarely found along the boundaries of the continental and oceanic plates that comprise the Earths crust; most hot spots lie deep in the interior of plates and are anchored deep in the layers of the Earths surface. Hot spots are also distinguished from oth

16、er volcanoes by their lavas, which contain greater amounts of alkali metals than do those from volcanoes at plate margins.In some cases, plates moving past hot spots have left trails of extinct volcanoes in much the same way that wind passing over a chimney carries off puffs of smoke. It appears tha

17、t the Hawaiian Islands were created in such a manner by a single source of lava, welling up from a hot spot, over which the Pacific Ocean plate passed on a course roughly from the east toward the northwest, carrying off a line of volcanoes of increasing age. Two other Pacific island chainsthe Austra

18、l Ridge and the Tuamotu Ridgeparallel the configuration of the Hawaiian chain; they are also aligned from the east toward the northwest, with the most recent volcanic activity near their eastern terminuses.That the Pacific plate and the other plates are moving is now beyond dispute; the relative mot

19、ion of the plates has been reconstructed in detail. However, the relative motion of the plates with respect to the Earths interior cannot be determined easily. Hot spots provide the measuring instruments for resolving the question of whether two continental plates are moving in opposite directions o

20、r whether one is stationary and the other is drifting away from it. The most compelling evidence that a continental plate is stationary is that, at some hot spots, lavas of several ages are superposed instead of being spread out in chronological sequence. Of course, reconstruction of plate motion fr

21、om the tracks of hot-spot volcanoes assumes that hot spots are immobile, or nearly so. Several studies support such an assumption, including one that has shown that prominent hot spots throughout the world seem not to have moved during the past ten million years.Beyond acting as frames of reference,

22、 hot spots apparently influence the geophysical processes that propel the plates across the globe. When a continental plate comes to rest over a hot spot, material welling up from deeper layers forms a broad dome that, as it grows, develops deep fissures. In some instances, the continental plate may

23、 rupture entirely along some of the fissures so that the hot spot initiates the formation of a new ocean. Thus, just as earlier theories have explained the mobility of the continental plates, so hot-spot activity may suggest a theory to explain their mutability.20. The primary purpose of the passage

24、 is to(A) describe the way in which hot spots influence the extinction of volcanoes(B) describe and explain the formation of the oceans and continents(C) explain how to estimate the age of lava flows from extinct volcanoes(D) describe hot spots and explain how they appear to influence and record the

25、 motion of plates(E) describe the formation and orientation of island chains in the Pacific Ocean21. According to the passage, hot spots differ from most volcanoes in that hot spots(A) can only be found near islands(B) are active whereas all other volcanoes are extinct(C) are situated closer to the

26、earths surface(D) can be found along the edges of the plates(E) have greater amounts of alkali metals in their lavas22. It can be inferred from the passage that evidence for the apparent course of the Pacific plate has been provided by the(A) contours of the continents(B) dimensions of ocean hot spo

27、ts(C) concurrent movement of two hot spots(D) pattern of fissures in the ocean floor(E) configurations of several mid-ocean island chains23. It can be inferred from the passage that the spreading out of lavas of different ages at hot spots indicates that a(A) hot spot is active(B) continental plate

28、has moved(C) continental rupture is imminent(D) hot spot had been moving very rapidly(E) volcano contains large concentrations of alkali metals24. The passage suggests which of the following about the Hawaiian Islands, the Austral Ridge, and the Tuamotu Ridge?(A) The three chains of islands are movi

29、ng eastward.(B) All the islands in the three chains have stopped moving.(C) The three island chains are a result of the same plate movement.(D) The Hawaiian Islands are receding from the other two island chains at a relatively rapid rate.(E) The Austral Ridge and the Tuamotu Ridge chains have moved

30、closer together whereas the Hawaiian Islands have remained stationary.25. Which of the following, if true, would best support the authors statement that hot-spot activity may explain the mutability of continental plates?(A) Hot spots move more rapidly than the continental and oceanic plates.(B) Hot

31、spots are reliable indicators of the age of continental plates.(C) Hot spots are regions of volcanic activity found only in the interiors of the continental plates.(D) The alignment of hot spots in the Pacific Ocean parallels the alignment of Pacific Ocean islands.(E) The coastlines of Africa and So

32、uth America suggest that they may once have constituted a single continent that ruptured along a line of hot spots.26. The authors argument that hot spots can be used to reconstruct the movement of continental plates is weakened by the fact that(A) hot spots are never found at the boundaries of plat

33、es(B) only extinct volcanoes remain after a plate moves over a hot spot(C) lava flow patterns for all hot spots have not been shown to be the same(D) the immobility or near immobility of hot spots has not been conclusively proven(E) the changing configurations of islands make pinpointing the locatio

34、ns of hot spots difficult27. The authors style can best be described as(A) dramatic(B) archaic(C) esoteric(D) objective(E) humanistic答案:17-27:BCDDEEBCEDDGRE阅读长难句中译英练习31. Some have breathed sighs of relief, others, including churches, right-to-life groups and the Australian Medical Association, bitte

35、rly attacked the bill and the haste of its passage. But the tide is unlikely to turn back.32. In Australia- where an aging population, life-extending technology and changing community attitudes have all played their part other states are going to consider making a similar law to deal with euthanasia

36、.33. There are, of course, exceptions. Small-minded officials, rude waiters, and ill mannered taxi drivers are hardly unknown in the US. Yet it is an observation made so frequently that it deserves comment.34. We live in a society in which the medicinal and social use of substances (drugs) is pervas

37、ive: an aspirin to quiet a headache, some wine to be sociable, coffee to get going in the morning, a cigarette for the nerves.35. Dependence is marked first by an increased tolerance, with more and more of the substance required to produce the desired effect, and then by the appearance of unpleasant

38、 with drawal symptoms when the substance is discontinued.31.参考译文一些机构终于松了一口气,但是其他一些机构,包括教堂,倡导生命之权的团体和澳大利亚医学协会,尖锐地抨击这个法案,指责法案的通过过于匆忙。但是大势已定,不可逆转。32.参考译文在澳大利亚-人口老龄化,延长寿命的技术和变化看的社会态度,这些因素都在发挥作用一一其他的州也会考虑制定相似的关于安乐死的法律。33.参考译文当然,例外是存在的。在美国,心胸狭窄的官员,粗鲁的传者,和没有礼貌的出租车司机也并不少见。然而人们常常得出这样的观察意见,这使得它值得被讨论一下。34.参考译文我们生活在一种药品(毒品)的医学用途和社会用途都很广泛的社会里:一片用来止头痛的阿斯匹林,一些用来社交的葡萄酒,早上自己提提神所喝的咖啡,一支用来定神的香烟。35.参考译文对药品的依赖性首先表现为不断增长的耐药量,要产生想得到的效果所需要的药品剂量越来越大,然后表现为当停止用药后,令人不快的停药症状的出现。


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