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1、英译汉理论与实践,练习参考答案程永生,说 明,此次更新,为英译汉译论与实践练习及参考答案制作了全部课件,但为网络空间计,这里仅为每章提供两道练习和两个参考答案。,目录,第一章 英美时文选段汉译第二章 美国总统就职演说选段汉译第三章 英国名家演说选段汉译第四章 英美小说选段汉译第五章 美国文学史选段汉译第六章 国外翻译理论著作选段汉译,第一章 英美时文选段汉译,Exercises 1 2,Exercise 1:,They considered that such work is of particular relevance in helping developing countries,in

2、particular governments and SMEs,to better understand and participate in processes under way in other intergovernmental organizations dealing with telecommunications and their trade applications,in particular the International Telecommunications Union and World Trade Organization.,Analysis and transl

3、ation:,1 Analysis of the original2 Staged translation,1 Analysis of the original:,1)Grammatical analysis2)Stylistic analysis,1)Grammatical analysis:,(1)Sentence structure(2)Additional complication,(1)Sentence structure:,The selection consists of a single complex sentence,composed of a main clause an

4、d an object clause.,(2)Additional complication:,In the sentence,in particular governments and SMEs is embedded as a parenthesis;at the end of the sentence,in particular the International Telecommunications Union and World Trade Organization is also embedded as a parenthesis.,2)Stylistic analysis:,(1

5、)Periodicity(2)Structural complication(3)Parallel structure(4)Cohesive device(5)Structural and lexical formality,(1)Periodicity:,The selection is periodic in structure for the embedding of the parentheses,especially the one in the middle of the sentence.,(2)Structural complication:,The selection is

6、structurally complicated for the fact that it is composed of a complex sentence with two parenthetic structures embedded.,(3)Parallel structure:,In the selection,parallel structures are frequently used,for example,governments and SMEs;to better understand and participate;telecommunications and their

7、 trade applications;the International Telecommunications Union and World Trade Organization;in other intergovernmental organizations dealing with telecommunications and their trade applications,and in particular the International Telecommunications Union and World Trade Organization.,(4)Cohesive dev

8、ice:,The selection is coherent thanks to the use of the following cohesive devices:structurally,parallel structures are frequently used;lexically,particular,organization,telecommunications,and others are repeatedly used;government is used as a partial repetition for intergovernmental,though of diffe

9、rent categories;and in particular is repeated.,(5)Structural and lexical formality:,The selection is structurally formal in that the sentence the selection is composed of is grammatically complete and free from colloquial structures;it is lexically formal in that in the selection,formal words,includ

10、ing nominalizations,are frequently used,for example,consider,particular,relevance,developing,country,government,understand,participate,telecommunications,and others.,2 Staged translation:,1)Translation 1 with comments2)Translation 2 with comments3)Translation 3 with comments,1)Translation 1,他们认为,这样的

11、工作在帮助发展中国家,尤其在帮助政府和中小企业,关系甚为密切,以更好地理解并参与到正在进行的过程中去,参与到其他政府间的组织中去,应付通讯和电讯的贸易应用,尤其在国际电讯联盟和世界贸易组织中。,Comments:,The translation,produced by following the original strictly,has missed some important relations concerned with the fact that the International Telecommunications Union and World Trade Organizat

12、ion is among other intergovernmental organizations,which,including ITU and WTO,are dealing with telecommunications and their trade applications,as revealed in the grammatical analysis.,2)Translation 2,他们认为,这种工作对帮助发展中国家,尤其对帮助政府和中小企业,关系尤为密切,以便它们更好地理解并参与到其他政府间的组织正在着手进行的电讯及其在贸易中的应用的进程中去,特别要参与到国际电讯联盟和世贸组

13、织中的活动中去。,Comments:,With the wordings reorganized,the present translation has caught the important relations as discussed above.However,活动in the last line remains incongruous in the context.,3)Translation 3:,他们认为,此项工作对帮助发展中国家关系重大,尤其对政府和中小企业。其他政府间的组织,尤其是世界电讯联盟和世贸组织,正在研究电讯和电讯在贸易中的应用,让发展中国家了解这些进程,参与到这些进

