1、1.创建数据库连接母 DbVisualizer Personal 8.0.7 - UntitledFile Edit View Database Scri pts SQL Tools Window Help50_TeSt51_TeStrone甲.甲.甲.田的删试Settings Format:_) Server InfoConnection:JUL7U厚/%昆凰%5E-* Database0l 72. 59. L 72: 50000/icne4172RoneName172Database TypeD日: river (JDBC),Database Server10/Database Port5
2、0CConnectionUse Connection Wizard?ICreate database coriiLection using: the ConrLection Wizard? |V Always Show this Dialog2.填写一个有意义的名字标识这个数据库是干什么的 如“开发startflow库New Connection WizardThis Connection Vizard will guide you through the steps tosetup a database connection. Make sure you have access to the
3、 required JDBC driver file (s) for the database you. are going to access.Information about supported databases and links to download sites for JDBC drivers are available at httu:m. dbvis. com.Enter the connection alia.s for the new database connection.Ihis is the name you will use to refer this data
4、base connection thr ourfiout the appl i cati on.3.4.填写数据库信息或 New Coinnection Wizard开发startflow库(DB2)FinishCancelDatabase UseridDatabase PasswordDatabaseDatabase ServerlocalhostDatabase Port50000Show Detailed Error MessagesAuto CommitSave Database PasswordSave Between SessionsConnection ModeDevelopme
5、ntuthentication:Connectionw Use SSH Tunnel数据库连接地址:端口号:50000数据库名称和用户名密码根据不同库来填写,填写之后点击完成,完成数据库链接配5.左侧为已经配置好的数据库链接,双击打 开链接,开对钩的标示已经打开的数据库 连接目前会用到的数据库链接信息:(所有的库的链接和端口都为10.72.59.172和50000)roneProtal 库数据库名称:rone4用户名:DB2INST3密码:1oa业务库:数据库名称:OADB 用户名:OADB 密码:OADBstartflow 库数据库名称:oasf 用户名:oasf密码:oasf