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1、高分阅读完美攻略 盘点GRE阅读高分阅读完美攻略,我们来看看吧,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。高分阅读完美攻略每一个考生都对新GRE阅读有种莫名的无力感,看到长篇的全英文*就不战而退,GRE阅读理解就只靠猜。这是GRE考试的大忌。其实新GRE阅读根本没有大家看上去那么可怖,抓住做题规律,掌握做题方法就能做好。为大家带来新GRE阅读高分攻略,希望能够帮助到大家。每个考生都想在GRE阅读理解部分获得高分,那么就要对GRE阅读理解高分突破的要点进行掌握,新GRE阅读高分突破要做到几点?第一,熟悉新GRE阅读考点和题型GRE考试中阅读考了很多年,已经呈现出了明确、固定的出题点和试题类型,考生应该对它



4、读,其实也就等于全文都没读好。以上六点是送给大家的解决新GRE阅读攻略。考生在GRE考试的备战中好好把握这六点攻略,对付GRE阅读理解足够了。大家在掌握技巧的同时也要加强题量的训练,只有有题量的支撑才能顺利完成做题任务。【备考辅导】与税务相关的GRE词汇GRE词汇是GRE考试的基础,只有你在保证基础的情况下,才会取得好成绩,下面就给大家具体介绍记忆GRE词汇的新方法。honorarium n.酬劳金,谢礼 | indemnification n.赔偿,赔偿金 | pecuniary adj.金钱上的,金钱的pension n.养老金,退休金 | premium n.保险费,奖金 | fare

5、n.交通费,食物 | toll n 通行费freight n 船货,运费,货运v 装货,使充满,运送 | ransom n.赎金,赎身,v.赎回,解救stipend n.薪水,薪俸,养老金 | subsidy n.补助金 | subsidize v 给与补助金,给与奖助金,贿赂subvention n.补助金,津贴 | alms n 施舍,捐献,救济金 | prix n 奖金,奖品?fellowship n 奖学金 | bonus n 奖金,红利 | dividend n.(股份的)红利 | monetary a 货币的,金钱的grant n 授予,允许,奖助金v 允许,承认,授与 | gra

6、tuity n.赏钱,小费lucrative adj.赚钱的,有利可图的 | lucre n.钱,利益 | pelf n.财富,钱emolument n.报酬,薪水 | capitation n.人头税,丁税 | impose v.征税,强加levy v.n.征税、征兵 | revenue n.收入,国家的税收royalty n.皇室,版税(付给著作人的钱) | tariff n.关税,价目表 | collect v 收(租,税,帐等)impost n 税款,关税v 决定关税,分类课税 | surrender v企业上交利税【范文】新GRE写作范文分享Society does not plac

7、e enough emphasis on the intellectthat is, on reasoning and other cognitive skills.社会对于智力还是重视不够,比如推理和认知的能力。Dose not society place enough emphasis on the intellect as the speaker asserts? I concede that society, to some degree, indeed dose not pay much attention to cultivating intellect which contain

8、s the abilities of reasoning, cognition, and creation and comprehension. However, people nowadays have commenced to conduct a series of innovations so as to transform the status quo.The chief reason of my agreement on the speakers claim involves the current educational mechanism. On one hand, tests

9、are none the less the principle criterion to assess the ability of a student, resulting in a negative effect that neither will the students and teachers place stress on fostering the reasoning, cognitive, creative and other skills. Instead, they are apt to leave no stone unturned in their efforts up

10、on how to pass those examinations smoothly embracing speculation or even cheat in exams. Furthermore, in the test system lies another hidden harm particularly in some Asian countries that getting a high grade merely calls for putting a host of hours in constantly repeating to rote a spate of knowled

11、ge by the means of mnemonics, which are apt to decrease the ability of cognition and reasoning. On the other hand, in this era of information explode, as a student, we have to learn multiple courses covering the knowledge from diversities of fields so that no time and energy are left for us to commi