14、程中去,尤为重要。,Comments:,The present translation is reorganized again,and to a large extent,irrespective of the original structures.Consequently,it sounds more logic,coherent,authentic and readable either locally or taking the text as a whole.This example shows that English textualization much depends on

15、 grammatical patterning while Chinese textualization much depends on logic sequencing.,Exercise 2:,The meeting considered that the recommendations made by the United Nations International Symposium on Trade Efficiency in the sector of telecommunications remain a valid basis for the continuation of i

16、ntergovernmental activities in the area of the telecommunications,business facilitation and trade efficiency.The experts underlined that UNCTAD should pursue its work in this area by complementing UNISTE recommendations through the consideration of a number of recent trends and events,which have bee

17、n and will continue to be of critical importance for the competitiveness of enterprises,especially small and medium-sized enterprises,in the years to come.,Analysis and translation:,1 Analysis of the original2 Staged translation,1 Analysis of the original:,1)Grammatical analysis2)Stylistic analysis,

18、1)Grammatical analysis:,(1)Sentence structure(2)Additional complication,(1)Sentence structure:,The selection consists of two sentences,of which the first is a complex sentence,containing a main clause and an object clause,in subjunctive mood;and the second sentence is similarly a complex sentence,co

19、ntaining a main clause and an object clause,also in subjunctive mood,with an attributive clause further embedded.,(2)Additional complication:,In the attributive clause in the object clause of the second sentence,especially small and medium-sized enterprises is embedded as a parenthesis,grammatically

20、 in apposition to enterprises that goes before.In the object clause of the first sentence,the word recommendations is modified by the past participle phrase that follows.,2)Stylistic analysis:,(1)Periodicity(2)Structural complication(3)Parallel structure(4)Cohesive device(5)Structural and lexical fo

21、rmality,(1)Periodicity:,Of the two sentences in the selection,the first is loose in structure while the second is a periodic sentence for the embedding of a parenthesis.,(2)Structural complication:,The two sentences are both structurally complicated for the fact that they are both complex sentences,

22、and the second sentence is periodic in structure.,(3)Parallel structure:,In the selection,parallel structures are used,for example,in the first sentence,telecommunications,business facilitation and trade efficiency are parallel,and in the second sentence,trends and events and small and medium are pa

23、rallel.And the two sentences are structurally parallel.,(4)Cohesive device:,The selection is coherent thanks to the use of the following cohesive devices:structurally,parallel structures are used;lexically,recommendations and United Nations International Symposium on Trade Efficiency,enterprises are

24、 repeated;consideration is used as a partial repetition for consider;consider is used as a near synonym for underline;and so on.,(5)Structural and lexical formality:,The selection is formal in that structurally,the sentences the selection is composed of are grammatically complete and free from collo

25、quial structures,and lexically,formal words,including nominalizations,are frequently used,for example,consider,recommendation,international,symposium,intergovernmental;and UNCTAD,UNISTE,and many others.,2 Staged translation:,1)Translation 1 with comments2)Translation 2 with comments3)Translation 3 w

26、ith comments,1)Translation 1,会议认为,联合国贸易效率国际会议提出的建议,在电讯方面的,作为在电讯、促进企业和贸易效率方面继续政府间活动的基础仍然是有效的。专家们强调联合国贸易和发展会议应该用通过考虑最近的许多倾向和事件来执行联合国贸易效率国际会议的建议在此领域做好工作。这些倾向和事件对企业的竞争性一直具有、将来仍然具有十分重要的意义,在今后的几年中,对中小企业尤其如此。,Comments:,The translation tries to be authentic and readable by following the original structure r

27、igidly,though with some readjustments made for the translation of the last part of the second sentence and of some end-positioned attributes scattered in the selection.This way of translation is problematic if the original sentence is too long and the structure is very complicated.,2)Translation 2,会

