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1、大学英语四级仔细阅读,大学英语四级阅读能力:大学英语四级阅读理解通过提供篇章,以多 项选择、词义理解、对错分析和要点填空等题型所 要考查的,事实上是一种利用英语获取信息、接受或 评价别人的观点并分析相关问题的综合能力。而要具有 这种综合能力,又必须具有以下几个方面的能力。1.掌握基本词汇 2.熟悉语法结构 3.了解篇章结构 4.善于分析、判断和推理,仔细阅读,简介:1.测试阅读理解的准确度和速度 2.两篇短文,每篇后有五个多项选择题,共10题。3.满分为20分,三个特点:1.题材多样化 主要两大类:人文社会+科技 2.体裁以说明和议论为主 针对其不同体裁,通读时应该关注不同的考 点:对于说明文

2、而言,注意重要数据和事实;对于议论文而言,注意作者的结论和观 点,以及作者对其他观点的态度。,3.句式结构复杂 多重复合句、多重并列句、被动句、插入成分、省略句、倒装句、双重 否定句被广泛使用,这样就给阅读 增加了难度。,题型要求:1.语言难度中等的、一般性题材的文章:要求考生能掌握中心大意以及说明中心大意的 事实和细节,并能进行一定的分析、推理和判 断,领会作者的观点和态度,阅读速度达到每 分钟70词。,2.在阅读篇幅较长、难度略低、生词不超 过总次数3的材料时,能掌握中心大意,抓住主要事实和有关细节,阅读速度达到每 分钟100词。3.多项选择题型包括细节题、词义题、结构辨 析题、逻辑分析题

3、、主旨题、段落主旨题、推断题、观点态度题、指代题和综合题等。,解题步骤:1.第一步:速读原文做路标 1)首先要速读文章,注意读首段,各段首句和 全文末句。2)注意两个简易方法:“有所不为、避难就易”,有所不为:看题干,抓考点,读文章,忽略无效信息.避难就易:如果生僻词和难句不牵涉到后面的题目,可以 跳过不看.,2.第二步:明确题型找考点 3.第三步:重叠原文定答案,题型分析及解题思路 1.细节题 根据短文提供的信息和事实进行提问,选择的依据是短文本身提供的信息和 事实本身。When was the pyramid discovered?Where did Franklin spend most

4、 of his childhood?What was discovered by the scientists when they entered the cemetery?,How many types of music are referred to in the passage?How do the students in USA react to such mistreatment?According to the passage,who has made it possible for?特点:无须推理和判断,找出相关内容的位置,就能够给出正确的答案。,2.词义题 新四级考试取消了词汇

5、的专门考查,而在阅读中增加了篇章词汇理解 What does“”mean in paragraph 1?To which of the following is the phrase“”in line 11 closest in meaning?,猜测词义的方法 1)上下文 在有生僻词出现时,作者往往在上下文,尤其是在下文进行进一步的解释或下定义,或用一个较简单的单词来代替该词。1)John is always punctual,that is,every day he comes here on time.,从on time我们可以推测出punctual是“守时,准时”之义。2)Select

6、 a periodical from among the following:Playboys,Time,Readers Digest or Seventeen.从花花公子、时代、读者文摘等 名称中可判断出periodical是杂志的意思。,2)对比关系 利用相邻两句意义或结构上的对比来猜测词义。The modest receive benefit,while the conceited reap failure.谦受益,满招损。从while可知前后两部分构成对比关系。可推出conceited 和modest 意思相反,“骄傲自满的”。,3)构词法 有些单词可通过前缀、后缀、合成等形式来判断其

7、意思。英语中大量的词汇是通过在词根前后加前缀、后缀而构成的。前缀通常改变或加强词的意义,后缀则改变词的类别。semicircle semi-:half(半圆)waterproof(防水的)Psy war:psychological war(心里战),4)常识经验 The cacophonous rattling made Maria cover her ears.一种使人掩耳的声音一定是令人不快的刺耳之声。cacophonous:发音不和谐的,音调粗的,1.Bingley was endeared to Darcy by the easiness,openness,ductility of h

8、is temper.A.roughness B.suppleness C.emptiness2.He was at the same time haughty,reserved,and fastidious,and his manners,though well bred,were not inviting.A.pride B.conceit C.disdainfulA.agreeable B.exacting C.lovely3.For though elated by his rank,it did not render him supercilious.A.depressed B.ove

9、rwhelmed C.cheeredA.haughty B.inferior C.lower,3.结构辨析题 要求考生能正确理解一些长句或具有特殊 语法意义的句子,例如虚拟语气、强调句等。The underlined sentence in paragraph 2 means?,4.逻辑分析题 考查考生是否理解短文的成文脉络、论证或说明的方法、衔接连贯的手段。常就代词的指代对象提问:What does“it”in line 8 refer to?By this conclusion the author refers to _.,5.主旨题 测试考生对于整篇短文的理解能力,可以问短文的标题、主

10、要内容、主题、写作的意图等等。例如:Which of the following can be the title of this passage?What is this passage mainly about?Which of the following is most closely related to the subject discussed in the passage?,主旨题也包括段落主旨题,例如:In which paragraph does the author give the reason why people tend to stay with their TV

11、these days?In paragraph 3,the author intends to convince the applicants of _.,6.推断题 读者应该根据作者的意思,通过归纳 或演绎,作出作者希望读者得出的判断。推理题的提问方法很多,例如:What is probably the main reason that?What does the passage imply by?Which of the following can be inferred from the passage about?,Which of the following can be most

12、probably inferred from the passage?The passage is probably taken from a book about _.The passage suggests that _.,7.观点态度题 考查学生对于作者的态度的把握,有的文章作者直接通过“I think”、“my opinion is that”等措辞表明立场,而有的作者则不在字面上直接表达,读者需要通过对于篇章脉络的理解和情态动词的用法来推导作者的态度。下面是一些常见的观点态度题:,What is the authors opinion of pre-marital agreement

13、?What does the author think of pre-marital agreement?To what degree does the author support pre-marital agreement?What is the authors attitude towards the new Act enforced by the Congress?,8.指代题 实际上属于结构理解,但是这个结构 可能是句子结构,也可能是段落结构甚至 是全篇的结构。因为指代考查读者是否能 明确代词在文中的指向。代词可能指的就 是本句的一部分,也可能是上文的内容。如:,Many peopl

14、e may declare they will not look down upon the children from such families,but who will believe it?其中“it”指代的是本句的内容“Many people may declare they will not look down upon the children from such families”,而“such families”指代的则应该是上文的内容。针对指代的问题常常是:,What does“these suggestions”(in Para.3)refer to?“Such fami

15、lies”in Paragraph 4 are the families that _.In Paragraph 3,“these issues”include the following except _.,9.综合题 阅读理解中还常常出现综合考查全篇内容的题目,考查读者是否同时领悟了主题、段落甚至是细节。常见的提问方式有:According to this passage,which of the following statements is UNTRUE?The author will support which of the following statements?The authors attitude towards moral education include the following except _.,这些问题的答案选项中可能既包括与 文章主旨有关的内容,也包括与段落主旨、细节甚至是与例子有关的内容,读者必需 充分理解全文,并分别定位文章中相关的内容 出现的位置,才能作出正确的选择。,Thank you!,


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