12、t to analyzing, grasping,probing knowledge in depth and thus build a comprehensive structure of knowledge by fully utilizing the capacity of intellect. As a result, we are deprived of opportunities to develop the intellect. Chronically, there is a tendency that the intellect of students is rendered

13、inactive and even obtuse.The second reason why I generally assent to this statement has to do with the development of technology. Along with the quickening advancement of technology,we reduce assembly-line into reality in the realm of manufacture, which not only boost the efficiency of productivity

14、but also might be tempting to restrain the progress of intellectual capacity of human beings. In this sense, automation render us slaves to machines that a large proportion of workers merely focus on the operative skills whereas seldom ponder questions like how those machines work and why they work

15、in this way, which are conducive to improve the abilities of reasoning and comprehension, let alone delve into ameliorating the machines and creating more effective ones. Moreover, varied professional training schools also underestimate the significance of reasoning and creation more or less but sim

16、ply lay much value on the proficiency of operating machines, which never goes a long way to gain in the intellect. Consequently, it makes possible ossification and even regression of the intellect.Nevertheless, what really relieves us a bit is that more and more people have begun to realize the pond

17、erance of the intellect, neglecting which obviously puts sands in the wheels of the evolution of society. Recent efforts to reform public and professional education in a number of countries say, European-American and Asian countries have been characterized by an unprecedented endeavor to increase th

18、e consciousness of educating intellectual ability. For example, a teaching approach that connects/integrate knowledge and theories with social practice has been waged and received accolades in many schools. In the process of this way of learning, students no longer purely memorize or smatter knowled

19、ge, to the contrary they make the best use of their reasoning skills and other skills to discover practical problems in daily life and apply what they have learned to cope with them, in which way the intellect of them can be sharpen gradually. There are parallels in advanced education that universit

20、ies and colleges encourage and afford students funds to carry out scientific researches in order to nurture talents with creative ability and rigorous reasoning intellect. Besides, in the United States, the promulgation of No Child Left Behind Act enacted by Bush government reinforces the education

21、of basic subjects especially accentuates the importance of learning mathematic, through which, you possibly find your reasoning and logic intellect soar.To sum up, while society, as a matter of fact, have not attached great magnitude to the intellect, on balance, people have already been aware of th

22、e serious consequence of the present educational mechanism and are striving to attempt to embark upon a wide range of reforms to overcome its disadvantages and deter the situation from deteriorating.GRE双语阅读:老外如何评价长城Long-waited epic The Great Wall has finally hit screens in China. The action adventur

23、e was helmed by superstar Chinese director Zhang Yimou, backed by Chinese-owned Hollywood studio Legendary, with a cast featuring Chinese A-listers as well as Matt Damon, making it the most expensive film ever made in China.影迷们期待已久的饕餮巨制长城终于在中国上映了。这部动作冒险片是由中国著名导演张艺谋执导,由华资好莱坞电影制片公司传奇影业投资拍摄的。这部电影众星云集,由

24、中国一线明星和马特达蒙主演,这也使其成为中国有史以来耗资最高的一部电影。It wont be remembered as Zhangs best film, but the directors artistic touch is on display in his long panoramic sweeps and artful use of color. Simultaneously futuristic and historic, the visual spectacle carries the film, while Zhang manages to include plenty of

25、promised “Chinese elements”.长城不会被视为张艺谋执导的最佳影片,但这部电影以长时间的全景扫描以及对颜色的巧妙运用呈现出张艺谋导演的艺术风格。同时,盛大的视觉场面使这部电影既富有科幻性,又具有历史意义,而张艺谋导演也在电影中巧妙地融入了许多他承诺过的“中国元素”。By its end, The Great Wall leaves you with the feeling that it must be a metaphor after all, the Taotie were, according to legend, brought down by their ow

26、n greed but hazy about what exactly the moral is. Is it a warning over rampant Chinese consumerism? A caution against marauding foreigners and invading foreign values? A reminder about the power of collectivism over individualism? Or is it really just a old romp between goodies and baddies?看到最后,长城会让