28、议认为,联合国贸易效率国际会议提出的关于电讯方面的建议,在电讯、促进企业发展和提高贸易效率方面,作为政府间继续开展活动的基础仍然是有效的。最近出现了许多新的趋势和事件,专家们强调联合国贸易和发展会议应该用通过考虑最近的许多新趋势和事件来执行联合国贸易效率国际会议的建议在此领域做好自身的工作。这些倾向和事件对企业的竞争性一直具有、将来仍然具有十分重要的意义,在今后的几年中,对中小企业尤其如此。,Comments:,In the present translation,some readjustments are made on the previous,but not sufficiently

29、made,for the sentences in the translation are still a little bit too long and somewhat incoherent.For example,the translation consists three long sentences and the second clause in the second sentence consists of 61 Chinese characters.In other words,the second sentence could be retranslated against

30、Chinese norms in the following manner:最近出现了许多新的趋势和事件,专家们强调指出,联合国贸易和发展会议应该考虑这些趋势和事件,以便执行联合国贸易效率国际会议提出的各项建议,在此领域做好自身的工作.,3)Translation 3,联合国贸易效率国际会议认为,会议提出的有关电讯方面的建议,在电讯、促进企业发展和提高贸易效率等领域,仍应作为继续开展政府间合作活动的基础。最近出现了许多新动向,发生了许多新事件。这些新动向和新事件,对提高企业的竞争力,尤其对中小企业,一直具有十分重要的意义,将来也是如此。专家们强调指出联合国贸易和发展会议应考虑这些新动向和新事件

31、,以便执行联合国贸易效率国际会议提出的各项建议,在上述领域做好自身的工作。,Comments:,In the present translation,necessary readjustments are made on the previous,by fronting some parts and pushing other parts further back.The greatest readjustment made lies in that the original contains two parallel sentences,each dealing an aspect of m

32、eaning.In the translation,however,three sentences are used,of which two are parallel and the two are cut off by a third sentence in between,not parallel to either of the two.In addition,the ideas in the intervening sentence could be found at the end of the second sentence in the original.With above-

33、mentioned readjustments made,authenticity,coherence and readability are greatly reinforced but the original ideas are not difficult to spot out in the translation,though not sequenced in the original way.,第二章 美国总统就职演说汉译,Exercises 2122,Exercise 21:,Before concluding,fellow-citizens,I must say somethi

34、ng to you on the subject of the parties at this time existing in our country.To me it appears perfectly clear that the interest of that country requires that the violence of the spirit by which those parties are at this time governed must be greatly mitigated,if not entirely extinguished,or conseque

35、nces will ensure which are appalling to be thought of.(William.H.Harrison,The Parties in Our Country),Analysis and translation:,1 Analysis of the original2 Staged translation,1 Analysis of the original:,1)Grammatical analysis2)Stylistic analysis,1)Grammatical analysis:,(1)Sentence structure(2)Additi

36、onal complication,(1)Sentence structure:,The selection consists of two sentences,of which the first is a simple sentence and the second is a complex sentence,containing a main clause and an object clause,and the object clause in turn contains two coordinate object clauses,in the first of which,there

37、 is an attributive clause embedded in the subject part.,(2)Additional complication:,The first sentence begins with a prepositional phrase and a vocative;and the second sentence begins with a prepositional phrase,and in the main clause,it serves as a formal subject while the clause that the interest

38、of our country serves as the real subject,and if not entirely extinguished serves as a parenthesis.,2)Stylistic analysis:,(1)Periodicity(2)Structural complication(3)Parallel structure(4)Cohesive device(5)Structural and lexical formality,(1)Periodicity:,The selection consists of two periodic sentence

39、s,of which the first begins with a prepositional phrase with a vocative inserted between the prepositional phrase and the subject of the sentence and the second sentence begins with a prepositional phrase and in the second coordinate clause of the second tier subordination,if not entirely extinguish

