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1、1、望文生义型错误,*注意一词多义的问题e.g.Fight shy of the theoretical method of approach to the learning of English.译文1:从理论上讲,学英语的方法,就是要战胜害羞。译文2:学英语要避免只讲理论。释:fight shy of 习语:回避、躲避He always fought shy of the crowd.,E.g.The method of inquiry uses the tools of rational thought and experimental procedure.译文1:这种调查方法,使用合理

2、的思想和实验的程序这些手段。译文2:这种研究方法需要用理性思维和实验程序为手段。释:rational 除了做“合理的”解之外,还可以做“理性的”解,如rational knowledge;thought 除了做“思想”解之外,还可以做“思维”;rational thought 做“理性思维”解。,E.g.This failure was the making of him.译文1:这次失败是他造成的。译文2:这次失败是他成功的基础。释:make造成,也可作:发展或发达的过程,成功的原因或手段。Making 用作复数“要素、素质”.如:He has in him the makings of a

3、 scholar.,E.g.They made an example of the boy.译文1:他们以这个男孩为榜样。译文2:他们惩罚这个男孩以儆他人。释:make an example of one=punish one as an example to others=make an example of the first offender as a warning to others;set an example 才是树立榜样,E.g.He tried to seem angry,but his smile betrayed him.译文1:他试图看上去是生气的,但是他的笑容背叛了他

4、。译文2:他假装生气的样子,可是他的笑容暴露了他的真实情感。释:him指his true feelings.英语中的人称代词并非都是指代人。它所指的内容要根据上下文而定。这体现了英语的简捷性,但是翻译时一定要译出它指代的是什么。如when he was accused of theft,he turned red,E.g.Whats more,factory workers did not have enough money to send their children on country holidays away from home.译文1:此外,工人们没有足够的钱,在全国性的假日里让孩

5、子们离家外出度假。译文2:此外,工人们没有足够的钱,所以在假日里不能让自己的孩子离家去乡村度假。释:本句中country作形容词用,country holiday的含义是holiday in the country 在语义上是与city相对的,不是“国家”的意思。,语法关系混淆型错误,E.g.He has little concern for money,though he could have been extremely rich.译文1:尽量他可以成为富翁,但他却不在乎金钱。译文2:他很少关心金钱,尽量这样,他本来也是海可以成为富翁的。,E.g.Any literate person o

6、n the face of globe is deprived if he does not know English.译文1:地球上任何有文化的人,如果不懂英语将被剥夺很多东西。译文2:世界上任何有文化的人,如不懂英语就算上受过良好教育的人。释:deprived=underprivileged,意为所受教育和社会权益较他人少的,未享受到正当权益的,用以说明英语的重要性,is deprived不是被动语态,是系表结构。,E.g.He stole her a watch.译文1:他偷了她一块表。译文2:他为她偷了一块表。释:直接宾语和间接宾语的问题。,Practice:A man parked

7、his car on a little bridge overlooking a picturesque,arid gully and took out his camera.Within the past two decades,four technological developments have produced profound changes in our way of life.It was not that he had plenty of money.The Chinese Revolution produced a substantial quantitative chan

8、ge and soon led to a qualitative change in the world relationship of forces.,逻辑型错误,此类错误指译文所传递的信息不符合常识,或者前后矛盾,也可称之为常识性错误。,E.g.No one is so foolish as to believe that anything happens by chance.译文1:谁也不会愚笨到相信世间有什么偶然发生的事。译文2:谁也不会愚笨到竟然相信世间任何事情都是偶然发生的。释:世间没有偶然发生的事情么?,E.g.“I have served in nine presidentia

9、l appointed offices,but nothing has as tough and complex as this,”译文1:我曾经担任过九个总统任命的职务,没有哪一次像这样棘手和复杂。译文2:总统任命的职务我担任过九个,没有哪一次这样棘手和复杂。,Practice:1.Albert Einstein,who developed the theory of relativity,arrived at this theory through mathematics.2.The lady at the desk of the hotel was quite friendly,full

10、 of stories of girls waiting for a divorce.3.World-famous for his works he was never personally well known,for throughout his life he avoided publicity.,由于缺乏背景知识造成的错误,E.g.The sun sets regularly on the Union Jack these days,but never on the English language.译文1:现在太阳从英国国旗上有规律地落下,但是英语却不是这种情况。译文2:现在,英国已

11、不是个“日不落”帝国了,但是英语却广泛流行使用着。,Practice:1.This man is the black sheep of the family.2.Dont you see the writing on the wall?3.When you are down,you are not necessarily out.4.He tugged heavy hand baggage down endless airport corridors.5.individualism is the core of social values in the United States.,PRACT

12、ICE,1.Nobody will be the wiser.2.The OED is the final court of appeal in all matters concerning English words.3.Truth lies at the bottom of the decanter.4.Dont tell him home truths.5.This will go a long way in overcoming the difficulty.,6.He has a yellow streak in him.7.one or two of the jewels would never be missed.8.I know he meant business.9.He has never recovered her loss.10.I could do with more leisure time.11.she is now in a delicate condition.12.The lecture carried his audience with him.,


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