27、你觉得这部影片一定是在比喻饕餮不清楚道德究竟为何物,毕竟,相传,饕餮是死于自己的贪婪。这是在警告中国疯长的消费主义?警示人们提防四处劫掠的外国人以及外国价值观的入侵?提醒人们集体主义的力量要胜过个人主义?或者这部影片真的只是在讲述好人和坏人之间的一场老套的闹剧?While the plot is straightforward and twists largely non-existent, The Great Wall succeeds as a visual extravaganza with plenty of adventure, and has been generally well

28、-received by domestic audiences. Whether it has done enough to differentiate itself and achieve mainstream international success remains to be seen.不过,电影情节直截了当,基本上不拖泥带水。作为一场充满冒险场面的视觉盛宴,长城大获成功,受到了国内观众的广泛好评。至于它是否在实现差异化以及获得国际主流的认可上做得足够好,让我们拭目以待。The Great Wall is released on 16 December in China and 17

29、February in the US and UK.长城于12月16日在中国上映,该影片将于2月17日在美国和英国上映。卫报基本上给予了长城肯定的评价。然而,在观影后,也有外国友人忍不住吐槽了一番。互联网电影资料库(IMDb)上的一位来自英国的网友Jonowilson在上海观看了这部影片,然后给出了如下评价:The latest Zhang Yimou flick is definitely a leave your brains back at home type of adventure. Rather than serving as a work of art, like Mr Zhan

30、gs other works, its purpose is to bank as much as possible with its predictable story-line and overstuffed cast of big names who arent used to their full potential.张艺谋执导的新电影绝对是一部“要把大脑留在家里”的冒险片(也就是说看这部电影不能带脑子,这是在说电影经不起推敲?)。就像张艺谋先生的其他作品,这并不是一部艺术片,这部影片的目的是用可预见的情节以及众多没有充分发挥个人潜能的大牌明星来尽可能地吸金。There are too

31、 many characters that arent explored and are therefore pointless. The majority of the scenes are given to Damon and Jing Tians clichd will they, will they not-potential lovers character arcs. In fact a good 25% of the film seems to focus on Jing Tians face.电影中有太多没有深入探讨过的角色,因此显得十分空洞。多数场景都在介绍达蒙和景甜充满陈词

32、滥调的角色状态“他们会/不会成为潜在的恋人吗”。事实上,这部电影25%的镜头似乎都在关注景甜的脸。The dialogue seems to have been cut from a large block of cheese and didnt do the actors any favours. For instance, Jing Tians English lines were facepalm worthy and I spent a good portion of the film having a giggle whenever she spoke. Her delivery m

33、ade them even worse.(创作团队)似乎对电影对白进行了大量的剪辑,但这并没有帮上演员任何忙。例如,景甜的英语台词实在是让人不忍直视,她说话的时候,我基本上都会笑个不停。她演讲的时候就更糟了。The foreign actors; Damon, Pascal, and Dafoe were doing what they could with the sub-par script and at times it felt awkward. Damon spends a lot of the film doing his Jason Bourne face and speakin

34、g silly dialogue. His talent is wasted here.外国演员达蒙、帕斯卡尔以及达福都拿着次佳的脚本各尽其能,但有时候脚本让人觉得很尴尬。在电影中的许多场景里,达蒙都摆出一副杰森伯恩式的表情,说着可笑的对白。他的才能在这部电影里被浪费掉了。The visuals and battle scenes are the only reasons to see this film. Either go to the cinema and enjoy it for the visuals and effects or dont and do something more productive with your time. Could have been a lot better.电影画面和战争场景是去看这部电影的唯一理由了。(我建议你)要不就去影院享受这部电影的画面和特效,要不就不要去看这部电影,花时间做一些更有效益的事情。这部电影原本可以更好的。高分阅读完美攻略


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