40、ed is inserted as a parenthesis.,(2)Structural complication:,The second sentence is complex in structure but the two are both periodic sentences.,(3)Parallel structure:,In the selection,parallel structures could hardly be found.,(4)Cohesive device:,The selection is coherent thanks to the use of the

41、following lexical and grammatical cohesive devices:you is used to refer to fellow-citizens;me is used as a partial repetition of I;and our is used to refer to both you and I.,(5)Structural and lexical formality:,The selection is formal in that structurally,the sentences it is composed of are grammat

42、ically complete and free from colloquial structures,and lexically,formal words,including nominalizations,are frequently used,for example,conclude,citizen,subject,party,appear,perfectly,interest,country,require,violence and others.,2 Staged translation:,1)Translation 1 with comments2)Translation 2 wi

43、th comments3)Translation 3 with comments,1)Translation 1:,同胞们,在结束之前,我必须就此时存在于我们国家的政党这个话题对你们说几句。在我看来,非常清楚,这个国家的利益要求,如果此时这些政党为精神的破坏所控制,这种精神的破坏,如果不会完全熄灭,也会大大减轻,否则,其结果会确保令人思而颤栗。,Comments:,By following the original strictly or even rigidly,we have produced a translation whose middle part is difficult for

44、 the Chinese reader to understand.For example,what is meant by 精神破坏?Therefore,it is quite clear that that part should be retranslated with other parts readjusted accordingly.,2)Translation 2:,同胞们,在结束我的讲话之前,我想就我们国家的现存政党这个话题和大家说几句。在我看来,非常清楚,我们国家的利益要求,我们国家的政党正在为暴力精神所控制,这种精神必须大大削弱,如果不是彻底根除的话。否则其结果肯定会难以想

45、象,会令人不寒而栗。,Comments:,In the present translation,improvements have been made on the previous translation.First,在结束我的讲话之前and我想就我们国家的现存政党这个话题和大家说几句are substituted for the previous translations;second,the second sentence of the original has now been translated into在我看来,非常清楚,我们国家的利益要求,我们国家的政党正在为暴力精神所控制,这

46、种精神必须大大削弱,如果不是彻底根除的话。否则其结果肯定会难以想象,会令人不寒而栗,a complete new translation though possible to be improved on.,3)Translation 3:,同胞们,我在结束发言之前,想就我们国家的现存政党这个话题说说我的意见。我们国家的政党动辄就情绪激动。在我看来,非常清楚,为了国家的利益,这种现象,如果不能彻底根除也必须大大削弱,否则结果肯定会不堪设想。,Comments:,In the present translation,improvements have been made on the previ

47、ous translation.First,在结束我的讲话之前and我想就我们国家的现存政党这个话题和大家说几句are replaced by我在结束发言之前and想就我们国家的现存政党这个话题说说我的意见;second,我们国家的政党动辄就情绪激动is fronted;third,为了国家的利益,这种情况,如果不能彻底根除也必须大大削弱and否则结果肯定会不堪设想are substituted for the previous translations,and so on.Consequently,the present translation sounds more Chinese tha

48、n English with coherence,readability and authenticity improved in an all round way.,Exercise 22:,If parties in a republic are necessary to secure a degree of vigilance sufficient to keep the public functionaries within the bounds of law and duty,at that point their usefulness ends.Beyond that they b

49、ecome destructive of public virtue,the parent of a spirit antagonist to that of liberty,and eventually its inevitable conqueror.(William.H.Harrison,The Parties in Our Country),Analysis and translation:,1 Analysis of the original2 Staged translation,1 Analysis of the original:,1)Grammatical analysis2

50、)Stylistic analysis,1)Grammatical analysis:,(1)Sentence structure(2)Additional complication,(1)Sentence structure:,The selection consists of two sentences,of which the first is a complex sentence,consisting of an adverbial clause of condition and a main clause and the second is a simple sentence.,(2


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